Fitness: Back Squat 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Aim to be able to add 5 pounds each exposure. If you maintain 5-pound jumps, the bar will be 35 pounds heavier by the end of the cycle!
Performance: Back Squat 5RM (Intensity Day) + Front Squat 5RM
Heavier than Wednesday but light enough to not be a true 5RM until at least a few weeks into the cycle. Then, drop weight and perform a heavy set of 5 front squats. Start at about 75% and plan to add 5-10 lbs each week.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
20/15 Calorie Row
12 Dumbbell Bench Press, as heavy as possible
8 Strict Chest to Bar Chin-Ups (add weight or use bands as necessary)
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Shawn showing us that rowing with good posture is ergonomic
News and Notes
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: Yoga for Athletes is CANCELED today. Pilates with KH is CANCELED on Tuesday, 4/14, and rescheduled for Monday, 4/13, at 9am.
- OUTWOD UPDATE: There are 76 (!!!) people signed up for the OutWOD today at 2:30pm, from BRICK, CFNYC, CFSBK, CFHK, Garden City, Solace, Virtuosity, Greenpoint, and more. Even if you’re not participating in the workout, come cheer everyone on and join us afterwards at Threes Brewing.
Don’t Miss Your Chance to Sign Up for the Next Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray
WE NEED EIGHT PEOPLE IN EACH CYCLE TO RUN THEM, which means we need five more people in both cycles. Sign up today!
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to two open gym or group classes per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Noon Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/14/15 – 6/4/15
Each cycle needs a minimum of eight participants and is capped at 10 athletes. Both cycles will end with a mock Olympic meet on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:30pm.
What Part of “No, Totally” Don’t You Understand? The New Yorker
Shelter Puts Dogs in a Photobooth to Get Them Adopted
8am class: did 105 3X5. Considering my 1rm at Iron Maidens was 120, I think this is a good starting point for this cycle. David asked what I started squatting at when I joined crossfit: I guessed 60 and looked it up…43#! For anyone who has recently joined and hasn't fully accepted this yet: consistency and hardwork really do pay off! The evidence is in the numbers. Keep a journal. And keep coming regularly!
For the WOD did a combo of red banded and unbanded chin-ups, and alternated rounds between 25/20dbs.
Colleen: thanks! Excited to see what you're going to backsquat this cycle!!!
Have fun at outwod!
8am with David and Melo
– Starting this cycle at 170, felt heavier than I wanted it to but I've also been away for a few days
– Worked up to 35LB DBs
8am with Melissa and David and a bunch of 6am-ers
Low Bar Back Squat
Heavy 5RM at 235#.
Front Squat
Heavy 5RM at 185#.
Both lifts felt good and I feel comfortable adding weight from there.
Made it through three rounds ending up with 65# DBs at the end for bench. Didn't add weight to the chin-ups focusing on getting chest to the bar and going unbroken.
First, remember to register for "Get Fit or Be Hacking". The "Rx" section is for those who want to do the coding AND fitness (two WODs) competition. The "Fitness" section is for those who want to skip the coding and do just the fitness (the two WODs). We're raising money for a great cause – CSNYC – which funds programs that teach kids how to code in NYC public schools, including and especially schools in disadvantaged communities! Register at
9am with DO and Melissa. Greet time lifting with Samir and Michael. Did performance and went at 260lbs on backsquat. More in the tank for sure. Dropped down to 165lbs on front squat and probably should have gone a bit higher.
Did 3 rounds and change on the WOD. 50lbs on the dumbbell press.
DB Bench x5
In an effort to not bury the lede, PR'd my HBBS and press yesterday.
Had some knee pain ~8 weeks ago and backed way off my squats. Reset to 185 and ramped up the weight to 225 before entering a mesocycle of Smolov. The past 4 weeks have been all about technique and taking care of my hip and knee — never once going over 295. Wasn't sure what the leg would take, so started the 1RM attempts conservatively at 335, then 365 followed by 385, and finally 415 (10lbs PR) at a body weight of 84kg (186lbs). For shits and giggles I front squatted 315 follwed by a 170 press (5lbs PR).
Am stoked to start a new cycle of lifting and hope to hit a few lifetime PR's by the end of summer.
Never posted this last night..
Jake nice work on your HBBS and making short work of getting your MUs back!
Did my best this trip to get as much Olympic lifting (and as little conditioning) in as possible.
Muscle beach this morning — rings, rope climbs, L-sits on the parallel bars and some pull-up play time with the family!
Friday's Programming:
Bbell warm-ups and Mobility
Snatch 38kg (85%) x 1 x 10
These have been feeling good, so I started at 85% and upped the percentage every couple..
38x1x2, 40x1x2, 42x1x2, 44x1x2, 45×1, 46 F, F WTF! Literally all felt easy up to this point and then I just didn't go for it
Clean 46kg (70%) x 2 x 5 pause at knee on first
Warm ups…
46% felt super light and crisp. Basing this off of a 65kg PR which I have not hit (or even attempted) in a long time
Jerk 52kg (80%) x 1 x 10
Warm ups…
These continue to not feel great. Some better than others.
Cues that I thought about that seemed to work:
– Dip lower
– Aggressive foot forward, simultaneous punch bar back overhead
– Heave bar off chest — legs not arms
FSQ 52kg (80%) x 5 x 1
No warm up, just did it. FINE
3 quick rounds of:
5 pull ups (broken into 2 sets, ugh)
5 HSPUs (kipping)
10 push ups
10 pistols (5 ea leg)
Now it's time to sit on a plane all day.
First time lifting in the new space today.
HBBS: Performance set at 260. Front squat set at 185.
11am- first time lifting at 608 too. So good to have so much space!!!! Especially before and after class to mobilize etc.
WU mash-up 3RNFT
15 Russian KB swings @16kg- wanted to see how this felt and it was fine so I'll be ready to go back overhead with 20kg soon.
20 hollow rocks
5 kipping swings
45 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 3
195 x 1
200 x 5
Front Squat
150 x 5
Kept the back squat lighter today as it is the first exposure. My current 5RM is 230# but I didn't feel it was appropriate to start anywhere near that. Next week if I feel good I'll add 10#.
Front squat was definitely closer to max effort but still moved pretty quickly.
15 cal row
8 chin-ups
12 x DB press.
1. 3, 2, 1, 1. 25#
2. 2,2,1,1,1,1, 30#
3. 1 x 5, 35#
4. 1 x 5, 40#
5. 1 x 5, 40#
This was really heavy and I took longer than 20 mins to complete it.
Practiced my DUs afterwards because there was so much space and PRed- 32 in a row!!!!!! Can't quite believe it after Thursday's debacle!!
LBBS: 5 reps @145#
Front squat: 5 reps @115#
Completed 3 rounds + DB Bench press
DB Bench Press- 20, 25, 25, 30
chinups: first two rounds I did one strict, 2 red banded, then the rest with red + orange, third round I did all with the green band.
Makeup from OG last night:
Crossover Symmetry
Bench press: 45×5, 75×5, 87x12x3. Last couple reps of each set were tough but not a grind. Will be fun to see how much stronger I'll be in two months.
Joined the comp kids for cleaning and jerking from the blocks:
Clean: worked up to 123. I do so many things wrong with this lift. Ugh.
Jerk: worked up to 143, a couple fails at 153, which I've hit before.
Then I did Helen for the first time, cutting the pull-ups in half. I didn't even check to see what I finished in, I was just STOKED to do legit kipping pull-ups in my second workout ever. My last few on the last set of 6 were rough, but I don't care, I'll get there.
I've had a string of some really gratifying wins the last few weeks, but this one takes the cake. I remember walking into the gym one of my first weeks and seeing Whit doing them, and I truly never thought I would be able to. And yet, I did them last night in a benchmark WOD on the same bar (the one under the gate) where I first did a banded pull-up with the thick green band, like, 18 months ago. So freaking awesome. Huge thanks to my girl K HarpZ for pushing me so much the last few months to stay committed to working on these, and for believing in my athletic capabilities more than I do. 🙂
1pm class today.
Performance LBBS: 45×5, 95×5 with a couple pauses, 125×5, 145×5, then drop set of front squats at 115#. All moved fine, as it should.
Got through three rounds on the WOD, worked up to 35# on the DB, and did four chin-ups in each set. My arms are toast today so I mostly did singles. The run outside was glorious.
Cash-out was 45 hollow rocks and photographing the awesome OutWODers with Penny Lane.
kate, you and your kipping pull ups are my heroes!
Ha, thanks Ariel!