The 2014 CrossFit Games: Each year, CrossFit Media puts out a behind-the-scenes look at the CrossFit Games, often following a handful of athletes leading up to the Games and throughout the weekend. It’s an incredible insight into what these athletes sacrifice to earn a spot to compete in Carson, and what it takes to be a CrossFit Games competitor. The documentary is long, but we highly recommend you all watch it. Fair warning, you may cry a few times.
News and Notes
- Please note that ALL CLASSES ARE CANCELED this Saturday, as we are hosting the Iron Maidens Raw Open all day. The first session (of Pixies and Ladies) is from 9:30-2:30pm, followed by awards, and the second session (of Dames and Broads) is from 3PM-6:30PM, followed by awards. Kettlebell Kitchen will be selling lunch starting about 12pm. Come on out to support our strong women!
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP TO CLASS: Click on the Class Schedule and RSVP tab in the left-hand column (under General Information) and select the class for which you’d like to RSVP.
- Congrats to CFSBK’s Hoopin’ Tacos, who had two nice, come-from-behind victories last night (including their second overtime win) to bring them to 6-0! GO TACOS!
- Happy birthday, Coach JB!!!
Have You Nominated Inside the Affiliate for Breaking Muscle’s Annual Top 10 Fitness Blog Contest Yet? Help Us Out!
We ended up in the Top 20 last year (after being live for only four months!), but this year, we’re gunning for the Top 10. To get there, we need to be nominated first for the Top 20. If you’re on Facebook, it’s super simple:
1. Click here.
2. Scroll down to the comments. Include a link to Inside the Affiliate ( and why you like it.
3. Nominations will be accepted up until 8PM THIS FRIDAY, so jump on it!
Thank you so much to everyone who already nominated us!!
Hail to the King at CrossFit Queens
Crossfit Queens is hosting an all-male competition on Saturday, May 2nd. There will be two divisions, with 80 total athletes. Additional details can be found on the event’s Facebook page: Hail to the King. Register here, and then shoot Coach MeLo an email (Melissa [at] to let her know you registered.
The following CFSBKers have registered:
Jay R.
Matt K.
Alex B.
Pierre D.
Here’s What Happens To Your Brain When You Give Up Sugar For Lent IFL Science!
The Power of Sidewalks The Atlantic
Old India’s Village of Warriors Becomes Birthplace of Bouncers The New York Times says
Wednesday's Programming
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's exposure.
Performance: 90% x 2, 80% x 10
Post loads to comments.
20 Minutes, Not For Rounds:
10-15 Kipping Toes to Bar
15-20 Games Standards Box Jumps 24/20
1:00 Plank Hold
Play around with technique and also with max and sub max sets. Use today to work on finding a pace that allows you to do more work overall and not burn out. For box jumps, all versions are acceptable: step up/step down, step up/drop down, jump up/jump down, jump up/step down. If you can't yet perform toes to bar, sub knees to elbows or 5-10 Floor Levers instead.
Post what you worked on to comments.
Luca says
The behind the scenes videos are pretty good too
i think they're releasing a few more over next couple of days
Shawn says
6am with McD and Jess. I did Monday's bench work and worked up to 165 x 3 x 5. These moved pretty well today – a few slow reps, but they all went up, unlike last week. I feel good about adding a little more weight next week.
The WOD was a fun one. I finished the row just about at a minute each round. I did the thrusters at 85lbs, 11 reps the first round, 12 the second and third, and 11 the fourth. These were all, not unbroken really, but mostly at a steady pace and without putting the bar down.
So long and good luck, Elliott. Definitely let us know what gym you wind up at in LA. I'm out there several times a year and always looking for a good place to drop in – I'd be happy to see a familiar face when I do. Enjoy the weather and the plentiful delicious Mexican food!
MattyChm says
6am Farewell Party to Elliott
Yesterday's bench press work
90% X 2 = 210#
80% X 10 = 185# Moved well for all 10 reps. No issues.
Pushed harder on the rows and slower on the thrusters.
All of the rows were in the 1:45 – 1:47 range.
Thrusters Rx'd were 11/11/10/11. Didn't put the bar down but took a second at the top of each rep. says
Quick lifting session last night.
Wendler HBBS:
Decided to cap my rep out at 5 because I skipped wendler last week. Felt good.
205 3×5
Really happy to finally get this – I've been stuck at sets of 3 around here lately, but the sets of 5 moved fairly well.
100 hollow rocks
4-5 Handstand Walks – felt decent, better than usual.
Peter says
Last night. Olympic lifting. Snatch (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80F, 70, 70, 70. Frank wanted a bigger arch in my back in my initial setup and had me pulling to the power position before descending back down to the floor and then snatching. That extra pull through me off a bit. Didn't feel very snappy and it showed at the fail at 80 (didn't get the bar high enough). Clean and jerks: 40, 60, 80, 90x1x5. Allowed my elbows to droop on some of the cleans. Focusing on driving them up to the ceiling fixed that problem. Jerks felt good. Did a couple of muscle ups after class to reassure myself I still could.
Farewell, Elliott.
BK says
Elliott – good luck in LA.
Brad D says
6am with Jess and McD.
Benchpress w/ Alex C.: Worked up to 185# for 3×5. Moved better than last week, but I think I'll camp out here for the rest of the cycle while I'm still reconditioning.
Metcon: Kept each 250m piece at about 50 seconds I think. I was on at bar at the one minute mark for each round. Thrusters were 15, 9/3, 8/4, 7/5 for a total of 51. If I had it to do over again I would've done each round like the first – don't put the bar down, long pause at the top of each rep to breathe.
Good luck and farewell to Elliott. Let us know how that bro tan turns out.
Michelle B says
Am I the only one who can't find the comments section to nominate Inside the Affiliate?
michele says
As difficult as it is to powerlift on insufficient sleep, it's way tougher to Oly lift on insufficient sleep. I was hilariously bad last night.
Cam says
just wanted to give it up for Cool Coach…Lil JB's bday today!!! Happy Birthday!!
Also good luck with everything, Elliott!!!!!
MM says
6am with Jess and McD.
Monday's bench press workout:
210x3x5 – This was a PR for me. I've been adding 5 pounds each week and these are still moving…little slower though. Excited to see where I finish with these, this cycle.
Thrusters @ 75#. 41 reps. Did 10/10/10/11. Tried to go hard on the rowing and took a little more time on the thrusters, but never put the bar down.
We had a good send off for Elliott. I can't wait to try cooking a steak in the oven so I can shake the a$$hole tag I was given for not previously cooking it this way.
BeccaWolf says
I tried to nominate "Inside the Affiliate" but there isn't a comment section to do so. Am i missing something?
Jay-Star says
Good luck on the wrong coast Elliott. Speaking of which, Happy Birthday Lil JB.
Wanted to point out this story about everyone's favorite Olympic Lifing lady (who is not michele): says
Bench Press: 190x5x3
much better than last week, everything went pretty smoothly. I think I've got 195 if I have another good day
Metcon: 52 thrusters total
rounds were 15, 15, 11, 11
Had a week off from the gym and it seems to have helped me. Glad I made it in for Elliot's last day. Good luck in LA, Elliot! says
@Michelle and Becca, are you going to ITA's site or Breaking Muscle's? Click this link and then scroll down, and you should see where everyone is entering their nominations:
Let me know if that doesn't work, and THANK YOU!!
Happy birthday, JB! says
Also… holy cats, Holley.
And Luca, damn you for sharing those! I guess I can say goodbye to another couple hours of my life.
Michelle B says
@ Kate R, I can only see the comments section on my phone but not my desktop. Weird. says
Yeah the behind the scenes ones Luca put up are cool too, I already watched them.
Im not sure why this video starts towards the middle, I tried to re-embed it a few times starting at 0:00. Oh well. Great doc
Dave Fung says
Michelle B/Becca – Are you logging in from a device that blocks Facebook? That might be why the comment section isn't appearing. says
Thanks for the Birthday wishes, all!!
Some of the lady competitors and I are going to go to Pacific Standard (the bar of the BEST coast, Jay-star) after the meet on Saturday to celebrate being done/my birthday. Join us! 🙂
..and Elliot, enjoy the heat and sunshine. Please come back to the blog and remind us what that feels like.
Margie says
JB and all the lady lifters – Threes Brewing is providing $1 of all beer and well drinks to everyone at the meet. Just thought I'd let you know in case you feel like changing your post-meet destination….
k2h2 says
It was a pleasure having Elliot in rings class, sorry I missed the send off on Saturday night but its probably a good thing because I felt fine on Sunday and no one knows how I cook my steaks….
Anyway…Enjoy not having seasons, driving everywhere, sitting in traffic, and taking an hour to go 1 mile.
You will get a muscle!
mrav says
Geeking out on Crossfit fandom. How fantastic is Sam Briggs? not only an incredible athlete but so gracious and cool when she came in 4th at regionals. Seems like she has a great attitude as well as work ethic. I understand Dave Castro's logic as to why she didn't get any kind of special exemption to the games, but I think he's wrong, as many sports will offer a wild card (of some kind) to defending champions for the "real" competition. But Sam is totally gracious about it.
I also really like Matt Fraser. Very appealing – hope he wins it all this year. says
Thanks, Margie! That sounds great! Three's Brewing it is.
Charlie says
Happy birthday JB!!! Bye-bye Elliot and best of luck with everything!! I've enjoyed reading your comments on the blog and finally meeting you in person few weeks ago!
Been feeling under the weather and my back and right shoulder are not feeling so amazing, so took two days off and slept a LOT!
Oly Cycle- kept the snatch work back down at a comfortable 63# – today I focused on keeping my hips back and staying over the bar.
Skipped jerks as has been feeling a bit fragile overhead lately but did manage to PR my squat clean at 135#. Woohoo! Now my squat clean matches my power clean. Frankie got a video and I am straightening too early.- I need to stay over the bar on this one too!
Last heavy powerlifting day before the meet. I wanted to find my openers today. Here is how it went.
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
260 x 1 (PR)
Felt a little slow so I think I'll open at 255#.
Bench press
45 x 5
65 x 4
85 x 3
105 x 2
115 x 1
125 x 1
130 x 1
Felt fine but did not wait for the 'rack' command!
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 3
275 x 2
300 x 1
315 x M
I picked up 315, got it up about 3 inches and put it back down. I suspect some kind of subconscious self-preservation tactics were involved here. I was supposed to try to hit this weight for 2 last Friday but because I was sick I did not lift. I'll open at 300 and take it from there…
Thank you Foxes for the encouraging words afterwards.
Now I am going to go get a massage and take it easy for the next few days.
Manu says
As sidewalks go, I like the message this Karl Jilg drawing communicates. says
I can't believe it was my last day as a regular at CFSBK!
BSQ: 135×5 / 185×3 / 225×1 / 265×2 / 235×10. McDowell pointed out that my stance was too narrow and I needed to focus on knees out. My squat game feels weak so I really want to focus on this lift.
Then finished up with some NFR where I practices several different forms of box jumps: step-up and jump down, jump up and step down, etc. Kipping T2B felt pretty good – worked on doing quick sets of 5 at the suggestion of McDowell.
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone at CFSBK. I'm so glad I found this place. The gym, the coaches, the members – all have had a positive impact in my life over the past year and a half.
The 6am crew has to get a special shout out. Such a supportive and impressive group of individuals. I have loved watching everyone improve and push each other to do better day after day.
To the coaches, especially those who wake up at an unreasonable hour to crush us: McDowell, Nick, Jess, Fox (the best programming I've found anywhere), David, and the occasional guest 6am coaching (or 8am weekend) from MeLo, Whit, Noah, and Ro. Also thanks to Ken for the awesome rings class. I wouldn't have gotten a muscle up without you. I'll make sure they are consistent the next time I see you! Thank you to the Front Desk staff for keeping the place running so smoothly.
I hope I can find a box in LA that comes close to CFSBK. I'll make sure to post anything good in the travel gym section. For anyone visiting LA, please get in touch! elliottwalker at gmail.
Off to sunshine and tacos! says
@KateR – thanks for the help! i was finally able to nominate ITA but had to wait until i got home
@DFung – that must have been it, the DOE definitely blocks Facebook so that's probably why i couldn't view it at work
Happy Birthday, JB!
Also, i'm excited for Iron Maidens!!
JakeL says
Snatch+High Hang@hip snatch
Clean+push jerk+jerk
GHD situps-30
Tabata Assault bike says
Monday workout.
200 on the bench. Felt good.
40 reps at RX. Legs felt real, real sloppy. Might have had something to do with a week in Palm Springs. Ooops.
Product Review – Nike Metcons
They feel good. I'd equate them to the Nano 2.0s, my all time favorite. They aren't better, but not worse. I can also confirm that the Metcons DO NOT make Thrusters better, easier, or more fun
K Harpz says
4:30 with David!
LBBS: heavy set of 3
95×5, 135×4, 185×1, 195×3, 205×3, 210×3
Planning to open at 215. Getting excited for Saturday. Thanks again for all the help Jeremy!
NFT WOD: 4 or 5 rds, unsure how many I completed
5 strict T2B (hand is still ripped, wanted to preserve my hands for this weekend)
20 box jumps (apparently I jump really loud and it sounds like I'm working out in tap shoes)
1 min plank
Everyone should watch the video on today's blog, I think they did a really good job of capturing what the CrossFit community is all about, a bunch of supportive hard-working people with individual fitness goals in mind. Sure most of us may be too busy to make CrossFit our full time job, but the fact that we show up everyday to try and get better at something is still awesome! All you need is about 10,000 hours of practice stand on that podium ; ) says
Fitness back squat @153#. Still having problems with not keeping my chest up, but otherwise felt good.
NFT WOD: Box jumps seemed harder when not trying to go as fast as possible or maybe my legs were just shot from yesterday's thrusters and today's squats. DO gave great pointers on helping me string T2B together. This will be my goat over the next few weeks and maybe it will be my breakthrough movement for the Open! says
@Manu, that's great, thanks for sharing.
@Becca, yay!
All of your votes for ITA are so thoughtful and intelligent. Thanks again to everyone who has voted!
4:30 today…
45×6, 85×3, 105×2, 126×1 failed second rep by lowering it too high on my chest, 125×1, then 112×7 (failed on 8th). I tried a different warm-up strategy and everything, so I was bummed about the fails. Jeremy told me not to worry about it given how high the percentages are now. I need to look at what I was benching as a 3×5 before I switched to Perf., because I'm pretty sure 112 is lighter. Does opening the set of 10 with a higher single really take that much out of you? It's strange to me how heavy the sets of 10 have felt the last two weeks.
WOD Rx-ed with 61 thrusters. 18/15/12/16, let myself bail once in each set. I so appreciated the 50 less meters on the row for women. This was a fun one. I kept thinking of Camille's "dark place" and how uncomfortable that place is, though I'm sure my version of it is much different than hers. says
Wish I could edit my post…
*goat to work on…..
Happy birthday, JB!
Excited to watch all the ladies lift on Saturday!