Fitness: Power Clean, On the Minutes x 10 minutes
Work at the same heavy weight you worked up to last week, or slightly higher.
Performance: Clean 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
6 Clean and Jerks 135/95
20 Double Unders
Post Rx and reps to comments.
CFSBK’s new brood of cute kittens, or the fierce Gatto Vatos at FGB on Saturday? (Alternate caption: Who knew Coach Fox would make such a good house cat?)
Random Musings from Coach David
If you’ve ever been in a class with Coach David, you know that sometimes really weird, interesting, and beautiful things come out of his mouth. Over the summer of 2013, when I was hammering him with questions about his yet unbirthed blog, Inside the Affiliate, he happened to say the following and I quickly wrote it down. It’s pretty great and articulates CFSBK’s ethos in a beautiful way. Enjoy—and go out of your way to connect with someone new in class today!
“A psycho–social element of fitness that’s part of our business philosophy is that this isn’t just about getting fit, but about meeting people and doing things that might make you uncomfortable. These things are important for a tribe to build community and togetherness—it all creates a deeper connection to the program and a deeper relationship with what you’re doing physically. This kind of community engagement encourages retention—the more people you know, the more people who will notice you’re not in class. Especially in New York, it’s easy to be alone in a crowd and though we have eight million-plus people, it’s often hard to meet people. We’re creating opportunities for like-minded people to connect.”
These 3 Programs Start in the Next Week! What Are You Waiting For?
1. Strength Cycle with Coach Jeremy
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
We are offering five 8-week strength programs that will involve the following:
* Small group training designed to increase your competency with the lifts.
* Consistent and repeated exposure to the powerlifts along a linear progression of weight
* Short and intense complementary conditioning workouts.
* Group discussions on lifting topics including: planning warm-ups, the mental aspect of lifting, and elements of the adaptive response to strength training.
* New PRs.
Upcoming cycle times and dates:
A cycle: Beginners, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday Oct 27th – Friday Dec 19th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday Oct 28th – Sunday Dec 21
E cycle: All levels, 10am Mon/Thurs Monday Oct 27th – Thursday Dec 18th
The C and D cycles are FULL.
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, December 21th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] to discuss placement.
2. CFSBK Endurance Program with Coach Mike O.
What: An 8-Week intensive program based in the form and endurance needs for CrossFit Runners
When: Thursdays at 7pm and Saturdays at 11am, starting October 30th
Where: Determined each week between Prospect Park or Red Hook Track
Schedule and Pricing: $175 full-access to the 8-week program (including bi-weekly coached group sessions, benchmarking, training data, and full plan support and guidance)
What to Expect: This will be 8 Weeks of 2x/a week Running, Drill Work, and the basic biomotor requirements to become a more fluid runner and increase your endurance relative to Crossfit training. We will work on everything from basic balance and stability, to some run-specific single leg plyo training, and power production specific for the needs of a strong athlete. This program will NOT be a Half-Marathon or Marathon Training program, but it will enhance your ability to absorb any program like that, or simply to increase your metabolic energy systems to help you absorb higher and more intense work loads in your training
Program begins on Thursday October 30th, 2014. Due to the progressive nature of the program, athletes will not be permitted to join after November 6th, 2014.
3. CFSBK Olympic Lifting Program with Coach Frankie Murray
What: An 8-week Olympic lifting cycle meeting twice a week with Coach Frank Murray and/or Heather Farmer in addition to 2 Open Gym or group class per week.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 10/28/14-12/18/14 or Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 10/27/14-12/17/14. (see full details below)
Price: $300 per 4 weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill charged automatically to the card on-file 4 weeks later.
AM Cycle
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30am to 12:00pm from 10/28/14-12/18/14
PM Cycle
Mondays and Wednesdays 8:30pm to 10:00pm from 10/27/14-12/17/14
Learn more here.
The Case for Drinking as Much Coffee as You Like The Atlantic
If You Were Blind, How Would You “See” a Photo?
Your Horoscopes—Week Of October 21, 2014
Spinal/Body Mobility Drills with Scott Hagnas Catalyst Athletics
Played tourist at 6 AM due to an early client meeting. I was THISCLOSE to going back to sleep and I don't know how you 6 AM regulars do it every day. Props.
Cleans were absolutely not dialed in. I don't know whether this is due to getting up an hour earlier than normal or just general suckitude. 3 reps at 103 and 3 at 108. They were all more like reverse curls.
WOD in 8:27 with 83#, counting attempts. The jerk was the only easy part of this (because the clean is the limiting factor, sigh). DUs were not bad today. I will take it!
6am with David and Jess (and Stella)
Slow start to the morning. I felt like cleans were more of a struggle than they should have been. Consensus was that two rainy mornings in a row were taking their toll. Despite that I forced myself to stay at 90% which is 185#.
WOD surprisingly felt very good. Hit this Rx'd at 8:07. Clean & Jerks were consistent and DUs were unbroken the first four rounds with only one slip up on the fifth round.
6am with DO and Jess.
Clean fitness work: 185×8 / 195×2. Planned to start at 175 but that was feeling good in the warm-up and I wanted to push myself. David came over during the workout and told me to bump it up 10# so I finished at 195 and it went surprisingly well. Thanks for the push, DO!
WOD: 9:57 RX. Just under the wire here. I wore my oly shoes for this and the laces came untied twice. I'll double knot next time I have to do any DUs with my olys, or maybe just ditch them for my regular shoes. Definitely makes the DUs harder but the laces are what really killed me here.
A few attempts at the ice cream makers but somehow I couldn't quite pull them off like Fox and DO did.
Off to Delaware today so will drop in to CrossFit Lewes for Friday and Sunday. Looking forward to their Sunday "Beast" workout.
6am. Cleans: 225, 235, 225, 225, 225, 225, 235. Lots of time, lots of reps. Hips and low back are feeling tight so I stayed at a lower weight than last week. I really really tried to rip the rep DO was watching off the floor and he still said it was slow. Caught one of the reps well forward on my shoulders and another through my Adam's apple. Metcon Rx: 7:08. Dropped the bar between every rep on the clean and jerk, but then picked it right up. Thought this worked well as I never slowed down. First round of DUs was unbroken, then shit-show time on the second round. Took me a moment to realize my rope kept hitting the rack behind me. Third round was also a shit-show but that was simply tripping over my own feet. Could easily have shaved a minute off my time without these stumbles. Good workout, though. Would like to tackle it again sometime.
Cleans: 185x1x10 (90%)
I was solo on a platform, so I decided to couple together performance and fitness. 90% EMOTM work. Everything flight good and smooth. I tried to focus on bar path and getting out of the hole quickly.
Metcon: 9:56 Rx. This looked a lot like Grace after doing the math. The C&J felt very good. I bailed the bar each rep but got back to it very quickly. I focused shortening up my dip and keeping my torso vertical, the result was a much tighter and stable jerk. DUs — not sure where I left those because I honestly don't think I strung together more than 3 together all day.
It's so good to be back. 8 AM with Fox this morning. Worked at 185 on my performance cleans. These were a bit of a mess, which I suppose is to be expected when working out has been intermittent at best. My first two pulls feel like they have improved a lot but as Fox pointed out, the third pull is not so good. I'm losing contact with the bar and not pulling myself under, my hands are coming in and the bar is flying up (at least it's flying?). Blah.
WOD: slow, DNF, but felt ok. I am completely unconditioned so I went RX'd for weight and just tried to move steadily. Think I got through 22 clean and jerks.
Yesterday's HBBS workout with MeLo. I raised my training max by 10lbs to 225, so . .
145 x 5 (65%)
170 x 5 (75%)
190 x 10 (85%)
Three rounds on the WOD. Main goal, again, was to practice kipping pull-ups. I was able to string together 4-5 before it got messy. They were definitely the limiter here. I should have opted for slightly lower volume just to keep moving but – next time.
Make up post from Monday. Hit 145 for 5 for split jerk. Went a bit lighter because I tweaked my hip flexor a couple of weeks ago and wanted to feel it out. Missed one rep forward (of course the one that David saw) but others felt very fast and crisp. Oly class is helping here (thankfully). I am forgetting what the WOD was – something with rowing I think and Kettlebell swings. There may have been some burpees and dumbbell presses too . . .
I am sensing that the expensive cash out is a fixture of this cycle.
Sign up for the Olympic Lifting class y'all. Its fun!
Noon w/ Jess
Cleaned on the minute @ 165 x 5, then 170 x 5.
Missed cleaning last week, so I kept the same weight from the prior week. Moved smoothly for the most part, and felt comfortable on all of them. Jess gave me some good points that made the final lifts even better than the earlier ones. Fast elbows.
Rx @ 7:41
Dropped the bar and reset each rep. These got heavy quickly, so taking the time to reset and focus on each one was essential. Was mostly comfortable moving from the clean straight into the push. All DUs unbroken except for a slip-up halfway through rd 3.
Still can't figure out the inverted lever/ice cream maker. I get through a couple of them in sloppy fashion, rest, and repeat.
EMOM – started at 93 for 2 of them, moved to 98 for a few but elbows were too slow, back to 93 and something clicked where I was getting under them faster. Last one at 98 felt good.
WOD: 6:56. Scaled C&J weight to 73, which was plenty heavy for me. These were tough. DUs all unbroken until round 5 when I had a few trip ups.
Cash out with floor levers 5×5. I will have sore abs tomorrow.
Last night I saw a ball of red yarn in the lost and found and laughed! Everything about the cool cats, costumes, staging and props is genius! I love this photo! These costumes may never be topped, but at least there is a whole year to try to think of something similarly awesome.
AM fun w/ DO:
Crossover Symmetry Activation Circuit
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1
OTM snatch 10min @ 85% (75kg)
Clean and 2 jerk
70×1 80×1 85×1 90×1,1,M,1,1,1
Caught that third clean “Zombie Style” and couldn’t get my hands back underneath
Jealously watched the fight club rolling afterward, Arturo was kind enough to indulge me in some pad work so I could join in on the fun.
Hit some handstands too and got a 10+ second mostly static hold.
That photo is unbelievable
Cleans —
35k x 1 x 2
45k x 1 x 2
50k x 1 x 3
55k x 1 x 1
60k x 1 x 5
65k x 1 x 2 PR
70k x 1 PR
70kg is something like 153# which is a 15# PR and felt good!
Did some hip flexor work before class and had no pain in that area, which helped. I've also been paying close attention to my hamstrings which have been sensitive. Can't stress the benefit of the right mobility enough and having the resources we do at the gym is invaluable. Thanks, Fox, for the tips!
(6) C&J @ 40k — singles, cleans felt wonky but jerks felt good
(20) DUs — didn't have my rope but these went surprisingly well. 3 rounds unbroken
Completely failed at cash-out pull-up levers. Something to work on for sure.
Nooner with lady Fox and DO.
Worked at 103# on the OTM power cleans. I tried to focus on making contact at the high hang position and I feel like I was kind of getting there by the end of it but I really had to slow everything down.
WOD at 73# in 7.28. I did 20 DUs for the first round but they were not really happening today so I went with 10 for every other round. Of course everything I had figured out with the power cleans earlier went out the window once the clock was going and jerks were involved.The weight was fine but I just wasn't keeping the bar close enough and it definitely wasn't making contact. The jerks were surprisingly solid, I think, once I got going. Still a very unfamiliar movement for me.
Dragon flags- I think I actually did them correctly for the first time today because they were really hard.
Did a few more proper power cleans at 63# afterwards just to solidify the correct movement in my head, if that makes sense.
Some handstand practice afterwards- much better today. I have no concept of time when I am upside-down but I definitely managed to stay there longer than usual.
4:30 class
100kg (220) x1
105kg (231) x1x5
Slightly above 90% (225) today. Hoping to have a clean and jerk PR soon, it's been 3 years. Working on knees back on the first pull and bringing the bar higher toward my hips on the second pull. Some success today.
WOD Rx'd
First round unbroken barbell, the rest broken up. Double unders unbroken only for first and last rounds due to silly trip ups. This hurt a bit. I realized while talking with Jess afterwards over dinner that the only options on my mind today were either 6 unbroken C&J or all singles. I may have moved faster if I dd doubles or triples.
Love my Vatos de la Gatto. I have never wore a costume for FGB before and somehow this gang got me into it. Going to miss Gina, she's good peeps.
Also realized that since my best Grace is 2:30, today's time means it effectively took me almost 4 minutes to do 100 double unders…#notelitefitness
Cleans OTM 135, 145, 150, 155f, f, 150…
WOD @115 with 20 DUs attempts, DNF @ 4 rounds. This was an all around ugly Oly and wod day. My head isnt clear. Back to the drawing board.
BTN Jerk, 3RM
BTN Press, 5RM
187×4, failed 5th
Bent Over row, 8RM
Cleans and the WOD were super challenging for me today. Cleans were easy enough at 53 then got super tough as I worked towards 68. Pulling from the floor then trying to move quickly from the mid hang kept confusing my body and brain. I can finally jump rope singles now without messing up too often… But I didn't finish my 5th round in 10:00 🙁 Rainy day number 2, having to attend the 7:30 class hungry, and listening to Tom Waits as I walked to the gym def didn't help my attitude…
As far as the community togetherness and gym retention comment goes, my experience tonight was a great example of this: even though I felt negative coming in– seeing some of the ladies I've befriended through the gym not only got me through the workout but I left feeling more positive than when I came in. Take physical activity that produces results, provide well-taught, safe, supportive coaching and fun,consistent, rigorous programming, foster an environment where camaraderie and community is encouraged and you'll no doubt have a place where people want to keep coming back to. Business genius. Love coming here even on days I just want to be in my bed singing "misery's the river of the world".
Clean: 85,105,125,145, 150×5
WOD: 8:51 RX
Not really sure if I did any unbroken because I was generally attempting to keep an even pace with each rep. Given my finish time I would have to consider them all singles. However most of them felt pretty solid even until the end. Whitney reminded me to set my back about halfway through. Which is mucho importante to maintain. Gracias!
Double unders were stupid-slow. But it is what it is.
4:30pm group class:
-only worked up to 65kg x 1 x 5
-pretty sore from yesterday's squats so this felt heavy today.
5:07 rx'd (43kg=94.6#)
-first 2 rounds of c&j unbroken, 2nd 2 rounds in 3-3, last round in 2-2-2
-all rounds of du's unbroken except for last round when I tripped at 12.
Did about 4-5 total sets of 5 of the floor lever cash out. Definitely including the reps I demoed today since that shiz is hard!
Cleans and the WOD were super challenging for me today. Cleans were easy enough at 53 then got super tough as I worked towards 68. Pulling from the floor then trying to move quickly from the mid hang kept confusing my body and brain. I can finally jump rope singles now without messing up too often… But I didn't finish my 5th round in 10:00 🙁 Rainy day number 2, having to attend the 7:30 class hungry, and listening to Tom Waits as I walked to the gym def didn't help my attitude…