Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Start a bit off where you left off last cycle. Aim to add 5-10 lbs each week.
Performance: 95% x 1, 75% x 10
Post loads to comments.
Look Feel Perform Better Capacity Test
AMRAP 10 minutes:
5 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then:
AMRAP 3 minutes:
Max Calories Rowed
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Compare to 1.1.2015.
Have a hard time front racking barbells for front squats, cleans, or thrusters? Jenna J. is doing a quick and easy front rack mobilization which you can even set up on your rack and perform between sets. Set up the band around belly height and wrap the band around your wrist and hand. Face away from the band and let your elbow be pulled up and back while keeping a braced torso. Do one side, then unrack the barbell and see if you feel a difference between the arm you’ve mobilized and the one you haven’t.
News and Notes
- LFPB Challenge Participants: The last day of the Challenge is TODAY. Don’t forget to submit your post-Challenge write-up here. The deadline for submissions is Monday (2/16).
- The Reebok store in Union Square is giving 25% off to our members through Sunday. Show this coupon to your cashier and tell them your box’s name (CrossFit South Brooklyn, obvs), and get 25% off your entire purchase.
- Want to work out TOMORROW at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
Let Our Flex in the City Competitors Be Your Valentine!
CFSBK is sending five teams to the Flex in the City event today. Come out to support them! The teams will be competing 3 events. Workout details are outlined here. Spectator tickets can be purchased HERE or at the door with cash.
Time: Teams check-in between 8-9am, and the first WOD takes place shortly after that
Venue: 69th Regiment Armory
Address: 68 Lexington Avenue
+ Pierre D., Greg A., Lauren S., Marian L.
+ Steph P., Charlie N., Joe W., Chris P.
+ K HarpZ, Danielle M., Coach Fox, Rickke M.
+ Coach Jess Fox, Coach MeLo, Coach Arturo, Jason M.
+ Kristie F., Morit S., Zachariah H., Ryan F.
Good luck, everyone!! Let us know how it goes!
8am with DO. Performance front squats at 170×1 and 140×10. That 95% rep should have been 175, but my Saturday morning bar math leaves a bit to be desired. These all moved really well, though the last few reps at 140 moved slowly – more deliberate than grindy, though.
On the WOD, I completed 8 rounds plus 5 pull-ups and 3 push-ups, then 51 cals on the row. This is a significant improvement over my previous performance in this workout (2 more full rounds plus 11 more calories). The pull-ups in particular felt WAY better this time around (15 fewer pounds of body weight will do that!). Push-ups were the limiter here and the only thing I had to rest on. I'm particularly happy with this given that I've had a little cold for the last week and my lung capacity still isn't 100% (though the performance – enhancing effects of Sudafed may have cancelled that out). Overall, I'm very happy with how the LFPB Challenge went and now I'm going to go eat a litle foolishly.
Good luck to the Flex in the City Competitors!
Came in for a much-much-needed 10am today, with JB & McDowell.
After being so inconsistent for the last two months, it didn't seem like a great idea to try 95% of a recent front squat 1RM… so I went with a pretty conservative 235x3x3. I think this was a good weight, neither too light nor too heavy.
I surprised myself on the WOD today. Yesterday I was walking up some stairs and my heart started racing and I figured I might as well just give in to apathy and become a couch potato, but then I finished 1 stupid air squat short of 8 rounds (3 strict pullups subbed). This is actually more than I did six weeks ago… managed 54 calories on the row at medium-hard intensity. It doesn't surprise me that I got 62 at medium-hard intensity last time, my endurance is definitely off.
Glad I came in! I needed that workout to kick me a little bit and it did. Thanks coaches!
9am with David and Whitney
Front Squats
95% = 225# x 1
75% = 175# x 10
These are all still feeling light. I think my 1RM must have grown quite a bit since the last time I tested it. Good tip from David on staying out of the blackout zone on these.
Hit 10 rounds plus 5 Pull Ups and 52 Calories on the row. I was determined to get 10 rounds today and glad I accomplished that. I really think the key to this workout is transition time. I tried to drop right into push-ups after I came off the bar and pop right up to squats after that. Totally smoked for the row though.
Six weeks ago i hit 9 rounds plus 5 Pull Ups and 5 Push Ups and 50 calories. Very happy with this improvement.
Front Squat
Behind the neck Push Press
Fitness front squat @115#. Dropped about 20 pounds off of where I should be to fix my issues. My body was moving up in one piece which is an improvement, but my legs are still crashing in. I don't know how to keep tension at the bottom. Maybe I shouldn't go down so low and go just below parallel since I seem to collapse at the bottom?
WOD: 7 rounds +12 reps Rx (12 rep improvement)
I got 7 rounds on the first try of the capacity test which really surprised me so I wasn't feeling confident about improving today. I also haven't been feeling well all week. I did a lot of pushups at home the last 6 weeks because that was my weak point the first time and I think that plus all the positive encourage from the coaches and members helped me with getting a better score! Pushups were still my weak point but I didn't snake as many this time. JB pointed out when I was and I corrected them immediately.
Row: 38 calories (1 cal improvement)
At least I improved:) Should have squeezed a few extra rows in over the last 6 weeks.
1pm big class
front squat
255# x 1
195# x 10
5 pull up
10 push up
15 squats
I did 10 rounds
The push ups are where I started to slow down
Only got 40 cals on the row…my arms were shot and I was still pretty smoked.
Good day today!
11am with McWhitneyJB.
Continued to keep front squats light given I was at SC Friday evening (295 x 5 x 3 – PR, btw). Did 160 x 3 with Brian and Kayleigh.
LFPB. 7 sets plus 40 reps; 50 kCal. 1/1 was 7 sets plus 11 reps; 46 kCal, so definitely improvement.
2pm Lifts after coaching:
SQUAT: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 160×1
-no belt. super pumped; this is 10# off my 1RM.
-first set felt crisp. all in all these were fine, although form broke down on a couple reps. pitched my chest fwd on the way up of a few, particularly rep 4 of last set. just have to keep tension on the way down so I don't throw myself out of position. felt like I was dropping a bit lower to the bottom than i have been in the past few weeks, not necessarily in a good way.
-will work up to heavy triple on thursday this week to feel out the weight (plus maybe a drop set)
BENCH: 45×5, 85×4, 105×3 (pause 1), 117×3 (pause 1)
125×3 (pause 1)
-not real pretty, but they went up
3×5 chins
20 minutes of hip mobility/stretching, as I have been feeling a bit locked up since thursday's wod (couch stretch, lunges, baddha konasana, janu, sir, ardha virasana)
Light front squat since I've been back squatting Friday and Sunday at OG: 3×3 at 100#.
I can't for the life of me find my last score from Jan 1st, but this time I got 7 rounds plus 5 ring rows, plus 3 strict pushups. The pushups sucked big time.
49 cals on the row.