Work up to a heavy load on the complex:
Fitness Hang (knee) Power Clean + Front Squat: 1-1-1-1-1
Performance Hang Clean: 1-1-1-1-1
Post loads to comments.
Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s exposure. Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
In teams of 3, with one partner working at a time, complete AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 Box Jumps 24/20″
20 Double Unders
5 Deadlifts 225/155
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Nicole will be a tough contender to beat at the Iron Maidens Raw Open. Her best lifts are: Squat 235 | Bench Press: 112 | Deadlift: 225. She will be lifting in the Pixie division.
News and Notes
- LFPB Challenge Participants: The last day of the Challenge was yesterday. Don’t forget to submit your post-Challenge write-up here. The deadline for submissions is tomorrow.
- The Reebok store in Union Square is giving 25% off to our members through today. Show this coupon to your cashier and tell them your box’s name (CrossFit South Brooklyn, obvs), and get 25% off your entire purchase.
- Want to work out TODAY at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- LOTS OF NEW ITEMS UP IN LOST AND FOUND! Check the photoz in Flickr, and claim your stuff by 2/26 or we’re donating it.
Hang Clean Catalyst Athletics
Make ups from Friday and Saturday:
Speed-lifting session after coaching OG on Friday:
Really needed one more warm up set for this.
Saturday 9am with Whit and DO
Capacity test:
11 rds + 45 calories
Today was not my finest hour at SBK ๐
Got to 103 on the clean fitness complex. The light weights moved well, but I could already tell just doing the clean deadlift that my hip was feeling off again.
Then I deadlifted 205 for the set of 5, which is 20 pounds less than last week, and STILL a really stupid idea on my part. My warmup set at 185 felt not right in a way that should have made me swallow my pride and stop. Instead, I figured, 205 is a weight I have handled many times, and it's lighter than what I was planning to hit this morning, I'm just gonna do it. Bad idea. This is when my hip situation went from discomfort to actual pain, if not severe pain.
Scaled the hell out of the WOD so that I could keep moving but not aggravate the problem any further — step ups instead of box jumps (thanks Jess for that on-the-fly idea — it really helped to be able to favor my good side on these), 10 DU attempts, and deadlifts at 115. At first I was going to try KB swings instead of deadlifts but that was actually more painful than the deadlifts.
Stuck around for lots of mobilization love afterward. The Alpha Ball is saving my life right now.
I guess I just need to remind myself: Iron Maidens is not the last meet I will ever do in my life, and it would be better to get there healthy and lifting less than I want to, than not to get there at all because I let this small issue turn into a real injury.
@Lil JB You are amazing!!! You're totally going to win the Iron Maidens John Wilkes Booth Ratio or whatever the body weight/comparative strength mathematical equation is called. You'll probably win the top total for pixies, too! Great job.
Improved by 2 rounds and 2 calories at the LFPB performance test yesterday while doing strict pushups–> I did knee pushups for 4 rounds the first time. Feel happy about this!
Felt great doing 135 on deadlifts today at 9am class. (Cleans are another story) Iron Maidens training has made a huge improvement in my strength! I'm gunna be so sad when it's over.
Ladies, no matter how "light" your weight is, you should totally sign up for weightlifting competitions for the free swag! We got a pair of free lululemon crops! Yesterday was the best Valentine's Day ever because of this! : ) Thanks to whoever deserves thanking!
Yay JB and Allie!
10am (wow!) today
Stuck around 78# today for cleans and fell back during warm ups oops! It's way too early for me (I'm a baby). Otherwise it felt pretty decent! Great to finally work with fellow FD Superstar Janelle!!
Hit a PR for deadlifts at 200# for my set of 5!!!! This felt pretty great and got a good cue from Ro to stay tighter on my last reps. Will take note and that means I need to hit Pilates again! This is also going to help determine where I'm gonna start for competition!
Did some standing overhead press work instead of the WOD and hit 70# 1-1 and called it a day.
Yess thanks to the awesome people for the lululemon crops!! I think it was magical or something to hit 2 PRs today! Also everything that Allie said about this competition is 100% correct!!!
8am. Olympic lifting homework. 275x3x4, 275x2x2. Legs felt heavy today. Haven't been in the gym for 6 days. Came way up on my toes on one rep. Wasn't concentrating. Didn't happen again. Snatch (2 pulls to power position + snatch + overhead squat) @ 88#. Didn't count the reps, maybe 8-10. Feeling better about pulling off the ground, though it will be interesting to see what Frank says tomorrow. Also feeling better about dropping immediately from the catch down in to the bottom of the overhead squat. Clean&jerk (2 pulls to power position + clean + 2 jerks) @ 132#. Think I did 6 reps of this complex. Keeping the bar close is feeling better. Also worked on making sure my elbows whipped around right when my feet were hitting. Jerks felt good, though I whacked my left elbow earlier in the week and it is still feeling tender.
Felt GREAT today at the gym, I'm officially over whining about having been sick.
Hit 2 cals/pull a few times on the warmup, then hpc+fsq combo @ 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195. Elbows were a little slow at 195 but I'm pretty confident I hit all the positions well. Would have definitely tried 205 with more time.
Sumo DL up to 275×5. Lower back didn't feel totally set so I'm still going to stay around here until I feel 100% at this weight.
I'm really worried about hurting my back so do WODs with DLs pretty light… Unfortunately this means today didn't feel like much of a stimulus – we had time for me to do three rounds w/24" & 155 (regular) DL. Raced through these at a sprint, 2 of the 3 sets of doubles unbroken, no idea why I flubbed the middle set. Anyway left feeling great & quietly freaking out from endorphins.
Next up: eat all the food.
9am with the Foxes. Worked up to 145 on the cleans. This is 10 lbs lower than where I was last week, but I was really feeling yesterday's work this morning (as well as last night's cocktails), so it was just fine. Jess's cues to push my elbows through faster and catch lower felt helpful (can't guarantee the next reps actually looked better, but they felt more controlled). I got up to 260×5 on the DLs. This is heavy – especially with the hook grip – but my form felt solid, so I'll keep moving ahead with these.
I got through three rounds on the WOD, with a 24" box and 165# on the bar. I don't think I've ever used a 24" box before – it actually made my landings softer; not so much room for my feet to slam down onto the box. The first round of double unders was a disaster, the next round (after switching to a new rope) was better (sets of 4-5) and the final round was fine (17-3). This DL weight was light – I probably should have gone heavier with it, but overall I'm OK with relaxing a little bit in this one.
My girls loved Kids Club again this morning, and it drained a little of their nutty energy and gave my wife an hour to chillax and read the paper. Everybody wins!
ALSO thanks to T-Rex Fox for clean cues and posture correction!!! ๐
9am. Clean complex: 155 / 165 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 200F
Deadlift: 295×5. Backed down from last week as I was leading with my hips then and wanted to correct that behavior. I think this one moved well so I may try 305 again next week to see if I can keep good form.
WOD: 5 rounds as partner B. Everything felt good except I messed up a round of DUs.
Thanks again to Janelle for another great Kids Club! Looking forward to 8am CrossFit Kids tomorrow.
Then 2pm rings class. Started off pretty poorly – things were just more difficult today. I kept failing MUs after doing my first 2 last week. Finally changed my technique at the end of class by leaning back while I did the first pull and they came together. Managed to hit 4 MUs before I got too tired. Really glad my MUs were not just a fluke and I now have the confidence to do more ๐
Flex was a ton of fun yesterday, as was the after party. Thanks for Melissa and Arturo for getting us ready for the day and organizing. Super well run event that went off on time. I had a blast working out with Katie and Dani and Alex, who jumped in as a sub last minute.
Event 1
20 minutes for the 4 of us to find a 3RM Thruster – Alex and I both got 225 and the gals each got 135 for a total of 720#.
Event 2
One partner works at a time and the team completes:
50 Double Unders
100 Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
100 Hand Release Push Ups
50 Double Unders
100 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders
100 Goblet Squats 72/52
We finished in 14:02 after a severe double under mishap to start us off. After that it was pretty smooth.
Event 3
Clean (full) 155/115
Burpee over the Bar
Guys started. Partner A does the round of 12, then B, then partner A does the round of 9, then B…etc. We snuck in under the 20 min cap at 19:34. This was easily the hardest workout.
Flex on the Beach, here I come.
About 10 Minutes of AR
Deadlifts with Mirko
Sumo Deadlift
Crossover Symmetry
Weighted Sit-Ups 30x15x3
Snatch+Hang snatch
Clean pulls
Assault bike, Tabata
^what fox said! Awesome day. I never want to do that squat clean workout again. However, wasn't sore at all today! So I snuck in some OG time after my 10-hour PNF seminar…woof
DL: 135×5, 185×4, 215×3, 235×2, 245×1, 255×5
5 lb PR I believe! Felt like there's room there too. Which is nifty because I've been doing hefty crossfit workouts recently and haven't been able to fit in dead lifting over the past two weeks. Really need to lock down and focus on iron maiden until the end of the month!
11 rds + 5 box jumps +7 DUs
Tried to keep an even pace since I decided not to rest, just went straight through the 12
Min. My jump rope is toast, could barely string together 20 because it kept getting knotted!
Postgame at Kate's: we ate a lot of meat, and then I put my new PNF skills to the test and I taught her how to engage her lower traps! I was pretty much geekin out the whole time…but it was pretty awesome.
On a random side note. Has anyone heard some say that "they've got the meat sweats?" My friend said it today after he had a really big steak dinner and it was the funniest thing I've ever heard. Figured this was the right forum for addressing such a strange question, but I am genuinely curious because I'm definitely trying to adapt this term in my everyday vocabulary.
That is all.
Oops forgot to post this. OG on Sunday.
3×5 squats at 172#, and then one single at 155# to try to get a little more depth and see how it felt.
Worked on power cleans for "fun"? I haven't done these in a long time so I worked up to an easy 83#.
Lazy lazy sunday ๐