Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week.
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 57.5% of 1RM (capped at 20)
Post loads to comments.
Partner WOD
5 Rounds Each of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Burpees to a plate
Aim for 80-90% effort on each round and consistent times for each.
Post time to comments.
Sit-ups, jumping rope, and squats. Fitness cascade!
News and Notes
- Have you heard about the New York Cares Coat Drive? CFSBK is collecting new and gently used winter coats to help keep those in need warm during the winter season. Coats (and only coats!) will be collected at the front desk from 12/6 – 12/21.
- We are also collected canned foods as part of City Harvest’s Canned Food Drive. The most needed foods are canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned proteins (like fish and chicken), and peanut butter (plastic jars).
- Have you checked out all the new Lost and Found items yet? Head over here to check out the latest collection. Pick up your stuff by 12/18 or we’re giving it away.
Olympic Weightlifting for Masters: Training at 30, 40, 50 & Beyond Matt Foreman
In CrossFit or Olympic Lifting, Lauren Fisher is a Powerful Presence ESPN
On Self-Respect Joan Didion
Misnomers VSauce
Jay-Star says
Tuesday evening bar crawl with Madame Fox and the Ark.
Bench Press: BAM! 150x3x5
Deadlift: BAM! 285×1
Triplet: BAM! BAM! BAM! 2rds + 8DL + 2CL
As many of you know, I am a highly successful part-time hand model. I was very disappointed that I did not get the cover of the Olympic Lifting for Masters book. According to the suits, my hands are "too slender and pretty". The left is not my best side anyway. Hopefully, this terrible wrong will be "righted" when the 2nd Edition is published next year.
Peter says
6am. Front squats: 135×3, 205×2, 235×1, 255×1, 275×1, 165×20. The rep at 275 was slower than I would have liked. First 15 reps at 165 moved well. Last 5 were tough. Partnered with Michael A on the metcon. Rounds were 1:56, 1:51, 1:51, 1:57, 1:59. Finished the rows all in the :40-:44 range. The plate destroyed whatever mediocre rhythm I usually have during burpees.
Michelle B says
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 125lbs 5 x 3
PR for a 5 x 3 and they felt pretty great. Woohoo me!
Bench Press: 80lbs x 3 x 2, 70lbs x 10
Not bad either
Cleans: 63lbs x 0
Attempted one warm up at 53, but by then I was too tried. Did some chin ups instead.
PS: I'm giving away 10lbs of frozen papaya. New closed bag. Please help me clean out my freezer.
Linda says
6:30am strength cycle
LBBS: 222.5lbs x 5 x 3
I almost got stuck on the last rep of the third set but pulled it out.
Bench: 112.5lbs x 4, F, x 3, x3
It's frustrating that 2.5lbs can be that much harder!
Power Cleans: 128lbs x 3 x 3
I think these actually moved better than the 125lbs last week, but I'm still slow on getting my elbows around.
It was fun to watch the group class do their burpees from the sidelines. I am not looking forward to doing those again when I rejoin group class.
Camille says
<3 joan didion
make up post from last night..
5:30 pm class with jeremy and whit (doing monday's work)
Bench Press 70# 3×5
felt good!
Deadlift 160# 1×5
also felt good!
WOD @ 53#, got through 2 rounds + 8 DLs + 8 HPC. this was a fun one but somehow i got gassed in the middle of round 3. i should've moved a little faster to finish up to 3 rounds. i did use deadlifts as almost active rest to catch my breath! next time i could easily go higher in weight too. this makes me want to do DT!!!
did not do cash out, but had good AR times with Fox + Co.!
Stella says
Linda, every time you post your squat weights I'm in awe (and I'm so sad I can't come to the Total!).
8 AM class today — my flight got in late last night so I had an excuse not to go into work on time.
FSQ 165 for the single — lighter than last week because my quads were both stiff from the plane ride and sore from the goblet squat AMRAP I did in SF. Then rep out 115×20. The hardest part about this was getting my breath — I'm getting over a cold so I have some leftover congestion.
WOD best round 2:16, worst 2:24. Pretty consistent.
I'm just happy to have made it in today. No SBK for a week makes me a crankypants!
Brad D says
I just noticed what time it is and realized its the first day in about a week that I've been free of lower back pain after sitting all day. Hopefully all of the foam roller/lax ball love has repaired whatever the hell was going on with me. I might celebrate with some front squats at 7:30 tonight! No SBK in a couple days is making me crankypants too.
Linda says
Thanks Stella! I owe you and Charlie for convincing me to sign up! I certainly wouldn't be hitting these weights without Jeremy's guidance. I'm sad you won't be at the total too 🙁
Charlie says
10am with Jeremy.
Knee stuff means no front squats for me this cycle, which is am sad about. Will be doing paused back squats on Wednesdays instead. Kept it light today.
LBBS (paused)
165 x 3 x 3
1 x 18' @16SPM
2.19.8/500M 15SPM
Experimented with a higher drag factor today. Won't be doing that again.
Linda- your words warm my heart. Looking forward to seeing you kick ass next week.
lady fox says
10am group class:
Front Squats:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2)
-10# heavier than last week and I certainly felt it. Last rep of each set got really challenging. Elbows dropping a bit so have to stay tighter next week. All unbelted. Will only make a 5# jump next week.
19:14 total time partnered with Rickke.
-always frightening partnering with Rickke because he moves so fast that his partner doesn't get rest. His splits probably averaged a little under 1:30 each time and mine were closer to 2:00. He definitely pushed me to go harder. Love partner WODs and this one was really fun!
Cash out with some v-ups, hollow rocks and handstand hold/walk practice.
Fox says
10am class
Front Squat
245 (~85%)
WOD w/Alex
All my rows were around 48-50 seconds and burpees were rhythmic (pop down and up, pop up and step down). I'd guess all rounds were between 1:40 and 1:50. Each time I finished the burpees I felt as though there was no way I could keep my pace, but by the time I had to go I felt like I could. So I did.
Partner WODs are always fun.
K HarpZ says
4:30 pm
Front Squat: 95×5, 115×4, 135×3, 155×2, 165×1, 170#x1
then 102#x20
Still had some room after 170#, which is improvement from this time a year ago. 102# still moving well, just need to figure out how to breathe a little better in between reps, i was panting like a dawg after this for like 3 minutes
WOD: 22ish i think, didnt know which clock we were going by. Felt like I was moving fairly consistent. 4/5 rows were under 50s i believe. Round 3 i hit a wall and got 55. Burpees were burpees per usual. Stopped for a few seconds to catch my breath in the last two rounds around rep 8. says
4:30pm Group Class with McNoah
2 Rounds of:
5 Strict T2B
15 KB Swings 20kg
20 Rev Lunges 20kg
Warm-up 2 is much harder than WU1 IMO! I was sweating after two rounds
(45×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×2)
We had an odd # of people so I was alone on the metcon. Used a 2:00 rest ghost partner and finished the workout at 20:01
Felt like I kept a good bit of intensity on the work intervals and kept the burpees strict, springy and consistent.
Afterwards I did several sets of Parallette Handstand holds instead of the normal cash out. Straddle kick ups are far, far, far easier to get into a static inversion I discovered.
Samir Chopra says
Front squats, paired with Big Bob S.
Partner WOD paired with Peter. This was tough, but I thought we moved pretty well throughout. says
8:30pm with MeLo and JB
Front squat felt a little too hard for only being the second week, but I was happy to do 110# since I ended last cycle at 115#.
I partnered with Marie on the WOD and we finished in just under 21 minutes. It felt pretty consistent but I'm not dying to do it again anytime soon! So glad the coaches switched it to 15 burpees instead of 20! says
5:30pm (and a bunch of skill work for the hour after):
FSQ: 255×1. This is my standing FSQ PR, but this moved well and felt light, I haven't tested my max in a while and I have a feeling it's moved up a bunch. Needed time for the rep-out and figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to leave some room for this rise during the cycle, so didn't go for the PR. 12 reps at 145lbs for the rep-out.
MetCon: Conditioning is my glaring weakness, and I've learned that I do best when I suck it up and scale slightly so that I can keep moving consistently during the workout and crush it on my own terms, instead of just surviving it. In this case, I stepped up and down on all burpees and never had to stop moving.
Afterwards, drilled my inconsistent strict muscle-up, inconsistent handstand, and non-existent kipping bar muscle-up. Had to fight urge to leave class and join David on the parallettes.