An action shot from last year’s Subway Series event at CFSBK
2014 Subway Series at CFSBK TODAY!!!!
From 8am-1pm, we are hosting the final event for the 2014 Subway Series. Please note the following…
- Day classes are canceled.
- Open Gym is extended and starts at 5pm.
- The Teaser class is canceled.
- There will be an after party at Die Koelner Bierhalle afterwards and all are invited.
Come cheer on all the CFSBKers that are competing! Check out heat assignments here.
The Teams…
Coach Noah
Coach Arturo
Lauren S.
Brandon N.
Brad D.
Laura C.
Zachariah H.
Ryan J.
Mare L.
Michael C.
Alex C.
Shaye L.
Greg A.
Eduardo C.
Michele W.
Rob U.
Karl-Henry C.
Kristin H.
Asta F.
Dan R.
Marco D.
Brad L.
Kayleigh R.
Alan L.
Brett F.
Competition Team:
Coach MeLo
Coach Jess
Coach McDowell
Alex B.
The Workouts…
Open Team Workout:
Jumping “Jackie”
For Time (18 minute cap):
3000m Row
150 Thrusters 45#
90 Burpees over the rower
Competition Team Workout:
For Time:
Each team member runs through the following couplet once
18 Thrusters, 115/75
18 Pull-ups
Each team member runs through the following couplet once
12 Snatches, 135/95
12 CTB Pull-Ups
Each team member runs through the following couplet once
6 Clean and Jerks 165/115
6 Muscle-Ups
*Order must be M,F,M,F
Good luck to everyone competing today! We can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Good luck everyone!
Good luck everyone!
Making up from Friday and Sat:
-3 position snatch drills–worked up to 83#. Felt better than Thursday, really trying to focus on keeping the bar close!
-Worked up to a heavy c&j at 135 (about 90% 1RM). These did feel fantastic, esp on the jerks. Not getting low enough.
-4×5 Front Squat (just because it's been a while since I've done these): 135, 145, 145, 155.
Sat: 9am class with David and Melo
-Performance Squats: 185, 195, 205, 195, 185. 205 went up easy!
-Metcon: 12:30. Most things unbroken, had to take a teensy break after 10 wall balls on the last two rounds but picked the ball right back up. My legs were freakin' tired! This was brutal.
Good luck everyone!!
Good luck Subway Series-ers! My in-laws are visiting so I didn't sign up…but I can't say I'm sorry I won't be doing over-the-erg burpees.
Makeup from Friday OG:
Squat 205x3x3, I'm told I could still get a bit deeper on these. Rats!
DB press 25×12, 30×10, 30×9. One more rep than I got the last time I did this, so I'll take it.
Then 3 sets of 6 chinups. I need to quit eating so much dairy so that I can do lucky 7s again.
Good luck everyone! Sorry that I can't watch today.
Dropped in to CrossFit Malpitas in Malpitas, CA (near SF)
OHS – 8×2 (2 reps every 90 seconds)
75×2, 85×2, 95×2, 105×2, 115×2, 120×2, 125×2, 135×2
400m run
30 KBS @ 24kg
20 KB lunges (10e)
10 burpees
200m run w/KB
10 burpees
20 KB lunges (10e)
30 KBS
400m run
11:50 Rx
Awesome box – will have to recommend it in the travel gym section.
Elliot! Thanks for helping populate the travel gym recommendations.
Today was an amazing day at the gym. Huge Huge thanks to all the volunteers for doing an amazing job and great work to all the athletes who laid it all out on the line. Very exciting competition.
CrossOver Symmerty: Activation Circuit. 12 reps each
Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
worked up to 85KG then went back to 80 for three sets
Rack Jerks (from Blocks)
Worked up to a single rep at 90 then went back to 80 for a couple doubles.
Dumbbell Bench Press
Sorry to have missed the Subway Series, had a bunch of errands to run to get ready to leave town. Came in for early OG fun:
High block snatch double
40×1,1 50×1 60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 77xM,M
Block Push Jerk > Split Jerk
50 60 70 80 90 95 100xM,M,P
I think 95 was a PR push jerk, got one in at 100 too but missed the split jerk after.
135×3 185×3 225×3 275×3 295×3 315×3
Just wanted to pull a mid-heavy triple and see how my back felt. It felt great.
"Kind of Isabel"
5 power snatches at 135 every 1:30 up to 30.
Not terrible, I guess I finished them up in about 8 minutes. Could definitely see doing this a bit faster, maybe we'll do it on Thursday!
Great OG, and VERY THANKFUL to be lifting after what was a savage and very scary miss on friday. I dropped a 275# snatch right onto my neck, and came forward on my knees and the bar rolled over the top of my head. Luckily i must have flexed my back and neck and sustained no injuries other than just a sore neck from tensing it. A good lesson is this…if you are not feeling 100% committed to a lift, dont take it, either step back and come at it again or call it a day. Never get under any weight half assed…
Luckily its back off week for me, giving my neck and banged up knees some much needed recovery.
Hang Snatch, 65%x2x5
Jerks, 75%x2x4
HBBS, 80%x2x5
Some dumbbell benchin in the sun. What a day it was out!!! Congrats to our comp team for coming second in the subway series. FUCK ya!
Really nice to come in and do some snatch work tonight after a good mobility session where my quads got some well-needed love.
Started with some high hang snatch work to really focus on dropping under my pulls. I had been catching really high. Felt like I was getting low, so started doing some three position work and the pulls felt great so I started to go for some singles. Everything went to crap, my timing was all off and my catch was soft. I was sitting at 70 Kilos and started Tin Cupping my misses. Miss miss miss miss miss. Normally I would call it a day but my pulls still felt really good and I wasn't stopping until I hit it. Finally punched up strong and solid and hit 70, so I threw 75 Kilos on on a lark, which was a PR attempt, and hit it relatively solidly. I weighed myself after to find out that I had just missed a bodyweight snatch, which has been a goal of my training all summer. I went for an 80 KG attempt at Leo's encouragement, and got under it but just not solidly enough. I couldn't have imagined being under 80KGs at all 3 months ago.
Did some chinups and some more mobility and called it a night. I can't wait to be back at sbk full time.
Managed to get myself in for OG after barely training the past 3 days. Random smattering:
-positions with bar
-dead hang clean 63×3, 63×3
-singles at 83, 83, 113, 133, 133F (dropped fwd and just got soft up top), 113
-was not a night to keep going heavy
-then did some power cleans: a few at 113 that were not at all graceful. wasn't meeting the bar with my shoulders; crash-bang-boom. went back down to 83 and did about 7-8 in a row there to work that out.
Muscle Up work, alternated between two movements…
5×5 transitions with blue band
1×5 bar dips
4×5 ring dips with blue band
Double Unders: 5 attempts at max unbroken reps. 60-28-21-18-17. about :30-:60 rest between each.
Also played around on the Indo board, which I was much better at than the last time I attempted it!