Fitness: Minutes Clean and Jerk
Perform 5-7 reps at the no more than the heaviest weight you used last week. Focus on each rep feeling exactly the same. If you miss 2 reps (or if they’re just sloppy), take 5-10 pounds off for the next rep.
Performance: Clean Pull + Power Clean + Hang Clean + 2 Jerks
Work up to a heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Not For Time, or 18 Minutes:
6ea Front Rack Reverse Lunges
8 Dumbbell Bench Press (as heavy as possible)
8 Strict Toes to Bar or Floor Levers
Post time and Rx to comments.
Functional fitness, functional equipment
- Happy birthday, Todd T.!
#Throwback Thursday
Around this time in 2010, the gym got Internet access and a microwave for the first time.
Coach David asked people if they had any suggestions for the gym, and Joe W. suggested showers, an endurance program, go go dancers, and an Olympic lifting program—we now have three of the four! People also requested slam balls, a bike rack out front, and squat racks. Check.
A bunch of our members also helped out at the Northeast Regional Qualifiers for the CrossFit Open, as volunteer photographers, judges, and score runners.
Coach Whitney got double-unders for the first time.
Also, Steph P. announced that this was what she wanted to be when she grew up: “bruce springsteenastronautsports commentatorfashion designer.” Ariel K. wanted to be a dolphin, and Coach David wanted to be a professional wrestler, then a comic book artist, and his retirement plan was to become a chandelier or a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Bill Starr 1938-2015 CrossFit Journal
Human Evolution Crash Course
4:30 Crossfit Kids with Coach David and Coach Janelle
5 super slow squats
boulder carry
5 pushups
boulder carry.
I started with a 16# boulder but Coach David told me to upgrade to the 20# boulder
Pizza OH holds with 10lb pizza. Ring knee ups. We tried toe to rings but none of us could do it. My dad said he can't do it either. We were also supposed to do cartwheels and walk on our hands. My dad can't do those either.
Cash out: Try to hit Coach David with foam ball. At the end I hit him in a place that rhymes with "cleaner". My dad told me not to use the real word.
Everything was awesome!!!
Interesting article and fits in with what New York City Foundation for Computer Science is doing. All that to mean either register for Get Fit or Be Hacking and/or donate money to the cause.
6am with Jess and David
Partnered with Michael A. for the Clean and Jerk performance complex at 195#. Happy with this since I was at 185# for last week's complex. I tend to catch my power clean too high up near my neck so that is something to work on.
Lunges – 94# to start and then 135#.
Bench – Used 60# DB throughout. Could have gone heavier.
Strict T2B – Tried to keep legs as straight as possible but they still bent a bit at the top of the movement. Much easier than the last time we tried these though.
My kids loved Crossfit Kids yesterday! I got an earful when I got home from all three at once trying to explain what they did. Then I had to feel their muscles. David and Janelle wore them out pretty well because at around 7pm they asked if it was okay to skip bath and book and go right to sleep.
I just signed up for the Civilian Miliary Combine in Brooklyn July 18th. There is a team called Crossfit South Brooklyn already set up.
Let's do this. (6am-ers I'm looking in your direction.)
6am. Clean&jerk perf complex: 95, 135, 165, 185, 205, 215, 225. Was pulling early today and jumped forward on a couple of the cleans. Nothing serious, but something to pay attention to next week. Jerks felt snappy, though I was having trouble standing up from the catch. NFT work with 135# for the lunges and 90# DB for the bench.
6am with David and Jess
Performance Complex:
Partnered with Chris, worked up to 80kg. Received good pointers from Fox, Ro and Chris today — jerk felt the most stable for a long while.
NFT: 95# and 135# on the reverse lunges. Worked up to 65# on bench and worked on straight legs on the strict T2B.
Matt, only doing the Civilian challenge if there is a Gowanus canal component.
6am with David and Jess. Worked on the C&J at 135. These actually felt pretty good today. on a couple of reps, I was landing with my feet too narrow on the jerk, but for the most part these were relatively solid.
I got through four rounds of the NFT work. On the first round, the barbell was at 105 for the lunges. That was rough – I did the remainder at 95. These were still no joke, but they were doable. I did the first three rounds of db bench presses with 40 lb dumbbells and a last round with 50's. I really like doing db bench presses – not sure why. I did the toes-to-bars (minus a couple of reps on the last round), though my attempts to keep my legs strictly piked were comical. These didn't rough up my hands as badly as usual; I've been trying to be diligent about callus maintenance and it seems to have paid off.
@BK, there probably won't be a Gowanus component at the CMC, but I'm sure you can find a porta potty to hang out in for an hour.
6am with Jess and DO
Peformance C&J:
At 175, I was way forward on the jerk, so was completely preoccupied with getting the bar moving vertically for the 1st attempt at 185, and ended up doing more of a push jerk than a split jerk. Hit 185 again to clean that up.
Metcon: Instead of the AHAP NFT work, I subbed tonight's comp class metcon and got 9 reps into round 5 by mistakenly thinking it was a 14min AMRAP: It was actually written as…
10min AMRAP
14 kettlebell thrusters (1 24kg kettlebell in each hand)
14 toes to bar
Had a bit of a breakthrough in the later rounds with kipping toes to bar in that I figured out how to REALLY load up in global extension for each rep and carry that momentum all the way through. Seems like long sets will be more within reach, but today I was breaking them up into 8-6 due to hands being beaten up. The KB thrusters just suck.
After class, 4X5 Tempo Ring Dips (3 counts in all parts) + Max Effort Kipping Ring Dips:
I'm in for the civilian military combine… what start time did you pick?
@BK I signed up for 11am but I don't think it matters. Supposedly they let you know your start time a few days before the event.
Sorry wrong Brad.
11am lifts
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch (since I did a C&J complex Tuesday)
95, 115, 135, 155m, 155, 165, 175m, 175, 185
Used this complex to help me stay balanced to the hips, I have a tendency to shift forward on to my toes. This is the heaviest I've snatched in a while and there were some good things clicking for me.
Came in much later than intended this morning. Adjusting to training volume. Getting out of bed has been difficult.
Quick row and DROMs to warm-up. BB Drillz, then right to it.
10min EMOM
3 T&G power snatch
53, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 83, 88, 88, 63
-Pressing out a bit in the 80s.
-Overall better than last wk. more patient to hip, less jump fwd
-TNG felt smoother; kept hook grip in for all reps/sets, and focused on getting back to hip before hinging and touching down.
10min EMOM
2 T&G power clean + push jerk
63, 83, 88, 93, 98, 98, 103, 103, 83, 83
– still rushing a bit on the way down. Get organized at shoulder, hinge, then tight down.
– R side of neck started to feel tweaky about halfway through. I actually think this is mostly due to headstands I did in yoga yesterday. I used to think my neck tweaks were highly related to crap I was doing with my shoulder, but I actually think that whenever I do prolonged headstand work (particularly with interlaced hands, not tripod), I end up straining something.
FRONT SQUAT 4×10. (work up to heavy, non-max set of 10.)
strict 2:00 rest in between each set.
105, 115, 125, 130
-still brutal.
-failed 130 on 8th rep last wk so decided to repeat the same weights. Had Jess count and coach me thru the last set. very glad I did!! elbows dropped and got a bit soft on the last few, but made it out alive.
-so uncomfortable, but positions felt mostly good today.
skipped the WOD due to time and my neck. may make it up tomorrow, but i certainly got some conditioning out of the EMOM's and sets of 10 anyway.
Makeup posts! Haven’t been on the blog in a little bit, sorry for the lengthiness.
Sunday OG:
1RM Snatch:
83, 93, 103, 113, 123(F), 123(F), 123(F)
Yeaaahh…I just don't have the confidence for that weight yet. I took video to get some feedback because I was working out solo. I can pull it high enough…I just can't commit once i'm underneath. It's mostly mental, I'll get there.
1RM C&J:
103, 113, 133, 153, 165.5 (F), 165.5 (F)
First attempt at 165.5 was SO close. The clean took everything out of me, got enough height out of the dip, just didn't drop under fast enough. Second attempt I was too wiped out to pull the bar more than a foot off the ground. I had a long weekend, decided to save myself for another day.
Jackie 10:04 RX
Finished the thrusters at about 7:30 or so. Which means it took me about 2.5 min to do the 30 butterfly pull-ups. These are so effortful still, I can’t quite figure out what to do with my legs.
Tuesday w/ Whit:
Perf Press:
33×5, 43×5, 60# 3×8
Pressing is one of my favorite movements right now, makes the olll shoulder feel nice n supple, which has been feeling really great over the past couple of weeks. So thankful!
Monday WOD: 14:33 w/ 20kg KB, American swings. I was gassed by the time I got to the swings. First set was 15, then broke the rest into 7s & 8s.
This morning:
10min EMOM
3 T&G power snatch
53, 63, 63, 68, 73, 78, 83, 88×2 (lost my hook grip on 3rd), 83, 83
10min EMOM
2 T&G power clean + push jerk
83, 88, 83, 98, 103, 108, 108, 108, 113, 118
115×10, 125×10, 135×10, 140×10
Semi conditioning: 3 rds of inversion work with max DU efforts inbetween. I kind of ran out of time and had to get to class
AM session with DO
4/23/15 cfsbk am
Snatch from blocks (knee)
40×3 50×2 55×2 60×2 65×2 70×2 75×2 80×1(m),2 85xm,1
Clean pull > power clean > hang clean > jerk
60 70 75 80 85 90 95 100xm,1*
(* made the complex but the first power clean was a full clean)
A few attempts at bar muscle-up doubles, actually made one but most were floppy and weird after coming down from the first. Gotta get the push-away down.
Then 550m alternating farmer’s carry with the jerry cans with 5 burpees each time either partner set them down, ended up doing 50 burpees.
Handstand practice.
Post-ITA meeting afternoon sesh:
Bench: 45×5, 75×4, 90×2, 102x8x2, 102×5. Didn't do the last three since I didn't have a spotter and I wasn't 100% sure I had them. Everything else moved fine.
Deadlift: 95×5, 135×5, 155x5x3. Going to try to work a slow, lighter linear progression back in with this.
WOD c/o DO:
5 Rounds:
5 kipping pull-ups
10 box jumps, 24'' box
15 WB (original intention was to scale to 10' target, but that was not going to happen)
1 min rest
Each round was slower than the last. Oof, man. All wall balls unbroken til the last round, when I no-repped a couple BJ and broke the WB into three sets. I couldn't think straight.
80%ish effort 10/20 tabata on the bike
DB rows 25# 3×12 each arm
Lots of planks.
Front Squat, 5RM, -5%, -10%x5
Tabata Assault bike: 53 cals (PR)
Dips, pullups/chinups
i love niko's write up!!
7:30 with Arturo and Noah
83# for the C&J work. These are still not great but thanks to Ro's cues they got a lot better towards the end.
NFT work…
worked up to 85# on the lunges, 35# DBs on the BP and really ugly floor levers!
Fitness C&J @ 103#. Clean was a little off, but jerk improved with each rep!
NFT lunges @63#, Bench with 35# DBs for 2 rounds and 30# for the last round. Did the best I could with the levers with bent knees.