Work up to a heavy load on the complex:
Fitness: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Performance: High Hang Snatch + Hang (knee) Snatch
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
10 Goblet Squats 72/53
10 Push Ups
Rest 1 Minute
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 Box Jumps 24/10″
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
In case you missed Coach David’s ITA article yesterday about the inner workings of CFSBK, we wanted to share this photo of what the “Front Desk” used to look like. #tbt
News and Notes
- Resident 6am-er Michael A. recently penned a post on his blog called “CrossFit and Startups Are Basically the Same Thing.” Check it out!
- DON’T FORGET TO RSVP FOR CLASS: Go to the CFSBK Online Store, log in, click “Calendar” from the left-hand column, select the class you plan on attending, press the blue “Reserve” button on the right-hand side of the screen, and voila! It’s that easy. Learn more on the RSVP to CFSBK page (located in the left-hand column under General Information).
- Catching Up with CFSBK Classifieds: Rumman is selling tons of DVDs. (#tbt) Got something to sell or looking for a roommate? Let us know!
- Travel Gym Recommendations: Todd C. shared his favorite affiliates in Asia. Have you visited another box recently? Tell us about it!
Big Sugar Leaves a Bitter Aftertaste Reason
Special Olympian/Badass Timmy Hedley Squats 275lbs
A New York City Minute, Frozen in Time The Atlantic
6am with DO and Jess Fox
Felt good to work on the snatch complex today. I warmed up, did my first set at 95#, then 115#, 125#, then 135#. I lost shape at the 135# and Jess gave me some tips about my hang positions. I dropped back down to 95# and did two sets as perfectly as I could.
The WOD was fun. I partnered with Roy and started with part B (goblet squats, pushups). Did 131 reps of B, then 66 reps of A. My arms were smoked and my first set of HSPU's were a mess, I had to break them up 1/1/2/1. They got better as the rounds went on since I could get a rest while doing box jumps. The whole workout for me was the HSPUs.
On a related observation, I feel like we've done 1000 pushups in the last month. True?
Love the pic of the old-school front desk. Props for the honor system. Also thanks for the blog post shout-out! Stay warm today.
6am with Jess and David
Performance snatch work felt a little shaky at first. I finally got my sea legs back and finished the performance complex at 140#. Definitely could have moved more.
HSPUs were strict the whole way. Unbroken the first set, 3/2, the next, and then singles. I agree with Michael that the box jumps were just a way to rest before slogging through the HSPUs. Completed 3 rounds plus 3 HSPUs.
Goblet lunges at 32kg. I had to speed up the squats at the end because the bell was getting so heavy. Pushups were in sets of 5s and 3s toward the end. Completed 4 rounds plus 3 squats.
Ah the old pencil pouch honor system! #simplertimes
Fun article mike! And enjoyed reading some of the new affiliate review!
7:00am Group Class with Coach Lady Fox
Fitness Snatch
Worked up to 67Kilos
Then we dropped back to 60 Kilos and did a bunch of sets there
Had been skipping Sundays last cycle so I haven't snatched much in the past month. Looking forward to getting back into my groove
32kg Goblet/Push-Up Metcon
4 rounds even (80 Reps)
HSPU/ 24" BJ Metcon
4 Rounds + 2 HSPUs (62 reps)
Did the cash out then some Crossover Symmetry work
Make-up from yesterday:
Felt good. Weird to not be squatting as much as I was before.
WOD – burpees and pull-ups
Made it 8 burpees into the round of 16, or 120 total reps. I ended up breaking up the pull-ups in the rounds of 12 and 14, but shouldn't have done that. Could've gone unbroken
Finished off with a cash-out 70% effort tabata on the aerodyne. Got 50 calories. Would like to do more of these.
Big fan of “starting a business out of 100% dedication” stories – congratulations to David and the people around him!
I’m a HUGE fan of the entire crew that makes it happen day in and day out at this crazy little place. It takes a village to raise a proper Crossfit box and you guys have a kick ass crew. Keep up the fantastic job!
Make-up from yesterday, 5:30 with Noah and McD
Skipped the conditioning and deadlifted instead:
some good pointers from DO afterwards on getting tighter and maintaining spinal extension at the bottom
This morning, 7am with Lady Fox
High Hang Snatch + Snatch
everything felt good until I hit the 83s, then I started having trouble keeping the bar close to me and getting underneath it.
A. 102 reps
B. 34 reps—had SO much trouble with the HSPU after part a, I could barely do them and was failing even at singles! A good indication that I haven't been doing these much lately. These used to be in my wheelhouse but I feel like in-exposure has slowly pushed them out…
Cash out, food.
Last night. Olympic lifting. Snatch (2 transitions from power position to hang + snatch + overhead squat): 60(kg)x5. The snatches felt a lot snappier than last week and the awkwardness has decreased. Ah, the wonders of repetition. Overhead squats felt good too, though I need to concentrate on pushing my knees out more at the bottom. Clean & jerks: 70(kg)x2x5. Still having to concentrate to extend my front foot far enough, but didn't get called out for any bad reps. Frank actually said "nice jerk" on one of the reps. Just need to be able to keep that form at a higher weight.
6am with Jess and DO. I worked on the snatch complex at 75#, 85#, and 95#. These felt pretty good – especially after David's cues to keep my weight on my midfoot. The focus this morning on engaging the lats in the setup was helpful as well.
In the WOD, I completed five rounds of the goblet squats/pushups piece (with a 28kg kettlebell) and six rounds of the dumbbell press/box jump piece (with 30 lb dumbbells and a 20" box). So, if my math is correct, that's 190 reps total. And I don't think it's your imagination, Michael – we have done a lot of pushups lately (or I'm suffering the same delusion). I'm not complaining, though. Every time we do a workout with pushups in it, I surprise myself with how early I have to start breaking them up. Obviously, I can use the practice.
6am. Worked up to 125 on the snatch which felt good. DO cued me to brace my back and not lead with my hips. I really focused on the back on the last rep at 125 and it felt much better than previous reps. Will continue to focus on that point.
WOD: Man, this was humbling. Started off fine on part B, with 122 reps (6 rounds + 2 squats). Then I got to the HSPU and I just couldn't do it. I hit a few singles but only managed 3 HSPU (1 abmat). I should have switched to DB press but wanted to get those HSPU. Wasn't happening today. Big bummer. Much work needed on this movement.
I second Mo's thoughts re: this gym. Every time I visit another box, I'm just even more impressed at how well CFSBK is run. Everything from the programming, the class options, the coaches, the rest of the staff, the members… all top-notch. I'm moving out of NY at the end of Feb and I'm pretty sure I'm going to miss CFSBK more than anything. I'm hoping I can find another gym half as good.
6am with Lady Fox and DO. It was so nice to be back in the gym this morning!
Fitness version of the snatch complex, worked up to 73lbs. I haven't snatched for a cycle in a really long time, so it was great to get some pointers from DO on my setup. Looking forward to making some progress over the next few weeks
Then got back on the erg for some crash-b's work. 4 x 1000m/3' rest. This went about as well as can be expected, 4:08, 4:12, 4:14, and 4:16.
Btw, Lady Fox – RIDICULOUS numbers yesterday! 250 on the 5×3??? You're going to crush it at iron maiden!
Lately, when I am not at the gym or “work” I’m either playing Candy Crush or watching The Wire on Amazon On Demand – which is affecting both my thought patterns and syntax.
Make us post from Tuesday: Back squat: 165x3x5. Came in expecting to do 190. Someone put some work in on my legs because they were all shot up. Knockos must have hit my main stash house because I didn’t get the re-up in my low rises after the Wall Balls on Tuesday.
Fun lifting with Marie who crushed 215# like it was candy and didn’t need to buy any extra boosters.
Crossword lovers: My friend Brendan's latest puzzle is lifting-themed. Enjoy!
10am – Jess
haven't been posting lately…about a month ago, I got upset that I couldn't see my lifts when I wasn't at the gym (notebook) (maybe this is a good thing or not) (sure I could search or scroll to find the last lift post)…but when I see the workout for the day…usually in the morning, I like to plan out my lifting progressions, etc…so I started tracking everything in a Gdoc. I know there's some apps out there that can track these types…but gdocs already have everything one would need…I've thought about wiring up a gdoc + form that could be used by others so they can easily see their progressions over time. I'll update if this makes it in to the other 47 projects I tend to be working on concurrently.
Perf Snatch Complex w/ Rickie
40kg x 2
50kg x 2
60kg x 1(f)
60kg x 1
65kg x 1
65kg x 1
really, really liked this complex…Snatch is one of my favorite lifts to work on…and I'm not sure if this is by design, but this complex ensures you're in the correct positions…even with that I still was of course out of position…I'm not keeping my shoulders behind the bar on my high hang…in nearly all my lifts today, in the high hang pos, I was leaning slightly forward before pulling…
I'd say I was 50/50 on jumping forward, early pull, but did have some good pulls today…definitely took some time to get acclimated again with catching the snatch at the bottom of the squat instead of power which we did all last cycle. Last thing…had my first bail backwards today…scared me for a quick second…but Rickie told me that's actually where you're supposed to bail if you miss. Overall enjoyed the complex
Metcon –
Did this reverse, which I think made it more challenging
HSPU/Box Jumps – 6rds + 1HSPU = 91 reps
Goblet Squats/Pushups = 4rounds + 10Goblets + 6 pushups = 96 reps
my pushups were just shot after 31 hspu's in 5min…enjoyed this a lot and would like to try it the other way around.
Oly Cycle this morning.
Worked on power snatch technique and snatch pulls.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 85 x 4, 105 x 3, 115 x 1, 120 x 5 x 3 (PR)
135 x 5, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 250 x 5, 270 x 5 (PR), 250 x 5.
Got home and ate, like, 7 blocks.
Make Up Post from Wed:
45×5, 95×5, 125×2
AH this was hard tonight! much harder than last week. I think b/c I was tired from Deadlifting the day before, maybe not quite warmed up enough in my ankles. First set I was low barring it, all hip drive. second 2 sets I did a bit better staying tight and getting hips through. blurgh.
45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 110×1
120×3, fail on 4 technique error
120×4, fail on 5 stuck about 1/3 up
120×4, fail on 5 same as before
*Haven't really failed on an LP, so glad I hit the edge. Will go to 120x3x3 next week and work triples from there for next few wks.
Butterfly Pullup practice
5 sets of 5ish. FUN! swing through and big pop of hips up
Tabata Burpee: 58 reps
(31 in first 4 rounds, 27 in second 4 rounds)
Cash out: 5-10 min of handstand playtime with MeLo!
Single leg
Bunny hop
Just checked and that's 7 more burpees than I did during tabata burpees ~5 months ago. yay fitness!
Oly class last night:
I had a very funny flashback coming into the gym last night. When I first started at CFSBK, as a strength cycler, I was working a very stressful job, and I would barely make it to class on time due to crazy working hours.
I'd be all strung out and DYING to get under the bar – it calmed me the heck down, and I really came to depend on that.
Then I got a much better job (because a SBK'er recommended his place of employ! Thanks Nofi!) and needed bar therapy a bit less.
But now the pressure is on at the new job and sure enough I find myself craving the magical chill-out properties of the platform.
Last night I went from FREAKEDTHEFUCKOUT to chiiillllllllllll during Oly class. It may LOOK like I'm a movement idiot only (badly) snatching 38 pounds, but I assure you, it's exactly what I need.
Snuck in the Performance Snatch work today at noon:
High Hang Snatch + Knee Snatch
(15kg, 25kg, 30kg) 35kgx3, 37kg, 40kg, 42kg
-wanted to make sure 35kg was a no-brainer before moving on. Feels like forever since I've snatched.
-btw, 42kg is only ~15# off of my 1RM Snatch. I clearly have things to work on from the floor…
Skipped the WODs since I have to squat all the weight tomorrow and opted for:
1:00 Airdyne
1:00 Hollow Hold
1:00 Arch Hold
Cashed Out with Crossover Symmetry cause that's what the cool kids do. And also, my shoulders need it. 🙂
5:30 with Whit & Ro.
FItness work up to 120. Per Ro, need to back off weight and really work on not pulling early. Feels like this has been my issue forever and ever as I add weight. On the plus side the footwork was a bit better (I think).
HSPUs were…5, 3/2, 2/2/1, 1/Fail/1…shit.
5:30 w/ Coach Ro & Whitney
Snatch Complex:
75#x1x6, 85#x1x4, 95#x1x2, 105#x1x2, 115#x1x2
Technique, technique, technique. Every time I Snatch, a coach gives me a top tip! Today, Coach Whitney got my back very straight, chest up, and everything tight before the lift. As a result, all the lifts felt great.
I officially became a 3x-per-weeker today. May the Crossfit gods smile upon me.
5:30pm Just realized I forgot to RSVP today 🙁 Sorry!
Fitness Snatch: worked up in increments of 5# starting at 53#. Failed at 78#, went back down to 73# and hit it a few more times. Attempted 78# two more times and failed each time. Speed was slow, and I was not dropping. Lots of issues today. Need to continue working on my core with ALL my squats. Apparently my butt goes up first, followed by my torso on my OH squat too as pointed out by Whit. All those hollow holds/rocks will def help!
WOD: 160 reps
Press with 25# DBs + 20" Box Jumps: 77 reps (5 rounds + 2 presses)
Goblet Squats @ 20 kg + slooooow pushups: 83 reps (4 rounds + 3 pushups)
I thought the 20kg would feel really heavy but it surprisingly didn't. I did have to pause at rep 5 most rounds so that I didn't lose my form- kept leaning forward so really focused on lifting torso and legs together as I got tired.
Wanted to push myself harder than I normally do–> someone recently posted about their throat burning for an hour after the WOD. Sounded pretty badass. (I haven't ever felt like that, so I don't think I'm working hard enough!)
Tonight I felt maybe a little more burned out than usual?
B: 101 reps (17.5 db)
A: 106 reps (yellow kb, 2 rounds strict pu, the rest to the knee)
I'm gunna work on not taking any rests during the workout. I'm not going to die, there's no reason to take a break when it's only ~10 minutes of life (unless there's some physical/strength reason I *have* to pause…not something like tiredness!)
Go Allie! I need that reminder that its okay to be out of breath lol
Worked up to 67# on the snatch which I didn't realize is actually a 5 lb PR? Who knew. I probably could have gotten 72# but I psyched myself out big time.
A) 90 reps with a 20kg bell …did first round of pushups strict and then did knees. my shoulders were burntttt out from the box jump WOD.
B) 75 reps with 25# db and 20 inch box. The press was Slow.As.All.Hell. My last two reps I used the 20s. Box jumps were speedy (for me!).