Elaina came to watch her strong mom, Lauren B., compete last Saturday. Future Iron Maiden?
News and Notes
- Interested in CrossFit Kids? Please take this survey by Monday (3/9) so we can tailor this program to meet your need! Email Janelle [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com with any questions.
- There is still space in the free CrossFit Kids Teaser Class for kids ages 6-8 next Friday (3/15) at 4pm. Sign up here!
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Joey B. and Coach K HarpZ!
CFSBK Movie Night Is Back: FIGHT CLUB
What: Movie Night, featuring cult favorite Fight Club
When: Friday, March 20th, after Open Gym at 8pm
Bring your snacks, drinks, lounge chairs, whatever, and come hang! Just remember… The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club…
A Sweet Ski Video to Make You Even Happier You Live in NYC Right Now
Mom! The Meatlof! Composure in Weightlifting Catalyst Athletics
Athletes, Bad Coaches, and Steroids T Nation
crossfitsbk@gmail.com says
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
20 Kettlebell Swings
15 Goblet Squats
10 Burpees
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Open Workout 15.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats (95 / 65 lb.)
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds.
Post rounds to comments.
thomasshawn@hotmail.com says
6AM with McDowell and JB. I did 15.2 scaled and completed 93 reps (7 pullups into the second set in the round of 10). I woke up this morning with the intention of doing this RX'd on the theory of "I can do regular kipping pullups, how much harder can chest-to-bar be?" The answer, as it turns out, is "a lot." This became readily apparent in the warmup, so I opted to do this scaled, which considering how it went was the right call. The pullups got rough in a hurry – it was really my grip that failed me first. I think I could have completed the round of 10 had I broken these up more earlier. The OHS felt good. A quick pre-workout review of the OHS section in the Supple Leopard book actually helped quite a bit.
thomasshawn@hotmail.com says
6AM with McDowell and JB. I did 15.2 scaled and completed 93 reps (7 pullups into the second set in the round of 10). I woke up this morning with the intention of doing this RX'd on the theory of "I can do regular kipping pullups, how much harder can chest-to-bar be?" The answer, as it turns out, is "a lot." This became readily apparent in the warmup, so I opted to do this scaled, which considering how it went was the right call. The pullups got rough in a hurry – it was really my grip that failed me first. I think I could have completed the round of 10 had I broken these up more earlier. The OHS felt good. A quick pre-workout review of the OHS section in the Supple Leopard book actually helped quite a bit.
blockspeiser@gmail.com says
6am with Lil jDowell
Thursday's programming…. today!
Worked on a heavy snatch balance + OHS.
I'm a big fan of the snatch and OHS.
115, 135, 155, 185, 200 made the snatch balance but couldn't stand up the subsequent OHS. MY OHS PR is 205 and my legs were tired from Wednesday's squatting so I just sat there half way up hoping something would happen… it didn't.
Used 35# DBs for the thrusters, and a 25# plate for the chin-ups.
Ariel says
How do you guys think Shawn did this morning? Any guesses?
thomasshawn@hotmail.com says
If anyone missed that, I'm happy to email them.
jmbrown224@gmail.com says
Lil JDowell! I like it!
A little oly lifting after coaching this morning. It had been a while.
Didn't really have much of a systematic plan, just wanted to re-acquaint myself with the lifts and work up to a point where things felt heavy, but light enough to continue to work on form. Worked up to 40kg on the snatch, did five singles here. Had trouble getting low at first, but towards the end things started feeling a lot better. On the C+J things felt pretty wonky. Stayed at 50kg for several reps, trying to really focus on getting under the bar, then a couple of reps at 55kg.
Joel W says
Came in and snatch balanced/OHS'd last night. Worked up to 165 on the couplet. I went for 175, and didn't lock out. 165 was where I was missing lockout on my snatches recently so I'm glad I was able to hit that, but mad I missed 175. Still, I think I started to find the groove of external rotation over head – and holding the bar slightly narrower than I had been – that will allow me to lock out more strongly going forward.
Peter says
6am. 15.2: 80 reps. 3 reps less than I achieved on 14.2, but I haven't done more than a handful of pull-ups in weeks so I'm surprised my score wasn't worse. Overhead squats were easy. Broke the C2B pull-ups into 3's and 2's with short rest. Helped a little, but I was still reduced to singles at the end. Lungs were burning for a while after this.
neal.padte@gmail.com says
6 am w. McDowell and JB doing 15.2.
I was hemming and hawing about doing this Rx'd vs. Scaled, mainly because the most I ever lifted in an OHS was 85#, which was several months ago. However, during the warm up, 95# felt good (and by good, I mean really heavy but still managed to keep good form) thanks to some good cues and coaching from McDowell.
Made it through with a whopping 23 reps (10 reps OHS, 10 reps C2B, and 3 reps OHS before the 3 minute mark hit) and a big smile on my face because I found out I have a new OHS PR and did 13 total reps of it. Thanks McDowell for the great cues and encouragement during the OHS, which were much needed after I bailed on my first rep and had a moment of self-doubt on whether I should have done the scaled version instead. Also, hearing JB from across the room during by C2B's reminding me to extend my arms fully on the descent (which is always a weak point for me) saved me in keeping my momentum through the set. THANKS! 🙂
I used the remaining 6 minutes of workout time to do the rest of 15.2 scaled in order to keep moving (even though it wasn't being scored). All in all, a good day at the gym for me.
Dan G. says
15.2 – 61 reps. I was just hoping to make it into the second round, which I did with 7 seconds to spare. Not much left for round 2 pullups.
OHS were easy – did the 10s unbroken and the 12 split into 7-5. After an initial set of 3, pullups were all singles, though I tried to keep them moving.
As a side note, some strategy guides for this workout suggest starting the OHS from a squat clean, which I don't recommend. I don't think the 1-2 seconds saved are worth the increased difficulty of getting into a good balanced position that will let you cycle for 10 quick reps.
chulz@mac.com says
Coach K HarpZ?! Congrats!!!