Fitness: Knee Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (1+1+1)
Work up to a heavy single on the complex.
Performance: Clean and Jerk
80%x 1 x 2
85% x 1
90% x 1
85% x 1
80% x 1 x 2
Base percentages off your 1 Rep Max clean and jerk. Go no higher than 90% (unless it’s truly feeling like a PR day, in that case go for it). Press outs are missed lifts.
Post loads to comments.
Team WOD
AMRAP in 21 minutes:
7 Toes to Bar
7 Thrusters 115/75
7 Burpees
In teams of three with one partner working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Eric, post-WOD or hunting for a lost contact?
- Happy birthday, Alex W., one of our favorite transplants from CrossFit Virtuosity!
Make a Friend from Crow Hill CrossFit at 9am and 1pm Today!
During the 9am and 1pm classes today, members of Crow Hill CrossFit, along with one of their coaches, Robin, will be dropping in to WOD with us. They will be wearing their Crow Hill gear. Please go out of your way to show them the CFSBK love!
When Feces Is the Best Medicine The Atlantic
Sleep-Deprived People Have Shrinking Brains Science of Us
Tried CropFit? SUBWAY Restaurants
8am. Clean and jerks (kilos): 95x1x2, 100×1, 105×1, 100×1, 95x1x2. Woke up with a stiff right trap. Lots of lax ball love before class and I didn't really notice it, but jerks felt a bit slow. Fox said I was short stepping my front foot. Partnered with BK and Elliot for the metcon: I did 6 rounds + 12 reps and as a team we got 19 rounds + change. Fun workout. Toes to bar were the easy part.
@Mgmt, yesterday I left my lifting shoes on the gym floor and someone kindly put them in the lost and found. Thank you. Today I left my jacket (black asics) on one of the white plastic chairs near the front of the gym. I'll pick it up tomorrow at 6am.
8am w/ (Fox)x2
Clean and Jerks: 70x2x1, 75×1, 80×1, 75×1, 70x2x1
The worst part of the C&J was standing up the weight. I am fatigued from yesterday's intensity BSQ. Jess noticed I was pitching forward during my initial dip on the jerk. That has been a problem plaguing me recently. I felt that I did better with a more up/down dip drive after the pro tip and it translated into a more stable overhead position.
WOD: Partnered w/ Peter and Elliot for this grinder. The team got 19 rounds + 12 reps. I contributed 6 rounds to the collectively effort. T2B and burpees were no big deal. I believe my first round was 40 seconds and then slow got into the 75-80 second range. The thrusters was the challenging part of the metcon for me. First 4 rounds unbroken and 4/2/1, then 5/1/1. Always fun to the partner workouts.
8am with the Foxes.
Clean & Jerk @ 165. Felt good today. I wish I had time to hit 175 a things were moving well.
WOD: Partnered with Brad and Peter. Somehow I volunteered to go first. I'm not usually thinking straight in the morning. We finished 19 rounds + 12 reps. I finished 7 rounds. Thrusters were the tough part. Unbroken in rounds 1-5, then 5/2 in round 6, then unbroken in round 7 thanks to my teammates encouragement. I missed one T2B during round 5 so I ended up with an extra attempt. I'm getting better at sets of T2B, though. Collapsed on the floor after this one. Good times.
10am with Arturo and Fox
Clean and jerk @ 200#. Room to go up here. I'm noticing a much better bar path and more evenly distributed weight in the split jerk these last few weeks. The last time I pr'd at 220 it was not pretty so my short term goal is to hit that weight cleanly. Only got the 85% rep in on the way back down before time ran out.
WOD with Kayleigh and a ghost. Got through 14 rounds and a few toes to bar. Kayleigh and I each did 7 complete rounds… The ghost partner did not complete a single rep. Slacker. Burpees were the worst part.
Team workouts are the best– they're so motivating.Today was really fun… it got me excited for Fight Gone Bad! 🙂
Hang Clean + Split Jerk @ 145 — need to go up to 165 next time.
WOD: 6 rounds + 3 T2B (thrusters @ 75 lbs).
10am class with Fox and Arturo.
Clean and jerk fitness complex- worked up to 83# which I believe is a PR for my jerk. I still was not really fully dropping under or low enough. Maybe I would at a heavier weight? So hard to tell… I mean I want to get it all perfect before moving up in weight but then it feels like I can't actually make myself drop under the bar until it is heavy.
WOD- 18 rounds with Maggie and Rachel. This was lots of fun! I did sit-ups as I cannot yet do T2B. Thrusters at 75# felt pretty good. It's been a while since I've done this movement and it felt better than ever, probably because my legs are stronger. Burpees sucked but there were only 7 of them so it wasn't so bad.
The class was ginormous, but it didn't feel like it and nothing felt rushed.
Did 10 mins DU practice afterwards.
A whole lot of mobilization. Left ankle is stiff for no reason in particular…it's been messing up my whole hip, causing my left knee to cave in when I squat, etc., etc…did some ankle flossing then worked on pistols on the left side to correct my form:
Thought of a pretty helpful tip for anyone who wants to work on imbalances in a one legged squat. Hooked a red band from the rig to the inside of my knee. Then slowly descended
into a pistol and back up while really focusing on keeping my knee pushed out. Found the band to be a very helpful cue…and after about 20 reps I could see some improvement. Gonna keep working on it!
Light snatch work…finally not afraid anymore! Worked up to 80 lbs pulling from the floor. First time this has actually felt organized.
Strict ring dips. Got 3 in a row without the band! Then went to the red band and did 20 or so broken up in sets of 5, then 5×4 strict pull-ups
Called it a day. Boom.
9am with the Foxes and a bunch of Crow Hill guests. 130 on the c&j. These felt good. Heavy, but I have plenty of room to grow with these.
Did the partner wod with Manuel and Elisa (hope I spelled that right). I scaled the thrusters to 75lbs and the toes-to-bars to 15 sit-ups. We got through 15 rounds total, thanks to Elisa throwing it into high gear through her last set of burpees. This was a fun one and the vibe in the gym was great this morning. Not sure what the occasion for the Crow Hill visitors was, but it lent a nice added sociability to today's proceedings.
10am with Fox & Arturo…
Still stuck at 8# for the C&J…tried 73# and my clean fell apart. Grrrr…
Team WOD was fun with Worm & Blair…We finished 16 rds with 55# thrusters and sit ups!!
Double Post –
Sunday – 11am – Roah
Good day in C&J land…pulled a little early on my PR, which caused me to jump forward a little bit. The clean overall felt strong…was happy with all my other attempts. Noah recommended that I think about resetting my grip a little more after my clean…tried to do it on my last attempt, but often as I forget, playing w/ any new technique, shouldn't be done @ or around PR weight…definitely something I wanna toy with though…my deltoid that's been bothering me lately didn't give me any problems today, made sure to get to the gym early today to warm it up.
WOD – w/ Chris & Jay
18 rounds 6/each
Did it Rx…and something clicked with the T2B today, I've never strung that many together, did all the sets unbroken…I definitely had a couple of miss kicks, where I'd kick inside the bar…just a lack of repetition IMO, but definitely something to build on.
Saturday – 9am – Melo- DO
Squat (Perf) – 225 – 255 – 275×2 – 285-285-285 – 275
Overall felt just alright, didn't feel as good as my 1×20 earlier in the week. Got a little forward on one of my 285, which I attributed to screwing up my breathing.
Metcon – NFT – (Press, Vups, Run)
Maybe 5rounds @ 65/70lbs for press
Noon class after a groovy, introspective AR.
C&J based off 242
Slight press out at 90%. Neck stuff was at 10% of last week though. Overall cleans felt great.
WOD (with Crumsho and Davidoff) Rx'd
18 + rounds
Team WODs are always fun. Felt like a balanced triplet.
Fun to hav the Crow Hill Gang in today!
12noon w/ Coaches Arturo & Noah
Clean & Jerk: Fitness:
155, 165, …
My cleans felt great. I think I definitely could've hit 175 from the knees, but ran out of time. I really didn't mind since the WOD was so intense. Also, my jerks were pretty awful today.
5 rounds (#95) +3 toes to bars
@Coach Fox: regarding creating a +40 Masters team for Fight Gone Bad:
Great idea! However, I doubt I'm worthy of being a part of team called "Masters". Maybe if you called something like one of the following, I could actually be a member:
Team Atari
Drunk in the 90s
The Betamaxers
The Ralph Maccios
Power Clean
Worked up to 100Kgs (220lbs) and missed 105 (231) three times.
Then did 90kgs x2x5
3 Rounds NFT of:
130m Zercher Carry with the heavy sandbag
300m Recovery Row
Crossover Symmetry Activation.
C&J: worked up to 145#. Trying to debug the clean-I tend to initiate the second pull too early. Felt a little better after a good cue from Noah. A work in progress though. Hopefully Frank will have some advice as well tomorrow.
Loved the WOD. Worked with Chris and abroad. I scaled it to sit-ups and 95# thrusters. We managed to get 18 rods plus 15 sit-ups and one thruster.
Thank g*d it wasn't 100 degrees outside today!
*Chris and BRAD! Stupid spell check and beer!
I tried to punk out of the gym today and go swimming today, but it turns out the red hook pool hours have changed post labor-day. Sooooo I made it in for OG with Coach JB, Skrillex & Co. The music made me feel, like, many years younger.
8-7-6-5-4 day on the Pavel Pullup Program. This was surprisingly easy today, 2 minutes or less rest between sets. in case anyone is curious. Seems to be working pretty well for me.
Then: jerk practice. Kept things light today, 95#, felt really uncoordinated. JB says I'm still going forward on the dip and pausing at the bottom – I guess I stopped concentrating on that because the weight was light? – but interestingly the jerks felt better after fixing that. Hopefully I'll be able to make it in next weekend for more practice.
Then DL up to 275×3 which certainly felt heavy. I'm trying to get over my fear of these, now I'm learning they're also hard.
Started to finish off with that "flight simulator" double under workout. 10 – 20 – 30 went totally fine, unbroken first try, wasn't even particularly tired after the 30 round. Then I couldn't string together any more, not even three or four. Called it a day.
Nooner with Noah and Ro!
C&J – warmed up and got up to 63# where Ro cued me to keep my arms/elbows up a little more because I was going a little more forward when I did my split jerk. Helped so much! Then just WENT FOR IT and PR'd at 73# finally! Tried to do it two more times, pulled high but I was too tired and couldn't go under fast enough! Hope to try again next week!!
WOD 14.5 rounds with Kristen and Rosa at 52# thrusters. Enjoyed this one a lot!
11am class with Ro and Noah.
Performance C&J:
80% ~ 60kg
85% ~ 65kg
90% ~ 70kg
-felt good so kept going
-hit 75kg no problem then wanted to go for a PR at 80kg. Wasn't really ready for it and just deadlifted it up without a real attempt.
-got through 4 burpees shy of 7 complete rounds when time was called. Finished the last 4 burpees after time to call it even.
-partnered with Jaclyn and a ghost. I was partner 2 and our ghost took 1:05 each round.
-super fun workout that allowed you to go hard for each individual round. Everything was done unbroken.
Operation try to stay fit while life happens in overdrive continues..
Practiced yoga this morning, coached our 2nd practice/game this afternoon and rode around Brooklyn for about an hour and a half this evening.
All great activities that I've been wanting to make time for, but I'm missing these workouts you guys are killing. Today's looked like a good one, and I love team workouts. I hope to join group classes again soon