Work up to a heavy load on the complex:
Fitness: Hang (knee) Power Clean + Front Squat
Performance: Clean Pull + High Hang Clean + Hang (knee) Clean
The Clean Pull reinforces finishing hip and knee extension in a vertical manner. It should exactly mimic your clean, minus the third pull, aka racking the bar. In the first version the lifter reaches triple extension (ankle, knee, hip) and shrugs at the top. In the second version the lifter hits all the same points of performance and adds in a sharp redirection under the bar without actually racking it.
With no redirection.
With rapid redirection, aka “Panda Pull.”
Post loads to comments.
Fitness and Performance: 1 x 5 Linear Progression
Dead starts, no touch and go. Use a hook grip if you can.
Post loads to comments.
Tabata Mash-Up:
Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Rachel H., our resident handstand queen, getting her stretch on
News and Notes
- Good luck to Alex B. and coaches Arturo, K HarpZ (more on Katie as our newest coach coming soon), and MeLo who are competing in CrossFit Solace’s February Fling today from 10am-3:30pm. Check out the WODs here!
- Want to work out TODAY at 9am and bring your kid/s? Now you can! Sign them up at the Front Desk for CFSBK Kids Club, and learn more here.
- Happy birthday, Front Desk Superstar Charlie N.!
A Glamorous Time-Lapse of Los Angeles, From Sunrise to Sunset The Atlantic
Top 5 Assistance Exercises For the Clean Catalyst Athletics
9am with the Foxes. I worked up to 155 on the cleans. These felt pretty good. 155 is getting on the heavy side for me, but I was pulling quickly and catching solidly. I think these high hang-knee-clean drills are helpful. 255 on the deadlifts. I was at 225 last week, but then I did 225 on the DL/burpees workout this week, so 225 seemed light. 255 felt heavy but good for one set of 5 – and that's the heaviest I've hook gripped.
The WOD was no joke. I did it with a 20" box and 24kg kettlebell. 141 reps total.
While I was at it, my daughters were at the inaugural session of kids club. They had a great time-and made approximately a million Valentines. So we can check that off the list. Thanks, Janelle!
Happiest of birthdays, Chuckles!
I went back to fitness programming for the cleans, because last week made it clear that I should not be policing myself. I did 103 for a couple of sets of the complex, but caught it really high. Took it back to 93 so I could remember where the bottom is.
Deadlift: 225×5
WOD: 148 reps with 20" box/24 kg bell. Except I may have miscounted. That seems too high for how fast I was moving!
Stuck around for some lax ball love. My right hip/low back area is angry at me, and it's angrier at me after cleaning, deadlifting, AND swinging a kettlebell. 🙁
9am with The Foxes
Cleans + FSQ
155×2 (attempts)
These weren't great. The same theme of not commiting to getting under the bar. Extremely frustrating. By the end of the 10 mins I was feeling it and could barely get the 145 done. Talked to C. Fox about pulling. Great to know that a high hang pull should be more powerful. Now I need to get more comfortable being in that position.
Tabata 160 at 20" and 24kg
One day I'm going to make the jump to 24", one day.
Clean complex: Clean pull + High hang clean + Clean from the knees
I liked that complex a lot, once Fox helped me figure out how to do it correctly.
Deadlift 260×5
Row 4×5'/3'
1:57.2 /500m @24spm
1:57.0 /500m @24spm
1:57.1 /500m @24spm
1:57.2 /500m @24spm
Pleased with how consistent those turned out. But I would not have finished this if Linda hadn't been doing it next to me.
9am with The Foxes
The kids had a blast at Crossfit Kids Club and wouldn't stop talking about it the whole way home. Thanks Janelle! See you next week!
Did the Clean work perf version at 175#. Lots of room here to move up in weight as that still felt pretty light.
Deadlift LP at 305#. Would like to add 5#s a week to this throughout the cycle. We'll see how that goes.
Paired with Dan L for the WOD. Hit 119 with a 24" box and 32kg bell American swings. Pretty sure he double my score.
Returning to the gym at 2pm for Ken's rings class. So glad I signed up for this.
Clean pull
High hang clean
Mid-hang clean
Double Tabata — 172
American KB swings 16kg
Box jumps 20"
Chose reasonable weights and feel strong today.
Worked up to 89kg on the complex today. The high hang clean was a struggle at that weight, hang clean was OK though.
DL – worked at 315×5. I made it up to 335×5 on the last cycle, so I was happy with how this moved. Hoping to finish out in the 355-365 range for a set of 5
Metcon at 32kg American swings and 24" box: 151 reps
Fitness clean. Worked up to 118# which is a 15# hang clean PR and matches my squat clean PR! I've been attempting a 123# squat clean for nearly a year now so hopefully this will give me the confidence to hit it! Overall, these felt good. I caught the 118# a little funny so readjusted when I stood up before front squatting.
Deadlift 5 reps @198#. Whit said I was ripping the bar off the floor a bit, but I think it's bc I was at my working set when it was time to clean up so I was probably not thinking about every little component of the lift. Note to self- next time don't rush a lift.
Tabata American KB swing @16kg and box jumps @20". I tried keeping a tally on a white board, but was too slow so kept missing the start of each round. Gave up on keeping track. Probably just should have counted reps consecutively instead of worrying what my numbers were each round! I did ~7-11 box jumps each round and about ~8-10 KB swings each round.
Ro is off kicking ass at Solace today, so I hopped into another group class
Fitness clean complex
#63 #83 #103 #108 #113 #118
Rode the last two reps down a bit, but otherwise felt awesome. Haven't front squatted since my injury and didn't expect these numbers, so I'm pleased.
Deadlift 1×5 #140
WOD: 129 reps (pretty sure? I suck at counting tabatas)
Feels good coming back to group class since my injury. Feeling strong and pain free, loving the extra push I get from the group slugging through beside me. Also love lifting with my swole mate and tall broad squad member Shaye 🙂
10am with Fox and McD
Worked up to 123 on the fitness clean complex, with some helpful pointers from McDowell on keeping my knees back in the mid hang.
Deadlift: 220x5x1
Then I was going to do the WOD but I decided to do crash-b's with Strong Laura instead. Avg/500m of 2:04, 2:04, 2:06, 2:07. It's so much better to do these workouts with others!
8am. Olympic lifting homework. Back squat: 275x3x3, 275x2x3. Drank a little too much at a birthday party last night and not enough sleep, but the weight moved well today. Easier than last week. Clean & jerk (2 pulls to power position + clean + 2 jerks): 132×5. Wore my thicker sweats today which dragging the bar up my shins/thighs less painful. Clean pulls: 253x3x3. As with the snatch pulls, it was difficult to keep the bar close when pulling heavier weight.
9am with the Foxes.
Fitness clean complex: 155 / 165 / 175 / 185F / 185F. I was on my heels on the first fail at 185. 2nd fail came high enough but I was didn't have the confidence to get under it.
Deadlift: 305×5. Fox once again made me a member of the Weak Quad Squad. I was leading with my hips. I may drop down the weight next week to focus on better form.
WOD: 1256 reps with 32kg American swings and a 24" box.
2pm rings class: my first muscle up! Thank you to Ken for the guidance and the rest of the class for their encouragement. I wasn't expecting to get this today but it just came together and I managed to do it twice. What a great feeling!
Big classes today! So excited about across the street coming along. It looks awesome so far!
Sundays this cycle have been for me to hit the DL exposure and then do whatever I feel like doing. Kind of a semi-recovery day. Low volume and low intensity assistance work
(135×5, 225×3, 275×2, 295×1)
Biceps Curls (yes, really)
Crossover Symmetry
External Rot Bias
Weighted Sit-Ups
also, big thanks to Jangle for an awesome Kids Club this morning!
Went to my first AR class today! I should try to work this in more often.
Open gym for a measly 30 mins.
Forced myself to back squat. Did 168# for 3×5. Bracing was better today for sure. Excited to hit 170 this week!
Did 40 kb thrusters at the end to make myself feel less guilty for being so lazy tonight.
Snatch high pull+Snatch
Snatch High Pull+Snatch+hang snatch
286 310,
21, 332, 343
321, 332, 343
Clean pulls 420x3x4