Fitness: 5-5-5
Work up to a heavy 5 rep set in three attempts (5-7 TOTAL sets).
Performance: 1-1-1
Do 4-5 warm up sets, then establish a new 1 Rep Max in three attempts.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds, 3 minutes each:
270m Run
Max Pull Ups or Muscle Ups
Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Run a hard 270 and score number of pull ups or muscle ups per round.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Rob U., Karl H., and KH want to wish you a happy Labor Day!
Modified Labor Day Schedule
We are observing a modified class schedule today:
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. It’s also a great excuse to begin drinking early.
Read more here, sign up here. Sign up by midnight tonight!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. Last year we had 180 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
Enjoy the sunshine, CFSBK, and thanks to our coaches and Front Desk staff who are laboring on Labor Day!
302 Unbroken Double Unders James Walbourne
How to Build a Better City MinuteEarth
What Is the Greatest Story Ever Told? The Atlantic
8 AM with McTuro — Jeremy is sick, so no SC.
Bench 135, 145PR, 150PR (!!!!) So pleased with this! Last time I tried 1RM bench I added only 2.5# to my PR and was expecting a lot more after how the rest of strength cycle had gone. Jeremy sensibly pointed out that we had just done the Total a couple of days before that and if you PR on a day that you don't have your best stuff, that's still pretty good. But I was still stewing wondering what my real bench 1RM was. I'm stoked to know it's 150 (and I think if I were to try again I could even go a bit higher). I'm now greedily eyeing the leaderboard, since if I were to add 10% to that I'd be tied for third place with La Rosa.
WOD 35 strict chinups. I totally screwed up the first round — I thought we were running and doing 1 set for max reps, not max reps in the remaining time. Duh. Probably would have gotten 4-5 more if I hadn't been so dumb.
But…I cannot be sorry for how a day at the gym went when bench pressing 150# is involved 😀
@jake L or anyone
is this the form to sign up for the oly meet..
where it says meet sanctions?
. happy labour day
8am with McD and Ro.
Bench: 195×5, 200×5, 205×3
In the last cycle where we did bench (May), I finished at 205x5x3, so I was hoping to hit 205 or more, but it wasn't happening.
WOD: 100 pull-ups (34/24/21/21). Really pleased with this number. I did 17 unbroken in the first round which is definitely a record for me. All rounds after 1 were really tough.
10 am w. McD and Ro.
Fitness bench press @ (45 X 5, 95 X 4, 115 X 3) and 130# X 5 (PR). Tried for 135 in the next set but failed after 2 reps.
Fitness WOD with 63 kipping pull ups (20-17-15-11). Broke all sets into reps of 5. Went out hard and faded by end.
12noon w/ Coaches Arturo and McDowell
Bench: Fitness:
185×4, 185×3, 185×2
38 strict pull-ups
I over-estimated and failed on bench, but I did 32 more pull-ups in a WOD than I've done since February. The shoulder has healed!
I visited Reebok CrossFit Back Bay in Boston this past week. My write-up is in the Travel Gym Recommendations.
Stella! That's amazing! Congrats, my friend!!
I also feel like I made a breakthrough today, albeit a much lighter one.
Started with Crossover Symmetry- thanks DO for the lesson in Sat's AR class. Hope I got the positions right. It all felt good anyway.
Bench press- 95 x 5, 100 x 5, 105 x 5. I kept getting stuck at the 3rd or 4th rep at 105 during SC because of my shoulder stuff. Today I was able to push without any pain whatsoever. Also I finished lifting on time today too. Awesome!
WOD 35 chin-ups. 1 x strict, then blue band for two rounds and added orange band for two rounds. I thought I could do more than one unassisted but I guess yesterday's chin-ups caught up with me. Also, running in this heat was gross.
Happy Labor Day!
Came in before the noon class to do some snatch work
EMOM for 8 min, 2 hang snatches @ 35kg (~75% 1RM)
focusing on keeping the bar close to me, being patient on the pull, punching up…moderate success.
Noon w/ McD and Arturo
Bench: 95X5/100X5/105×5
did fitness here because it's been ages since I benched! Felt okay.
WOD: 28 muscle ups. 10/3 (some technical difficulties with ring height)/9/6. Failed a couple towards the end. These got super hard!
Inactive recovery day. Three-hour nap preceded by some reading. Feels a bit inappropriate on Labor Day. Thinking of going outside for ice cream but not sure if I can do it Rx.
Got back from CT this afternoon and came to the 4:30 class.
Perf. bench. Hit 105, 115, 125, and failed at 135. I brought the bar down a bit too low on my chest, but if I hadn't done that, I think I could have gotten it up. Regardless, 125 is a PR 15 pounds heavier than TTD in January, so I'll take it.
Banded pull-ups with red + blue, got 10 first two rounds, then 9. Woof.
We went paddleboarding this morning and did lots of physical activity yesterday. I'm sore but happy about it.
Way to go Stella! That's awesome!!
Clean, 75%x2x4
Push Press, 90%x3x3
Thanks for the write-up, Chris!
Fun coaching some of the evening classes today. Nothing much to say other than I did the Crossover Symmetry Activation and Iron Scap protocol before I left.
Hope everyone had a great labor day!