Fitness: Clean Deadlift to Knee + Knee Power Clean + Front Squat (or Full Clean)
Work up to a heavy weight on the complex and perform 3-5 reps there.
Performance: Clean 5 x 1
Hit 5 singles between 80% and 90% of your recent 1RM. If you’re feeling good then work at the 90% end, if you’re feeling off then work at the 80% end. Your work reps must be no lighter than 80% and no heavier than 90%.
Post loads to comments.
Every Minute on the Minute for 16 Minutes:
Even: 12 Wall Balls 20/14, 14/9
Odd: 20, 30, or 40 Double Unders
Post Rx and how it went to comments.
Bree with complete hip and knee extension at the top of her kettlebell swing. At this point in the swing, the kettlebell should feel “weightless,” as if it would float up if you let go of the handle. If this isn’t happening for you, ask a coach how to fix it!
News and Notes
- Happy birthday, Murat A.!
- Membership Policies: Please remember that your weekly class tally STARTS on Monday, so plan your schedule accordingly. So, if for instance you are on a 3x/week membership, you can’t come Monday/Wednesday/Friday and then attend Open Gym on Sunday night as part of the upcoming week. You would have to pay a drop-in fee for the additional class. Classes missed the previous week can be banked, but you cannot use up your weekly classes in advance of the designated week. Please review our Membership Policies for more information.
Fight Gone Bad Updates
Need more reasons to raise money for Brooklyn Community Foundation? How about this:
Brooklyn Community Foundation sparks social change across Brooklyn, mobilizing the people, capital, and expertise needed to solve the borough’s most pressing challenges. The Foundation pursues a vision of a fair and just Brooklyn where all residents have the opportunity to participate and prosper.
The Foundation is the first and only permanent source of support for Brooklyn’s communities, led by the ideas and resources of Brooklyn’s communities. Its Community Fund is dedicated to the innovative and essential work of Brooklyn’s nonprofit organizations. Since 2009, in partnership with its donors, the Foundation has awarded over $20 million in grants to more than 300 nonprofits across Brooklyn.
We just crossed the $17,000 marker—which is 41% of our fundraising goal, but WE ONLY HAVE NINE (9!!) DAYS TO GO. Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise. Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 5:30pm Wednesday 10/8):
Top Five Teams:
- Wodtoberfest
- Wall Ball Me, Maybe
- Swoldiersoffortune
- Menace to Swolbriety
Top Five Individuals:
- Erik B.
- Peter M.
- Scott M.
- Richard G.
- Asta F.
Alternative Weekend Activites
We are hosting Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength Seminar again and the gym will be closed Friday night through Sunday night, reopening Monday morning. As an alternative, we’re offering all sorts of fun activities…
Saturday Activities:
Coach Noah’s Beginning Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 11am
Register here!
Coach Noah’s Intermediate Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 12pm
Register here!
Endurance Coach Mike O.’s Running Clinic
What: 2-Hour Running and Endurance Clinic
When: Saturday, Oct 11th from 9am – 11am
Where: Red Hook Track
Cost: $12
Sign up here!
Brooklyn Boulders Field Trip
When: Saturday, October 11, 4pm
Cost: $30, includes day pass and gear rental for the day of the class (a $36 value)
Sunday Activities:
Coach Noah’s Beginning Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 11am
Register here!
Coach Noah’s Intermediate Kipping Pull-up Workshop at 12pm
Register here!
Roller Skating with CFSBK!
What: All-ages roller-skating, admission for the first 25 people that RSVP is compliments of CFSBK
When: Sunday, October 12, 2-4pm
Where: the newly-opened Pier 2 Roller Rink at Brooklyn Bridge Park
RSVP to mare [at]
Brooklyn Boulders Field Trip
When: Sunday, October 12, 4pm
Cost: $30, includes day pass and gear rental for the day of the class (a $36 value)
Sign up here!
The Placebo Effect Doesn’t Apply Just to Pills New York Times
Get Cozy Down There Catalyst Athletics
The Take a Nap Wheel
The 1970s Pamphlet Aimed At Keeping Tourists Out Of NYC Gothamist
6am with David. It was a nice change of pace for the warmup this morning. Then fitness programming for the clean, working up to 133#, which is a 3# pr! I got some great cues from DO and felt like I easily have room to add weight next week.
WOD – I played around a bit with using the 14# ball at the 10' target and then the 16# ball at the 9' target. It was good to get some more double under work in. I finally strung a few together without doing singles in between.
Happy Birthday Murat!
Back in 7 AM!
Cleans at 103. These looked more like reverse curls. I just could not get under the bar. It's not that it felt heavy, it felt like the whole world was made of molasses, does that make sense? My cleans at Rising Fire on Tuesday looked much better, I swear. (I have to say, it was a very weird experience hearing nothing but "Good!" while I was cleaning — this is ONLY because Rising Fire is a new box, and everyone else in my class was a rank beginner.)
WOD with 20 or 30 DU attempts per round — these are coming back. PHEW, I thought I was going to have to start completely from scratch after Strength Cycle.
For tomorrow's morning class, will front squats be one of the options on tap or is it going to be a floater WOD? (And if the latter, can I squat anyway since I couldn't come for back squats this week? A week without squatting is like a week without sunshine.)
6am with DO.
Agreed with Linda – a nice change of pace for the warm-up today. Worked up to 175 on the clean complex. Things moved pretty well today although I know I need to work on keeping the bar close to my body as I pull.
WOD Rx (20/10, 40 DUs). I'm feeling good about my DUs these days. DUs were mostly unbroken until the last few sets, when fatigue was getting in the way.
7am, nagging pain in my left knee will not go away and I was ready to have a shit day of cleans.
Partnered with Henry, kept loading on top of the green bumpers in increments of 10#, and I decided not to do the math. I was really happy with those, I can always use more pep and speed to get under on the 3rd pull. I accidentally saw Henry mark up 155# on his board and it got to me, and I failed my second attempt at that weight. Stupid brain, this is such a mental game, we should have bumpers with no numbers or colors and someone else should load it for us…. there lift this, no you dont get to know how much it is.
WOD, wall balls can suck it. DUs, first 3 rounds were uncoordinated, last 3 sets were done in two sets, 5-15, 7-15, 10-15… not a single one was pretty, piked hips stiff elbow and no wrist action. meh
@Stella, floater WOD hehe.
6am. Cleans: 224 (80%), 234, 244 (90%), 244, 244, 244, 244. Lots of time for the perf cleans, so I just kept on going. D.O. always cues me to pull faster. Need to focus on that next week. I also seem to be developing a hitch in my pull right before I explode up. Not as bad as on the snatch, but I should nip it in the bud before it gets excessive. Metcon snuck up on me. Did 30 DUs per round with all but 2 rounds unbroken and those were just stupid trip ups. Probably should have gone for 40 per round in hindsight. Wall balls were all well clear of the 10' target with most hitting around 11' and one round right up near the top of the black. Is that 12'? I like wall balls.
8am – Fox
I love 8am classes. Feel like I can fly afterwards, as opposed to 8pm, where I walk like I'm 100years old after.
Cleans – Perf – 195x1x5
Fox left me with a book of new tips to work on moving forward on cleans. Had me with my grip much wider. Felt normal and I did feel much more balanced by the 3rd rep. Need to stop stomping down. I honestly don't do it intentionally…I think especially on the clean, which is an aggressive movement, everything is fast, and so when my feet are off the ground, I quickly try to put them back down, hence the noise. Anyways, definitely going to try some strict? stationary cleans? I knew what he meant, so I'll be working on those next open gym and clean exposure.
Metcon – 30# WB – 40 DU
This was right in my wheel house. I'd say 5 of the 8 DU sets were unbroken, Would've liked to see myself get one of the last two unbroken, but tripped on both.
Cashout was cruel. Written in some different colored marker, on the bottom of the board. Not on the blog. #mutiny
Performance programming on the clean today, worked my first three singles at 103# and the second two at 113#, which is towards the 90% end. I could have stayed at 103#, because like my Wonder Twin Stella, I felt like I was moving through molasses today. Wednesday's workout killed me, I'm still feeling it. Then the WOD with 14# @ 9', and 40 double unders. Like Brad, this one is right in my wheelhouse. Finished wall balls and DUs in under :30 each time, and probably did 5 or 6 of the rounds of doubles unbroken. My shoulders were feeling particularly smoked today. Now I'm hanging out at the Pilates studio doing some AR while I wait for my 10AM client, who is always late.
Just read through everyone's comments on the blog yesterday. They're really great. You guys are really great.
You have just exploded one of the tenets of the universe, which is: "'I like wall balls,' said no one ever."
Also, Matt C., if you're reading this, I just want to point out that I'm totally whooping your ass on fundraising.
make-up post from 4:30 class last night:
prep work:
-crosssover symmetry
-banded distraction: hip flexion, internal rotation, ankle, and shoulder packing
then one whole round of warm-up 2! wooowee!
LBBS: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 140×3… stopped after third rep b/c I had hip pain on the way out of the bottom of the squat, goddamnit.
-called it quits. did some more mobz and air squats.
-hip is still actually better than it was a couple weeks ago, but it's certainly not fully functional yet. patience and TLC.
WOD: hybrid action
10 RFT
3 DL @ 155#
3 muscle up transitions with red band (dipped the first rep out until about round 7, at which point I could no longer dip it out)
Time: 9:58!
accessory work: 5 sets of 3 reps of hip pop transition drill, alternating with single ring dips (so 5 total)
gut smash and quad rolling
For everyone who's been asking:
Floater Programming for people who come Friday and also came Thursday
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 3 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 5 – 5 – 5
Work up to a top set of 5 reps. No failing.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 12 minutes:
3 Box Jump Overs
3 Toes to Bar
6 Box Jump Overs
6 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jump Overs
9 Toes to Bar
…Add 3 reps each round until the 12-minute mark.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
10am with DO
Great warmup. I felt like I learned a lot about rowing today that I didn't previously know.
Fitness Clean Complex – worked up to a comfortable yet heavy 103# which is 10 more than last week. Great cues from DO. Wanted to try and do 108 but remembered Noah's article and left it at 103 for the day. Today was the best I've felt from the hang maybe ever.
WOD was fun. 14/9 wall balls and 40 DUs each round. I was planning to do 30 but the DUs were feeling good (a few of the rounds were even unbroken). Did each round of WB and DU in under 30 seconds so that consistent rest really helped in this WOD.
Thanks CFSB!! You made my day:) So grateful that my first appearance on the blog does not involve me rolling around on the floor gasping for air.
Been getting over some sort of illness- hoping to make it in tonight but not sure…
Happy Birthday to Murat A. and former 6 am'er McGrath!!! We miss you!
Noon w/ Whit:
Cleans w/ pause at knee:
Worked up to 165# which felt comfortable. Still working on the proper acceleration through the phases of this lift, but 165 felt very smooth and consistent.
20#WB – All unbroken, in 24-27 seconds
40 DU – All unbroken, except small trips in 3rd and 5th? rounds. 25-30 seconds each round
Didn't cash out, and still feel guilty about it.
Noon w/ Whit:
Cleans w/ pause at knee:
Worked up to 165# which felt comfortable. Still working on the proper acceleration through the phases of this lift, but 165 felt very smooth and consistent.
20#WB – All unbroken, in 24-27 seconds
40 DU – All unbroken, except small trips in 3rd and 5th? rounds. 25-30 seconds each round
Didn't cash out, and still feel guilty about it.
Noon w/ Whit:
Cleans w/ pause at knee:
Worked up to 165# which felt comfortable. Still working on the proper acceleration through the phases of this lift, but 165 felt very smooth and consistent.
20#WB – All unbroken, in 24-27 seconds
40 DU – All unbroken, except small trips in 3rd and 5th? rounds. 25-30 seconds each round
Didn't cash out, and still feel guilty about it.
Nooner with Whitney and David.
Fitness complex- worked up to 103#- as usual I was having trouble getting under the bar.
WOD- this was kind of fun, actually! For two movements I have never been any good at, I think I did pretty well and was glad to get some practice in. I rx'd the wall balls (14/9) with 20 DUs. All wall balls were unbroken except a stupid miss on the ninth rep in the second last round and I even managed 20 unbroken DUs in the last round. I had one or two frustrating DU rounds in the middle but still managed to get 20-30 secs rest in each round. So I no longer hate these two things! I have a long way to go before I achieve perfection in either movement but I am really happy to say I have made a lot of progress on them in the last month.
Only managed three rounds of the cash out. Too much pain. I'm not into that.
Came in this morning for some work with the blocks (I missed them!) Thanks to 10AM class for putting up with all the banging.
High block snatch triple
40 50 60 70 75xM(1),M(1),M(2),M(2)
I definitely hit 75 for a double from high blocks a while ago, so I thought the triple would be easy, but nope!
High block power clean triple
Jerk triples from blocks
75 80 85 90 95(PR)
Back to having some narrow footwork on the jerks, need to work on that.
4:30 class with Whit.
First time cleaning in a couple months, worked up to 113#. I jump forward and my squat isn't very tight on the way up. Good things to work on. It was just nice to get comfortable with the bar again on this movement.
Rx-ed the WOD with 14# WB and 40 DU. I've been excited about this WOD all day, as it is also in my wheelhouse. All my DU were unbroken, except for rounds 6 and 7 when I broke at 39 and had to do one more. ARGH!
The cash out was really hard. 🙁
4:30 with Whit
I had a rough start to cleans, using to much arms and over thinking it during the 1 second hold at the knee. Whit gave some great cues, i stopped thinking too much and i was able to hit #108 twice!!
WOD was a bit of a doozy. #14/9 WB with a couple air balls so i focused on hitting the target and good form, lost count during most rounds. A few times i had to jump to hit the 9' target…i'm short. Then DU attempts.
oy vey cash out!
Cleans. 80% = 152, 90% = 171
Attempts: 155, 165, 175F, 175, 175
Skipped WOD and did some CS work on shoulder.
6:30pm w. Ro & Whit
Cleans @ 138#. The pull feels good and I am getting underneath the bar quickly, but I have a bad habit (probably from metcons) of holding onto my hook grip for too long, which makes my elbows a little slow. It's something I can cue myself out of, but I often forget to do so.
WOD w/ 40 DUs and a 14 pound ball. Practicing getting a little break in between the wall-balls by bringing my arms down while the ball goes up. I kinda like it.
Still feeling a little under the weather, but better than earlier this week!
Hit Practice Crossfit in Troy, OH for the 4:30pm class today.
10 mins on their muscle-up progression:
-hollow body to arch body rolls from the floor (this is like our log rolls but with a deliberate pause at each position)
-hips to bar…this was weird. I've only ever practiced hips to rings so it was weird to practice/attempt this.
-they also had me try a banded bar muscle up attempt but that just felt all kinds of weird. haven't used a band in forever so I forgot how hard it is to get your chest through on the front of the kip.
Then we did a Partner WOD of:
14-Burpee Ball Over
10-Thruster 95/135 (while partner holds L-sit)
14-Shoot throughs
10-Alternating strict pull-ups
AMRAP 12 minutes
-There were only 3 of in the class (me and 2 guys) so they had us triple up. Problem was that none of us were clear as to how we were supposed to break the reps up. We ended up being a little shy of 5 rounds.
-We used 20# ball for the burpee ball over (do a burpee then throw the ball over the pullup rig…this was hard for a shorty! definitely hit the rack a couple of times). Think I did about 20 total here.
-Thrusters at 95#, did 9 the first round but then realized I should have just been doing 5. Finished with 28 of these.
-Did 4 shoot throughs each round (with pushup and dip).
-Did 3 strict chinups each round.
Would have been a much different workout with just one partner. We did a bit of standing around trying to figure out how many reps we'd each done.
Not the best WOD today but still a great place and still my home away from home.
5:30 class
Felt good. Working on getting consistent full extension on my second pull.
Skipped the WOD to prep for the Strength Total: