Fitness 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds.
Performance: 85%x1, 90%x1, 95%x1, 90%x1, 85%x1
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4 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
15 Deadlifts 185/135
15 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
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Ask Coach Nick how much time he averages daily in a paleo squat
Bend, Stretch, Mobilize, and Swing on the Rings
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery is back on at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
- If you signed up for Ken H.’s rings class (AND THERE’S STILL SPACE!) remember that you’re meeting today from 2-3:30pm!
2014 Subway Series at CFSBK TOMORROW
Tomorrow, from 8am-1pm, we are hosting the final event for the 2014 Subway Series. Please note the following…
- Day classes are canceled.
- Open Gym is extended and starts at 5pm.
- The Teaser class is canceled.
- There will be an after party at Die Koelner Bierhalle afterwards and all are invited.
First Annual Brooklyn Barbell Club Olympic Weightlifting Meet
Ryan J. is lifting today at CrossFit Virtuosity from 11am – 4pm today in the first Brooklyn Barbell Club Oly meet. Is anyone else from CFSBK participating?? Please respond in the comments!
Four Things I Learned from Being Bad at CrossFit Tabata Times
Feeding Your Canine Athlete New York Times
Hi everybody!!!
Made it back to CrossFit Cork yesterday after a lazy and relaxing week in France with family.
My friend has unlimited membership and Kev had said I could join her on the platforms in the back and do whatever. They had group classes in the evening but they were really is a great space and it will be really interesting to see what they do with it as the gym grows. Right now they only have one erg! I noticed that they tape their KBs like we do.
My buddy Manti has been following Invictus programming mostly for her oly lifts and to train for the Open next year, but she had tested some lifts this week so was a bit tired and we saw the workout which consisted of a 3 mile run, 300 DUs and some other madness so we decided to just lift because that was about all I could manage mentally and probably physically because I have been a lazy lump, of late.
Kept it light enough.
20 x 10
40 x 5
60 x 4
70x 3
80 x 5 x 3
15 x 3
25 x 3
35 x 3
45 x 3
65 x 3
This all felt really fucking weird without my weightlifting shoes, but it felt so great to lift.
See you all on Sunday!
10am class
Felt great.
WOD Rx'd
All unbroken. Heart rate was spiked for the runs. Based on the fact that I did the DL and WB unbroken each round I figure I ran about a 10min mile 🙁
More vacation squats. HBBS: 245x5x3. Felt stiff on the first set. Better speed and bounce on the last two sets. Subbed 400m row for the run on the metcon: 14:27. DLs and WBs unbroken. Last row was rough.
11am – McDowell – Whitney – JB
Squat –
Didn't feel great, didn't feel bad. Was a little slower than I would've like out of the bottom on the 285. Still gotta fight to get my vision down on squats.
WOD Rx'd
WB's and DL's unbroken sans the last set of DL's did, 10-5, didn't have a good grip. Run felt heavy.
SS tomorrow!
10am class – hbbs 242x5x3, heavy but room to go up again. I'm glad I chose to do an LP instead of switching to the performance programming this cycle, because I'm seeing steady increases of 5#/week and they feel pretty good. Pretty confident I'll end this cycle at 250+ and maybe I can keep going next cycle.
I've been dreading/looking forward to this WOD since I saw it posted yesterday. Very taxing, finished in 17:mumble but I'm glad something hard was programmed today even though I'm not excited about high rep DLs. Kept it light & thankfully my back feels fine.
DLs 135#, 2 sets unbroken then 2 sets 8-7. Should have bumped it to 145#.
For the WB, I went in thinking 20#/9' because I was pretty sure I could do those unbroken. JB suggested mid-WOD I should be aiming for the 10' mark, which makes total sense because I can hit it pretty well, but I start missing reps when I aim for that mark while tired and I wanted to do these unbroken. So I ended up doing a mix of 9' and 10', and missed a few at 10'. Did the last set unbroken aiming for the 9' mark.
Runs were sloooow.
135 # on the squats. woo hoo that's where I ended the last cycle 🙂
WOD with 103# DL and 14#8ft WB. Finished in 15:30. I should stop being a baby and use heavier weights I think.
Excited to watch everyone tomorrow!
Crossover Symmetry Activation Circuit
2 Rounds NFT of:
10 Deadlifts, 135
10 Push-Ups
10 Squats
175x3x3 (Paused Squats)
Was feeling my sins and lack of sleep from the night before. Planned on doing 230 but 220 felt "right" this afternoon
Worked up to 70kg
4 Rounds FT of:
400m Run
15 Deadlifts
15 Wall Ball 20#/10'
First two rounds were pretty quick, then the runs slowed down considerably. I managed to do the last set of wall balls unbroken (the only set I did unbroken) which knocked me on my ass for a bit.
Did this yesterday solo:
(45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 175×2, 205×1)
85% @ 212.5
90% @ 225
95% @ 237.5
90% @ 225
85% @ 212.5
-moved pretty well today. used a belt for 90% and above.
15:25 with 135# and 14#/10ft.
-I only did 10ft because MeLo said she did 10ft. Everything unbroken except the last damn set of wall ball when I did 8-7. Should have pushed it here.
Very excited for Subway Series tomorrow! A bit nervous though…
Big day of fitness at the gym today after an intermittent week:
Press: 105×5, 120×3, 135×4
Did the Thursday Performance snatch complex at 65KG, went smoothly until the last rep, where I caught the bar awkwardly coming from overhead to the hang and fell on my ass. Good times.
Back Squat: 183×10, 198×8, 228×8…totally forgot the 4th set, which was supposed to be 213×8.
Front Squat: 165×5, 192.5x5x3
Then did today's WOD Rx in 15:42. Kind of cruised through it, DLs were a challenge, as high rep DLs always are, wallballs felt really, really easy, which was nice.
Good times. Psyched for Subway Series tomorrow.