Fitness: High Hang Snatch + Behind the Neck Push Press + OHS (1+1+1)
Work up to a moderate load on the complex.
Performance: Snatch + Snatch Balance + Hang (knee) Snatch (1+1+1)
Perform 7 reps of the complex at 75% of your 1 Rep Max snatch.
Post loads to comments.
15 Minutes or 5 rounds NFT (whichever comes first):
5 Muscle Snatches (with a two-second pause at the knee)
5 Overhead Reverse Lunges, Left
5 Overhead Reverse Lunges, Right
15 Calorie Row in as few strokes as possible
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
The Coach Fox shenanigans continue! Also, check out a new batch of gorgeous photos from photographer Susan Pittard up in our Flickr.
News and Notes
- Please remember that all classes are canceled on Sunday, Open Gym is extended to start at 5pm, and we still need a few judges to volunteer their time to help run the competition. Please contact David [at] with “Subway Series” as the subject line if you’re interested.
- Feeling like you could be a bit more limber? Check out Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney (aka one of our favorite pescatarians) tonight at 7:30pm.
- CFSBK member Amanda Mc. wrote a super cool article about David’s journey with CFSBK for, called “How One CrossFit Affiliate Owner Built a Thriving Business.” Share it with your CrossFit friends!
Want to Explore the World of the Rings?
This primer class with Ken H. will introduce participants to the various aspects of the rings: the different grips, above the rings, below, swinging and still rings. We will also touch on how to take care of your hands and taping techniques. We will go over basic positions, movements, and strength holds.
Time: THIS SATURDAY, August 23, 2-3:30pm
Cost: $20
Buy-in: 10 strict push ups and 1 toes-to-bar or knees-to-bar.
The class is capped at 10 participants, so don’t think twice! Register Here!
Call for CFSBK Artists!
Ever wonder what CFSBK would look like if it transformed into an art gallery? Well, you might have the opportunity to find out! We are considering hosting the very first CFSBK Open Gallery this fall, which would involve displaying a variety of art created by our members, right here at the gym. If you are a visual artist (even if your art is just a hobby!) and are a member at CFSBK, we want to hear from you.
In order to move forward (and convince David this is a good idea), we must hear from at least 10-15 artists by August 31 who are willing to commit to participating. The aim of the evening isn’t to sell the work of our artists (though if that happens, great!), but to showcase the often hidden talents of our members, bring our community together in a novel way, and perhaps be the first CrossFit gym ever to curate an art show.
The more diversity of mediums the better—painting, photography, film, collage, printmaking, design, textiles, installations, or something we haven’t heard of yet. (We have a 180” projector that can be used for video-based art.) If you make cool shit that would look nice on our walls and want to participate, please email Kate at katharine [at] by August 31. Your email MUST INCLUDE 2-3 images of pieces you would consider showing or pieces that are similar to what you would create for the show.
Always Talk to Strangers The Atlantic
Everything You Need to Know About Planet Earth Kurzgesagt
A Tiny Good Deed Can Go a Long Way Science of Us
A Group Lifts Paraclimbers to Higher Goals New York Times
6am with Jess and DO. Worked up to 68# on the fitness complex. As the weight starts to get heavier, it feels like it will be impossible to get the bar up from the high hang.
WOD – The muscle snatch from the knee at 43#t felt so much easier after the complext. Nice little variation on the workout from not too long ago, with the rows on the erg being more taxing than I imagined.
6am with David and Jess
Partnered with Brad K and worked up to 115# on the performance complex. Used that weight for three or four rounds and then we both started to get a little sloppy on the final movement and dropped to 105# for the remainder.
I like this WOD a lot. I used 75# which was the same weight I used the last time we did it with the running in place of the row. Next time I want to up the weight because it moved well.
delayed post for yesterday!
6:30p w/ jb, noah & mcdowell!
lbbs: 95#x20, this was my first time doing a set of 20 in a long time. it went really well, maybe a little too well, my knee felt fine and still does so i think i can ramp it up a bit next week!
wod: 7 rounds + 10 sit-ups, 25# db & strict push-ups, hooray!
7am with Jess and DO,
Worked up to 100# on the fitness complex, and then took it back down to 75, 85# to test a full squat snatch which felt great. I absolutely hate catching the bar behind the neck, but DO showed me the proper way, and it had a lot of neck and back meat involved. Also tested a narrower grip on the OHS to increase mobility.
WOD @75#, and subbed the lunges with OHS. Rowing is becoming my favorite thang, I hit a consistent 17-18 pulls for the 15 cals, its damn near impossible to get that first calorie within the first 2 pulls.
Much needed rest day tomorrow and super excited to catch the subway series this sunday.
6am with Jess and DO.
Worked up to 105# in the fitness complex. Bar was feeling heavier today than last week. I have limited wrist mobility so I think this was really hitting me today trying to keep that bar up.
Moved down to 75# for the WOD. My balance on the lunges was the biggest challenge here. I think I had 17 pulls for each round on the erg.
Just posted in the classifieds seeking a bookkeeper to help my non-profit organization. Thanks.
6am w/ David and Jessica
Shared a bar with Matt for all of today's events. All sort of tightness and sorriness in the quads and hips after yesterday's BSQ and WOD. The first couple snatches felt squirrelly forcing the decision to drop down in weight. A smart move because it allowed me to slow down my pulls and focus on mechanics.The WOD was fun, I enjoy the OH lunges.
Noon class
Everything was off today. I mostly blame my half of the Yellowtail magnum from dinner last night.
Snatch complex
Fell on my ass a few times
3 Rounds of the NFT at 95#. Unbroken barbell, and the 15 cals in 14, 15, and 15 strokes.
AM Funtime Session
Crossover Symmetry Warm-Up
Snatch > Snatch Balance > Hang Snatch
40×1,1 50×1 60×1,1,1,1,1
Clean w/ pause at knee > 2 jerks
60×1,1 70×1 80×1 90×1,1,1,1,1
Then alternating 600M Partner + 50lb Dumbell Carry followed by 100 (total) DB Snatches, alternating doubles per partner. Started at 60lb but jumped to 75lb after the first 20. Took about 9 minutes on the carry and 11 on the snatches. Fun.
I'm not an artist but I really love this idea!
Strength Cycle – 2xWeek – Class #7 (for me)
45 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 4
200 x 2
215 x 5 x 3
I tried to use belt for the first time at the very last set. Not sure if I'll continue to do so until I fail a rep w/o it.
45 x 5
65 x 5
85 x 5 x 3
Little pain in left shoulder. I am miserably weak in this lift. Been told one solution is daily push-up linear progression regimen which will help with bench press too.
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 2
245 x 1
265 x 3 F
I did this DL on the main gym floor on my own while the others were still on the second floor location (we had the class there because the main gym floor was too crowded and thus crazy!). When I came down to main gym floor (no DLs on second floor) I've just gone and fetched the bar and then go and get first pair of plates, bring them, load, lock, lift. Then go get more weights, load, lock, lift, Then get weights, load, lock. lift again, Then the same…All without a pause -and I do not know why, I think I got carried away by the energy of the gym… I was all drenched in sweat by the time the warm-up is done and a bit dizzy. At the very same moment when I was about finishing the last rep of warm-up, Jeremy come downstairs and asked if I am ready, I said yes, get weights, load, lock and started the work set with 265… Form started to get ugly already by second rep, and by the completion of the third rep, I was done, finished, exhausted, annihilated, vanished, evaporated… Jeremy said, that's it. Stop. Who am I to argue.
Now, I am not sure if this happened because of that crazy quick warm-ups I did and carrying and loading the bar by myself without catching my breath, or I was going to fail anyways. We'll see soon.
Now a word on… something: "our" yesterday's Strength Cycle Class was crowded, I mean really crowded, like, too crowded, overcrowded even. It was crowded because of all these guests from other Cycles were there. I was like "come on people just go and attend to your own Cycle consistently, I mean why keep coming and disrupting another Cycle as a guest", right? People! Look, consistency is very important, for instance I am officially signed up for the C Cycle and I have been to that Cycle, I think… only once, maybe. See: this is consistency. I always, and I mean ALWAYS come to A Cycle consistently, a Cycle which I am NOT officially signed up for: I am a consistent guest, a man of principles! Learn from me! –Actually I also attempted to guest the B Cycle too several times, but Jeremy stopped me; I have no idea why. Next goal, trying to guest D Cycle!
— Just if it is not clear for some reason, I am just kidding above. It is always great to see familiar faces from other Cycles like Ruth and Erica, both of who, by the way, were phenomenal in their squat ladder lifts yesterday!
— By the way, I am able attend A Cycle as a perpetual guest because there is room there, and of course I asked for Jeremy's blessings first. I am not telling why I can't attend C Cycle, which starts at…. 6:30 am.
Sorry for the very long rant, but I haven't been posting for at least two weeks, so.. and also this is what happens when there is no QOD is posted for me to rant on.
murat, you lost me at "Strength Cycle – 2xWeek – Class #7 (for me)"
Snatch complex up to 88#. One solid one then a bunch of misses at various points. Landed on my butt on the 4th attempt or so, stayed on the floor and calf mashed until workout. Forgot about 75% x 1 x 7, which would have been a better use of time.
15 min NFR of:
5 Muscle Snatch, 5 OH Rev Lunges w Snatch grip each leg, not alternating (53# all unbroken)
15 Cal Row (worst part)
4 rounds. This was hard but in a good way.
Kipping MU practice. Frustrating
Clean & Jerk. Also frustrating
Moderate weight on the minute-ish x 5?
Left side hip flexor, hamstring and triceps areas all tight/sore so tried to get at those areas w lax ball for a bit
I would have responded to you in length and in appropriately detailed manner, but I find long posts and people who post more than once a day just being inconsiderate selfish bastards.
6am with Jess & DO. I worked up to 80# on the snatch complex. Both Jess and David pointed out that my high hang was pitched forward and ugly and all kindsa wrong. I think I finally pulled it together by the end. I got through 4 rounds on the NFT (at 65#). On my first two rounds, I got through the 5 right overhead lunges and then a couple on the left when everything started to go way squirrely. Rather than continuing to be a danger to myself and others, I finished those with the bar racked on my shoulders. Fox pointed out at some point that my muscle snatches were not actually muscle snatches given that I was dropping under the bar – I think I was just kind of on autopilot. So, it was one of those educational mornings in which I spent a lot of time feeling like I had ten thumbs and two left feet, but banked a decent amount of knowledge and self-awareness that I can hopefully deploy down the road. I'll take that.
Was on my way to the gym last night when I got sidetracked… Made it up on my own today at the company gym, though kind of half-assed.
Pull up progression is going pretty well. Starting to feel like real work: 5, 5, 4, 3, 2. Then hbbs 240x5x3, heavy / not heavy if that makes any sense. 250 should be coming soon. Then I did the first half of yesterday's WOD. No real excuse for stopping, just self conscious and hungry! Db power cleans at 45# were more exhausting than i expected.
4:30 w/ Coach Whitney
TOASTER Snatch Complex:
Those last 3 OHS were the epitome of sadness
I signed up for Fight Gone Bad last night.
Yes, I was drunk.
About 10 Minutes of A/R
CrossOver Symmetry Activation Circuit
2 Power Snatches + 1 OHS = 1
60kg x1x3
Clean Deadlift to Knee + Hang Squat Clean + 2 Split Jerks
80kg x1x5
Then Todd and I did an alternating partner carry + a 50lb Dumbbell around the block. So Todd was over my shoulders fireman's carry style and my free hand was holding a 50lb bell. We would just switch wheneve we got tired. Then we got inside and completed 100 DB Power Snatches. Did the first 25 at 60lbs but it was too light so we grabbed a 75lber to finish.
Great times! Making memoriez
6:30 – Whitro
Tonight was an solid hour straight of snatching.
Good coaching and cues from everyone tonight…felt like I left with a lot to think about. First and foremost I need to get my shoulders way back on my power snatch stance and even @ the knee. Moving first to my power snatch stance and then down to the knee hang definitely helped this. Focusing on this throughout the complex finally got be to actually throw myself back on one or two, which I don't remember doing.
1×7 @ 115lbs + a lot of thinking
Did the NFR's @ 65 and probably got 4 rounds.
For the blaming portion of my post, I'd like to blame JB for the weights being/feeling heavier than usual in the gym today 🙂
Ready for a rest day tomorrow.
I LOVE the idea of an art show!
73# on the performance snatch complex—felt SO tired today. I swear the bar was heavier than usual. Arturo confirmed this.
Four rounds at 53# for the NFT. Then just messed around a bit with the crossover symmetry bands (fun!), weighted planks and ghd back extensions. Not a great day, but at least I got moving!
murat, your post made my day.
see you tomorrow, i assume.