Fitness: 3-3-3-3-3
Establish a new 3 Rep Max. Use spotters
Performance: 1-1-1-1-1
Establish a new 1 Rep Max. Use spotters.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
For Time:
100 Pull-Ups
150 Thrusters 75/55
200 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Break the work up as desired between partners. Have a plan but be flexible with it so you and your partner don’t slow down.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kate B. getting set to snatch at the CFSBK Oly meet last Sunday
News and Notes
- Muscle & Fitness Hers wrote an article about Iron Maidens, called “The Iron Maidens of Brooklyn,” and interviewed Margie, Coach Jess, and Serene K. Check it out here!
- Happy birthday, Front Desk Superstar Camillionaire! (Read her Behind the Desk interview here.)
- Happy birthday to CFSBK Blog Maven, photog and managing editor, Kate R!
What: Movie Night, featuring cult favorite Fight Club
When: Friday, March 20th, after Open Gym at 8pm
Bring your snacks (i.e., ice cream sandwiches from Bierkraft), drinks, lounge chairs, bean bag chairs, whatever, and come hang! Just remember… The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club… But feel free to talk about watching Fight Club this Friday. That’s totally okay.
2015 CrossFit Open Leaderboard: Team CFSBK
The results for 15.1, 15.1a, and 15.2 are in, and here are our team’s leaders! Congrats to everyone who has been pushing themselves the last couple weeks with two tough workouts. We can’t wait to see what’s on deck this Thursday…
1. Alex B.
2. Coach McDowell
2. Alex N.
4. Matt K.
5. Michael A.
6. Coach Noah
6. Coach David (tied with Coach Noah)
8. Pierre D.
9. Zach H.
10. Jason M.
1. Coach MeLo
2. Coach K HarpZ
3. Coach Lady Fox
4. Coach Whitney
5. Lauren B.
6. Ellie M.
7. Steph M.
8. Steph P.
9. Kate R.
10. Lauren S.
1. Pierre D.
2. Peter M.
3. Bob S.
4. Coach Fox
5. Michael R.
6. Andy M.
7. Chris P.
8. Carlos G.
9. Bjorn B.
10. James K.
1. Joy M.
2. Mare L.
3. Asha B.
4. Colleen M.
5. Christina L.
6. Micheline D.
7. Barbara K.
8. Shawn C.
9. Francine D.
10. Bree P.
Diagnosis Radiolab
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of CrossFit Tim Ferriss
Whens the next oly cycle?
6am with McHarpZ. For the back squats I worked on a 1RM, which I don't think I've ever tested. After warming up with 95×5, 135×4, and 185×3, I went for singles at 205, then 220, then 225. These all felt good, though the rep at 225 was a little slow coming up and I clenched my jaw hard enough as I braced that my teeth hurt. I'm VERY happy with 225 – even though I haven't tested a 1RM squat, I've had roughly 200 lbs in my as a theoretical max for long enough that this feels like a big PR.
Partnered with Rytas on the WOD. We got through 100 KB swings at the time cap (a few seconds over, actually). I started with kipping pullups, but after I think about 20 of them (in sets of 5), the skin on my hands started to feel hot and I switched to ring rows. We did the thrusters and KB swings Rx'd. The thrusters felt much better today than usual – I think the squatting work this cycle and the fact that I was pretty warm already are likely why.
6am with McHarpz
95×3, 145×3, 185×3, 205×3, 210×3 (Failed at 3), 215×1
PRs for 3RM and 1RM. The failure at 210 was due to loosing form at the bottom, should have had it. Thanks to Katie for coming over and calling me out on crashing at the bottom for my set at 185. Took the nervous jitters away and helped me hit 205.
Congrats to squat brother Sean for establishing an awesome 1rm at 125.
WOD (Ring rows, 55#, 24kg) 362
Partnered up with Alex. Started with 25 at the rings, then 10, then 5 towards the end. Tried to stay as long as possible with sets of 10 on thrusters. At around 70 had to go to 5. Did a few 10s at the end to get it done. Started with 25 on the swings, then 10s.
Make-up from yesterday:
Worked up to a PR bench of 356 – up from a previous PR of 335. Happy to move this fairly well, though Jeremy told me if I used my heels more and had a "Russian gymnast back arch," I could get up to 400lbs.
Planned to do the burpee workout with sets of 10, but I did it next to Zach "I don't need a shirt for this workout" Hajj and tried to keep up with his sets of 12. Worked for the first four rounds, then I started to slow down to 11s and 10s. Total was 113.
Got a crap sleep last night, so I'm kind of dreading today's squat.
Also, apparently yesterday's Deadlift/Arnold video wasn't a world record since the lifter was using straps. My apologies to Jeremy.
Dear CFSBK Family,
I need your help/advice regarding an orthopedic specialist/surgeon recommendation.
Yesterday night I had an injury while taking a trampoline class. After jumping up and doing a relatively simple 360 degree twist clockwise, I planted my feet on the way down while still twisting and my right knee immediately popped and buckled inwards. X ray at the ER indicates no break or dislocation, but there are minor fractures where they believe the tendons/ ligaments separated from my patella. They also suspect a patella tendon tear and possibly more tears on the medial and cis sides of my patella.
I'm currently immobilized in a knee brace and will be getting an MRI today, and was recommended to see either Dr. Answorth Allen or Dr. Gregory DiFelice, both at the Hospital for Special Surgery at Cornell Presbyterian. Do any of you know these doctors and/or have a recommendation for an orthopedic specialist/surgeon? I want to make sure I start whatever this process is with a good doctor so I can get back in the gym safely and soundly. I recall a discussion on this previously on the blog, but am not sure where the info is located.
Thanks to anyone/everyone who has any advice!
6:30am Strength Cycle – back to winter edition
LBBS: 110lbs 5 x 3
I ended the last two SC at 120-125, so I'm hoping this time around I'll finish with a higher number
Bench Press: 75lbs 5 x 3
My PR is 85 so I'm glad Jeremy had me start here
47lbs 3 x 3
Meh. I don't care for cleans, and cleans don't care for me.
@ Neal P – Sorry to hear about your knee injury. Bouncing on a tramp can be a lot of fun. I had my knee 'scoped by Dr DiFelice a couple of years ago. It was a simple procedure and I have had no problems with it since. He was fine. Not outstanding. A decent guy. My one complaint would be about his office and scheduling visits. It always felt like I had to accommodate his schedule, like my work and life was not that important.
Makeup post from last night. 8:30 w/ Jess Fox
LBBS: 355, 385, 405, 415(PR). Sorry for the yell as I finished it off. I saw Nino's face in my video after and I realized it was a bit much. But then again, that was my first squat PR in over two years, and I honestly felt like I maybe had 425 in me, but such is the peril of an hour long class.
I really liked the performance programming on lifts this cycle Fox. Going to a near max percentage and then getting in volume afterwards 1) made the volume feel like swinging a lighter bat after warming up in the on-deck circle and 2) had me mentally prepared for testing a 1 RM, as the difference between what had gone on my back wasn't so large.
WOD: Got about halfway done the kettlebells (I did situps) w/ Mario. I took probably about 60% of the pullups and he took about 60% of the thrusters I think. I'm wrecked from that WOD today but really liked it all in. One of those partner wods where I would have been standing around catching my breath anyway while my partner went.
I couldn't be more jealous of Margie, Jess and Serene right now. I'm IN for Iron Maidens next year. God knows I have been called one enough times growing up in the means streets of BK.
HBBS: 245 x 3, 265 x 3
Then ran out of time. I think it took our group of 3 too long to warm up. I feel pretty confident I could have had 280×3, maybe more. I think I can break 300 for a 1rm sometime soon.
WOD in 20:03 with Dan
Did all the pullups with a chinup grip to protect my shoulder, and Russian swings instead of American for the same reason. Small sets of 5 on pullups and thrusters, then went up to 15 on the KB swings. Was worried about the thrusters on my shoulder but everything seems ok.
@Neal – That's terrible news, hope the pain isn't too brutal.
I tore through a meniscus last year and saw Dr. Guillem Gonzalez-Lomas at NYU Langone ( for diagnosis and surgery. I highly recommend him.
Got to 165×3 on back squat. Everything is moving well, no pain. I think I'm 100% back to normal, although of course I still have a little work to do to gradually get back to the weights I was moving before I hurt my hip.
WOD with Keith. I did Rx except 1/2 volume strict chins — I really was not confident in my ability to do 50 kips. We were at 130 KB swings at around 21:30, which is when I figured it was time to get my butt to the office. My legs don't work any more.
Neal, so sorry to hear about your injury. Mel Lloyd and I have both seen Dr. Rob Gotlin at the NY Center for Health and Healing for various injuries. I like him because he has a very strength-focused approach — as in trying to fix problems by strengthening weak muscles that led to an overuse injury rather than some kind of surgical or procedural intervention that doesn't fix the underlying problem. Of course yours is an acute and not an overuse injury, but I still think he'd approach your healing and rehab in a very smart way.
But, and it stinks that there's always a but: give his office a try, but it can take WEEKS to get an appointment with him, which doesn't work for an acute injury. So I'm throwing the name out there, and I hope you can get in to see him…but you might not be able to 🙁
@ Neal P
so bummed to hear that this has happened to you! having been through this several times before myself, i can confidently say that you'll be back and better than ever in no time.
i had my first knee surgery done by dr. william levine at columbia/new york presbyterian. his bedside manner was pretty rough (to say the least), but he's very sensitive to athletes and people wanting to get back to sport/working out. i've also heard great things about the hospital for special surgery and probably would have gone there for my other surgeries if i hadn't been in chicago.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CAM! She is a bright, shiny, cat and donut-loving light in my life!
@ Neal P – That's terrible news, and I am sorry to hear it. I can't really offer physician advice, as my issues have always been back-related, but I just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery, and I hope I see you back at 7:30 classes soon!
And happiest of birthdays to my amazing partner Camille! <3
Last night at 7:30 to do Monday's work
Did 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1, 225×1, 235f, 235f, 230×1
I have never hit 230 in this gym, but was using that as the basis for all percentages this cycle, so I am glad to have at least hit that. My butt came up a little, so it would have been a red light at a meet, but I think it was acceptable for yesterday. Not really sure what my issue was with the 235. Joe said it looked partially mental (like I was convinced I couldn't do it), and partially strength. My initial game plan was to do 225, 230, and then try for 235, so I think I should have maybe stuck with that.
Ended up clearing 102 burpees during the WOD. Mostly rounds of 10, with a couple at 11, and one at 9. Really tried to push myself here, and despite feeling like I was moving at the speed of light in the first two rounds, could only manage to get 11. No idea how I could get any faster on these. Height is maybe an issue.
Happy birthday Camille!!!
10am group class with Jeremy.
45 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
215 x 1
225 x 3
230 x 3
This was all I had today. 3RM from one month ago is 250#. Just not ready to go there at the moment but it was good to squat some heavy weight.
WOD with KHarpz in 18:49.
I did ring rows; everything else was Rxed.
Loved this WOD. Lots of fun. Feeling good.
I think we need a poll feature on the blog…i.e. Who's your favorite poster? Me…matt katz, he has full blown conversations with himself in his posts, which == awesomeness.
Neal! Sorry to hear it. email me at David@cross.. and I'll send you the information of a member who had helped other folks out with recommendations.
Also, Sneaky Kate R tried to hide her birthday from the blog today. Happy Birthday, Kate!!!
10am with Jeremy:
Low energy for class this morning. Mostly because I was sleepy. I had been moving around all morning so at least I felt nice and warmed up for squats.
LBBS: 135×5, 185×2, 215×1, 225×1, 230×1
5 lbs below my current PR, didn't push it.
WOD w/ Charlie: 18:49
Everything split evenly, alternating sets of:
-Pullups(10, 10, 5, 5, 5)/Charlie did RR
-Thrusters (10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5)
-Amurrican KBS (20, 20, 20, 20, 20)
Everything was very well paced and the breakdown of the reps worked out perfectly. This was a really good workout, Charlie is a great partner!
***there were way more sets of 5 in those pullups btw, whoops.
Mostly wanted to come back on to say that I'm sorry to hear the news @Neal P, I wish you a speedy recovery. Hope the MRI comes back with some positive results
And Brad, y'all have to step up your blog game. I'm bored at work and need entertainment.
Excited/not excited to do the partner WOD tonight?? hehe
Love the Iron Maidens write up!
Also so sorry to hear Neal, I wish I had advice to give but I hope you get well and healed soon!
Good week so far at the gym. Monday Bench Press PR at #245. Mike F. thought I could have more, but it was not to be – but I've added 20 pounds to my 1RM since we started bench pressing in November.
I had previously gotten #345×1 on my Low-bar back squat, but the High Bar always felt awkward and uncomfortable and I'd never gone above 225#. But also starting in October or November I began a linear progression and today at noon with Mcdowell i hit 275 (PR), 295 (PR) and 305 (PR). Yay! 40 pound PR on the HBBS.
Then I did the WOD rx although my workout partner Courtney did at least 60% of the reps. This was very chivalrous of me, because she is 36 weeks pregnant. She was awesome.
Feeling very happy and grateful for CFSBK right now. I've had more than a year of working out uninjured and I feel better than ever, hitting new PRs in the gym, learning new skills (very slowly), and optimistic about getting better, even at my advanced "Master" age!
This is very cool.
Somewhat ironic that I had to watch a commercial about mascara and women's lashes before reading Iron Maidens article.
@joe, not as ironic as the Chili's ad I had to watch. Yuck!
Happy Birthday to all the CFSBL members who's day it is!
Hit 255X3 on my back squat felt solid and I am sure if I had more sleep/less beer and more rest between sets I could have eked out 260-265. Next time
WOD today with Stella showed my metcons are still nowhere near where they were before 2 strength cycles and some injury downtime. Stella was a machine banging out her sets as I gasped,wheezed and choked to get through mine. We actually got to 145 reps on the bells, Stella was putting stuff away as I tried to bang out a few more reps before realizing I was going to be late as well.
Sucks about your knee Neal.
5:30 class today. showed up for class with basically no plan and decided only when I had 195# on my back to do the heavy 3. Smart! I haven't attempted a 3rm low bar squat in probably a year so I had no idea where I'd be. It felt good today and I wish I'd had a little more time to try a bit heavier, but so it goes. Work sets were:
225×3 (belted)
Partnered with fire breathing dragon coach JB who did basically all of our pull ups for us. I did sets of 5s, 4s, and 3s while she popped off sets of 15 and 10. The rest was a painful blur in which I tried not to stop even though I wanted to because peer pressure. We finished in 16:57.
Hello (and happy bday Cam & Kate) from Telluride, Colorado!
I'm totally missing all fun/madness/PRing of e8/8, but at 10,000FT, just reading the WODs makes me reach for the inhaler.
Good luck everyone!
275×3 (all shallow), 275×3, 280×3 – my back is collapsing too much. Gotta fix my HBBS technique; as per Jess Fox, my elbows are riding up too high, causing me to keel over and look like I'm doing a good morning.
I was weak today, considering I did five sets of 275×3 on Thursday. Anyway.
Did the WOD with Mike R. We did strict pull-ups/chin-ups, 95lb front squats, and 24kg bells. We finished 5 swings short when time ran out. This one kicked our asses.
Thanks all for the advice and well wishes! I have an appointment on Friday to see what's going on….hope to see you back at the gym soon!
4:30pm class with McD.
HBBS–1RM test:
(45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 195×2, 215×1)
230, 245, 260 (previous PR), 270 PR
-first time with the HBBS in over 3 months. Wanted to see if my training in the LBBS transferred over so I wanted to test. Of course it transferred and I probably could have gotten 275 maybe even 280. Pretty happy about this today.
Partner WOD with Whit:
-we split the pullups in 5's from the beginning and that was just perfect for us. It kept us moving and we even sprinkled in several reps of butterfly pullups!
-I did thrusters in sets of 15 and Whit did sets of 10 (she intentionally cut the volume) for 5 total sets.
-KBS started out with 2 sets of 20 each then 15's to finish out.
-Really fun WOD and great to be partnered with Whit. Our pacing was great and we never took extra time to rest.
Bench Press–1RM test:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 115×2, 125×1)
135, 145 (previous PR), 155 PR
-hit 150 at Iron Maiden's with the pause so wanted to test where I'd be without. Happy about my progress in the bench over the past several months.
Then did Sunday's WOD:
For Time: 400m run, then 5RNDS 15 box jumps, 30 situps, then 400m run.
-all box jumps bounding and fairly fast. situps were not so fast. runs felt good. I'm already so sore from all the situps though.
Guys, I love CrossFit and I've missed it. I'm back though! Decided to drop out of the Powerlifting Meet in April so I'm back to group classes! The combination of not having the mental capacity to dedicate so much time just to 3 lifts and the fact that we have a memorial service that weekend in Jersey made the decision a bit easier for me. A 300 squat is still down the road somewhere… But for now, time to drop some of this powerlifting belly and really dedicate time to focus on getting a god damn muscle up.
Happy birthday back at ya, Cam!!
David, that was so sweet, I won't even go in and add the comma that should come after "photog." 🙂 And thanks for the love, everyone! Funny to think back to December of 2012 when I didn't know anyone and couldn't figure out how to swing a 16kg kettlebell without a coach rushing over to make sure I didn't hurt myself or someone else. I'm very grateful for this place, and man, I really love this blog.
Happy birthday Cam and Kate!
Failed 165 x 3 on the third rep twice. Hit 160 x 3 at the end. I had finished 155 x 3 x 5 the week before, so this felt disappointing.
Did 97 burpees. 10s for 5 rounds, 9 for 4 rounds, 11 at the end. Could have pushed some of those 10s and gotten over 100, I realized after.
Failed 285 x 1 twice. Hit 275 x 1 which was my max the last time we tested, two cycles ago. Pretty disappointed about this, too, but onward and upward. To be fair, I've dropped a bunch of weight (intentionally) since January, so maybe that's at odds with hitting bigger numbers on these lifts and I should just be happy I haven't regressed.
Partnered with Pierre on the workouts. He did a bunch more pullups than me, A LOT more thrusters than me, and we were pretty even on the swings. Finished in 19:25.
First group class after two months of doing nothing but consistent Oly training, and I feel like a new woman!
Squatted with OGJB and the match-up was made in the starz! Established a new High bar 1 RM at 145#, that’s a 20# PR! I haven’t tested this in a long time, since last fall, and I’ve been working on my form at lot and doing Frankie’s squat program. My last 1 RM I can tell you was probably a lot more back squat-ish. Thanks McDowell for being on hand to call these reps as legit. I still have a lot more work to do but I was really happy about this and my quads were proud too.
Taylor and I did the work out together, which I actually really enjoyed. Breezed thru the ring rows and while I was working with a bit less weight than her (45#) on the thrusters, it was more than my initial expectations and I was pretty psyched that we kept up a good pace of 10 thrusters each unbroken until the last 10 when we each did five. We didn't quiiiiiiiite get all the KB swings in but it was a valiant effort I tell ya! Taylor said she'd do it again and I have to say I wouldn't mind either ;-). Though tomorrow I may say otherwise…
Wow 3/18 is a most excellent day for birthdays! Happy Birthday Cam and Kate!
6:30 Class with Jess and JB
3×135# LBBS – it's a PR, yippeeee!
WOD with Megan – We came close-ish to finishing in 20 min., got 378 out of 450 reps. Finished all of the thrusters and got 128 KB in. I'm happy with that!
7:30 class with JB and Melo
Wasn't quite sure how HBBS would go since I've backed way off since iron maidens. Ended up working to 175×3 which wasn't great but moved and then went for 185 for a 3RM PR and after the first rep I just wasn't feelin it. It was slow and my chest was falling.
180×3 was my last 3RM in Feb (the week before IM), so I'm confident I still have that in me. Can't wait to start the next cycle and try to make that 180 my 3×5 by the 5th exposure!
partner WOD with Ruth!
We did ring rows, 52# thrusters and 16kg KB swings.
Split RRs into 10s, Thrusters into 10s and then 7s for me and 8s for Ruth. Ruth flew through these but they KILLED me. I I really need to work on shoulder mobility and overhead strength.
at the 20min cap we were at 123 KB swings. This was a tough one!
Who doesn't love a good partner WOD!
Shoutout to Morgan; it was her second group class after Foundations. Being thrown into a giant 7:30pm group class during the 8th exposure of backsquats and a super challenging partner WOD would be so intimidating and stressful. Partnered with her on both squats and the WOD and she was such an amazing trooper! Her determination was inspiring and it was a great reminder of how far I personally have come since joining crossfit!
We ended up getting through all 100 ring rows (I did a total of 7 semi-kipping pullups lol), 150 thrusters (which Morgan wanted to scale back at first, but ended up pushing herself so we got to 150!), and 150 KB swings within 20 min. So fun!!!!
Can't wait for the new gym to open up so classes will be a liiiiittle smaller.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE AND CAM! Two very badass ladies! It's an honor to know ya both!
Oh and congrats to Ruth on her 10lbs 235(?)# PR!!
Oh and duh- happy bday to my dear friend Cam and the lovely Kate !
congrats to all the PRs tonight!! 😀
thanks again for all the birthday wishes you are all seriously amazing and ditto on everything Kate R. said!
like jenny, squats today were kinda meh, but i am really excited to finally deload again, it is much needed, and i dont think i had done so post iron maidens, really! A special shoutout to OGJB for being an awesome WOD partner today!!! those thrusters…. needed a kick in the butt for me today and it sure did!! took 40 mins to normalize haha.