Fitness: High Hang Clean + Knee Hang Clean + Jerk (1+1+1)
Work up to a heavy single on the complex.
Performance: 2 Rep Max Clean and Jerk
Bail the first jerk and get back on the bar. Press outs are considered missed lifts.
Post loads to comments.
Tabata Mash Up:
8 alternating rounds each of:
Double Unders
Box Jumps
Score best and worst rounds of each.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
Lauren S. last week at the Subway Series, as part of the CrossFit South Brooklyn High School Junior Varsity Exercise Team with Coach Arturo and Coach Noah
Modified Labor Day Schedule
Tomorrow is September 1, 2014 (which is Labor Day, a creation of the labor movement, dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers). We are observing a modified class schedule:
Have You Signed Up for Fight Gone Bad 2014 Yet?
The registration deadline is TOMORROW, September 1, 2014. Read more here, sign up here.
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers. Last year we had 180 members participating and this year, we’re capping it at 200.
Why are Stars Star-Shaped? MinutePhysics
Horrified Subway Execs Assumed People Were Buying Footlongs To Share With A Friend The Onion
9am with The Foxes
Hit 165# at the Clean and Jerk with Jay R. I could have gone a bit higher but I ran out of time. The movements felt crisp and smooth throughout.
For the second day in a row I partnered with Brian on the WOD. Box jumps were consistent at 8 each round until the two times I tripped on the box and it cost me two jumps each time. DUs were wildly inconsistent. Best round was 32 worst was 11.
Great fun WOD.
8am with the Foxes.
Worked at 145# on the C&J. Fox pointed out that I need to keep my core braced at the bottom of the clean. I also need to bend at my hips more in the knee hang instead of bending my knees.
WOD: Best box jump was 9, worst was 7 @ 24". DU: best at 40 and worst at 15. Was really happy to hit 40 DU which meant no mistakes on that round.
Last weekend out east. Clean and jerk 2RM: 135×2, 185×2, 205×2, 225×2. The second clean was shockingly hard from 185 on. Jerks felt snappy. Tweaked my ankle again yesterday, this time playing ping-pong. So skipped the box jumps and double unders in favor of strict pull-ups and HSPUs.
OG in the SE:
Worked on weaknesses mostly. Sprinkled in some stuff I'm good at to make me feel better lol. Since my shoulder has been feeling consistently freakin-amazing over the past two weeks…Finally going to get back into muscle up and inversion work.
55×5, 60×5, 65×5, 70×3
185×5, 195×5, 205×5, 215×3, 225×3, 235×3, 240×3
Strict Ring dips- red band- 5×4
-really focused on externally rotating the shoulders at the top. No mo impingement!!
Strict Chins 5×4
-alternated every other set with ring dips
5 min of wall kickup practice…thought I was gonna bust a hole in the wall with my feet the first few times I did these. Remembered that i needed to establish more control in my core. Held a solid handstand away from the wall for about 7 seconds! Kewl.
-5 strict HSPU with 2abm…shoulders were pretty tired at this point
-did a few kipping just to see if I could still do it..Then stopped before I got carried away -__-
Good afternoon overall. Happy Labor Day weekend!
Great morning teaching, rough morning lifting. Started the clean and jerk and at 175 felt a tweak in the left side of my neck and called it quits. Whole left side from the thoracic up feels "locked" in an awkward place.
Fun group of late-sleepers at 1PM class with Melo and Ro.
The fitness complex at 93# felt really good and solid for me, so I was sad when I could not get the bar at 103# from the high hang position to do anything except fall on the floor. And I tried it like 5 times. I had a real personal breakthrough with the snatch from the high hang earlier in the week, so this is something I hope I can work on some more.
Also, strung together four doubles in during one of the segments of the tabata — PR, baby! It's the little things.
9am with the Foxes.
Worked up to 78# on the fitness complex. Mostly felt better than in the past.aybe I'll feel confident enough to add more weight next week. The jerk always freaks me out a bit.
WOD with Lindstar. DU-best round 12, worst round 6 ( most rounds were 8) Box- jump- best round 9, worst round 8.
Needless to say my DUs need work. They actually got better the more tired I got, which is interesting. I must figure out why because maybe that will be the key to my DU success.
For the box jumps, I really tried to concentrate on landing softly.
First week back, done and dusted. Feeling good.
Also- worked on chin-ups after. 4 x 2 with 1 min rest between sets, then 8 x 1 with 30 secs rest. Will try to work on these at least twice per week until I have them back again. One of my goals for September.
Crossover Symmetry: Activation. Tried the "Competitor" bands today for 8-10 reps each
Worked the Fitness Clean and Jerk Complex up to 176
Jerks were unbalanced today so I pulled back to 135 and was working my foot positions.
EMOM 10 Min
3 Strict Pull-Ups w Pause at top
3 Ring Push-Ups w Pause at top and bottom
Im so sweaty
It made me so happy and proud to get some blog love after doing my first muscle up. Huge thanks to JB for hanging with me during OG and helping me get there.
I love CFSBK and its totally changed my life. A year ago I was doing banded pullups. All the coaches have been amazing from foundations with Jeremy all the way up to JB yesterday and everyone in between.
Thank you CFSBK. McDowell Im coming for you.