When getting ready to take a barbell out of a rack, take your time achieving the best position you can get into with your feet directly below the bar. Before lifting it off the rack, take a big breath in and expand the volume of your chest and go through your bracing sequence before “feeling” the weight and unracking it. This will ensure you’re in the best position to walk out and start your lift. Most often you’ll need to take another breath before starting the first rep.
News and Notes
- Want to work out on Sunday at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- CFSBK Classifieds: Samir C. and Noor are looking for a 3-bedroom apartment to rent. If you can help, send Samir an email!
- CFSBK Classifieds: Front Desk superstar Jaclyn K. needs a physics tutor to help her out about 3 hours a week!
Community Potluck TOMORROW
Thanks to everyone who RSVP-ed for the Potluck tomorrow at 7pm. If you haven’t done so, head over to the event page and post in the comments.
Also, in the name of a little friendly competition, don’t forget that we will be awarding prizes to the winners of the following three categories (to be voted on after everyone has been fed):
- Best Dish
- Best Side Dish
- Best Dessert
To Everybody Who’s Training For Something: Obstacles & Opportunities Catalyst Athletics
My Own Life: Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer The New York Times
Fans of CrossFit Training Brag About Extra Bulk The Wall Street Journal
Saturday's Programming
Front Squats
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Start a bit off where you left off last cycle. Aim to add 5-10 lbs each week.
Performance: 97.5% x 1, 77.5% x 10
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 Dumbbell Thrusters
3 Pull Ups
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
6 Pull Ups
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
…Add 3 reps per round until time is called.
Rx dumbbell thrusters is 45% of bodyweight.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Make-up from yesterday:
All felt good and fast.
165 x 1 x 2
195 x 1 x 2
205 x 1 x 2
165 x 1 x 2
As per usually, had trouble getting below parallel at heavier weights. Thanks to Whit for helping me make sure I was getting to the high hang and not jumping forward.
WOD – 8 mins
16 KB Swings – with the big white globe (40kg/88lbs)
24 weighted sit-ups
Got 5 rounds + 6 swings
The swings felt great, it was the sit-ups that started to hurt and slow down. Nice little burner.
6am. FSQ: 135×5 / 185×3 / 215×1 / 235F / 180×8. Damn close with 235 today but just couldn't quite put it up. Next time for sure. I should have had a 9th rep @ 180 but just got fatigued and couldn't hold the front rack.
WOD: 95 reps @ 40#. I should have pushed a little bit harder on this one but those thrusters got tough after the round of 9. Started breaking them up into 2-3 sets after that.
Good Lord, Matt Katz.
Came in for an excellent 8AM with McDowell and Noah.
FSQ: 225x3x3 (this was a mistake; I had intended to do 220 today. I'll repeat 225 next week as today definitely felt way too heavy.)
WOD: Subbed front squats for thrusters; 4 strict pull-ups each round.
Finished the round of 15, and made it through 8 more squats. (In the fifth and six rounds, I did 5 and 9 strict pull-ups, trying to get to a total of 30 for the workout.)
Yesterday's work:
Snatch at 52kg, 60kg, 65kg, 52kg – working off a max of 75kg, which is estimated but seems reasonable. Felt OK – was a little stiff but it was nice to work at light-ish weights to get some volume and improve my movement patterns
WOD – 6 rounds + 15KBS at 40kg with Russian swings
6am, Saturday's workout with McD
FSQ: 185x3x3. This is where I ended last cycle and these moved well today, so I was happy about that. Despite the chicken leg appearance, they seem to be getting stronger.
WOD:85 reps @30#. Did strict pull-ups at 2,4,6,8,10. Had to break up pull-ups starting in the round of 8. Should have gone 35# on the dumbells, as that would have been my RX weight, but my neck was bothering me and my overhead game felt a little weak.
Cash-out with the bands was good, but shoulders were fried at that point
Pause 1st rep in all sets. This was tough today.
Clean and Jerk
All good and light
Clean Pull
Felt soooo heeeeaaaavy…
General question about the Open: How will the Open Workouts work within the current programming? Thanks.
Mo, for weeks 2-5 each Open workout will be programmed for Saturday, so you have opportunities to perform the workout at Friday Group classes, Friday OG, Saturday Group Classes and finally Sunday OG.
If you have extenuating circumstances let us know and we'll see if we can accommodate. Note that you need a judge for all the events.
For week 1, since Iron Maidens will be happening all day, we will program the workout for Sunday and will give the option of doing it Friday during group classes or OG, Sunday at Group classes and Sunday OG.
6am. Olympic lifting homework. Front squats: 245x3x5. Oly yoga. Snatch complex @ 88#. Snatch pulls (3×3) @ 187#. Squats felt heavy today and legs are a bit sore. Snatches felt light and quick as they should for that weight. But the snatch pulls felt very heavy. Starting to feel more natural at keeping the bar close as the weight gets heavy.
Snatch, Max
**Wasnt there today…
CJ, Max
Clean Pulls: 418×3, 440x3x3
Bent Over rows: 220x8x3
Assault BYYYKE: 10 Mins, 17/43 Sprint to rest Ratio. Mad Cardio
Thanks david. Week 1 will be challenging, specially since crash-b will take place during the weekend.
I'm sure we can find a judge before Monday 8pm. 🙂
Looking forward to the open!
Friday OG session with Sam and Allie- definitely want to continue this after Iron Maidens!
Back Squat:
177x3x3 Woo! All things considered this moved pretty well tonight. Less grind than I expected.
Bench was horrible- This has seriously stalled. did 97# for two reps and quit for the day.
205×1 PR..major PR 🙂 Switched out my romaleos and tried the nanos. I like the nanos better for the DL …I think….