Fitness: High Hang Snatch + Behind-the-Neck Push Press + Overhead Squat (1+1+1)
Work up to a moderate load on the complex. This means one of each, so: 1 HHS + 1 BTNPP + 1 OHS.
Performance: Hang (knee) Snatch 2 Rep Max
Must stay on the bar. You do not need to fully recover (stand up) the the first rep from the hang, but it must be a clear rep before dropping the bar back to the hips. Practice the jump/catch recovery during warm-up sets.
Post loads to comments.
Partner AMRAP in 15 minutes
With one partner working at a time, complete as many rounds as possible of:
6 Pull Ups
9 Burpees
12 Dumbbell Snatches (6 each, alternating arms)
Go as heavy as possible on the dumbbell snatches but maintain control of the weight all the way to the floor after each rep. Assess a 130m run for dropping the dumbbell from anywhere above the floor.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Michael C. tearing the erg up on Sunday at the Subway Series
News and Notes
- Happy birthday, Daniel O.!
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whit is canceled on Saturday, but come bend and stretch with her tonight at 7:30pm!
Fight Gone Bad 2014
Guys, we keep bringing it up because it’s that important and that fun. You now have four days (a mere 96 hours!) left to sign up for FIGHT GONE BAD 2014. Read more here, sign up here.
Also, we are now open for any and all donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email Info [at]
Throwback Thursday
Around this time in 2010, Saturday classes were canceled to accommodate Robb Wolf’s Paleolithic Solution Seminar. “Folks” (which remains David’s favorite synonym for people) who didn’t go to the seminar went to Red Hook for track work and tacos, organized by Coach Fox (the taco loving should give that away). John D. (“The Hammer”) was Athlete of the Month. The Accomplishments and Goals board was packed full, and Coach Jess PR-ed her double unders at 60—ask her how many she can do unbroken now, or just look at the Leader Board.
David also wrote some notes about how to set goals and record accomplishments in the gym, which are below (edited, of course):
All goals written must be achievable within a month and task-driven. For example “I want 100 muscle ups!” is not an acceptable goal. “I will practice muscle ups 2x per week for 4 weeks” is a goal that is short-term, quantifiable, and contributes to a larger objective. Another example: “I want to be more flexible,” would not work, however, “I will go to Active Recovery Class 2x this month and do the MobilityWOD 3x per week” is.
As far as the accomplishments go, here you can track not only your adherence to posted goals, but any minor and major achievements as well. Did you PR your double unders? Sleep more than 6 hours 5 nights a week? Did you deadlift a new 3RM today? Write it down!
14 Tips to Help You Rest Easier and Perform Stronger Box Life
Escape! Radiolab
Confusion Over Best Way to Brush Teeth, Study Finds BBC
The Fitstagrammies: 25 Best Instagram Accounts to Follow Daily Burn
Looking for a recommendation for protein powder — ideally something not overly processed. Thanks.
Also, a big happy birthday to Daniel O!
make up posts from this week!
monday 6:30p
split jerk: stayed around 65×3, did one set at 75×3, the split landing isn't a fave of mine since the cartilage tear so i didn't want to test 1 RMs stayed in the 3s on arturo's advice. he also pointed out my landing was too narrow (tightrope walkin') which i was able to work on and widen out after that note.
wod: 20 cal row + 15 push-ups, i think most of my round were around 2:15-2:30 and then the last one was 3:00 because my push-ups were in 1s & 2s.
wednesday 6:30p
lbbs: 1×20 105# this is my second week doing a 20 and this felt pretty good, difficult toward the end, miiiight go for a 10# jump next week.
wod: 16kg kb and 25# db, american swingzz
15-15 (felt like i might involuntarily throw the kettlebell)
also, CATS! CATS! CATS! i'm still looking to set up my beloved cat, lyla garrity, here in nyc or the surrounding areas. i don't think she'd take well to multiple steps/ months of moving between different places. she's a sweetheart and a fatty and still has a kittensized head, it's pretty adorable. if you're not personally looking for a new feline but know someone who might be i would appreciate any & all leads!
read more in the classifieds!
6am with Jess and David. I was happy to see the same complex again this week. David gave some great pointers on starting from the high hang and really focusing on keeping your upper back tight. Fitness version (#) – 33, 43, 53, 63 all were fine. Then at 73 I started to muscle the bar up instead of dropping down.
WOD – substituted 12 ring rows for the pull-ups and did the first round with a 25# db before David kindly brought over a 35# db, which was a more appropriate weight. I found it difficult to drop down for the snatch with the weight in just one side. I think we finished just short of 4 rounds.
Love the reminder on goals being achievable and task driven!
Perf Snatch, this was Tewwible, seriously, my bad knee started hurting very early on and kept popping on any type of squat, so took some weight off and tried to get the form correct, but it was too late, pain stayed with me on all snatches.
WOD paired w/ Joe(?) and we picked a 50# DB which felt correct, I was banded on the kips and they felt great. He got 5 full rounds I got 4 and PUs.
My grip is raw as hell.
6am. Hang snatch 2RM (kilos): 40×2, 50×2, 60×2, 65×2, 70×2, 70xF,1, 75×1,F. The fail on the first rep of my second set at 70 was a bit silly. Let my left arm get a bit soft on the catch and allowed the bar to come forward. First rep at 75 was good, just too tired for the second. Happy I got the 1 rep at 75 as I'm pretty sure that is a PR from the hang. Partnered with Chris for the metcon using a 65# DB. Got through 5 rounds + 9 burpees. Those DB snatches got real heavy at the end. Cash-out mile run: 7:02.
Rob, I use Bluebonnet. It's organic, they sell it at Whole Foods, it blends well and is easy on the stomach. It also comes in individual packs if you want to try it before committing.
posted in classifieds also:
Cuisinart Mandoline Slicer up for grabs. Below is the only link I could find of it. We've just never used this thing, I like my knife better.
Free to a good home. email chrisfoxnyc (at) gmail
Rob – I've used Optimum Nutrition Chocolate for years and happily recommend it. Cheap, and a relatively spartan ingredient list compared to other companies. Chocolate is flavored with cocoa, unlike the mangoberryexplosion crap.
Rob, Fairway has a grass-fed whey protein that's reasonably priced and has a relatively short ingredient list. I've only had chocolate and it's good.
seconding the bluebonnet rec. my tummy did not like the optimum nutrition.
I missed yesterday and attempted all the fitness today.
Cross Over Symmetry Activation
Worked up to 70kgs
Worked up to 80 kgs
None of the above felt very good. I was off balance and not powerful on the oly lifts and the LBBSQ didn't feel great either. Just one of those days
9-7-5 Power Cleans 185lbs
21-15-9 Strict HSPU
Did this sort of NFT but timed it anyway and got about 14:00 which is slow but strict HSPU always really change the flavor of a workout. I recommend always doing them strict!
Crossover symmetry Recovery
The best whey protein I've ever had is Gnarly (chiseled chocolate). You can buy it on amazon. It's the only whey that does not hurt my stomach (and I've tried a bunch, bluebonnet bothered me) and it's freaking delicious. Blends well and you can bake with it. I even make protein oats and protein chia pudding. I may be kind of obsessed. They have a 10 dollar individual packet thing on amazon to try both their flavors (10 total packets).
Rob– the Reservage grassfed vanilla doesn't make me want to die. And you can find it locally. I think the price breaks down to like $1/serving.
Snatch: drills + warm up @ 33#
-2RM Hang (knee) snatch: 63, 73, 83, 93 (F), 83
-On 93#, the first one I just caught real high in a power snatch. Didn't really finish the pull, it was weird. Second one I freaked out and didn't commit. I haven't been taking care of my hands/calluses and thought I was going to tear on my left side.
-Went back to 83 to finish with something snappy.
-Jess made a good point about not rushing thru the hang position. Establish control.
WOD with Callie. Fun!
-6 kipping pull-ups, 9 burpees, and 12 DB Front Squats with 25# each hand.
-4 rounds + 6 pu + 8 burpees
*kip is still kinda off. kicking my legs and piking instead of staying long and getting hips to bar. womp womp.
lats and arms are feeling a bit sore and swole from the muscle up work yesterday
Goals for September:
-Do muscle up progression (transitions, dips, swings) 3x/wk
-Get my right lifting shoe lifted and re-soled.
-Practice DU's at least 1x/week with 1 attempt each week at new PR: 110!
12pm wth Lady Fox and DO.
Snatch Complex (fitness)
Worked up to 68#. Need to remember to keep my shoulders back in the high hang position. Still having trouble getting under the bar- I may have gotten it if I had had more time. Maybe. The first few attempts were just me testing the water. 73# freaked me out and I couldn't do it.
This was a nice re-introduction to this lift though- I have not snatched since 14.1!!! For reals.
WOD with Carissa- 3 rounds plus burpees plus 3 DB snatches.
Scaled to 3 strict chin-ups ( 1st round unassisted, then red band) and 25# DBs. Found the DB snatches a bit strange to organize- again, feeling out of practice in every way.
So great to be back though. Also- every time I do an overhead squat and achieve depth, I am thankful. This was something that was impossible for me to do, this time last year.
4:30pm class
Snatch 2RM
Felt off pulling from the knee. Pretty sure this is a PR for a double though.
WOD with the one and only Lady Fox
I started and used 75# (Jess used 50#)
9 rounds plus 16 reps
Had a few solid rounds of butterfly pull ups in there, this was a good one to work them in to. Feels like forever since I've WODded with the wife, always fun!
4:30pm class with Whit
Performance Snatch:
-worked up to 42kg (92.4#) for the 2RM Knee Snatch. Loaded up 44kg but didn't really give it a shot.
Partner WOD with Team Fox:
-got 4 rounds completed plus 6 pu's, 9 burpees and 1 snatch.
-planned on using 45# for the snatch until MeLo did it at 50#. I love the Dumbbell snatch but 50's are not easy by any stretch.
-Fun to partner with the hubby for this workout. He was partner A and moved much faster than me.
Great AM classes this morning. I was unsure about the question of the day, but I kinda loved it in the end. 😉
4:30 class (post got lost earlier)
Snatch 2RM
WOD with The One And Only Lady Fox
(75# for Himself. 50# for Herself)
I was partner 1. Scoring this as per Jess at 9 rounds + 16 reps (6pu, 9brp, 1dbsn) but I swear that as Whit called out the 7 min mark I was finishing my 3rd round…tough WOD either way. Great to practice butterfly pull ups, a few rounds felt "effortless".
Been forever since the Mrs and I were paired up in the gym. Always fun.
The Blog appears to be eating comments.
Sorry 🙁
Did performance in kg. Hit 70kg for the double snatch. 80kg failed miserably on the recovery from the first overhead so I'm just waiting for those bruises on my thighs to show up. All in all I hit 70kg 2×2 so I'm pretty happy. My legs were pretty unstable from the squats and WOD Wens.
WOD: used a 50lb Db with Brendan and we bumped out 10 1/2 rounds.
Trying again
Snatch 2rm
WOD with Jess
Himself 75#
Herself 50#
We got 9 rounds plus 16 reps. Butterfly kip felt pretty good.