The CrossFit gods will give you extra points tomorrow if you smile like Peter M.
- Happy birthday, Erin M.!
- ALL REGULAR CLASSES ARE CANCELED TOMORROW. The Floater WOD is in the comments below.
- If you still want to compete in FGB or can’t compete, email Info [at] ASAP!
Tomorrow’s Schedule
Please check the heat assignments to see when you’re competing and judging tomorrow. Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes before your heat to get registered and ready. The upstairs annex will be available all day for the two teams in the upcoming heat to warm-up. Your team captain will pick up shirts at the Front Desk when everyone on your team arrives. Immediately after your heat, there will be a team portrait taken outside, so look your best!
At the end of the day, we’ll have an awards ceremony and group picture. We encourage everyone to hang out, drink beers (provided by the gym and Threes Brewing!), eat food from a Down Under Bakery food truck between 11am-3pm, and cheer on the other teams. If you’re in an early heat, please hang out and then try to make it back for the awards ceremony… especially if you’re going to the podium. The Brookyn Community Foundation will also be introducing themselves and talking about the Foundation throughout the day.
8:30am Gym Opens
9:00-2:00 Fight Gone Bad Heats
2:15 Awards Ceremonies
Afterward, some folks will trek to Brooklyn’s Threes Brewing on 333 Douglass Street around the corner from CFSBK for some food and (probably more) beer. And since Erin M.‘s birthday is today, people will also be meeting up later to dance dance dance at Le Poisson Rouge’s Back to the Eighties Show with Jessie’s Girl.
Top 3 Individual Fundraisers
Top 3 Team Fundraisers
Top 3 Rx’d Male and Female Competitors
Top 3 Team Score Totals (mixed Rx’d and Scaled)
Movement Standards
Everyone competing in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow also has a judging assignment slot. Please come familiar with the movement standards so you can accurately perform and judge the workout. We’ll review that day, too. The box jump is still a CrossFit Games standard box jump, which means you’ll need to show extension and control at the top of every rep as opposed to being able to reach extension as you jumped off.
Box Jump: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 20″
Ladies’ Rx: 20″
Additional option: 16″
Start: Standing on Ground
Finish: Standing on top of the box with knees and hips fully extended and under control. Athletes may bound or step down. Step ups are also acceptable.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Both plates on ground
Finish: Knees and hips fully extended and barbell at approximately collar bone height.
Wall Ball: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 20lb ball, 10′ target
Ladies’ Rx: 14lb ball, 9′ target
Additional option: 10lb ball, optional target
Start: Hip crease dips below parallel
Finish: Ball hits ABOVE target line
No Scales
No ROM standards
Push Press: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Bar in a racked position in front of shoulders
Finish: Knees, hips, shoulders and elbows fully extended with the barbell above the shoulders
Don’t be afraid to call a “No Rep” on someone if they’re not meeting the standards! You’ll be doing them and the event itself a favor.
If you think you’ve got a top 3 score in you and want to go for the CFSBK Leaderboards, please let one of the coaches know ahead of time so we can communicate with your judge.
Team CFSBK had raised over $30K for charity! Check out our CrowdRise page to see who our top teams and individuals are so far. Can we raise $5K more today to unveil our next surprise from BCF??
If you came yesterday and are doing Fight Gone Bad tomorrow, consider doing only the lifting portion.
Work up to a heavy, non-touch-and-go three-rep deadlift.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
20 Double Unders
5 Power Cleans 155/105
5 Front Squats
I was planning on running 3 miles with some friends today. Slow and social…
Anyone have advice as to whether or not it's a bad idea pre-fight gone bad? Is no exercise better the day before a really intense workout?
Allie, that's what I'm doing this morning. Unless you're starting from scratch and running 3 miles is a distance that's going to leave you sore, I think it's totally fine and you won't have "leftovers (ie, soreness, fatigue) that will get in the way of your doing FGB.
6am with DO and McDowell.
Only Richard and I were foolish enough to show up today with FGB tomorrow. We'll see what impact it has…
Deadlift 275×3 / 295×3 / 315×3
DO gave some good pointers on my set up: straightening my legs first and then bending them while setting up my back.
WOD: 7:47 @ 135#. Glad I scaled this one as 155 would have been rough.
8:30 last night with DO
Had a transportation malfunction yesterday morning which kept me from the 6am class… and then replacing the tube in my front bike tire kept me out of 7:30… so I hit up CFSBK's last call.
Performance Cleans: (95×3, 135×3, 185×2, 215) 225, 225, 235, 235 The work sets got progressively better each rep. The last one felt really crisp and easy, except for racking the bar what seemed like mostly on my trachea.
WOD: My math skills were not serving me well last night when I wrote this on the leaderboard as 25 DB snatch / 66 burpees… it was actually 35 DB snatch and 56 burpees. Snatches were done at 75# which seemed really heavy when DO suggested it, but actually felt a little light on a lot of the reps.
Can't wait for FGB!
Good luck to everyone participating in FGB tomorrow!
Thanks, Stella! 🙂
"Immediately after your heat, there will be a team portrait taken outside, so look your best!"
There seems to be a logical flaw here…
Also I meant whiteboard and not leaderboard in that last post. Jeez… my brain is jelly these days.
Make up from yesterday's cleaning. Cleans felt better than I expected so I worked up to 93#. Whit's note on these echoed things I've been told by JB while working on snatch and Noah on jerks — I am leaning forward, or in this case, actually jumping forward. I am listening and working on it! Enjoyed working on and thinking about the positions on this lift. This cycle the cleans have left me so wiped out afterwards!
For the WOD I used a 30# dumbbell, which is PLENty heavy for me. Lost count of all the reps but I had fun with this work and glad I went as heavy as I could. Oh yeah and I also did actual burpees instead of thrusters. Progress!
I'm gonna take a rest today and be ready for FGB tomorrow! Go Badgers!
Make up post from Wednesday.
Performance HBBS
160 x5 (75%)
185×3 (85%)
205×3 (95%)
Did 25 pull-ups all "Kipping" which was my main objective. Trying to seize every opportunity to practice them.
Today's floater WOD at 8 am with McD and Noah
DL: 135×3, 185×3, 225×3, 275×3, 300×2, 275×3
WOD in 10:03 at 95#.
Truth be told I felt terrible both days. Was a little sick last week and feel about 85%. Good enough to come in and do the work but not great enough to perform at capacity. Tried to take it "easy" but it's hard to hide at Crossfit.
Good luck to all the Fight Gone Bad@sses tomorrow. So sad to miss it this year. It'll be a great day for y'all.
10 am Friday is where it's at
"1 lap", DROMs, Bbell drills w group
Pull, then hang clean: 63# x 1, 83# x 1, 93# x 1
Cleans from the deck:
103#, 113#, 123#
128# x 1 x 5 (with one bail forward in there — was clenching fists, fixed when opened hands)
(90% would be 124 but was feeling good)
3 RDS —
1:00 DB Snatch @ 40# (16, 13, 15 – one point deduction for false start) — I like these
1:00 Burpees (16, 16, 18)
1:00 Rest
good one — 94 total
2 RNDS —
30 hollow rocks (15, 15)
10 T, 10 Y (don't really get these)
5 RNDS —
3 attempts at max hold hand stand near wall
felt solid, but no broken records here
Chocolate Roommmmmmmm
Any idea if dogs are allowed in Threes?? I would love to bring Maisie with me tomorrow…
Make-Up post from Wed+Thu
Wed 5:30
LBBS: boo my hip still hurts. it's better, but not 100%. air squat and light squats are relatively fine, any real weight starts to hurt on the way up out of the bottom of the squat
45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×5. cut it and went back to 95x5x2
**Put a shim under my right foot. This makes my left leg work like it is not used to doing. The shim is too big, so as I know, I need to get my R shoe lifted. By the end of OCT.
WOD: 18:28 RX
500m row
50 push-up, chest to floor, stable midline position
50 box jump, bounding
50 pull-ups (5-5-5, then mostly 3's, a couple 2's. alternated b/t thumbs around rvrs hook grip and thumbs on top. main goal was not to tear my hands. SUCCESS!!)
550m run
…this took a long time and I'm okay with it 🙂
was pretty sore from muscle up attempts the day before. Fox called it — felt the soreness kinda deep in my joints and bones.
Was planning on fully resting on Thu, but ended up with some free time, so decided just to power clean. Then I noticed how sore my arms were… again!
Power Cleans:
83x1x3, 103x1x2, 113x1x5, 103x1x2
113# is slightly under 80%, but wasn't feeling the need to push.
Focused on power from the hip and meeting shoulders to bar.
@Charlie – I believe no, since they serve food.
Great OG session tonight.
A little too far back on my heels on a few reps but otherwise solid.
Felt like I would have had a 5th rep, and I "almost" went for it. I decided on 4 since last week I only got 4 at 425. Pulled all warm ups to 405 with hook grip so that's a hg PR. 435×4 is also a rep PR.
Fun OG tonight. Continued fsq lp, 235x3x3; fine but I have to be careful, it's only fine when I don't let myself rock forward!
Cleans were going super well tonight and I decided to try for a PR. Work sets at 155, 175, 195, 215. Then failed twice at 225, thanks for filming me Karl – on review I jumped way way back on the second one so of course I bailed. JB said I was jumping back two weeks ago, too, so this is definitely something I'm going to have to work on. But I got the bar up, and under it, on both attempts so I'm very optimistic. I didn't jump back much on the first one. just failed because I'm some guy that failed a lift for no reason.
Hope everyone has fun @ fgb tomorrow!
Power Snatch, 70%x3x3, 75%x3x2
Power CLEAN**
I wish I were power snatching 264 for triples!!
Killer Max Out session at OG:
40×3 50×2 60×1 70×1 75×1 80×1 85×1 88×1 (PR) 90xM,M,M
Clean and jerk
70×1 80×1 90×1 100×1 108×1 112×1 (PR) 115xM,M,M
PRs on both lifts and a PR 200kg total which was a long time goal. The first snatch attempt at 90 flew up, and I got under all three 115 cleans but got buried. Pulls must have been fueled by pure adrenaline at that point.
Headed back to Harriman for the weekend to take one of my guys from Manila out for some hiking. Good luck to all the FGB-ers tomorrow, sorry to be missing it!