Snatch 1RM
If you have trouble organizing the pull from the floor, work from the hang.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings
50 Burpees
50 Pull Ups
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
100 Double Unders
50 Burpees
30 Muscle Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Austen I., ready for anything, with some great advice for your Thursday
News and Notes
- Yoga for Athetes is canceled tonight (9/11) and Saturday (9/13).
- Happy birthday, Henry O.!
Throwback Thursday
To get your creative vibes rolling, these were the team names for Fight Gone Bad in 2010:
Charmelicious Crew
Mr. Scott and the Astafarians
Fight Gone Bad Club
SBK MisFits
The Sixy Beasts
CrossFit Kids Gone Bad
The Leftovers
La Lucha Dolorosa
Tyrannosaurus Rx’d
Conn Men
Heedless of the Consequences
Also, Erica N. painted her nails in a particularly spirited way for the event.
We still need donations for prizes for this year’s Fight Gone Bad. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at]
Drink Soda? Take 12,000 Steps New York Times
The United Sweets of America Slate
The Ballsiest Lifter in History… and You Catalyst Athletics
9 Ridiculously Cute Underwater Puppies (You’re Welcome) NPR
MattyChm says
6am with D.O and Jess
Partnered with Michael A. on the snatches. Just wasn't feeling it today for some reason. Hit 135# pretty fast and clean so I thought I would have a chance at a PR but it never came. My PR of 155# is only two months old though so I cant complain too much.
WOD was a fun burner. KB swings were pretty easy. Broke them into 25-15-10. Burpees were not nearly as rough as I though they would be. No rest in these just smooth and steady. I also think I might have done 60 because I zoned out and might have counted 20-29 twice. Hit 40 pull ups. Broke them in to 15-10-5-5-5.
Congrats to Elliott who went back to the kettle bells for some more.
Pigeon says
7am with Jess, DO and Herschel(who is really not a good coach),
Got up to 115# on the snatch, but it was really a power snatch and had no element of getting under a bar. But all around good pointers from DO, and some very convincing explanation as to why we have a slower first pull. Acceleration curve and all.
Wod 24kg KB, got to 40 RRs, The burpees got to me.
Peter says
6am at Lalanne Fitness CrossFit in San Francisco. Another day, another girl. Started with deadlifts. Deload week for deadlifts at this gym: 5@36%, 5@45%, 5@54%. I did: 135×5, 185×5, 225×5. Then took about 10min to work on pistols. I feel I'm very very close. I should work this movement more. Then, Diane: 9:13 Rx. Did the first 36 HSPUs strict, then kipped the last 9.
Linda says
6am with Jess and DO. Partnered with Lauren on the snatch work. I hit 63, 73, and then we decided to go for 83. I may have gotten one, but it was questionable since I'm pretty sure I pressed them out. Despite David's suggestions, I just couldn't drop down. I do feel like I've made a lot of progress this cycle, even if the 1rm doesn't show it.
WOD – Finished with 113 reps, using the 24kg kb and the green band. It's been great to get more exposure to pull-ups these last few weeks. says
6am with Jess and DO.
Worked up to 135# on the snatch, which is a PR, although I wasn't catching these in a full squat, so I'm not sure if I should count it. I think it's just a confidence thing now – I need to convince myself that I'll be able to stand back up if I catch in a full squat.
WOD: 155 reps with a 32kg KB.
Did the KBS unbroken, which really helped. Russian KB swings are more of a mental game for me. Just convince myself to keep going and it happens (most of the time). Burpees were not as bad as expected. Hit 25/10/10/5. Pullups started off well but broke down at the end. 10/6/5/5/5/5/3/2/1/1/1/1. Then manage to pull off 5 more KBS. Really happy about how far I got on this one!
BIG JB says
hey guys long time no hear. you know how we all like taking those headstand/handstand fliks? dude has upped the game. nude all over the world. he's been doing this for 5 years and they're absolutely the best ever. probably sfw as its just butt:
Pigeon says
"its just butt" is a commonly used defense in court. Ummm your Honor, come on, its just butt.
Fox says
@Peter – whoa…I like that the deadlift de-load included 45 of them at 225…huzzah.
Lauren S says
partnered with Linda on snatches. we both have hit 83# before but looking for it to be more technically sound. i think we both took about 5 cracks at it – with 1 to count as successful, but no better than previous. so we are still on that mission. this lift, more than anything else (maybe besides double unders) gets to me, and once i'm frustrated i probably ruin my chances of hitting it successfully – so i'll work on that.
fitness wod – with 20kg kb. 132 reps.
kb swings in 2 sets. burpees were 20/10/10/10, i spaced a little and think i did a few extra reps. pull ups in small sets of 3-5 and a couple of singles – gave myself 3 no reps.
i'm so happy to be able to do kipping pu's now, but they are definitely still a work in progress. says
Hello friends at CFSBK,
As some of you may know, my wife and I are moving to Germany. We're excited, but we'll miss the many wonderful places (CFSBK) and people (You) in the greater Gowanus area.
I've enjoyed training, and getting stronger, with you and I will miss our box.
Now to business. Our apartment in the area is for rent. I'm pasting the listing below. So if it looks interesting, please check it out:
David Turnbull (D-Turn)
Charlie says
12pm with DO and Lady Fox.
Worked up to 78# on the snatch but they were power snatches as I still have commitment issues.
WOD- 125 reps. I wrote 150 on the whiteboard but that was incorrect!! Sorry!!!
I used the 24kg KB which was pretty heavy- 25, 15, 10, burpees were gross and went on forever- 15, 10, 10, 10, 5 and blue banded chin-ups which fell apart almost immediately. Did about 4 and then I was only able to do about 2 at a time and I'll admit I did use my foot to help me on the final reps. Should have either done ring rows or used a thicker band.
Tried to practice DUs afterwards but my heart and arms weren't in it.
Samir Chopra says
Skipped snatches and did hang power cleans instead. Worked up to 145.
Did the WOD @24kg bell, finished my 25th strict pull-up 15 seconds after the 10 min mark. says
10am w/ Coach Lady Fox
Snatch Complex:
Worked up to a controlled and comfortable #115
Great warm-ups to prepare us for the complex today. Then I concentrated on technique instead of weight. (I always say this when I suck at the lift)
WOD: Performance (w/banded Muscle Ups):
Only got to do 10 bMUs
Those Burpees were soul-destroyers. says
Herschel is not pleased with pigeons hasty assessment of her coaching. She's the one that told me all about that acceleration curve.
Crossover symmetry: activation
All in kilos
80xM Behind soooo basically a good lift 🙂
80kgs flew up then jake peer pressured me to try 86. I should have attempted 83
Squat clean
90×1 got really light headed on the recovery
+170 x 5 D&B to steel posts
dave p says
Can't snatch so DIY day at company gym…
34 strict pull ups in 8-8-7-6-5. One more week of progression, to 39, then I'll reset and start over with weighted pull ups.
DL – just looking to get comfortable here, I shouldn't add much weight for a while? Up to 285×3. I should be really sore from squatting last night, but it's totally fine. I blame switching to paleo temporarily for immunity to DOMS.
Then db bench up to 75×6. We did these in an NFT recently and I couldn't do a single rep at 75, weird that today it was very doable.
Didn't feel motivated for conditioning today. Too bad, I think I would have enjoyed today's workout. says
Snatch – 115# (10# PR!)
Transitioning to the mid-shin position (high hang –> knee –> floor) with an imaginary bar before gripping the real thing did the trick form-wise. Then Coach Ro came through with some key pointers. Hit my PR and it my form felt awesome.
WOD – 160 reps.
Allie B. says
Pulling a snatch from the ground is so confusing! I've been working on going fast from the knee, so trying to add slow movement from the ground to the knee was really making things difficult for my brain and body. :/ At least my pull-ups are getting better.
I also hope there will be another round of the Saturday gymnastics class. It got all filled up before I could sign up, and today's handstand walking party post- 7:30 class looked like fun and made me envious. says
6:30 class
Worked up to 187 and missed 198 real good a few times.
WOD Perf Rx'd
169 reps
DU 25-25-25-25
Burpees slow and steady
MU 3-3-3-3-3-2-2-fail says
Missed yesterday, and wanted to get in the 20rm squats, so I came a little early to the 7:30 class to get them in. Hit 20×175, and it was literally one of the most devastating workouts I've done in a while! Thanks Karl and Thomas for counting for me and cheering me on. Things got ugly.
Thought I would snatch after this but I picked up a 15kg bar to warm up and just couldn't even.
WOD (performance)
21 muscle ups
Muscle ups did not feel good today. A combination of doing these after burpees, a severe lack of sleep this week, and residual squat drama made me feel week! Did doubles for the first ten, then singles, but I got to the rings at 4 min, so had plenty of time to take my time. says
For me the snatch is either there or it's not depending on the day. It felt good yesterday and I hit my 175 PR for 2. I am getting more and more comfortable pulling the snatch from the ground which is helping a lot with power. Ro has been a huge help with form and function with that. I dream of hitting a 200lb snatch but some major snatch width deadlifts are in order for that to happen. Loved this cycle!
Did the fitness WOD at 28kgs I think? It was the orange one. Hit 142 reps. The swings were pretty easy and did 2 sets of 25, the burpees were very arduous. I hit the pull-ups at around 6 minutes and did 3 sets of 10, 2 sets of 5, and 2 very ugly final ones at the buzzer.