Clean and Jerk: 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM Clean and Jerk for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Dumbbell Bear
Perform the following complex every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
5 Dumbbell Thrusters
Loading is 45% bodyweight for advanced athletes. This version of “The Bear” was made popular by coach Mike Rutherford. If you are able to complete all the rounds, first start scaling up until you can do the weight as Rx’d, then begin to add one rep to the circuit. Seven reps of the complex for 20 rounds as Rx’d is the gold standard.
Post load and rounds completed as Rx’d (within the minute) to comments. If you fell behind the clock, indicate how far you got and how many rounds you were able to complete in the remaining time.
Compare to 12.9.09.
Photog Asta F. during the most recent Subway Series “Team Jackie” event
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
- Coach McDowell and Ellie are looking for a part-time nanny who can work Mondays and Wednesdays from 8am-6pm starting December 1st. Someone who has experience with infants and is ok working around a cat. If you know someone, let Ellie know!
- David and Rachel are selling their Concept 2 Rowing Machine. If you can’t get enough of the erg, hit them up!
Travel Gym Recommendations
Have you traveled to another affiliate recently? Coach Noah wrote a great guide a few months ago about how to be a good visitor at other CrossFit gyms, titled “On the Road, and Sweaty: Visiting Other CrossFit Affiliates.” We love it when you post your experiences to the Travel Gym Recommendations tab in the bottom left bar. Check out these two recent ones and add your own!
- Jason F. visited CrossFit 416 in downtown Toronto.
- Sarena K. visited CrossFit Herzliya north of Tel Aviv.
Modernity Big History Project
This, but without the smile.
Make-up from yesterday:
First WOD back! It was so nice to be back in the gym to workout and see everybody! I missed CFSBK a lot.
Did the performance version of the WOD and got four muscle-ups. Actually had a good amount of time for the muscle-ups, but could not get my s**t together! Many failures. Not sure if this was because my forearms were shot from the T2B, or because I don't have my normal energy levels, but it was a bit frustrating. Still, I was so happy to be able to move again. ๐
So good to see the Big History Project get some love on the blog! I taught the first pilot of the high school curriculum to a group of 20 students a few years ago and its now a staple of our summer school offerings. It's not only a fascinating history lesson on the universe, but a novel way to frame the political, environmental, and economic debates that will shape our future. The curriculum and materials are open-source on the Project's website, but you can check out Cynthia Stokes Brown or David Christian's books for an overview.
Coming up on 4 months at CFGC — desperately missing knowing what (at least the first half of) class will have in store for me on what days and the dedicated strength programming we did at SBK. That said, I'm seeing progress in several areas that have been goats: got my first strict HSPUs, strung 2 muscle-ups together, got 10 unbroken strict pull-ups, legless rope climbs.
Now debating on whether to take the plunge for a third trip to CRASH-Bs with some people from CFGC and trying to find another Olympic meet to do.
Miss you guys!
That is such a sneaky photo! I really like it, actually. It's always weird to see photos of myself working out because normally I am the one taking them.
Also – today DAN RESHEF is celebrating a birthday, hurray, DanRXd!
I have been working out near my office in the city lately which is interesting, I definitely miss the SBK vibe but am trying to be a good little architect and take all my silly exams which requires mucho studying and hiding out in a conference room after hours to get that stuff in. Only like a year more of this… not daunting at all. I will say, thanks for my years of training at SBK, my form is ON POINT on 90% of my lifts (ok, so snatch will always need some more work).
Looking forward to the art show! Tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell your dogs ('cause they should totally come hang)!
Ryan, we miss you too!
C&J at 118, failed 123. 118 was rather ugly so I'm not surprised I didn't go past that particular brick wall today.
WOD: 6 rounds at 30# (just shy of Rx, but 35 would have been over), then I chickened out and dropped to 25. I dunno…part of me wishes I'd stuck with 30 a little longer (especially seeing Luca grind out at Rx with no rest for, like, EVER), and part of me thinks 25 sucked pretty bad.
My arms don't work any more.
7am with Lady Fox and Captain DO. I am very proud of myself for dragging my ass out of bed despite still being sore from those freaking wall balls on Monday. C&J maxed out at 118#, which is 5# from my personal best. I wasn't expecting to PR today, simply because the front squat is my weakness, and again, sore like whoa in the ol' quads. So I'll take it. Then the db bear which was HORRIBLE. Dear god, I just wasn't expecting it to be as hard as it was. Rx would've been 35#, I went with 25# and after a few rounds scaled down to 3 thrusters instead of 5. I was just mentally not in it, I didn't want to go down to 20#, but I knew I needed to do something to keep me moving. I was able to finish each round right around the :30 mark. I was super impressed by Luca and Joe in my class, who were fighting it out with some pretty heavy weights. Not eager to repeat this one anytime soon.
6am. Clean and jerk: 134, 184, 214, 244, 259F (press out), 259F (failed clean). 259 would have been a 5# PR. Jerk was all sorts of off today. Was dipping forward on the drive and could actually feel the bar sliding down my shoulders. Wasn't getting down quickly for most reps, though the rep at 244 was fairly snappy. And then the DB Bear humbled me. Rx weight was 45#. Thought this was going to be too heavy and it was. Made it through 5 rounds before falling off the pace. Hips and low back have been feeling tight and this complex did not play nicely with those areas, so I consciously decided not to push it.
Thanks KH – whoah, that was rough… Definitely one of my least favorite WODs – DB Thrusters are something I have very little affection for so no real surprises there.
Very happy with a C&J PR today; my aim in this cycle was to hit 185 which happened, then went straight at 195, actually felt as though 205 was a real possibility but ran out of time. Still need to work on getting under the bar much quicker.
Seems that maybe under 12 hours recovery between crush week workouts suits me…
I'm obsessed with Sci Show and Crash Course. The Big History Project contributions from them have been so great. Nothing like some well articulated science to make you more appreciative of how incredibly lucky we all are to experience life on earth as intelligent, self aware domesticated primates ๐
My last ITA post had a couple nods to Ecology and Collective Learning.
10:00am Class with Lady Fox
(Pre Class)
Crossover Symmetry and some random calisthenics
Power Clean and Jerk
Worked up to 185x1x5
I seem to have lost my olympic lifting capacity somewhere. I'm hoping I didn't leave it in the couch cushions of the old sofas that were shipped away.
The Dumbbell Bear
Cleared 20 rounds using 30lb Dumbbells
Managed to finish each round at about :29
This was hard, lets apply some mathz to see how many footpounds of difference it would make to either do 6 reps each at 30s or 5 reps each at 35s
Weight x Reps x Sets = Volume (in ft lbs)
Baseline: 30lb DBs
60x15x20= 18,000
Increasing Reps @ 30lb DBs
60x18x20= 21,600
Increasing WT to 35lb DBs
70x15x20= 21,000
Looks like I'll scale up to 35's next time ๐
I don't know who Stella and KH were looking at, but I think I skipped more rounds than I actually did
It was an extra great 7 AM group today, and I especially appreciated Joe and a few others cheering all of us on through The Bear with such great spirit and positive energy. And as Cage said watching Luca keep fighting out extra reps, when the rest of us were just standing and panting, was so humbling and inspiring. It's really an honor and a great way to start the morning, to get to share and witness that energy and strength, so thank you guys.
forgot to post last night after 5:30pm class:
warm up: 3 rds of 25 squats, 20 hollow rock, 15 push-ups.
Performance WOD RX'ed:
180 reps plus 2 failed attempts at a muscle up
60 cal Row in 4:20, transition time to put on those magic hand protector things which RULE.
50 TTB finished by about 9:00
Burpees done at 12:09
KB swings (24kg russian) in three sets done at 13:46 (10-12-8)
Two attempts at a kipping MU. didn't get over on either attempt.
Very happy with this, esp. the TTB. 5-5-5, then sets of 3 until #39, then quick singles to finish.
I really wanted to do 2 sets on the KB, but it just felt so damn heavy by the time I got there.
Make up from last night at 7:30pm with McDowell, Melissa, and JB
I realized immediately after answering the question of the day that my answer should have been, like, Phil Collins or Genesis. I mean, there is no better theme song than "In the Air Tonight" or "Tonight, Tonight, Tonight." Duh.
Anyway, I did the performance workout:
60 cal row in about 2:40. Resisted the urged to race Brad and Andrew, who were going faster. Happy with the pace here.
50 T2B – not sure of the exact time I finished, but I think it was about 9 or 9:30. Did sets of 4 up until 36, then 3s until 45, then a double, then 3 singles with no kip. Happy with these overall. The sets of four felt pretty good all throughout, and nothing on my hands ripped.
40 burpees – finished these at about 13:00, kept a mostly steady pace throughout. Paused for air after every 10.
30 Russian kb swings @ 32kg – did 2 sets of 15, wrapped these up at about 14:15
Ended with 4 chest to bar pull-ups to close out. Pretty psyched on my performance here overall.
Finished with a lap where it felt like my calves were about to cramp up the whole time, then a three-top 400m farmer's carry with Brad and Thomas using the jerry cans.
Luca for AOTM!
Olympic Lifting class yesterday. Tied my clean PR of 170 – feel like I have more to go. Would love to get a bodyweight clean over the next six weeks. Frank is having me work on keeping my whole hand on the bar in the catch position – instead of releasing it as I am conditioned to do. Its a bit of an adjustment but it does force me to get my elbows around faster and I feel like I am in a stronger, more stable position at the bottom.
Need to keep working my shoulder mobility. The jerk reveals all. I was catching the bar a bit out in front all night.
BW – While I would love to interview him and discover the secrets that a diet of Froot Loops, Pizza, and Jack Daniels can bring, Luca has told me on multiple occasions that if we ever chose him for AOM it would be a sign of our decline and he would quit the gym.
Rest Day
Oly Cycle.
Clean ( hang power clean, pause at power position)
78 x 3, 88 x 2, 98 x 1, 93 x 1
You guys! I did a full, proper squat clean for the very first time!!!
Rack Jerk
73 x 5 x 3. Must focus on dropping under the bar while pushing up, wider and lower split. Getting there!
Snatch (hang power snatch, pause at power position)
48 x 5 x 5
Definitely smoother and shortening the pause at the power position. Easier to do this with the snatch than the clean as I have a definite point to aim for hips.
Oly yoga helps a TON.
CRASH Bs (RYAN you should definitely do this! Would be great to see you in Boston!!! )
2 x 16'/5' @16SPM 16SPM
2. 2.17.3 16SPM
Went out too hard on the first piece and nearly died.
500m row
Snatch Work
Barbell warm-ups
Snatch drill w no hook grip, squat stance, feet in place
25×2, 35×2, 40×2, 42×2
Snatch pulls
42×3, 45×3, 47x3x2, 50×3
I really don't like heavy pulls
Ran out of time.
At home did 3 Rnds NFT:
30 Sit ups
30 Rev lunges
Quads, Hamstrings, Hip flexors, Pecs
At the beginning of this cycle, clean and jerks were super challenging for me–especially the cleans. Today felt really good- had a PR of #67. Heh. Noah suggested I start with my feet wider before the jerk, which helped tremendously. Also, on Saturday I was told by David to increase weight more gradually…also makes a huge difference–> smaller-sized classes (and having one's own barbell) make this easier to do. Anyway, clean + jerks make me feel sorry for people who don't lift- they're so badass and fun!
My shoulders are blasted!
PR'd my clean and jerk even after several months of babying my janky shoulder injury so I couldn't be happier about that. 95#!
used 20# DBs during the WOD and that was plenty heavy- 45% bodyweight is a pipe dream at this point.