Fitness: 5 x 3 Linear Progression
Bail each rep and reset within a few seconds. Try to go heavier than last week.
Performance: Work up to a top set of 5 on a Touch and Go Power Clean
Work on resetting hook grip on the descent. Hips back, chest and knees OUT on the descent to the floor. You can pause at the hang but not at the floor. Must be touch and go. Try and go a bit heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
CrossFit Mainsite WOD 12/10/14
In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of Squat Cleans
1 minute of Push Jerks
2 minutes of Squat Cleans
2 minutes of Push Jerks
3 minutes of Squat Cleans
3 minutes of Push Jerks
Gals Rx = 95
Guys Rx = 135
Score reps for each set. Scale load as appropriate.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Jill and Rachel getting their air squat on
News and Notes
- Come party tonight with lululemon Brooklyn at 166 Smith Street! The store is having a party tonight with local vendors and artists and complimentary food/booze. They would love any and all CFSBKers to come hang. The party goes from 8:30-10:30 but might run a little over. RSVP and get more details here!
- Happy birthday, Abul H.!
Prevention Strategies to Help You Avoid Getting Sick
Tis the season for a lot of things, including the flu. Here’s a list we pulled from WebMD to help keep CFSBKers safe and healthy:
- Think of hand washing as a survival skill (more on this below).
- Never touch your mouth, nose, or eyes without washing your hands.
- Don’t share food and other things that go in the mouth, as in guzzling milk from the carton or double dipping chips.
- Encourage family members or friends to cover their mouths with a tissue when they cough or sneeze and to dispose of the tissue themselves. No time to grab a tissue? Cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow instead of your hands.
- Avoid sharing personal items like toiletries, towels, and pillows.
- Get proper rest and good nutrition to improve resistance and bolster immunity.
- Use paper towels instead of community towels in the bathroom and kitchen.
According to the CDC, frequent and thorough hand washing is the single most effective way to prevent catching colds, flu, or any contagious disease. Be sure to wash your hands frequently, including the following times:
- Before and after you prepare food
- Before you eat
- After you use the bathroom
- Before and after changing a baby’s diaper
- After handling animals or animal waste
- After coughing or sneezing
- When your hands are dirty
- More frequently if someone in your home is sick
To wash hands properly, follow these steps:
- Wet your hands and apply liquid or clean bar soap. Place bar soap on a soap dish that allows it to drain.
- Rub your hands together vigorously, scrubbing all surfaces for 15 to 20 seconds. That’s about how long it takes to hum the song “Happy Birthday to You” twice.
- Rinse well and dry your hands. In a public restroom, use the air dryer or paper towels.
- In the absence of soap and water, use alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers.
But then of course, there’s this option… “Science Says: Cocktails Could Protect You From Getting Sick.”
Why the First Law of Thermodynamics Has No Place In Human Nutrition David Gillespie
Noah Ohlsen on Workout 12/10/14 CrossFit
The Art of Stillness Pico Iyer
FYI: Just one spot left for the Iron Maidens meet. If you're on the fence, do it – now's your last chance!
6am. Power cleans: 135×5, 185×5, 215×4, 185×5, 185×5. Caught the 4th rep at 215 a little funny so decided to bail instead of attempting another rep. I'll get 215×5 next week. Kept the hook grip in for the last set at 185 and was able to cycle them much faster. Might try that with heavier weights next week. Metcon: 30 cleans (9, 10, 11) and 45 jerks (10, 12, 23). Should have pushed harder on the jerks in the second round. High rep squat cleans fatigue my hips and low back quickly. Tried to focus on good form. Not sure if I suceeded.
Last night
Warm up x2
10 kipping t2b unbroken
15 oh squats 33#
And 7 strict t2b legs straight (callouses in bad shape so switched to strict)
Front Squat w Erin
33×5, 83×5
113×3, 123×2, 133×1, 143×1 lost back a bit but moved quickly
67% – 93×20
Feeling very shaky and weird after this which carried over into the work out
5 RNDs for time w MeLo
9 c2b pull-ups
6 power snatch – 63# bc it was all I could handle at that moment
3 oh squats
This work out kicked ass
When I say I'll do the cash out at home, I'm lying
Also, liked @KLove's comment last night on the blog. It's great to see so many new faces lately
103×5 on touch and go cleans. At this weight I can still get away with not dropping under the bar, which…bad on me. Still, I feel like I'm keeping the bar closer to me than I'm usually guilty of.
73 reps on the WOD, Rx. I can't remember exactly how they split up.
For those who didn't see my post yesterday — I'm toying with the idea of organizing a Ragnar team, either for Cape Cod (May 8-9) or Madison to Chicago (June 12-13 I think). Email me (stellavision, gmail) if interested. It's not a commitment yet, I just want to gauge general level of interest before I put my organizing hat on.
Regarding rep outs, you will undoubtedly need to take a few breaths between reps, especially later in the set. The first few should be a normal breathing/squat cadence then you need to start slowing down and recovering for a couple seconds between reps. Start this slower pace between reps when your bar speed slows down. Taking 2-4 breaths between your reps is normal for the end of a rep out.
KLove — agree, if you do 20 reps unbroken, that just means the bar's not heavy enough! Lately I've had to treat it as sets of 5 for the first 10, and then after that 3s, 2s, and even singles at the very end to get my breath under control.
Touch-n-go cleans: 135×5, 155×5, 165×5, 165×5, 165×5
Metcon Rx: 24 cleans and 22 push jerks
My back seems locked-up and I generally felt rough for some reason this morning. I kept pulling asymmetrically, and at 165 I had trouble getting under the last two reps in each set, so I repeated that weight a few times trying to get it right. I did achieve a little more control by the third set, but it never felt quite right.
On the WOD I ended up exceeding my modest goal of 21 reps for each movement. I'm happy I didn't underestimate a metcon for once. This was heavy for me.
10am Group Class
Based on how I felt, I SHOULD have started warming up 20+ minutes early and hitting some mobilizations but I ended up sleeping on the couch instead. Was feeling slow and not explosive on my cleans. Planned on doing 95kg x3x3 but did two reps there that felt slowww and heavy so I pulled back to 90
Power Cleans
90kg x3x3
WOD at 135. Again was feeling not great so I took it kinda easy and just tried to move.
1' SC 5
1' PJ 8
2' PJ 10
2' SC 10
3' PJ 10
3' SC 18
Finished with some Snatch practice working on my first pull since I tend to shift forward off the floor.
6am. Was feeling better about my grip so I decided to give power cleans a shot. Kept it pretty light at 135. I had to bail each rep but I was happy to do these again after 6 weeks off from this movement.
WOD: 61 total reps @ 115# (5/8, 8/12, 10/18). I took my time on the cleans but I was just glad to be able to do these. Every week feels closer to normal!
7am group class:
Performance Cleans:
35kg, 45kg, 55kg, 60kg
-these touch and go were overall much slower and felt much heavier than last week. hands hurt.
WOD rx'd at 43kg (94.6#)
37 cleans
51 push jerks
88 Total
-that was hard! my low back really felt those damn squat cleans.
Also, additional spots just opened up for the Iron Maiden meet so jump on it before it sells out again!
Oly Cycle- last class!
Snatch- 53 x 3 x 3, 58 x 3 x 2, 63 x 3
Then I decided to go for some heavy singles. I got to 85# which is AMAZING as my previous PR was 78# and I was stuck there for over a year! Something clicked today and it all came together. There were a few funny misses and ugly weird attempts but the majority of them went really well! Very happy. I think I am finally beginning to understand why Coach Fox says he thinks it's the coolest thing you can do with a barbell.
Clean and jerk- 83 x 3 x 2. Did the same here and got to 118# which matches my PR from mid-cycle. I was probably a bit tired at that point but I know I have more.
Great to meet Holley Mangold and see her lift. So fast!!
Got some pull-ups in afterwards- 3 x 2 then chin-ups 5 x 5.
Tried to practice DUs but, no.
Thanks for all of the love and feedback everyone! Will def be able to get a few more max reps in next time knowing that I can pause and break up reps.
Snatch, 60%x1x5
CJ 60%x1x5
**really trying to focus on improving my footwork. I must start jumping my feet into a wider position in order to take my lifting to the next level.
Ab wheel 2×10, and 1 from standing upon a challenge from Jason.
6:30 Class w/ Ro & Whit
185 Power Cleans. Need better triple extension. Maybe 190 next week.
115lb on the Wod. 82ish reps. Lost count due to my lower back trying to kill me.
Today was a solid snatch day. By no means perfect, riddled with failures, but felt good overall. I'm not afraid of this lift anymore
25×3, 30×3, 35×1
41×1, 42 f – slow down the pull off the floor, smooth acceleration
C&J — shared a bar with Holley NBD
35, 40, 50 – jerk f
50, 55 – commit to jerk!
56, 59, 60f
MU trans red band, strict dip 2×3 – oof dips
Perfect final class. I jumped in halfway through the cycle when my schedule got a bit more consistent. It has been enormously helpful to have a set time to work on these lifts and to have the opportunity to work with Frank again. Lots of things clicking this time around, and it's been so fun becoming more immersed in Olympic lifting in general with a crew of people who really dig it. I'm in for the next go round for sure.
small 4:30 class so was grateful to jump in and get lifting since I didn't make enough time for it earlier today!
Power Cleans:
63, 83×3, 103×2
Did 103 last week and wondered for a second if that would be too big of a jump. But my warm ups felt really springy and fast today, so decided to go for it. Happy with the choice. Overall, it felt pretty smooth.
Took some video of my fourth set. Upon review, my bar path is SUPER vertical, which is pretty good I guess but probably should be getting MORE hip extension and getting that little S curve at the top of the lift. Will check this out in warm ups next time and ask for eyes on or video.
PRESS: 33×5, 43×3, 53×1
57x5x3. All felt good. moving well. shoulders are a little clicky and cracky, but no pain.