5 Rounds, For Total Time:
20 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Squats
Rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds.
Post total time and Rx to comments.
Compare to 1.26.2014 and 2.17.2013
Things are coming together across the street! Join us next Saturday (4/4) from 2-3pm for the grand opening of 608 Degraw Street. All regularly-scheduled group classes that day will also have a special surprise. Get psyched.
News and Notes
- Scheduling Note for Next Week: Our schedule WLL NOT change for Easter (4/5). All classes will run as normal.
- Want to work out today at 9am and bring your kid/s? Sign your kids up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Happy birthday, Lisa C.!
Good Guys Radiolab
Hi from the Nerd Olympics!
I'm in 11th place going into the final puzzle. I'm really tied for 10th, but due to stupid tiebreak rules I'm not considered top 10 unless I pick up some ground on this puzzle. Send me some Black Sea vibes, y'all!
Can't say I'm sorry to be doing crosswords for time instead of Barbara today.
9am with the Foxy Foxes
Nothing like 250 air squats the day after a thruster workout. Commiserated the whole time with Nate, Shawn and Peter. Misery loves/needs company in WODs like this.
Finished in 45:28 and the ankle held up really well. Sit ups were the major limiter on this as usual. It's very strange because my toes to bar and planks are pretty solid. Just the motion of the sit up makes me feel like I have no core strength at all. I bought an abmat for home so I can spend some time on them.
GO STELLA. I have full confidence that you can outnerd those other nerds. Good luck!!!
I love Barbara. I really do. Gross I know but whatever. I enjoy today's programming and give it two thumbs up.
9am with the Foxes. I've never done Barbara before – unless I have and I blocked it out in an exercise of psychological self-preservation. In any event, I hated every minute of this and almost an hour after finishing, I'm still not 100% sure it's not going to have killed me (despite scaling the volume on the last three rounds). I did the 1st 2 rounds at Rx volume, the third round I scaled to 10 pullups, 25 pushups, 30 situps, and 40 air squats. The final two rounds I scaled to 10 pullups, 20 pushups, 30 situps, 40 air squats. finished all of this in 45:05. The pullups went much better than I expected today, the pushups were about what I expected. I'm right there with @MattyChm regarding the situps being rough and the air squats being unexpectedly tough after yesterday's thrusterpalooza. So long crush week. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
11am with DO, Whit and Katie!
Scaled Barbara in 35:53
Scaled to ring rows, scaled strict pushups to only 15 reps/round. Pushups have been feeling stronger but 30 per round would just take me way too long.
Black Sea and fellow badass vibes to you, Stella! Barbara: 35:30. I smell like booze.
8am. Barbara Rx: 44:30. First time I've ever done Barbara as I've managed to be out of town every time she's shown up. Today was the closest I've ever come to meeting pukie in a workout. The workout started out well and I felt strong for the first round. Then the wheels came off my push-ups. By the 3rd round I was starting to feel queasy. Everything was slow and dark for the last 2 rounds. I'm going to recommend against going from an oly cycle directly into crush week. Looking forward to back off week.
12pm, Barbara in 43:25. Did 5 rounds consistently at 5:45-6:15/ round. 5-10 kipping pull-ups, 20 push-ups (4×5),40 sit-ups, 50 squats.
Took a break then went to rings class. Which is awesome!!! I have even more admiration for anyone who can do a muscle-up. Really looking forward to getting stronger, and now I have lots of little exercises I can practice throughout the week. I don't know if I'll be able to workout on Sundays and go to rings class. Had a really hard time and I'm totally fried! Yikes!
Sad the open is over. That was so fun!! Everyone should do it next year!
15.5-s yesterday, my time was 17.40. It was tough, but for me, 15.4-s was worse!
I forgot to fill out the CrossFit Open scorecard. Can someone chime in, if you happen to know, is there anyway to get verified without the sheet?
I like to watch golf on the TV.
15.5 yesterday: 10:37
Considering rowing is one of my greatest weaknesses, I am happy with how this went. Tried to stay above 800 cal/hr on the row. I had to break up the thrusters more than I wanted: 15/12, 10/6/5, 9/6 and then 6/3, but I think I did a good job of getting right back on the bar. I was super mad at myself for not being able to go through the last nine unbroken, but I really don't think I could have (I also failed on the VERY last thruster of 14.5 last year, and I didn't want to repeat that.) I guess the last couple thrusters on Fran are always super hard for me, so adding another 27 in, plus rowing (which is much more taxing for me and messes with my thrusters much more than pull ups), was enough to do me in, even with the much greater time slot.
Barbara today at 30:06 Rx. I really wanted to get in under that 30 minute mark, but I couldn't quite squat fast enough. Oh well. First time doing this–loved it. 🙂
@Colleen, yes. Just go online like you've been doing and submit all the information: the affiliate (CFSBK), your judge's name, your score (the time you completed the workout in), check the box that you did it Scaled, and you should be good to go!!
If you don't know your judge's name at this point, you can put my name, since I was there coaching during your class and can verify that you did the workout scaled.
Thanks Whit! I have entered the info. My judge was Chris.
Barbara RX in 49:20.
Thanks to DO for letting me finish this and for half the 1 class hanging around to cheer me on as I slowly chipped away that last set of pushups.
This sucked, but according to my records, the last time I tried this 18 months ago, I got capped at 45 minutes before I even finished 4 rounds, so I'll take it.
Squats, 3RM
445×2, Failed 3rd
Push Press, 5RM
264×4, Failed 5th
4 sets
15 dips
7 chinups
Tabata Assault bike
8:30 tonight tried to make up Saturday's oly program. Trying to segue from a weekend of yoga, meditation, Thai massage wasnt easy
Warm up x3
15 banded air squats
10 jumping lunges
10 ring rows
HBBS heavy 5
20×5, 40×5, 50×4, 60×3, 70×2
77x5x1 — ooof. Not the prettiest but did it
C&J heavy singles
Bbell warm ups, 35x2x2, 45x1x2, 50×1, 55 failed jerk
Shoulders felt like they were jarring which made jerks scary
So instead of 85% dropped to 75%
46x1x5. Disheartening
Feeling tired. Changed the music …
Snatch – 70% x2x5, first rep pause at knee
25×2, 30×2, 35×1
32x2x5 — felt great. Heartening
Press — don't think 32kg is my true 1rm bc these percentages feel light. So instead of 85% went w something like 90%
15×5, 25×2, 27×2, 28×2
No one around tonight and would have been too tired for 15.5 anyway
Somehow got to get it done tomorrow..
Had intentions to come in today, but my quads had enough after Wed's WOD and 15.5.
15.5 Rx completed yesterday in 14:09.
Did some reading about rowing for calories vs. rowing for meters the night before which helped a lot. I have no idea what my cal/hour pace was, but for every pull I got about 1 cal for the 27 and 21 round, after that is just a blur, but I would say about every 1.5-2 pulls for 1 cal.
I don't remember exactly how I broke up the thrusters because I changed my strategy after I witnessed first hand what this WOD did to people, but it was something like this:
27: broke up into 4 sets, maybe: 7/5/5/5/5
21: broke up into 3 or 4 sets
15: 5/5/5
9: unbroken
Breaks between sets of thrusters were much longer than I anticipated. Going into this workout, I was worried about the weight of the thruster, but that wasn't the problem. It was difficult to get my breathing under control. Went to a dark place during the 15 thrusters and wasn't sure if I could pick up the bar again after breaks. Glad this WOD is completed. I prefer this over 14.5, but hope I never have to do either again. I'm sure I will though if it gets programmed 🙂
This year's Open was different. Previous years, I could do well if I strategized. My strength is coming up with a plan and sticking to it. That didn't help this year since I was limited by many of the movements. I definitely know what I need to work on for next year!