Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to your last exposure.
Performance: 2 – 2 – 2
Work up to a heavy set of 2 reps. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
For Load and Technique, Not for Time,
Work up to a heavy load on the following complex:
7 Kettlebell Swings
7 Kettlebell Swings Left
7 Kettlebell Swings Right
7 Kettlebell Reverse Lunges Left
7 Kettlebell Reverse Lunges Right
7 Kettlebell Swings
Hold the kettlebell goblet style for the lunges. Rest as needed between attempts.
Post time and Rx to comments.
A burpee is complete when the hips and knees reach full extensions with the athlete’s feet off the floor. This is Luca… one second before completing a burpee
News and Notes
- Check out Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am, and Active Recovery with Coach David at 11am and 12pm!
- Because of the New York City Marathon tomorrow, 4th Avenue will be closed off and you will only be able to cross the street underground at 4th and Pacific, no swipe required (though it may take a loooong time). Please plan ahead! GOOD LUCK to all our runners who are racing tomorrow: Rob U., Eric E., Aileen, and Evan!!
- Daylight Saving Time ends at 2am tomorrow morning, meaning we gain an hour, so also plan ahead for that (or let your smartphone plan for you).
Podcasts So Good You Want to Binge-Listen The Atlantic
A Kinder, Gentler Taxidermy New York Times
Note that you CAN cross 4th Avenue as long as there aren't runners there. Crossing 4th at Degraw should be a problem only when the giant mass of runners hits, so probably starting around 10:15-10:30 AM and going for a couple of hours after that.
Congrats on the new space. Excited for more strength cycle, oly cycle, and body weight workshops especially. CrossFit Kids?
My bib for tomorrow is 46546. A great way to track all of us is the app, Means a ton to each of us to see a crowd out there cheering us on. Remember to not go out too early — many of us start at 10:30am and won't come through to Degraw until 11:30 or later! Thanks!
I am running in my black "Be Strong Today" Strength Cycle shirt.
FSQ: 225×2, 235×2 (my upper back got pretty rounded on this one so I called it).
FSQ Fitness, 200x3x3, Got some good pointers from Melo on how to rack the bar a little higher on the deltoids, I will have to try it next week
Didnt get a lot of rounds on the NFT, @20kg, and 24kg, then some lower back massaging.
Practiced kicking up to the wall, starting to get a bit more comfortable with it. Even tried a HSPU with 3 mats, only made it the way down 😛
Good luck marathoners.
115# on the front squat after a long night out- very happy with that!
Worked up to 20kg on the NFT- that was plenty hard on my single arm swings
20# DB for the cash out.
Excited to see the marathon runners tomorrow morning after getting an extra glorious hour of sleep!
Big 1pm, glad I rolled into class today after being on the fence about it! Love the new look for the front area & new bathroom, and looking forward to what you do with the new space.
Used 40# dbs for the thrusters in WU 1 and it was fine, more of a psychological victory than anything else because I think of the 95# fran weight as heavy. Maybe I can convince myself it's only medium?
FSQ 245x3x3, heavy, fine. Partners said my depth was good this week so I'm happy. 250# next week! My very old 1rm is 255, confident I'm past that now. I'd be happy to see this in the next cycle.
Accessory work – last two weeks I've done higher rep reverse lunges at 120#, but holding that kb in the goblet position makes it so much harder! 20, 24, 32 (too heavy, form suffered), then down to 28. DB press @ 35#.
Good luck tomorrow, marathoners!
Got involved in a major furniture swap out yesterday, so squeezed in noon class today
45×5, 75×3, 115×3
135x2x3 – felt good but not good enough to go up.
NFT KB Work-out
16kg – 20kg – 20kg
HSPU strict practice
No abmat x2
Abmat x3x2
No abmat 2
Abmat x2
Super couch stretch – 2 min ea side
Banded hip flexor pulls – 15 x 2 ea side
Soaked and chilled to the bone twice today. Looking forward to some good old fall comfort tonight and resting up for the big tacos game tomorrow
Good times at 2pm after coaching a great group of classes today!
3 min on erg
Foam roll lats, t-spine
1 ascent up the rope
10 ring push-ups
Snatch: warming up felt good, so decided to try snatching with full squat. it's been a few wks!
drills/wu at 33#
53: high hang power, knee power, power
63, 73, 83, 93, 93
93 is about 85%. happy with that.
pull off floor feels solid. could be a bit crisper. a little too 'graceful'. more POWER and drive under the bar!
Clean (+Jerk-ish)
63: power clean, clean, push jerkx2, split jerk
83: power clean, clean, push jerk, split jerk
103: clean, split jerk
Didn't want to push weight so put 63# in a rack to work push press (3×3, one set after each clean)
Cleans @ 123, 133, 133
133 is about 92%, so again happy with that. since it's been several weeks without going into full squat in these lifts.
partner WOD, Canada style with Matt Katz!
my version:
3 strict HSPU to 2 abmat
10 pistols
15 pull-ups
I did 6 rounds. MK and I did 12 total + 5 extra HSPU for him!
pull-ups were slow, but after finishing I realized that was 90 pull-ups… so it kinda makes sense to me now that i was doing singles at the end!! kip was only put together about half the time. thank goodness for hand wraps.
pistols were fun. L side so much harder! do these more!
HSPU felt good with short ROM and strict/control for my shoulder. will work this way to keep building strength!
1pm with Whit and Noah.
Front squat 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 155 x 1, 165 x 2 (!), 165 x 3 x 2.
I bailed the third rep on the first set. I am not sure why. The following two sets felt equally as heavy and but I managed. Whit gave me some good advice about where to position the bar and reminded me to shrug up and be more active about keeping the bar in the correct place rather than just hoping it stays there. Good, visual, descriptive cues, as always.Thanks Whit!
WOD- started with 16kg and even at that weight the one-armed swings were really difficult! Kayleigh peer pressured me into trying 20kg and then 24kg. Glad I did it but I really found those one-armed swings so hard. I really thought I might let go and injure myself or saga who was across from me. But thankfully I didn't.
Cash out with 25#, 30#, 25#, 30#, 30#.
Rings class afterwards was lots of fun and I managed to do an unassisted skin-the-cat- which was my goal when we started. I had done it once last year but I didn't think I would be able to at my current body weight.
Awesome and inspiring to see the comp team training.
Yesterday- deadlift 135 x 5, 185 x 4, 205 x 4, 220 x 5. Some light clean and jerk practice
Thursday- oly class- worked on clean and jerks. Great cues and new things to think about. Followed by 100 DUs, 10 pull-ups in sets of 1 and 10 chin-ups in sets if 2. Some kipping swings.
Right. I am taking a rest day tomorrow.
Best of luck to the runners!!
Mostly rest day today, after a great AR class with DO at noon. Whether from climbing/this week's physical activities or how I slept last night, I woke up with "thoracic impingement" in my left shoulder, so David showed me some good remedies with a lacrosse ball. Feeling a bit better.
Also, apologies for the delay on today's blog! I set it for 12pm instead of 12am. Eep!