Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5-5 pounds to last week’s exposure.
Performance: 95% x 2, 85% x 10
You’re getting into territory where 10 reps might not be a given. Use spotters, but try to leave a rep in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
5 Unbroken Double Unders
10 Unbroken Double Unders
15 Unbroken Double Unders=
20 Unbroken Double Unders
… Add 5 reps per round until time is called.
Post reps to comments.
If you don’t have double unders then use the 10 minutes to practice you jump rope skills. Check out these Gymnastics WOD progressions: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
Flight Simulator
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10, For Time:
Double Unders
All sets must be done unbroken.
Post reps to comments.
Compare to 12.3.2013 and 12.13.2012
Many of the movements we do can be broken down into a “start position,” “transition,” “end position,” and a “transition” back to the start. To build solid, consistent technique, always hold the start and end positions for a one count. Whether in a WOD or dedicated lift, taking the time to stabilize and brace your end positions gives you a greater sense of where you are in space and helps develop your technique. The newer, or less athletic you are, the more you should be looking to optimize your end range positions.
News and Notes
- Don’t forget to submit your Open scores for 15.2 by 8pm tonight.
- On Inside the Affiliate, we profiled CrossFit Solace, a new affiliate in Manhattan. Head over to “CrossFit Solace: Inside a Manhattan Gym” to learn everything you wanted to know about how they got started, and see some beautiful photos of their facility.
Strength Cycle with Coach Jeremy and Coach Margie Is Already Almost Sold Out!
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
We are pleased to announce that Strength Cycle is adding a new midday section taught by Coach Margie. The F cycle (or Midday with Margie) will meet 2x/week from 12-1:30 on Mondays and Thursdays; it will follow the same template as the other novice cycles. This cycle can also be paired with the 2x/week group class add-on.
Margie was the third coach on staff at CFSBK, and has had a long time focus on barbell training. She is a Starting Strength coach, and just recently organized the Iron Maidens Raw Open. She is happy to return to CFSBK after a two-year hiatus, during which she earned a masters degree in Wisconsin.
We are offering six 8-week strength programs that will involve the following:
* Small group training designed to increase your competency with the lifts.
* Consistent and repeated exposure to the powerlifts along a linear progression of weight
* Short and intense complementary conditioning workouts.
* Group discussions on lifting topics including: planning warm-ups, the mental aspect of lifting, and elements of the adaptive response to strength training.
* New PRs.
Upcoming cycle times and dates:
A cyle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday March 16th – Friday May 8th
E cycle: All levels, 10am Mon/Thurs | Monday March 16th – Thursday May 7th
F cycle, Midday with Margie: All levels, 12pm Mon/Thurs | Monday March 16th – Thursday May 7th
The B, C, and D cycles are FULL.
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, May 10th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
We are also now offering an add-on membership, which allows our 2x/week Strength Cyclers to attend two dditional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength classes. This includes group classes, open gym, Active Recovery, Pilates, and yoga classes. Sign up here.
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
8 Critical Health Reasons For Getting Enough Sleep Whole9
6am with Mr. Nick and McDowell
Bench felt crisp but heavy today. Warmed up quickly with MattyChm and John, then hit my 95% at 240#, then managed to squeeze out 10 reps at 85% (215#). Definitely saw some stars during the last two.
Ah, Flight Simulator. Last time I did this I got majorly stuck in the 40 on the way down. Managed to stay calm and focused this time and completed it in 5:43. This time I tried resting 10sec between each round to let my heartrate come down a bit.
Finished with some walking handstand practice. Made it 2.5 tiles on the floor.
6am with Nick and McDowell. 3x5x170 on the bench. Given how heavy 165 felt two weeks ago, I was dubious about this jump, but it wasn't so bad. All of the reps except for the last two moved pretty quickly and even those last couple were too much of a grind.
I did the fitness WOD and worked my way up to the set of 25. In there, I got several sets of 16 unbroken DUs – not sure why 16 was the magic number today, but it was. I also got to renew the whip marks on my arm, which is good because the set that was there from the last time we did DUs was just starting to fade.
The return of NickDowell!
Bench 140×2, 125×7, failed 8th. HEAVY!
Double unders: They come and they go. I got to 15, not for lack of trying.
Partnered with Michael and John for Bench.
225# X 2 and then 200# for 6 reps.
Flight Simulator was a mess. Got stuck on the round of 50 after tripping twice on 33 during the set of 40. Great practice for a movement that will be coming up soon in the Open.
Finished up with some Alpha Ball lovin' and did a couple of muscle ups to make sure I still have them. Got some good tips from Michael on making the kip stronger and more aggressive.
6AM with McNick
Bench @ 135 x 5
I'm really surprised by my bench this cycle. In past cycles 135 was a block for me. Getting through one set was difficult, and the second nearly impossible. Today, I felt like like I could add an extra 10 pounds on to the bar and move it without ease. Excited to see what 140 feels like next week.
DU Practice
This was both good for me and frustrating. Today's biggest lesson was staying in a hollow body position. Thanks to the video link and Nick who really reinforced that today during the DU practice. All this DU practice is motivating me to finally get my Rogue speed rope set up.
Quick post on 15.2
Did this with comp team on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. I decided to scrap the Outlaw Strategy and get the OHS out of the way ASAP to focus on the pull-ups. This was a good call, because the OHS felt like nothing and were almost a recovery.
Pull-ups actually felt better than I thought, especially since my shoulder was bugging me beforehand. Did 4-3-3 in the first round, then 4-3-3-2 for the second. Finished the second round with about 30 seconds to spare.
Third round was something I was physically capable of finishing, but mentally wasn't there. I could've done bigger sets, or quick singles, but took too much time resting and finished six short of making it into the fourth round. Final score: 138 RX'd.
That's 15 more than last year. Also had no no reps and no hand tears, so I'll call that a win.
Also here is Kara Webb getting into the ROUND OF 22 on 15.2. She knocks out six unbroken chest-to-bars in her first set of the round. Total score was 416.
So I am doing the super-extra scaled version of the Open, which basically involves watching strategy videos. So once I watch the video Matt shared, I will put myself down for 2 "workouts" related to 15.2. I may take the rest of the day off.
Spent the weekend in Iceland (!) and my only chance to do 15.2 was this morning in Reykjavik – I looked up crossfit Reykjavik and they had classes at 6, 630, 7. However, the city bus service didn't start till 7am and I couldn't figure out how to call a taxi – cell phone useless and hotel desk closed at 8pm. So I resolved to get up at 530 and find a taxi on the streets or walk there. My traveling companion, an old friend who had barely heard of crossfit, by this point thought I was certifiably insane. Indeed so nervous about oversleeping was I that I actually awoke at 3:15am.
I made my way there through the snowy streets and arrived at 5:45. All of this was to do a workout where I fully expected to get only 10 reps because I had never done a C2B pull-up – however I have not attempted one since I learned to kip my pull-ups so I thought I might get a few – I also thought it was likely that they wouldn't allow me to do 15.2 because it wasn't programmed. So probably a fools errand.
However they couldn't have been nicer and set me up with another fellow attempting 15.2 named Hjorleifar. We judged each other and I think he went pretty easy on the "chest to bar"
Criteria. My first 10 were potentially legitimate but the second set were definitely short – however he kept counting as if they were valid reps. Should I argue with him? I saw that I could keep doing this and finish the first round in 3:00 – but I just couldn't do it – it seemed against the spirit of the thing. So I got a dubious 37.
Then I did the regular class – bench press and AMRAP of kb swings and sit-ups. The coaches couldn't have been nicer and the space is huge and amazing – I believe it's owned by Annie Thorisdotter – five different rooms with different workouts going on. So fun to feel part of international crossfit conspiracy…
The best part was that they had a hot tub, a cold tub and a sauna in the locker room. David – I know it's too late for 608 but the next expansion on degraw st should definitely include a spa!!!
12pm class:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)
-This was my first bench exposure after Iron Maidens so I wasn't sure what to do today. Decided to drop back and just get some volume in. Gotta figure out if I'll reset an LP here or mix up the programming a bit.
Flight Simulator:
-only tripped up once during the round of 30 back down. Tried to catch Rickke but he just edged me out.
First real group class in like 2 months! Looking forward to more.
What a great story and admirable determination to get 15.2 in the books! CFR sounds incredible. Maybe I'll win the CrossFit Games two or three times and see if I can't include some more amenities.
Pre Class
Rack Jerk using the Jerk Blocks
worked up to 95kg (209lbs)
4:30pm Group with WhitNoah
3 Rounds of:
20 Strokes Erg
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 OHS with pipe
Bench Press
(45×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175×2)
185×3 (missed 4th)
185×2 (missed 3rd)
Bad bench day. Was a little sore from 15.2 and missed last week's bench exposure which didn't do me any favors. I should have reattempted 180. Im going to pull back to 170 and see what happens next week.
Flight Simulator
Cleared it in about 9:00. Had a couple fouls at 30 on the way back down. My goal was to not get a tension headache which I often do with high rep Dubz. Made sure to be light on my feet and keep my head in a good position.
Post Class
Did some AR on my neck/upper back
Played with some axle bar clean and push presses around 145lbs
5:30 class with Noah and Whit (Yesss to leaving work early on the first warm day of the year!)
90x5x3 on the bench. This wasn't fast but I got through it. During iron maidens "training" i dropped down to 3 reps after missing 89 lbs a few sessions in a row so this is an improvement! Woo!
Practiced double unders but it was a little half-assed. Strung together 7 at my most today which is about half of my best. I just wanted to get back outside! Ran a couple miles after class since I didn't give myself any hint of conditioning during class lol
210 Bench was not happening. 5 reps on the first set and tweaked my lower back pushing up instead of back. A few more reps the next set but called it good before I truly hurt myself.
Flight simulator was fun. I could see that being an interesting twist in the Open. Some sort of dubs component (while fatigued) where a miss sends you back to the beginning. Took me about 6 min.
Today at 6:30:
Bench at 155 x 3 x 5. I failed the last rep at 150 last week, and decided to listen to Jess who had told me I had it in me to go up. These were very slow but got done.
Flight simulator in… 19:52. Got to the set of 50 quickly and with no misses. Got about 8 tries of somewhere between 25-40 in the round of 50 until 10 minutes was up. Took a little break to mash my calves. The clock was still running so I went into the corner, hit the 50 after a few false starts, and then finished with no misses all the way down.
Make up from Sunday:
Fitness cleans, hit one at 185# after failing one there. Just needed to get lower and not worry so much about it being a power clean.
Deadlifts 335 x 5. I had missed two weeks but still went up 10#. Maybe a bad idea, DO said my back was rounding. Might stick here next week. Need to work on keeping my back flat as I push my hips back in the later reps.
WOD in 5:35 at 95#.
Bench Press and DUs might be my least favorite things… but I had a tiny bit of success, so I feel pretty good about it today! After failing at 78# on the bench, 75 was challenging but successful. I was really focused on driving through my feet and pushing that damn bar up. haha!
As for DUs, I ended up stringing together 3…maybe 4, which is definitely a first. I was kind of cheating by pulling my knees up high. Now that I have a tiny bit of confidence with them, I'll have to practice prioritizing technique so I don't build bad habits!
I used to say "rowing is the worst!" or "wall balls are my least favorite thing!". Now that I've gotten stronger and better…. neither rowing or wall balls are really that terrible anymore. Maybe someday I'll feel the same way about bench and DUs! ๐ Gotta love crossfit and the consistent improvement ๐
Triumphant second attempt at 15.2 today. I am usually against redoing the Open WODs, mainly because you generally only increase your score by a few reps. Since I ended 2 shy of clearing the 2nd round, I figured a redo was in order since I was leaving a bunch on the table.
Same strategy for the first RD, but went unbroken on the OHS. Moved swiftly but deliberately, finished with 30 or so seconds.
Second RD I hauled ass, OHS unbroken, a quick set of 4 C2B to start and then singles. This time I had a plate to stand on, and the extra few inches made a big difference. Sadly, I've been told this before…;) Being able to quickly reset after each C2B and then just crank the next one made them much faster overall. Finished with about 15 seconds to spare and felt pretty good, if somewhat spent.
After snatching my first OHS of the Rd of 14, I promptly dropped the next one! Didn't account for fatigue and got lazy in my overhead position. Went 6/7 to finish. Got through the 14 C2B as mostly singles and then a fast 6 OHS to finish it off. 122, a 141% increase from Saturday.
Best part was to then share my strategy and tricks with KHarpz and Jason M. and watch them get into RD 3 as well. Katie beat me by one rep, so maybe I should have held something back? Just kidding, strategizing and sharing strategies is easily my favorite part of the open.
I'm hoping the "worst" workout for me is behind me, excited for 15.3. I think something like Flight Simulator would be an awesome Open workout, a very stark and simple test. I'd also like a longer, multi-disciplinary chipper, which I'm sure we'll see.
Came in this afternoon to judge Lauren S as she flew through 15.2. Awesome watching Noah and Katie too.
Worked a bit on kipping pull-up progression as my warm-up.
45 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
200 x 3 x 3 (pause)
Bench Press
45 x 5
70 x 4
90 x 3
100x 2
110 x 2 x 6
15.2 had me feeling on the beat up side today…
Pause below knee Snatch
Clean Pulls
Ghd situps-40 of em
Can't believe that pic made it to my blog! My uneven length arms (and legs) makes for some interesting angles at lockout!
Scheduled rest day today, but I'm sick to boot. Hoping I wake up better and not worse tomorrow morning.
and by "my" blog, I obviously meant "the" blog.
What Charlie means by "flew through" is that is lasted 6 minutes ๐
First time doing chest to bar, as well as a first with 65# for the OHS in a workout.
I did what I intended by getting out of the first 3 min….by a second! Ctb in doubles then singles. OHS 5/5. In the second round, I started to loose balance but mostly, I just couldn't feel my arms. 53 reps. This was a big challenge for me, so happy overall but I dropped the bar 3 times! decent amount of time lost there. OHS & Ctb stay on the weaknesses to work on list.
@Charlie thanks for being my judge & the support. & McD for encouragement, coaching & making up the difference in confidence. It helps.
Bench 3×5 at 195.
The last rep of last set got stuck on chest but muscled it up, and tweaked my back a little.
Didn't do jump rope, knee got a little whiny.