Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Performance: Work up to a Heavy Single (80-90% of 1RM), then Max Reps at 50% of 1RM (capped at 20)
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds, AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
10 Pull Ups or Ring Rows
15 Push Ups
20 Lunges
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds. Pick up where you left off.
3 Rounds, AMRAP in 3 Minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 Pull Ups (high bar in front of pull up statiion)
15 Pistols
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds. Pick up where you left off.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
We will review this in class, but when front squatting, remember to find a good rack position, with your upper arm parallel to the ground and active shoulders. Come to class early to mobilize if you struggle with this position.
- Meat and fish CSAers! Come pick up your share tonight from 6-8:30pm. Questions? Email mignyc [at]
Have You Filled Out the CFSBK Kids Club Survey Yet?
Introducing: CFSBK Kids Club. This won’t be your ordinary kids’ watch program! This one hour drop-off program is designed for children ages 3 to 8, and will keep them engaged with hands-on activities. While you’re working out, your child(ren) will have the opportunity to explore arts and crafts, science experiments, games, and movement. You’ll get peace of mind and they get an hour jam packed with FUN!
But before we launch the program, we want to hear from you first. Fill out this survey by Friday (12/5) at 5pm so we know what you want and need!
Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy? Veritasium
Who Pays Attention to Calories? The Atlantic
Yue Kang 170kg x5 Squat Almaty 2014 Worlds Training Hall
Hey, Anyone looking to sell their meat CSA this month?
I'm not home enough to get it every month so every couple of months I try and buy someone who doesn't need/want it that month.
Email me at blockspeiser at gmail
6am with McRo
Great vibe this morning. The cheering from everyone, including the strength cyclers, was a great way to start the day.
Perf FSQ: 135×3, 155×3, 185×2, 195×1, 215×1, 225×1, 125×20
FSQ felt good and crisp today. I worked up to 91% of a estimated 1RM. The rep out was interesting. The last five definitely required some patience and deliberate thinking to maintain proper form.
Perf WOD: 6 rounds Rx
After almost kicking Lauren in the head doing pull-ups, I transitioned to the high bar and butterflies just clicked — felt effortless and fluid. Pistols slowed me down but overall felt decent after the FSQ.
6:30am strength cycle
LBBS: 217.5lbsx5x3
Officially in new PR territory with these and it's still moving well. Looking forward to seeing where I can go with my 1 RM.
Bench: 110lbsx5x3
I was happy to nail these after having some fails at the same weight last week. Jeremy's cues on the setup from last week really helped.
Power Clean: 125lbsx3x3
These felt crisper than last week.
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 122.5lbs 5 x 3
I was demoted to last weeks numbers because Monday was a total fiasco after insomnia sabotaged my squats 🙁
Bench Press: 77.5llbs 3, 2, F, 2, F
Shit is getting heavy
Deadlift: 175lbs 5 x 1
This is as hard as I've ever found deadlifts to be. Still ♥ ❤ ❥
SURPRISE! There will be eggs for sale today, $6!
Michelle, I love that you have even found ways to exercise your emoji prowess on the blog.
Linda, you are a @#*&ing beast and I am now brainstorming ways to talk my niece into watching weightlifting for 3 hours on the 21st so I get to see what you, Keith, Michelle, Genna, et al do at the Total.
8am – Ro
Being that I haven't tested a 1RM on FSQ, I would say that this is a little over my 90%…I had 10-15#'s left in the tank on that 265. Nonetheless, pretty happy with this weight. Rest of class was waiting so my rep out was 20 straight…little dizzy after that.
Metcon – sucked
5 – ish rounds…did all the HSPU's unbroken, felt great today. Pullups – halfway through the 4th round, I couldn't feel my hands…I think working out last night, DL's + a PR of 30 T2B in warmup, my grip was fried. Opted for lunges instead of pistols.
With that said, love the T2B in warmups now, definitely another opp to work on something I struggle with.
10am with Jeremy.
Because of my knee thing, I've decided to hold off on front squats for now. Did the performance version of LBBS we'll be seeing on Saturday, as I will be unable to attend that class because we are doing our 6K erg test that day.
215 x 1
135 x 20
This all moved really well, and pain-free.
1 x 18' @16SPM 2.16.4/500M 3957M
Pull-ups- 1-1-1-1-1.
Started a linear progression on the FSQ at 175 – which felt nice and light. Might make 10# jumps the first couple weeks.
WOD – 6 rounds + 11 pistols Limiting factor was the pistols. Got a bunch of butterfly pull-up practice which was nice. Still a work in progress there
Noon class-ish
Bench Press
WOD Perf Rx'd
7 rounds + 8 pull ups
All hspu unbroken. Butterfly wasn't super dialed in today. Had to finish some sets with regular kip. Pistols got hard. This was more gas than I expected.
12pm Group Class
2 Rounds
5 Pull-Ups
15 Lunges
15 KB Swings 20kg
Snuck some movement prep in there since I came in a couple minutes late.
(45×5, 135×5, 155×3)
135x3x2 Paused for :03
Nice low start weight. Not my favorite lift. My three top group finished early so we added in some paused squats
3:00 Intervals WOD
Performance RX
Work Splits:
R1: 1R + 62 Reps
R2: 2 R + 60 Reps
R3: 3R + 16 Reps (total)
I really enjoyed this workout. Everything felt really good. Did all the pull-ups and HSPUs unbroken. Pistols would always get slow at the 10 rep. Did I do my math wrong? It seems wrong or maybe I'm half as fit as Fox. I was doing just shy of 2 rounds per interval I think
Monday's wod yesterday. Deadlifts for sets of 5 at 250.
Today w/ front squats at 180. Metcon was Fitness version at 256 reps really focusing on dialing in butterfly pullups. Did one full set of 10 in round 3 which was very surprising. The fatigue kept me in rhythm I guess.
I promise to try to post regularly for this cycle.
2 rounds of warmup 2 with: 5 strict chin-ups, 15 kbs Russian 20kg, 20 lunges.
Front squat:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×3)
-all unbelted and felt pretty good. Getting a good bounce out of the bottom. Will make a 10# jump next week.
Perf WOD:
3 rounds plus 5 hspu + 6 pull-ups.
-obvs not my best performance. Had to use 1 abmat for the strict hspu and that was my clear weakness. 2 rounds of pullups were unbroken. Pistols were slowish but steady. Wish I could have kipped the hspu but this just shows that I need to work on strict.
Tabata side plank cash out.
Bench press:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 110×1) 117.5x5x3
-technically started this linear progression last week and just plan to make 2.5# jumps throughout the cycle.
(135×5, 185×5, 205×3)
-all hook grip and dead stop. Good place for me to start this cycle.
Assault bike reverse tabata cash out: 36-39 cals.
-that was f*ing hard.
Oh boy…I just realized it's Wednesday…missed the CSA pick up! Assuming some wonderful person got my meat but hoping maybe it's still at the gym somehow….will pick it up
8:30 pm
Front squat perf: 95×5, 115×3, 135×2, 155×1, 165#x1
Then 95#x20, felt pretty good! A little higher than 50%, but I was still moving really well at the end
One more rest day for me,feeling sore from acupuncture so I wanted to stay away from the HSPUs and pull-ups until I see how I feel tomorrow.
Arturo arranged a gnarly substitute for me instead:
3 rds:
20 calories on assault bike
20 burpees
Disgusting but also satisfying.!
Guys! Tonight on @MIDNIGHT Gabrus is going to be on! Yes! That Gabrus of the pink hi top Converse who moved to LA to be mad funny! Yay!
8:30 with Melissa & JB. Fsq 245x3x3 was too heavy for the start of an lp I think. Down to 240 next time to give me room to build up…
Then 2×18' sets of rowing. It was lovely.