Fitness 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds.
Performance: 85%x1, 90%x1, 92.5%x1, 90%x1, 85%x1
5 Rounds or 15 Minutes:
10 V-Ups
8 Dumbbell Bench Press
6 Chin Ups
Post loads to comments.
Coach Jess Fox shows us how to smile while lifting like a badass
Bend, Stretch, Mobilize, and Stand on Your Hands
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery is at 11am ONLY. THE NOON CLASS IS CANCELED.
- If you signed up for Ken H.’s handstand class, remember that you’re meeting today from 2-3:30pm!
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5 Tips On How To Start A Conversation About Mental Health Time to Change
9am with DO an Melissa.
Performance version of the squats went well.
NFT "Swole Beach Party" WOD was fun.
Hit the DB bench presses at 50,65,75,75,65. The other movements were a piece of cake.
Checking out the new Shake Shack at Barclays Center later today.
9am with DO & melissa
worked at #115x3x5 on the lbbs. this felt good, still working my way back up on this one with my recently improved knee.
beach wod: ugh, and i just went to the beach last weekend! i'm realizing now i only got 4 rounds in but on the db bench press 25, 30, 30, 35. banded chin-ups (various scientific combinations). v-ups, super fun!
yesterday at OG
front squat
power clean
nice job on that squat, jake. 'too easy' should be your nickname unless you wanna switch with todd 'tight game' cavallo'
Fun 10am with Melissa and JB, then AR. At first I was horrified about wall balls in the warmup but these actually went really well at 20#/10'.
Hbbs 237x5x3, starting to really believe that 250 is going to happen. Went lightish on the bench bc my shoulder was feeling squicky.
Yesterday was my 5th anniversary so I went to planet fitness with my wife rather than group class. They had an amazing array of machines, at least one of which could be used for pull ups! Other machines were used, muscles were isolated, obliques were targeted and the shaded areas in the diagrams got worked. Then we ate pancakes.
11am Whit/McDowell/JB…tons of attention.
Performance Squats w/ Jason…
Felt like it was moving really well today. I've gotta ask before next Saturdays performance squats, do you ever adjust your the 1RM weight you're working off during a cycle for these percentage based squats?
NFT rounds were just what the doctor ordered in preparation for tomorrow's subway series…should be a lot of fun.
Brad – No. You base them off a recent max.
10am class
BSQ was a bit sluggish today, rightfully so I'm light of the past few days of programming.
Only got 3 rounds in the 10 minutes before I covered AR (always love guest coaching the Saturday regulars) but I'm feeling swole at Rockaway Beach right now. 65 across on then DB
That, is how you finish of a huge clean (185) PR. With a smile.
10am followed by AR
Perf lbbsq 245, 255, 265, 255, ran out of time. This was closer to 91% rather than 92.5 because i botched last weeks 90%. 265, felt solid. Bench db workout felt better than i expected at 40, 45, 50, thats when the left arm statted wobbling.
Much needed AR afterwards.
Forgot to post after 10am class yesterday (Fri). Was great to look back at the blog and see all those awesome accomplishments and PR's! Go team SBK! Also… great lookin' snatch, T-bone.
Performance Snatch Complex (power snatch, snatch balance, hang snatch)
63, 63, 83, 83, 83, 93 (F on hang snatch)
-hang snatch: need to go a bit lower in the position and keep my shoulders fwd. stop shorting it!! also, i pulled it up to my effing FACE, so i need to do extra drills this week to just get under. this is the main thing keeping me from hitting a new snatch PR, as the pulls and positions are working pretty well.
Went for the muscle-up assistance work:
4×5 box hops (FUN, but i banged up the backs of my ankles/calves. whoops)
3×5 banded transitions. used the blue band. McD's cue: controlled pull to the hip, then FAST turnover. felt good.
tweaked my neck sometime during the snatch work. had a hard time turning it to the left during the rest of the day. this is a repeated issue for me and is def related in some way to my shoulder trouble. the exploration continues.