Fitness: Power or Squat Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a 1RM power or squat snatch in 5 attempts. Misses count as attempts.
Performance: Snatch 3 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Snatch Pull
Practice movement and bar path that is consistent with your actual lift on these.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Jess talks about how to find tension and stability when setting up a dumbbell snatch
News and Notes
- GOOD LUCK to all our runners who are racing in the New York City Marathon today: Mike O., Rob U., Eric E., Aileen, and Evan!! Let us know how it goes.
- Because of the Marathon, 4th Avenue will be mostly closed off during the high-traffic morning times, and you may only be able to cross the street underground at 4th and Pacific. Please plan ahead!
- Daylight Saving Time ended at 2am, meaning we gained an hour.
Learn How to Row From an Olympian Rower TODAY!
Whenever we have rowing in a workout, does part of you die inside? Then what could be better than slaving away at the erg for the next three and half months?! Learn to love the erg as much as you fear it: join the CFSBK Indoor Rowing Team to train for CRASH-Bs, the premier indoor rowing championship, on March 1!
If you’re interested, come to Coach Nick’s kick-off meeting today at 2:15pm. He’ll explain the program in detail and answer questions. (Best not to PR your snatch that morning–there might also be a workout.) Send Nick an email at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com if you plan to show up or if you have any questions.
Learn more here.
Even Brutes Can Learn to Cry New York Times
Insider’s Guide to Spectating the New York City Marathon Runner’s World
Fox says
Back from Aruba!
Noon class
198xM, M, M, M
Wasn't sure what to expect today but was feeling good so I pushed it. My left ear is blocked so my balance and hearing is off but it didn't affect the snatch. 187 was really crisp rep so I tried to PR at 90kg a few times. Skipped the WOD
Jay says
Congrats marathoners! Great work on a windy day!
Snatch/fitness. Plan was to keep it very light in advance of class tomorrow but the bar was moving really well. Hit every rep so decided to go for 110 and made it (after many fails on previous days) . Legit PR to put in the books. Glad that I cleared that hurdle so that I can move ahead now.
WOD at 75#. Best: 2:57. Worst 4:11 (ouch). Was all set to go unbroken in the last round but got off balance after rep 13 and lost a ton of time trying to get reorganized. Still … a great day at the gym.
Evan R says
A very windy NYC Marathon in 3:20:16, which because it was my first marathon, is also a PR! Come up a bit short on my goal of qualifying for Boston, but it was pretty tough conditions and I probably went out a little too fast in retrospect since I started crashing around mile 20.
Big thanks to Michael O and the CFSBK endurance program. Anyone who's been in one of his programs knows that he's an all around great guy and a deep reservoir of knowledge on all things endurance sports and always willing to share that knowledge and experience. Definitely wouldn't have even made it to the starting line without having worked with him for the past year.
Now that the marathon's over, definitely looking forward to getting back to group classes more than once a week and laying off the running for a little while.
Stella says
YEAH Evan! That is fast! You're first on the CFSBK leaderboard by a LOT 🙂
Peter says
8am. Snatch: 143, 143, 154. Snatch pulls: 198x3x2. Missed a rep at 110 while warming up. Left the bar way in front. Sometimes I have more trouble with the lighter weights when snatching. Snatch pulls felt much better than the clean pulls on Thursday. And 198 is my current goal for the snatch. Pretty sure I can pull that weight high enough.
Condition at 95#: 2:12, 2:20, 2:31, 2:31. Fun to be able to run on the street, though we were still dodging the tow trucks. All of the slow down was in the runs. OHS were smooth and unbroken.
Todd says
Drove back from Maryland today and came right to the gym with some tight hips. Rolled out and mobilized a bit and hit some lighter technique work:
50×5 60×4 70×3 80x3x5
50×5 60×4 70×3 80x3x3
2" deficit deadlift
135×5 225×5 275×5 305×5
Lauren says
Fun victory tonight for the cfsbk soccer team.
Had some exciting shots on goal after the minor setback of almost being traded..
Nice end to the weekend ready to put my feet up