7 Rounds for Time:
3 Muscle Ups
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Rounds For Time:
7 Thrusters 95/65
14 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach McDowell at full lock out over the rings
Have You RSVP-ed to CFSBK Yet?
Starting on Monday, January 19, CFSBK will require our members to preregister online before coming to CrossFit group classes, Active Recovery, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes. While we’re not actually capping classes, registration allows you to know how many people have signed up for the class you plan to attend, which will add another level of transparency to your membership. You may decide to modify your class selection based on your class-size preferences. We hope this will more evenly distribute attendance, help us plan ahead for larger classes, and inform our consideration for which classes to add when our new space opens.
Exciting side note: You can now try a Pilates class on Tuesdays at 7:30pm or Yoga for Athletes class on Saturdays at 10am using your CrossFit membership! (Each class is capped at 12 participants)
You are required to participate. The process only takes a couple minutes, so start now:
Steps to RSVP to CFSBK:
1. Go to the CFSBK Online Store.
2. Log In. (Save your log-in information to your cookies if you want to skip this step moving forward.)
3. Click “Calendar” from the left-hand column.
4. Select the class you plan on attending.
5. Press the blue “Reserve” button on the right-hand side of the screen.
Learn more on the RSVP to CFSBK page (located in the left-hand column under General Information).
Luci Romberg’s American Ninja Warrior Submission 2015 (Featuring Kacy Catanzaro!)
Shawn says
8am with DO and MeLo. I did the fitness workout scaled to 85# thrusters and a 24kg kettlebell. Finished in 12:46. My usual move would have been to do the thrusters at 75#, but I bumped it to 85 on David's recommendation to go heavier than usual. I'm glad I did, but this turned out to be a deceptively high volume of thrusters – and I felt it. All thrusters were unbroken as were all but the last set of KB swings, which went 10-4. My thruster form actually felt better than usual today. MeLo's cue during the warmup to keep my elbows out helped a lot, I think.
Thomas says
9:22 95#/ 28KG
9A w/ Melo and DO
Love Thrusters Big Time…
I did the thrusters pacing 3-2-2 throughout. The rest was at the top.
KB unbroken rds 1, 2, 3 and 7. Otherwise 7-7
I took 5-10s break between thrusters/ KB, and ~25s rest between rounds.
Thanks DO for recommending the 95# thrusters. My shoulders been tight when I haven't been diligent about warming it. up, and I was thinking of going 75#, but he wasn't having that…
I thought I was going to loose my breakfast between rds 5-6, and after I finished.
I didn't, but I made a precautionary sprint to the loo.
So that shuttle run oughta count for something. says
8am. Fitness WOD in 9:27 Rx. All reps unbroken. Thrusters were not bad and the KBS were not too bad, but doing the KBS right after those thrusters added a bit of hurt. Felt pretty good about this one, though.
Glad to see Roy knocking out some muscle ups. Hopefully rings class on Sunday can help me get there!
Dan L says
Performance rxd in 9:05. MUs fell apart in rounds 6 and 7 and I ended up doing singles. Need to work on the press out by doing more ring dips
Jay-Star says
9am Fitness WOD @80#. Subbed 7 burpees for the KB swings b/c my wrists were bothering me. Finished 10:45? Will definitely go to at least 85 next time – felt good today. Then lost 3 out of 5 games of ping-pong to Niko – and it's clear that I won't be forgetting about it for a while.
Whit H says
workout with COMP team at 2pm:
3 rds:
5 alter boys (last rd to small 45# plate)
5 ring dips
50 DU's. most done in 2-3 sets.
CLEAN&JERK… haven't split jerked in about 6 months. shoulder has been feeling good, so figured I'd try at the light/medium weights. overall… good. no pain.
drills/WU 33#
63# Clean, push jerk, split jerk
83# clean, push jerk, split jerk
C&J: 105, 113, 125, 125
Clean only: 133, 138, 148F, 148F
145# is current PR. Cleans were feeling really good: strong pulls and good catch, figured I'd just go for it. Pull on first attempt @ 148 was great, but just a bit soft and hips went back and up instead of through. need to really concentrate on this in fsq's. 148 wasn't as good of a rack, left elbow slow. fun to try this! I've never even front squatted more than 145, so… I should do that.
warm up 33#, 63#
78, 85, 90, 98 (power snatch, not committed), 103, 108 (matching my PR!), 113F, 113F
Again, pulls were feeling great so I wanted to go for it. First attempt at 113 was overall good, but just didn't quite push through and punch up enough. Second one was a bit rushed, didn't move knees back off floor and probably pulled a bit early. But this is definitely close.
WOD: for time
row 30 cal
50 thrusters (53#)
row 30 cal
-I haven't done thrusters in probably also 6 months, so was dreading this. After trying a few at 63, decided to just go lighter as to not make my shoulder cranky. Did 10 reps unbroken to start and then went to 5's. Was satisfied taking my time on this because I did a couple slightly out of position and they didn't feel good. This is probably the movement I need to be most careful on.
Time: 10:31
Rows were each about 2 minutes.
Charlie says
12pm AR followed by 1pm group class. Liking this combo.
Fitness WOD Rx in 7.38.
Everything unbroken for first five rounds, then broke the thrusters up 4, 3. Broke up the KB swings in the sixth round -9, 5, but that was just mental because I was able to get through the last round without stopping.
This was hard. Pretty sure that's it for me for this Crush Week. It's been lots of fun!
Lauren says
Went to a nutrition seminar today and had a little time after so fit in a little work..
3 RNDs NFT Unbroken:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
10 down dog calf marches
20 reverse lunges 25# plate OH
6 RNDs NFT Alternating:
4 Snatch grip DL (3 rounds at 50kg, 3 rounds at 55kg)
4 HSPUs strict — back to no abmat!
800m run home