Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last exposure.
Performance: 1 x 20
Add 5-15 pounds to last exposure.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
30 Kettlebell Swings
21 Dumbbell Push Presses
30 Kettlebell Swings
15 Dumbbell Push Presses
30 Kettlebell Swings
9 Dumbbell Push Presses
Kettlebell swings should be unbroken. Go heavy-ish on the dumbbells.
For time:
9 Power Cleans 185/135
21 Handstand Push Ups
7 Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
One AbMat scale max, 10 minute cap.
Post Rx and time to comments.
Zach H. mid-leap over the erg at the Subway Series on Sunday
News and Notes
- Have you seen the new photos by Pigeon, Asta F., and Dan R. in our Flickr account? Most of them are from the Subway Series on Sunday, and they’re all awesome.
- You’ve got five days (5!) left to sign up for what promises to be one of the most fun days of your existence thus far: FIGHT GONE BAD 2014. Jump on it! Read more here, sign up here. If you don’t sign up, we promise you’re going to feel super left out about two weeks from now.
Catching Up With CFSBK Classifieds
Have you checked out CFSBK Classifieds recently? Breebree is giving away a few things (for freaking free!) and she’s looking for an Assistant Conference Planner (ACP) for the 6th Annual NYCoRE Conference.
Also, please note that all posts will be deleted after one month, unless they are advertising long-term services, such as Camille’s work as a freelance Illustrator/Graphic Designer or Amanda Mc.’s work building websites.
If you’d like to remove a post sooner or have any questions, email Kate at katharine [at] Go team!
Home Is Where Your Dolphin Is Radiolab
The End of Tanning? The Atlantic
Weary of Pro Tennis Delays? Cry Into the Towel New York Times
An Open Letter to Everyone Who Has Told Women “Don’t Get Too Muscular” Tony Gentilcore
6:30am Strength Cycle
Pause squats: 95 3 x 3
Sad I didn't go up in numbers today, but understandably so. Performance in the last two weeks has been less than remarkable due to a sudden wave of insomnia. Coming in Friday SC to make up for a week of more suckyness
Bench Press: 75 x 5, x 3, x 5
Lost path bar on second set, lame 'cause I almost had it
65 3 x 3
Bla. Jumping too soon. I'm definitely not getting it.
6am. HBBS: 200×20. Shit got real this week. Last few reps were rough. And then Dianabeth kicked my ass. Got through the last 5 power cleans just as time ran out, leaving 9 HSPUs on the table. I've had trouble kipping HSPU recently, so I made it a goal to kip every rep today to groove the movement. Still not quite comfortable, but better. Kipping slows me down, though, which means more time inverted which tires out my shoulders.
Today's workout yesterday @ 6:30 with Jess. HBBS 185x3x5. Felt heavy after a week of eating unappetizing food and not lifting whilst on vacation. My partner Karl did his 180×20 like a boss though. Every one of his reps looked solid from first to last.
The fact that I was not quite at my best was very apparent when the WOD began. None of the KB swings were unbroken (I did, however, experiment with American swings so 30 in a row might have been a bit ambitious). DB PP were a challenge too. My left shoulder is considerably weeker than my right shoulder due to an injury and surgery a while back. Unilateral movements really expose this situation. Finished the WOD in 12:43 (2:43 sec outside of cap).
Today will hopefully be better as the aftereffects of my vacation are finally starting to subside.
Make up from 7:30pm yesterday:
Squats @170×20, these felt better than last week's 165, I still hated them.
WODed with a 20kg KB and 30#s DBs in 6:25, in hindsight I should have gone for the 40s because the DBs almost flew out of my hands on the push parts.
Pecks are still sore from rowing/push ups yesterday.
Signed up for FGB, first one.
10am class
Harder than last week. Breathed heavy for 5 min after.
Dianabeth @205
McD and Ro did this at 225, as well as Katz. That would have crushed me. Shoulders were the limiter on this. Fun WOD.
10am pre-beach class.
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3)
-these were considerably harder than last week though I just made a 10# jump. Never thought I would miss one, they just got uncomfortable. Still planning on a 10# jump next week.
'Dianabeth' at 135#
-first round of clean in doubles then one single. All singles in last 2 rounds.
-did 5 hspu to start then 3's. Last 2 rounds were in triples throughout. Definitely taxing on the shoulders! Fun wod.
Getting strong in the morning.
Pause squats 175x3x3. It felt like I was hanging out at the bottom forever, which probably just means I took some time to FIND the bottom.
Bench 122.5x5x3. 122 is the last weight from last cycle at which I was able to do a 3×5, so I'm really curious to see how I do next week.
Clean 108x3x3. Any gains in form I thought I'd made last week went right back down the toilet. Sigh.
Shit Jeremy says: "being strong makes everything better. Except buying off the rack."
Forgot…double snatch PRs last night.
87kg then 88kg (191 and 193.5 lbs). Had 2 attempts at 90, of which the second was very close. Felt great. Soon. I swear nothing in the gym feels better than a snatch PR.
Thanks Kate for the classified plug! The pillow has been claimed by my platform sister Ariel:)
I think that is indisputably true. The snatch PR is like a great drive in golf, a great jumpshot in basketball in that all the technique comes together and it feels smooth and balanced, but also requires added strength so you get all of the reward for hard work in one. The best.
I've not posted in a while, I realized today. HBBSQ, 140#x5x3. This is really exciting because the last time I tested my 1RM on a high bar it was 150#. Granted, that was probably more than a year ago but 140# was still moving very well. I'm excited to see where I will end up this cycle!
WOD in 6:31 with 20kg bell and 25# DB. My rounds looked like this:
30 American
7-7-7 PP
15-15 Russian
8-7 PP
15-15 Russian
9 PP
Nowhere to hide in this one – my grip was the limiting factor.
2 day post
Monday's on Tue – 6:30 – Jess/Whitney
Rack Jerk – 135-155-165-175-185-195-200
Pretty sure it's a PR (I guess that means it's a PR) @ 200 for the jerk. Have had this nagging pull on the right side of my arm (more on that later) that usually only bothers me on my jerk. It didn't at all yesterday and it felt really good. I really focused on the proTip(s)® from the coach beforehand which I liked re: not wasting that force up from the dip and drive by having the bar too far away from your body…should be resting on those shoulders and your trunk should move vertically down and exactly vertically up…not losing contact on the way down or up. Don't know if I had the bar out too far before yesterday's but it definitely seemed to help. I also want to toy with my grip a touch wider on my jerk…I usually measure my grip out a thumb from the smooth on all my olympic grips, not sure if this is right or wrong…it is however what I've gotten used to. Would like to try to improve on this in the coming weeks if there's another rack jerk day
Row 1:24-1:24-1:38-1:52-1:59
After the 4x500m life threatening row workout a couple weeks ago, I was worried. This really wasn't that bad, and something I would consider for an off-day. Pushups of course got grindy towards the end, but generally that 250-300m mark in the 500m row is where I want to keel over…and 20cals is right at that mark, so we were good.
Wed – 6:30 – Noah-McDowell-JB and guest appearance MeLo
Squat – 1×20 – 195
Went up another 10lbs this exposure…I started @ 155 this cycle, so I was pretty happy with that. It still felt like it was moving pretty good, so I'll be in the same predicament next week (is it 5, is it 10 more?)
WOD – perf – 185
Got through everything but the last 9 handstand pushups in 8:50…I found where that pull in my right arm comes from…it's the cleans, and it really f'ing hurt today…not sure if it's not warming it up properly(I had enough time to do it today), if it's just a nagging injury(icing it now)…whatever the case…I'm at least happy I've pinpointed the movement that's causing the pain.
After about 36 hours of being pretty sick to my stomach (food poisoning?), I managed to get myself in the gym tonight to work out. Very glad I did. Lifted my spirits, as always.
45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×1
150x5x3 – this was tough, but still not a grind, which is cool. esp. after being undernourished and a touch dehydrated all day yesterday.
Decided to make up my own little conditioning/accessory work, since I knew it wasn't smart to push on a WOD.
4 Rounds NFT:
-15 cal row
-5 muscle up transitions
-5 ring dips
*first round was blue band. subsequent rounds used red band. much harder but this is definitely where I should be working now.
Finished with three sets of kip swings, focusing on hips to rings. Definitely lose my false grip after the second swing or so.
Fun 8:30 tonight with MeLo & JB –
Hbbs 245x5x3, felt pretty heavy tonight. Still going to hit my 250 target by the end of the cycle!
WOD was fun, not as much of a killer. 20kg kb and 30# db, chose these just right I think – dug a little and finished all KB swings unbroken. My little t-rex arms meant breaking the pp to 10+6+5, 5+5+5, 3+3+3. Finished just over 7 minutes I think.
Snatch, 65%x2x2, 70%x1x3
Snatch Pulls from riser, 75%x3x3
Snatch Push Press, 77%x4x4
Weight GHD sit-ups
Good/bad gym session tonight:
Felt beat up from yesterday, but did some pressing and jerks from the blocks. Both felt ok.
Then did the Performance WOD Rx, which I knew would be a humbler. Cleans were fine, HSPU fell off pretty mightily and ended up with some fights in bad positions. Didn't help that my sweaty hands were sllllllllllliding as I pressed out each time. Finished just shy of 11 min.
On the positive side, I've never been able to get through full Diane volume, so that's encouraging. My Mid-Squiggle is slowly rounding (straightening?) into a Mid-Line.
20×155. Felt less challenging than last week (notice I did not say easier!) Still, I go into a dark place on those last five.
"Dianebeth": 7:50 w/ cleans at 125 (yes, I know this is only 10 pounds less than RX weight but I cannot really power clean 135.) Feet were getting super wide on the clean, but I was getting it up there (only failed on my very last rep! I got excited). HSPU felt hard today–usually I could do these unbroken. Broke the first set up into 15-6, second set was 10-5, last set unbroken. Fun workout.
Did squats 20×185. I was weary of going into the 200's b/c I missed the last 2 volume squat days but these felt pretty good. I could have went heavier but there's always next time.
The WOD was rough as hell!
I scaled to 155, I can get clean 185 but I wouldn't have finished the WOD if I up'ed the weight. Finished in just under 10 minutes (i.e. 9:59). My HSPU used to be solid where I could pump this WOD out unbroken but I haven't been doing them enough I guess so I broke up the sets 15-6, 9-6, 3-3-3.