Today is a Rest Day! Take a cue from Coach Noah post-FGB and, well, consider napping on a sidewalk.
- Fitness magazine is looking for amazing transformation stories from women who have lost 80lbs or more. If that is you and you’re interested, please contact Karla.Walsh [at] by 5pm today to be considered for their “I Did It!” section.
- Congrats to Mel L., won the Herondale CSA meat share raffle! She takes home a 15-lb meat share, a $160 value! Congrats, Mel!
- Happy birthday, Neal P.!
Volunteer with Community Board 6
Last year, six members of the CFSBK community teamed with Community Board 6 (our local Community Board) to do an “Hour of Code” at PS/MS 282 (our local zoned school). It was a big success. Volunteers and schools are now being recruited to participate this year. If you would like to teach kids the basics of coding at one of our local schools, please take a moment and sign up to volunteer here. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Rob U at runderwood5 [at]
Upcoming Local CrossFit Certification Courses
CrossFit 718
11/8-11/9: CrossFit Powerlifting Trainer Course
12/20-12/21: CrossFit Kids Cert. Course
CrossFit Garden City
11/8-11/9: CrossFit Level 1
CrossFit Morristown
12/20-12/21: CrossFit Level 1
10 Things You Need to Know Before Starting Weightlifting Juggernaut
Lights Out: A Terrifying Horror Short The Atlantic says
Saturday’s Programming
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to your last exposure, or if you've been through a few cycles of front squatting and have been grinding your reps, follow today's Performance program and test a 1RM.
Performance: 1 – 1 – 1
Work up to a 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Tabata Thrusters 45#
2 Minutes Rest
Tabata Pull Ups or Ring Rows
2 Minutes Rest
Tabata Burpees
Score total number of reps for each movement (not each round) and grand total.
Post time and Rx to comments. says
Hello good ol' blog! It's been a while since I've been on here. Still working with Ro on my recovery, still making progress and starting to trust my body more and more.
Anywhoo—this is a plug for anyone who's interested in doing a CFL1. I did mine at CrossFit Garden City about 7 weeks ago and it was an all around, awesome, exhausting experience. Austin Malleolo was my head trainer, along with my dear buddy Keith Wittenstein, Joey, Jason, and, the all around awesome Jennifer and her husband, Dennis Marshall. The weekend is intense, but fun. The workouts are the best part! There are folks from all kinds of backgrounds: 3 weeks into CrossFit, and people 3+ years in. Also, if you've signed up for the one taking place at CFGC, that place is DOPE! It is HUGE! It has a "lobby". It has SHOWERS. It's nuts. Jennifer and Dennis are very proud of their new home and are running an excellent box.
So, if you have any questions (as I had a billion), let me know. And…GO DO IT. Learning the theories and practices behind the sport we love is a great way to enhance your training.
And when you get your certificate in the mail, you do a little dance.
MattyChm says
6am with NickDowell in a teeny tiny 6 person class separated 3 and 3 between yesterday and tomorrow.
Hit a new 1RM Front Squat at 230#. Thanks to Nick for the video but if I knew he was taking it I wouldn't have made so many weird noises.
Mixed Bag O' Tabata was a grind. Hit 47 reps on the Thrusters which definitely should have been more. Not sure why I thought it was a good idea to put the bar down between rounds. Easily lost one rep per round on that. Hit 50 pull ups and 45 Burpees for a total rep count of 142.
Shawn says
6am with NickDowell. This was the smallest class I've been in (as Matt noted, 6 total; 3 on Thursday's work; 3 on Saturday's) and it was pretty nice. I've been away for a couple of weeks recovering from minor surgery, so this was a nice way to jump back in.
I did Thursday's clean work and surprised myself at how well the weight was moving. I went 1×135; 1×145; 1×155; 1×185(f); 1×175(f); 1×175. My previous PR was 155, so hitting 175 was awesome. McDowell noted that my early reps were solid and they felt good to me, so I was feeling good about seeing what I could do. I inadvertently muscle cleaned 155, so McDowell suggested I give 175 a shot. I loaded 185 because I suck at math – and failed that one real good. Then I had a near miss at 175. Thanks to McDowell for letting me take one more crack at it. A big clean PR is such a nice way to start the day.
I did the accessory work with floor levers (I'm pretty sure I've got toes-to-bars in me, but today wasn't the day) and a 24kg bell (I think?). That went fine – though the swings got heavy. The side plank cash out's likely to be what I'm feeling today.
Stella says
8 AM front squattin'
185, 195(PR), 200(PR) although McDeezy informs me this was riiiight on the cusp for depth. I'm mad at myself for not checking the leaderboard before squatting. Third place is 202.5. I think I would have tried 205 had I paid attention.
WOD: 62 thrusters, 30 pullups, 35 burpees. Good to get in kipping pullup practice in a semi-pressure situation.
Lauren says
Great photo
Allie B says
The Garden City Level 1 is sold out.
If you're interested in becoming certified in CF Kids, you must hold a Level 1 certification.
My question is if one can take CF Kids training first, then later get a Level 1 later to become certified in CF Kids, or if one must take Level 1 training before taking CF Kids in order to get certified. Does anyone know? I can't find this answer.
Also, I've only been doing crossfit since July. Does anyone know if this is too soon to take a Level 1 Course anyway, even if my only ambition is CF Kids training?
Someday my dream of doing Push Presses with the Oompa Loompa dance and having Plank Wars with 7 year olds will come true…
Mrav says
Fsq with Noah at 10am. PR my front squat at 255# Worked out with Matt C. And we both hit PRs! Id never tried a Fsq 1rm before but I definitely feel like I've progressed a lot in the last few months. When I first started crossfit the front squat felt impossible. But 255 felt good – I think I might have gone higher if I had more time. says
makeup post from Thursday. Took the 8:30 class with Noah.
PRd my clean at 105# (!!) and was incredibly lazy on the follow up workout. says
Noon with McDowell
Went for a Front Squat PR which I haven't tried before. 125×1, 135×1 (PR!), 145x 1 (PR!). Other than the usual valgus left knee 145 felt pretty good. I may have had another PR in me but didn't want to push it. Next time…
WOD – 57 Thrusters, 36 Kipping Pullups + 8 Ring Rows (due to multiple hand tears), 46 burpees. I consistently started with a higher rep count the first 3 rounds then consistently hit lower reps the last half. Back to wearing gloves while washing the dishes. says
Make up post from yesterday's 8:30 pm class w. Noah. Felt great to be back with the 8:30 crew after so many months!
Cleans at 115# – 125 – 130 (PR) – 130 – and 130 (F). The 125# went up a lot better than the last time I did this 2 weeks ago. The 130# was hit or miss. It felt heavy going up and I think I mentally gave up before really giving it a shot. Eh. I need to focus and commit with this weight the next time I see it.
QUALITY work felt good. 5 rounds of 5 strict T2B and 4 rounds of Russian KB swings at 24 kg – 28 kg – 32 kg – 32 kg. When I started CF ~1 year ago I was close to getting one toes to bar, but couldn't quite get all the way there even though I had been working on it for a while. It didn't seem to be a problem with the abs/lats part of it, but more feeling weak in the shoulders and deltoids. So yeah, getting through 5 x 5 strict T2Bs with straight(ish) legs yesterday felt pretty awesome! Also, it was my first time working with the 2 pood KB, which went better than I thought. Frankly, I'm most excited to get to write the word "2 pood."
Finally, thank you for the birthday wishes! But, unless there is another "Neal P." out there in CFSBK-land, my birthday is in August! 😉 says
@Neal P., I think there actually is another one of you!
OG tonight.
Bench: attempted 115x3x5 again, but failed. Going to reset my linear progression at 100 and go from there.
Deadlift: 175x3x5. Starting my new cycle with this here, and only going to do it once a week instead of twice. Great cues from Whit… the bar position in the beginning finally (fingers crossed) clicked for me tonight. I was pushing the bar forward with my shins when I'd brace, and focusing on not doing that, and not pushing my shins too far forward over the bar, helped me a ton. Thanks, Whit!
Then, Crossover Symmetry goodness + tabata slamball (oof!) + tabata side planks with a little Jane Fonda leg raise for the last 7 seconds of each.
Todd says
Killer OG Session:
Snatch w pause > snatch
40×1,1 50×1 60×1 70×1
80×1 86×1 91×1 (PR)
Felt great hitting my doubles so went heavy. No misses and a hit long-time goal of a 200# snatch.
Vid on Instagram
Front Squat (Unbelted)
95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 250x2x8
Doing these with a closed grip as suggested by Frank. It makes my lats and traps super sore!
2” Defecit Deadlift
135×5 225×5 275×5 315×5
Dragon Flags