Rotate through and spend about 15 minutes working up to a heavy load on each of the following movements:
A) Turkish Get Up: 1-1-1-1-1
Use dumbbells only. Each side.
B) Fat Bar Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1
C) Push Press: 1-1-1-1-1
Post loads to comments.
More of the 15.5 action on Saturday
- Don’t forget to pick up your meet! The April distribution of the Herondale Farm Meat CSA is today from 6-8:30 PM. Eggs will also be available for $6—bring small billz!
Community News
- CFSBK OG Jon Gabrus made NYMag’s 50 Comics to Know About list! Check it out here.
- Aside from becoming a father, Jonathan K. recently left his job at Mas Farmhouse to start von Kava, a chef’s table at this season’s Smorgasburg. They’ll be doing flash fine dining—three courses and some surprises in 15 minutes. He would love for CFSBKers to stop by! Get more info here.
- GallopNYC is hosting a Veterans’ Family Day on May 9th (noon to 4pm) right here in our own backyard at Prospect Park’s Bowling Green. There will be outdoor activities and fun with horses for all ages—free to veterans and their families. Click here for the flyer with details on how to RSVP. If anyone would like to learn more about GallopNYC, email CFSBK-er Dan G. at dan [at] or find him before/after a workout.
The Next Cycle of CFSBK’s Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray Starts MONDAY!
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to two open gym or group classes per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/7/15 – 5/28/15 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/6/15 – 5/27/15. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
Noon Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12-1:30pm from 4/7/15 – 5/28/15
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9:30pm from 4/6/15 – 5/27/15
Coached by Frank Murray, “participants can expect to build a strong foundation focused around proper technique, mobility, and attention to individual weak points. Building this foundation will not only help lead to higher lifts, but also set the base for continued and consistent progress. Moreover, by developing proper technique, mobility, and focusing on weak points, participants will become more confident, less prone to injury, and more consistent lifters. All of this giving you the tools for a longer, healthier, stronger career with the Olympic lifts.” —Next Level Weightlifting
A typical day* would consist of:
Weak lift
Opposing lift
*Each athlete may have different exercises depending on their individual needs.
Join Us For the Grand Opening of 608 Degraw Street This Saturday, and New 608 Policies
During this Saturday’s group classes, we have a fun “two-gym” WOD planned for everyone. Join us for class, and please also join us in the afternoon from 2-3pm for a beer for a low-key social hour and open house.
We also want to make you aware of some new policies we’ll be instituting in the new space:
- Remember to check in at the Front Desk for all classes. Group classes will be brought over to 608 on the discretion of the coach. Strength Cycle and Olympic Lifting classes will happen in 608, after you’ve checked in at 597.
- Showers will open on Monday, 4/6, from 7-9am and during Open Gym times. We regret (but are excited) to inform you that the only water option will be cold. We’ve done some research about the health benefits of cold showers, and can’t wait for you to experience them.
- Up to five members at a time can use each shower. If there’s a rush on showers, members are encouraged to clean one another to speed up the process.
- There will be antiseptic dispensers and wipes on all the walls, which we’re sure you’ve familiar with from your globo gym days. You will be required to wipe down every piece (by every piece, we really mean every single piece—from fractional plates to 100-pound dumbbells) of equipment with which your skin and sweaty clothing comes in contact. Dry, clean clothing contact does not necessitate a wipe.
- In the interest of harmony amongst our coaching staff, music will not be played during group classes in 608.
If you have any other ideas for new policies that will enhance your experience in 608, please share in the comments!
No floggings in the new space? No rolling in the snow?
WOD = Wipe of the Day.
Someone clearly did not take the no-prank pledge!
I was hoping the prank would be that the special 608 workout will be… 15.5 again!!
Guys, I don't know what you're talking about. These policies should be taken super seriously.
I've already tried out the cold group showers and I feel extra super swole.
Came in for some quick squatting before strength extravaganza:
Turkish Get-Up
Had much more in me, but ran out of time.
Push Press
300F – came way too far forward on this. Probably had it if I did it right.
Fat Bar Deadlift
This was really, really weird. Once I couldn't grip the bar, my legs wouldn't even engage to lift it. Jeremy said this was common. So strange.
Fun to tackle these movements.
Little Liftin yesterday
Pause below knee snatch
Clean+2 front squats+jerk
Clean pulls
Some failed bar muscle up attempts and then some CTB pull-ups and dips.
7 am (slept in a bit) paired with scott for the 15 singles
Fat Bar DL:
250, 290, 340, 380, 400
Not as different as I expected them to be.
Push Press:
195 was ridiculously slow lockout.
Turkish Get up:
30, 40, 50, 60, 65
Could have gone heavier
Come pick up your meat tonight! No meet will be available, but PLENTY of animal flesh 🙂
@michele I'm going to label that typo my April Fool's joke. Yikes.
No music?! I quit! 😉
LOVED today's fun heavy things programming, done yesterday at noon:
Turkish Get-Up: attempted 45 barbell, which I got with my right but failed on left
Fat-bar Deadlift: 200 with a switch grip
Push-Press: got 93, attempted 103 but it was more like a jerk so didn't really count.
Monday's programming yesterday at 5:30 with Whit
3 Rds: Run 550, 5 burpees
Headstand work was fun. I did a couple of presses and kips to handstands but couldn't control myself enough to come back down.
EMOM 10 min: Odd: 12 v-ups + plank for the rest of the minute (scaling up!)/Even: 12 supermans.
Then some couch stretches, and foam rolling for my quads and t-spine.
Jumped on the bar muscle-up bandwagon after class and did a couple of these before my hand told me to stop (I ripped it doing Barbara on Sunday). The first one took me by surprise (it's been at least six months, I kind of forgot what to do at the top), but luckily it looks like I still kind of know what I'm doing on these.
I am going to try to take back-off week very seriously this week. The Open stresses me out more than it should, so it will be nice to have a chill couple of days as a reset.
@Kate R, you forgot the 50 burpee plenty for not RSVPing to class.
6am with McD and Ro
Two days in a row of running outside during the warmup! I'm so happy if finally resembles spring outside.
Today was the first day since I'd been hurt where I felt like I could take the training wheels off a little bit, so I tried to reach some challenging weights with today's work.
Axle bar deadlift: Worked up to 205 with a double overhand grip, then moved to a switch grip and worked up to 305. 305 felt really fast with no movement in my back – finally starting to get back a little bit of confidence with this lift.
Push Press: MyWOD says my 1rm is 200 from September 9th last year, so I was very pleased to hit 195 today. I figured I'd lost more ground on overhead strength.
Turkish Getup: These is easily one of my favorite rarely done movements – I can't remember ever doing it outside of back off week. Worked up to 60lbs with my sights set on 70, but ran out of time.
Can't wait for Saturday!
@Janelle — you jest, but there used to be a burpee penalty if you were late to class.
All weights in the new space must be stacked in random fashion.
What about the other shower option I heard about…seltzer!
Hey Brooklyn hivemind —
What's the best way to get to and from Newark Airport to our neck of the woods? By "best" I mean combination of "not insanely expensive" (like car service) and "as convenient as possible."
I never fly out of EWR myself (except for work, when they'll pay for a car service) but I have a friend visiting from Germany. I would have advised him to fly into JFK but he didn't ask, and now I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it. He speaks English fairly well but has never been to the US before and I don't want to tell him anything too confusing.
@Stella – cab to Penn Station, NJ Transit to EWR, then shuttle to the terminal? Sounds like a lot, but once you are on the actual NJ Transit, train, it's only about 15 minutes to the EWR stop, and then another few minutes on the shuttle.
Also, the NJ transit train doesn't get stuck in traffic.
Subway to Penn Station, then either NJ transit or Amtrak to the airpor. There is an AirTran between airport and train station. Super easy, done it many times.
NJ transit is usually cheaper than Amtrak but between the two there are trains running very frequently all day long.
Seltzer showers for everyone!!!
Fun times at 5:30 group class, with Miss Penny in tow.
Turkish Get Up (1 each side):
20, 30, 40, 50
50 really felt like my max, and is definitely much more than I've done before. I was wondering if I could tie that last leaderboard spot (60#)… maybe in another month or two. The initial sit up is the hardest part of this for me.
Fat Bar Deadlift
110, 140, 160, 180, 200
Had to go switch grip at 160, which was kinda lame. Seems like to get benefit out of this exercise (fat bar), it should really be moderate weight and higher reps to train that grip. 200 wasn't a max effort. This was fine.
Push Press
33×7, 63×3, 83×2, 103, 113, 118, 123
I think everything from 103 onward is technically a PR, since I've only really worked Push Press for triples or in a WOD. Was pleasantly surprised to hit what I did. My max jerk is 145, so this has me thinking I should be able to get more out of that once I start training the jerk again… next week!
Shoulders felt GOOD through all of this which I've started to take for granted, but it's freakin' awesome not to be hurting or scared of getting hurt anytime I do something dynamic overhead.
Accessory work:
MU slow transitions
-red band x3
-little orange band! 1-2-2-3 (with dip out on the last 3)
tried one without the band, and am close, but just don't have it in me to turn over! happy to be on that little band, and am going to keep working here!
:10 hold x5 with a minute or so rest in between
AbWheel! 10 total reps from knees, small breaks between and a triple to finish it out.
Squats, medium heavyishx5x3
Press behind the neck
Assault bike tabata (53 calories)
Blue Skies! Spring is on its way.
Fat bar DL: Worked up to 230#, attempted 250# but failed.Switched grip at 160#.
Push Press: Worked up to 105#. Failed at 115. Hmmm…thought I was attempting 110…never would have done a 10# jump bc my max push press is 105#. Didn't realize this until I just now. Oh well, I will try 108# next time.
Turkish Getup: Haven't done one in over a year so had trouble remembering the steps and wasn't really trying. Noah called me out on my sh*t so I pulled it together and got focused. Worked up to 30#. The first part is the most difficult part for me.
Jogged a leisurely mile afterwards.
5:30 class with Noah And McD
Warm up with some headstands into hspu. I was able to get a few doubles without falling over. I really enjoy those !
Chubby bar deadlift (it said it didn't like to be called fat). Worked up to 325ish I think but I had to switch grip at 250. I have small hands and they were not having it today.
Push press: 135, 155, 185, 205, 215.
The 215 felt pretty good, I probably could have gone for 225 but ran out of time.
Turkish get up: 45, 55, 75, 90, 100
My right arm felt better than my left but the hardest part was stabilizing the way down between the lunge and the rotation to put my hand down.
In 1 hour 45 minutes I completed the following:
Warm up x 3
15 OHS w PVC
8 Ring Rows pause
:20 wall walk/handstand hold
Lax ball on shoulders and traps
Warm ups: 15×5 press, 25×5 p.p., 35×3 jerks, 40×2 jerks, 45×1 jerk, 50×1 jerk
80% – 52kg x 1 x 10
These felt pretty bad, both shoulder mobility-wise as well as technique
Warm ups: PVC positions, dislocates
50% ~ 25kg x 3 x 5 🙂
50% ~35kg x 3 x 5 🙂
Snatch Pulls
Barbell practice — still wonky for me
105% – 47kg x 3 x 3
85% (?) – 25kg x 1 x3, then 30kg x 1 x 3, then 32kg x 1 x 3 — still felt fine
Warm up: 35 x 5, 55 x 3
80% – 68kg x 5 x 3 — these felt fast and solid
Barbell quad mash — still sore from 15.5
Back distraction on pull up bars
Calf mash
Scorpion, Cobra, Down dog
I wrote the Presses wrong. They were 1 set of 3 reps each..
85% (?) – 25kg x 3 x1, 30kg x 3 x 1, 32kg x 3 x 1
I don't know what my 1 RM is, 32kg for 3 reps moved pretty easily.
Also, I was amazed that I got all this done (it's a hybrid of 2 days of programming). It seemed crazy, but it turns out it is very helpful to lift with buddies!
8:30 with JB
yay low key back off week.
Fat bar deadlift: worked to 190# and decided not to do more, moved to switch grip at 150#.
Turkish get up: worked up to 30# each side. Pretty sure I did these at 20# last time so that was cool.
Push press: worked up to 98#. I definitely do a poor job of using the hip drive to my advantage on these. i'm hoping we see these in the next cycle- overhead stuff is just not one of my strengths.
Men get lemon lime seltzer ladies get raspberry