Fitness: Front Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Back Squat 3 x 5, Volume Day
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Total Time:
400m Run
20 Thrusters 95/65
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Rounds For Total Time:
400m Run
7 Burpee Muscle Ups
Rest 2 Minutes
Post times and Rx to comments.
Coach David and Kate R. made this video for Inside the Affiliate (featuring Callie F.!), about cueing and fixing common errors in the push-up. Even if you’re not a coach, check it out and make sure your form is in tip-top shape!
- Happy birthday, Patrick S.!
Meet a Farmer From Common Hands Farm, Our New Vegetable/Fruit/Egg CSA Partner
We’re thrilled to announce that we are offering a new veg/fruit/egg CSA in partnership with Brooklyn Boulders. Their provider, Common Hands Farm, will accept members from CFSBK starting immediately. The CSA begins in June. A rep from the farm will be at CFSBK TONIGHT from 6-8:30pm to meet members, answer questions, and sign folks up on the spot.
Pickups will be Tuesdays 6-8pm at Brooklyn Boulders starting June 2. Get more details on Monday’s post, and email Michele at mignyc [at] with questions!
“Get Fit or Be Hacking” Is Less Than Two Weeks Away!
THERE IS STILL TIME to sign up! May 2nd is coming up fast and we’re in the process now of finalizing teams, ordering t-shirts, and scheduling waves. We’d love a huge CFSBK turnout of both participants and fundraising prowess! Let’s help kids learn to code!
“Get Fit or Be Hacking” is a hybrid fitness and coding competition on May 2nd to raise money for the New York City Foundation for Computer Science (“CSNYC”). CSNYC’s mission is to ensure that all children in each of the 1,700 NYC public schools have access to computer science. A big focus for CSNYC is supporting programs in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods and promoting interest in software engineering among traditionally underrepresented communities.
The heart of the fundraiser will be a competition happening on May 2nd at CrossFit South Brooklyn at 2pm. It will be composed of two workouts, each lasting 15 minutes. LEARN MORE HERE!
CrossFit Kids Started Monday, and There’s Still Space in the Wednesday Classes!
CrossFit Kids combines the camaraderie and physical fitness of an adult class scaled down to an age appropriate and fun version for kids. During our launch, we will be offering two programs: CrossFit Preschool for children aged 3-5 and CrossFit Kids for children aged 6-8.
A few notes about signing up:
- This is a set registration, meaning your kids must attend the day and time for which you sign them up.
- You are paying for four weeks of programming up front (think about it as similar to Strength Cycle). So if you purchase one day per week, your kid can come the day for which you’ve signed them up. Twice a week means they come to both days.
- So, you DO NOT need to RSVP for class. You just need to register in advance for the appropriate session/s.
- If you are interested in dropping in, please email Janelle [at]
Spaces are limited. Sign up now to guarantee your spot. 3-2-1-GO!
Preschool classes (3 – 5 years):
Wednesdays at 3:30pm
Sundays at 10am
Kids classes (6 – 8 years):
Mondays at 4:30pm
Wednesdays at 4:30pm
1x/week – $120
2x/week – $200
1x/week – $102
2x/week – $170
Questions? Email Janelle [at]
Sky Pods Show Rise of New York Skyline The New York Times
6am with McDowell and Ro
Squats: 265# x 3 x 5. Went up 10# from last week and things still felt crisp. Started using a belt since my lower back has been fairly squirrelly the last few weeks, not sure if it's helping yet or not.
WOD: 16:58 rx on the Perf version. First time I've ever done burpee muscle ups. After I did the press out and dropped down I held onto the rings and tried to dead-hang before letting go, this seemed to help prevent the rings from swinging too much. The run was active recovery and my splits for the rounds were 4:06 / 4:25 / 4:22.
6am with McDowell and Arturo. Back squats 3×5 at 185. I'd intended to make a 10 lb jump to 190 here, but my legs felt a little shaky so I kept it at 185. Still plenty of room to add weight this cycle.
Fitness WOD with 75 lb thrusters. Finished in 14:56 total. My fastest round was 2:56 and my slowest was 4:01. Those thrusters got heavy in a hurry and 2 minutes of rest ain't all it's cracked up to be. I'm still a little wobbly from this one.
6am with Ro and Micky D
Back Squat still moving well. Hit 225# x 3 x 5.
There was one moment when I almost got into trouble. Not because the bar was heavy but because I somehow got really soft at the bottom. I think I just stopped focusing on what I was doing and started focusing on the conversations around me. Not smart. Going to graduate to 5# jumps moving forward. We have a lot of weeks left.
Performance WOD in 19:14 (with an asterix)
I feel like I redeemed myself a bit after my poor muscle up showing the last time they came up. It took a while to get organized and McDowell smartly suggested I do rounds of 5 instead. The second round however went really well and I was only about a minute behind Peter so I hit all 7. Then after my run I made up my mind to tack the two from the first round onto the last round for a total of 9 so I can say I hit all the reps, albeit out of order. Hit 1-8 really well and then I failed 5 times before I could hit my 9th. Many thanks to the crew for cheering me through.
Good times and great coaching today.
6am with McD and Ro.
Perf. HBBS: 295x5x3. Everything moved well after feeling kind of heavy at 285# the last two weeks. Guess I just needed a few exposures to dial things in.
Perf. Metcon: 18:22. Had a few misses in the first round that set me back a bit. You don't realize (at least I didn't) how much momentum you keep doing multiple reps of MUs until you're forced to come off the rings for each rep. Had to really focus on a big kip for each rep – especially with no false grip. Splits were 5:04, 5:18, 5:00
@Fox – Remembered your comment on Monday as I was writing this, if "QxRxS" is the way to record lifts, why is the workout always written as SxR on the blog?
If you don't include the weight, it's set x reps (or weight at the end, so sets x reps x weight). If you include the weight first, it's weight x reps x sets. So if you were to write out your warm-up weights, it would be 135×5, 185×5… , 295x5x3. I'd imagine it's just set x reps on the board since we're all picking our own weights. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.
7 AM McRo.
Back squat 155x5x3. This is still moving well enough that I can add another 10# next week.
WOD 14:17 with 95# HBBSQ instead of thrusters.
Brad that inconsistency, although I know that's the convention, has always driven me crazy too. I know it's RxS when there's no quantity because that's how one usually says it out loud ("three sets of five"), so then why does the convention flip when you add the weight being lifted? Imponderables…
Also: does anyone know a person who is entirely disconnected from social media? I'm working with a publication that is interested in untold stories, and I need to find/interview someone who lives "off the beaten path"–meaning away from our always-wired world. I'm thinking, like, doesn't have a cell phone or email. If you have any ideas, I would be so excited if you emailed me at katharinereece [at]!
6am class. 245 x 5 on back squat with Scott. 16:54 on workout w/ 75#
Speaking of 6am class, the inspiration for Get Fit or Br Hacking (many technology folks at 6am) — please register for Get Fit or Be Hacking so we can get an accurate count and plan waves! It's going to a be a really fun afternoon. There's a section for coders and a section for those who "only" want to do the two WODs. After-party at Three's Brewing from 5pm to 7pm. Register and donate at
… and speaking of donations… we did $38k for FGB and are just over $1K for GFoBH — I know we can get that number much higher! Let's roll!
Neglected to mention — check out Christopher Swain's swim of the Gowanus today for Earth Day …
Yesterday's Make Up Post:
Hung out in 608 w/ Ro
WU: 3 R
2 wall walks
10 sec ring support hold
10 walking lunges
Barbell Complex: Pause Power Clean (@ knee), Clean from power position.
My brain was all over the place and I kept messing up the order of the lifts. Weird. But, all felt good. Worked up too 100.5?
Volume Squats 5×10 @ 80
3 Rounds
1:00 min KB clean –fact: I am AWFUL at these and I can't seem to figure out how to stop the bell from crashing into my arms.
1:00 min rest
1:00 min Toes to Bar. Still doing these in singles. Yuck.
Quick make-up from yesterday:
Practiced bar muscle-ups during the warm-up. Did a few singles and then a double (!). These things really hurt my hands.
Press: 3 sets of 8 at 185. Was a bit of a grind on the last few reps, but felt good.
1000m row
50 burpees
75 KB swings with Big Blue (38kg) kettlebell
Finished in 12:44. Doing the super heavy kettlebell might've been a mistake, had to break it up a bunch. Fun little workout.
Hello –
Ive been out of town and out if it lately.
Can someone educate me on the reason for doing bar muscle up?
I find them challenging, but mostly from a technical point of view, not from a wow Im really getting stronger doing this point of view. And yeah, they can rip your hands up too.
Also, there are many much easier ways to get on top of the bar, if that is part of the goal.
Rebuilding my squat after years of slipping technique. Always interesting.
Monday's Comp WOD Yesterday
7X3 Snatch from blocks (just above knee) – work to a max triple for the day, rest as needed—didn't feel like getting the blocks out so I worked up to a heavy-ish three-position snatch at 83#. Hit this twice. Was having trouble pulling from the floor!
1a) 5X6 Pullups + 4 C2B Pullups + 2 Bar Muscle-Ups (the goal is unbroken: if you cannot complete the complex UB, complete the reps in a way where you practice the transition between each movement) – rest 90 sec.
Accidentally did this second. Scaled the volume on the pull-ups and c2b's on the first couple of rounds, then went full volume for the last two, doing everything butterfly until the last c2b. The transition to the muscle-ups still isn't totally smooth, but I didn't really give an honest shot at making it so.
1b) 4X10 Back Squats (timed sets) – work to a heavy but not maximal set of 10 (based off last week’s sets) and note time for each set, rest 90 sec.
125, 145, 155, 165. Right hip and ankle felt very tight. I never felt like I quite hit the right position.
*100 Burpees – For time.
EMOM (beginning @ 1:00) – 3 Power Clean & Push Jerks 185/125#—scaled to 98. 13:55
Holy hell. Everyone told me how terrible this was, but I was still shocked. Hit 19 burpees without getting my heart rate jacked in the first minute. Did the first few rounds (four?) of c&j's unbroken, then 2+1, then singles. By the last 5 of 6 rounds (maybe more), the c&j's were taking me about 40s, and then I was hitting 5 burpees consistently. The cleans felt fine, but the jerks continue to be an issue, and I had trouble getting underneath the bar. Thanks to Jake for counting for me and pushing me, and to Noah for pushing me to do this at 98 instead of 93.
Then, this morning, 7am, not fully recovered:
5×3 jerks (I am missing tomorrow's workout, so wanted to get this in today): 77, 88, 99, 110, then three singles at 121.
Performance conditioning with running and burpee-muscle ups: 15:15
Round 1 and 3 took me a little longer than 3:30. Tried a different strategy in round 2 by jumping up to the rings rather than calming their swing from standing and then finding my false grip. Jumping up was not a great idea because the rings were still swinging from my previous dismount–this round took me a little more than 4 minutes. No fails on the muscle ups.
6am. Back squat: 245x5x3. Still moving well. Perf metcon Rx: 15:48. Rounds were 3:39, 4:01 and 4:08. To be fair, I used a box to grab the rings. Really should spend some time practicing jumping up to the rings to get started. I just have zero ability to get my false-grip set when I do that. One way to make burpees feel like rest: toss in a muscle-up between reps.
Yeah, I think I asked that question poorly… I should have said that EVERY program I've followed (SBK, Westside, Outlaw, Husker Power, etc.) has followed the same convention for how you write programming without weight (SxR) vs. for how you record it (QxRxS). I had never really thought about it until Fox pointed it out the other day, and now it seems curious to me – though correct.
12noon w/ Coachs McDowell and Noah
Squats: LBBS: Performance:
Coach McDowell advises to move up to 250 for next week's e4.
WOD: Fitness:
15:58 75#
@Kate R, that cycling tip came in damn handy with these thrusters today too.
This was my first time (ever) coming in 3 times out of 4 days. I need a days rest after over-sleeping, so this was pretty huge for me.
12pm Group Class
Row 1:00
3 Rounds
10 Back Squats (45, 45, 95)
10 Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups
Did the performance workout with Strict muscle-ups at full volume. Was going to scale to 5 per round but they were feeling great so I kept it at 7.
I forgot what my time was at the end. But, the workout happened and I really enjoyed it. Reminiscent of last week's Row/Strict HSPU WOD
@Chris, that's great!!
Hmmm…I'm never really sure where the confusion lies about how to write out sets and reps with or without loads when this comes up. Maybe since I've just been used to it?
Say you did 3 sets of 5 at 135 lbs. You write it out as:
135 lbs "times" 5 reps "times" 3 sets
When you "speak" math the word 'by' is synonymous with 'times' (or multiplied by). So, 135 by 5 by 3 makes complete sense. If there's no quantity, then you're only saying how many sets and reps you'd do, like 3 'by' 5.
One of the wonders of the universe,I guess. It probably used to confuse me a little, too. I'm still not sure why yawns are contagious though.
Civilian Military Combine is coming to Brooklyn July 18th. Let's get a CFSBK team together!!!
6:30 w/ Ro 608/597 combo. Loving the freedom of moving around and playing in the new space.
Was super excited when he told me we were working on split jerks today.
…and then I proceeded to get really frustrated by said split jerks and was in my head so much. Stepping my back foot back first and pushing through it felt virtually impossibl and totally blew my mind. Also, the idea of pressing under the bar vs. pressing the weight up continues to bend my mind. Big issues: obviously footwork. Worked up to #103.
Conditioning: 9 mins- EMOM
30 sec AMRAP sit ups
30 sec AMRAP cals on assault bike
30 sec AMRAP pushups
Stayed consistent through out and bested my AB calls each round. Push ups felt awful. Maybe from yester days messing around with T2B.
Operation Abs Cash out:
3 rounds:
15 back extensions
20 pallof press w/ red band
15 weighted sit-ups (straight legs) #25
All in all…my biggest problem continues to lie between my ears. Excited to work on my split jerk and learning to accept that I can't be a born master after a while year + off of split jerks.
Felt crushed after yesterday and had to modify the programming.
Pause Snatch
Pause and Knee clean Pulls, 100%x2x4
Took it easy today because I was sick with a horrible cold (or maybe allergies) all weekend but worked out anyway, then it hit me like a ton of breaks on Monday.
Performance LBBS 3×5 @145#. Learned today that I'm writing it incorrectly, but I'm going to continue to do so 😉 I didn't move up in weight since I was so sick and took two days off. It was good that I didn't go up bc I'm not keeping my chest up and doing that weird squat-good morning thing.
Fitness WOD in 14:24 with 53# thrusters. Thrusters were slow, but unbroken, just paused here and there. Def lost form a bit but it was light so I just kept moving.
I've done the CMC the last two years so will def do it again this summer!
10am with Jeremy.
WU 3 x rounds
15 x air squats
12 x hollow rocks
8 x ring rows
45 x 7
135 x 5
165 x 3
185 x 1
195 x 5 x 3
Felt good.
3 x RFT
400M run
20 x thrusters (65#)
2 x mins rest
I rowed instead of running so I could wear my lifters for the thrusters. Thrusters were unbroken in the first round, three sets in the second and four sets in the third. Really focused on form. Enjoyed this one.
Tried to do some DU's after but my shoulders weren't interested.
5:30 with McD and Noah.
Perf LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 150x5x3. Felt heavy but fine, but as McDowell helpfully pointed out, I tend to either come forward over my toes too much or then lean back to overcompensate coming up. He filmed my third set and it was helpful to see that little line telling me where I'm leaning. His advice was to think about it, and then not think about it at all. On point, as always.
WOD Rx in 14:37. First set finished in 3:03, unbroken. Second by 8:33, 10/10, third by 14:37, 10/5/5. I was worried about this one because I still feel pretty out of it, but I'm glad I went for it.
FSQ: 200x5x3
WOD @95 lb front squats and rowing: finished in 13:18.