Fitness: Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
Work up to a medium-heavy triple on the clean and jerk. OK to bail and reset each rep.
Performance: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
Work up to a medium-heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP, 12 Minutes:
90 Double-Unders (or 200 Single-Unders)
60 AbMat Sit-Ups
30 Dumbbell Hang Clean Thrusters
AMRAP, 12 Minutes:
50 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Muscle-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
CrossFit HQ made a video of Froning and Fraser (the Fittest Man on Earth and second Fittest Man on Earth) doing Open Workout 15.5. We think it’s pretty hilarious.
- Happy birthday, DH3!
Standardized Warm-Ups: A Note From Coach Fox
As you may have noticed in classes, we’re experimenting with a few new warm-up options. There are still two versions of the Standardized Warm-Up (SWU) to choose from. If you come in one to two days a week, we recommend that you stick with one of the options and develop some strength and proficiency with those movements. If you come to class three to five days per week, we recommend you alternate between the SWUs to vary the stimulus and keep things fresh.
The new Gymnastics Warm-Ups (GWU) are for those of you who already show proficiency in the basic gymnastics skills that SWUs include (push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, squats, hollow rocks, etc.) and would benefit from some dedicated class time to work on more advanced gymnastics skills, such as inversions and muscle-ups. While some of these elements show up in cash outs and some of you practice before/after class, we’re going to see if adding them in to actual class time helps us collectively get better.
There are two versions of the GWU: one aimed at Inversion Strength and one aimed at Ring Strength. Each has a few levels at which to practice based on where you’re at skill/strength wise. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a coach.
You should already demonstrate proficiency in the basic skills that show up in the SWUs if you want to choose a GWU. Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, hollow rocks, etc., are the bedrock upon which solid movement can be built. Also, the SWUs can still benefit anyone! Can you ever be too good at a push-up? If you’re feeling a bit creaky or simply want to get warm and loose, then you can still opt for the SWU.
As always, we appreciate your feedback! Love it, hate it? Let us know either in the comments section of the blog, or by emailing Coach Fox and Coach David (Christian [at] and David [at]
Standardized Warm-Ups
1. 3 Rounds, Not For Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups or Toes to Bar (Strict or work on kipping)
2. 3 Rounds, Not For Time:
16 Lunges or 12 Pistols
12 V-Ups or Hollow Rocks
8 Ring Rows
Gymnastics Warm-Ups
1. Spend 8 minutes working on Inversions:
A) Free standing, self spotted
B) Free standing, partner spotted
C) Wall Kick-Ups, work on balance by bringing heels off the wall
D) Wall Walks
For all versions, work toward balanced weight and a hollow body position.
2. Spend 8 Minutes on Ring Strength:
A) Strict Muscle Ups (singles, doubles, or triples)
B) Banded Strict Muscle-Ups on low rings (singles, doubles, or triples)
C) 3 False Grip Ring Pull-Ups and 3 Ring Dips
D) 10 second Ring Supports and 5 False Grip Ring Rows
The Truth About Barefoot Running T Nation
When You’ve Just Finished Training and You’re Super Hungry
Bill Starr: May He Rest in Peace Starting Strength
Lauren says
Happy Birthday Dan!
Got 1 hour in on a platform at Paradiso Crossfit Venice after a long lazy day at the beach
Quick warm up:
400m jog, 10 min of mobility and air squats
PVC & BBell warm ups
35x3x5 (80%)
42x2x1– possible opener
44×1 — fine
46 F — 1 kilo PR attempt, except didn't even attempt. Really annoyed
35×1 + 2nd jerk
45×1 + 2nd jerk
52x1x5 (80%) — cleans feeling easy, not getting down for the jerks
Some rope climbs and hand stands says
RIP , Bill. says
Happy Birthday DH3!
MattyChm says
6am with Jess and Nick
Clean and Jerk
Jess called it correctly that it was obviously week 1. Clean and Jerks felt awkward at best today. I originally aimed for 155# but worked up to 175#. Could have gone a bit higher too.
Performance WOD with the "Outcasts"
Pretty frustrated with my performance on this one. Trying hard to shake it and not let it affect my day but I still feel like I am in a funk.
Row felt fine. Lost my kip on the T2B earlier than I thought I would but I was still hitting sets of 3-5 towards the end so I didn't lose too much time. Cleans were singles with very limited rest. Finished those with one minute left and I was positive I would be able to bang out some MUs. Apparently doing MUs fatigued is quite different from doing them fresh. Failed on three different attempts.
BK says
C&J performance complex:
95×2, 115, 135, 155, 175 (f), 165, 175
The power jerk was the limiting factor. On both jerks, the up motion is pitched forward effecting the bar path. Need to be much more vertical on this movement — both power and split.
Metcon: 125 reps (5 muscle ups) I went to singles on the T2B with minimal rest – a trick I picked up from the open this year. Cleans were all singles, with minimal rest. I managed to keep pace with Peter. I felt my grip fatigue on the muscle ups — had a hard time just holding onto the rings.
Peter says
6am. Clean & jerk perf complex: 95, 135, 185, 205, 215, 225F. Felt good up until 225. Made both cleans at that weight, but pressed-out the push jerk and failed the split jerk. Didn't commit to getting down on either. Metcon: 123 reps (3 muscle ups). Was planning on singles for the cleans but I put on some really bouncy bumper plates and after the first rep I switched to triples. Probably took too much rest between sets on the cleans. Got to the muscle-ups at the 10min mark and then failed the first rep. Grip was shot and my kip felt weak. I banged the crap out of my left big toe around the 30th rep of the toes to bar. Feels all bruised and sore now. Never done that before. Ouch.
Happy birthday, Dan! says
6am with J-Fox and Grandmaster Nick
Clean and jerks felt awkward today for some reason. After warming up at 95#, 135#, I then moved to 185# and had a total mess of an attempt; I didn't get under the second hang-clean and it got in my head for the rest. Got my focus back and redid 185# and hit it cleanly, then moved to 195# and hit that once. No further attempts since I ran out of time and eagerness.
The metcon was a fun #tbt to the open wod from last year. I did the row in one set of 50 cals (sic), then did sets of 6 on the T2B until the last 4. My arms were way more fried than I thought by the time i jumped up there. The cleans were done in 5/5/3/3/3/2, then singles to the end. I hit the MU's with 1min left and hit a good kip with 4 unbroken, then failed one, then got 2 more for a total of 6.
Happy b-day Dan!
k2h2 says
Who knew dogs could do planches – very funny video.
HBD! Dan
Linda says
6am with Jess and Nick
Fitness C&J: I haven't done a jerk in a while and my quads have been very sore from the last few days, so I kept it on the lighter side today. 53×3, 63×3, 83×3, 93×3.
Fitness WOD: Went across the street and finally got to see the new space. It was great to be able to spread out, but not my best WOD. I was mixed on what to do for the double unders and ended up trying to go for 45 attempts, but it wasn't there today so I did 25 attempts plus 50 single unders. Went with 20lb dbs on the clean thrusters, which was a little light but didn't want to kill my legs again, especially since we have a soccer game tonight. Got through 1 round plus 20 attempts.
Happy Birthday DH3!
DH3 says
Thanks for the Birthday love yall. Gonna enjoy my first legal drink later.
Make up post from last night. That 15min amrap has my legs feeling like glue today. Scaling up to 24" on boxes = major facepalm. 6 Rds +10 Box Jumps. WB unbroken, burpees= very sloggy. Shout to Jason and Rio & Alex for setting a very fast tempo to try and keep up with.
Shawn says
I'm excited about the new warm ups! I could definitely use some dedicated time to work on both inversion and ring strength. For now, however, I'm on vacation. I dropped into Crossfit Palm Springs this morning. There was no strength or skill component, just a long ass metcon. 30-20-10 deadlifts, pull-ups, db thrusters, push-ups. I did this at 155 lb DLs and 30 lb dumbbells and finished in 26:14. Pull-ups were the limiter here and I may or may not have been sweating out mezcal from last night's fancy vacation cocktails. Now I'm going to chill by the pool and put in some quality hot tub time before my 2.5 hr drive back to LA – hopefully that'll keep my low back from tightening up too much from those deadlifts. says
1. Happy Birthday, Dan!
2. That dog!
3. Lots of make up posts:
Monday night comp class:
EMOM 14 min: Odd 3 position snatch (floor, hang, high hang); even: burpees to an imaginary 6 foot target
Worked up to 78#, with a lot of trouble on the high hang. It's really different doing the three position snatch with this last instead of first!
Alternating Rounds:
5×3 Pause Front Squat–worked up to 153#
2-4 reps of 3/3/3/3 tempo ring dips (didn't want to tire myself out too much before Amanda!)
Amanda, scaled to 73#: 10:21?. Squat snatches were a mess. Did all singles, not because they were heavy, but because I was trying, only sometimes successfully, to make them legit. My goal by next year is to be able to do this cleanly, at Rx weight. I know I am strong enough, I just need to seriously work on my technique.
Wednesday 5:30pm with Noah and McD
3×5 Back Squats at 170. The first set felt super hard! Second two sets were better, trying to focus on getting a little more of a bounce.
Conditioning with Asha: 12 rounds + 2 burpee box jumps (I did the additional round). All wall-balls unbroken.
Thursday Nooner with Lady Fox and DO
Worked from home today, and can't come to comp class tonight, so came to noon instead. I was going to do comp programming on my own, but this workout looked fun.
Worked up to 118 on the C+J complex. Felt really off today. DO helped me with my tendency to come forward in the dip, but this is continues to be an issue, especially with anything above body weight. Still, as always lots of good coaching tips and things to think about from DO. Hoping to jerk more regularly in the coming months so that I can really work on this.
Conditioning: 11 muscle-ups (I had to beat Dan L.) Row took a while, broke up t2bs as 10-10-5-5-5-5, cleans as sets of 5, and muscle ups as singles. No fails on the muscle-ups. Afterwards, Ro gave me a hard time about my ocd two box set-up, which, admittedly, I should wean myself off of. ๐
Whit H says
Day 3 Invictus Comp funtimes
WU: 2 rds
5 cal bike
10 ring row
10 air squat
-banded dist: ankle + ant hip
A. Front Squat
*Set 1 โ 3 reps @ 75% : 130
*Set 2 โ 2 reps @ 80% : 135
*Set 3 โ 1 rep @ 85% : 145
*Set 4 โ 3 reps @ 80% : 135
*Set 5 โ 2 reps @ 85% : 145
*Set 6 โ 1 rep @ 90% : 155
Knew I would have a hard time getting thru all this in my allotted training time, so rested 1-2 min between each.
B. Five sets of:
Hang Clean + Clean
105, 115, 125, 135, 140 (5# off my clean PR. this is going up soon!)
-catching cleans felt great after that front squatting, but they got a bit slow and laborious on the way up. tired legs. lots of grunting.
C. Three sets of:
Clean Pulls x 1.1.1 @ 95-100%
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
D. Three rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg) – Scale to 15 swings (24kg overhead)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – Scale to 5 reps (working double overhand grip here; all singles)
Time: 13:26
KB Swings were painful. Runs were all about 2:00-2:20.
Would've done 10 c2b, but I knew it would take a good amount longer and I was short on time
Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!
Charlie says
10am with Lady Fox.
Clean and jerk- perf.
33, 63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98, 103.
Going forward on the dip, had some issues remembering how to push jerk and the had usual knees caving in problems. Surprised by how much my heart rate was elevated by the cleans. Fun complex though!
WOD- fitness
45 x DU attempts
DB's at 30#.
The DU's were as bad as I expected. I kept tripping up and I had to go back to single-double-single… Sit-ups were harder than usual. I went too heavy on the dumbbells. I kind of knew it before I started. But it forced me to move very slowly and really focus on trying to hit good positions. So maybe that's a good thing?
Total 160 reps- 25 DU's, which surprisingly came strung together in two sets. If only I could trick my head into thinking I am tired every time I do DU's.
Tried to work on pull-up stuff afterwards but my lats were not having it. I got some hollow holds/ superman holds, lat activations and kipping swings in but once I got to the actual pull-ups, I lost interest. Next week, I should be less sore I guess- still feeling Monday's ring rows!! says
Solo Sesh today
1:00 lower body assault bike
1:00 Upper body assault bike
1:00 Total body assault Bike
About 12 minutes of Active Recovery
Performance Barbell Complex
Worked up to 165lbs. Didn't go farther since I was pressing out my Power Jerk a bit
Performance Metcon
Got to 6 muscle-ups
Crossover symmetry
Also great video of Froning and Fraiser! says
I found a galley of Oliver Sacks's memoir (it's out May 1), and there's some funny detail about his powerlifting sideline in the 60s. He'd back-squat a 555-lb 5×5 every 5 days, and once he did a 575-lb front squat on Muscle Beach, which earned him the nickname "Dr. Squat." says
Dan L says
Worked up to 177 (metric plates and imperial bar in the new gym) and called it there. Haven't gone overhead in a bit so I worked a bunch of reps at lower weights
Performance metcon – 10 muscle ups. Got to the rings with almost 4 minutes left but I think I moved a little too fast on the first 3 movements and didn't have much left.
Fox says
Happy Birthday, Danny!
That puppy…and Fronning falling down from his quads giving out are hilarious.
Noon class
Worked up to a conservative 154 on the C&J complex, did 6 or 7 sets there. All felt pretty good, if maybe a little off balance on a few jerks.
Perf WOD
2 Muscle Ups
I hated just about every minute of this. High volume T2B are one of my biggest weaknesses, and I had very little gas. The difficulty of that first muscle up caught me by surprise.
Noah says
Any ladies want to take the pitch with the CFSBK Fighting Tacos Football Club of Soccer tonight? We're short one female. Email me at noah at crossfitblahblah dot com. says
7:30 with Noah and Ro
Worked up to 88# on the C&J fitness 3 rep thang. Looking wonky today. Was afraid to get low enough, probably because I haven't done these in so long. Mare said my last one at 83 was lower..I just need the confidence to drop under it.
Almost scaled the volume on the DU but decided to just do the full 90 even if it took me forever.
Used 20# DBs
Got through…298 reps? 1 full round plus 90 DU and 28 situps.