Fitness: High Hang Snatch + Power Snatch + OHS
Work up to a moderate load on the complex.
Performance: Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Hang (knee) Snatch
Work up to a moderate load on the complex.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
14 Russian Kettlebell Swings
7 Dumbbell Push Press
Go heavy but unbroken on the kettlebell swings and dumbbell push press.
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
5 Power Snatch 135/95
4/3 Muscle Ups
Buy-in for the Performance version is muscle ups. If you don’t have muscle ups, then you have the option to perform the Fitness version or practice muscle up work on the low rings. If you want to work on your muscle ups today, please view this Outlaw video starting at 4:30 and perform the following:
5 x 5 “Box Hops”
5 x 3 Ring Transitions
In both of these movements be sure to set the rings high enough that the arms are fully extended at the bottom. Knees stay extended with quads engaged throughout.
Post loads and rounds to comments.
Charlie visited CrossFit Cork in Ireland a couple days ago and met the owner Kevin, who got his Level 1 Certification at CFSBK back in the days of the Lyceum. Kevin says he follows Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate and loves CFSBK’s programming. We miss you, Charlie!
Have You Hit a PR or Achieved a Goal Lately? Tell Us!
- If you have achieved a goal in the gym recently, hit a PR, or reached a new fitness milestone, please email David [at] TODAY to share the news! If we receive your email by 8pm, we’ll run your news on the blog tomorrow.
News and Notes
- Coach Noah is still looking for a few more women to play for CFSBK’s soccer team on Sundays on the Lower East Side (the registration for guys is capped and already full). The Fighting Tacos will be practicing this Saturday (8/16) at 4pm. Email Noah [at] for more information.
- Gina G. is also leaving us soon for the beautiful land of Texas, and she needs to find a new home for her beloved felines, Tim Riggins and Lyla Garrity. Yes, those are their names. Check out her post in CFSBK’s Classifieds and email her at gina.gatto [at] for more info!
2014 Subway Series at CFSBK on Sunday, 8/24
On Sunday, August 24, from 8:30am-2pm, we are hosting the final event for the 2014 Subway Series. Please note the following…
- Day classes will be canceled.
- We will be extending Open Gym to start at 5pm.
- You can still sign up for an Open team or contact Coach MeLo (Melissa [at] if you’re interested in finding teammates.
- There will be an after party at Die Koelner Bierhalle afterwards and all are invited.
We Need Judges and Volunteers!
- CFSBK is looking for 12 judges to volunteer their time to help run the competition. There will be a review session with David a few days before the event to discuss range-of-motion standards, judge protocol, and etiquette. Members with Level 1 Certifications will get priority.
- We also need 1-2 more volunteers to help setting up the PA and running the scoring system.
Please contact David [at] with “Subway Series” as the subject line if you’re interested in volunteering.
10 Things I Want My Daughter to Know About Working Out Wellfesto
Barbell Training with Mark Rippetoe Part 1 The Art of Manliness
Barbell Training with Mark Rippetoe Part 2 The Art of Manliness
Iranian Wrestler Pulls Off Flip For Crazy-Ass Takedown Deadspin
6am with David and Jess
Partnered with Brad for the snatch complex which started to wear on me a little bit. Its a long time to hold onto the bar once it starts to get heavy. Worked up to 125# and felt strong until the final hang from the knee where I had to bail forward. Something about these complexes makes me get too "in my head" instead of just trusting my form and going for it.
Opted for the muscle up progression work with Chris and Elliott. I was pretty good about practicing these for a while and then I fell off. I need to stay on these.
Thanks for posting the pic! It might be worth mentioning that the other lady in the pic is my good friend Manti who was the very first person I talked into starting CrossFit. We spent our teens and twenties partying together and it was a strange and exciting experience to work out with her in my home town.
Now I am having trouble finding DO's post about body weight workouts which can be done while traveling. Finding it hard to get motivated to go for a run here in France. Anyone know where I can find this? I could have sworn it was in an easily reachable link or tab…
I am bummed that this is only happening in Sweden because otherwise, sooooo tempting, amirite?
Charlie, this is it:
And it now lives in the General Training section of the CFSBK Articles & Media tab!
6am with David and Jess
I agree with Matt that these type of complexes definitely get in my head – I always feel like I'm rushing to reset my brain before each part of it. I partnered with Peter on the complex; I worked up to ~132# and stopped after my last set on that; resetting the bar before the snatch balance on that set hit hard and low on my neck and I wasn't feeling so hot afterwards.
The WOD was a tough one; I definitely rested too much in between power snatch reps. Hit 3 rounds + 3 power snatches at the Rx weight. All my muscle ups were unbroken, forearms got smoked towards the end.
6am. Perf snatch complex (kilos): 40, 50, 60, 70. Left shoulder was feeling week overhead. Not sure what was up with that. Perf WOD Rx: 4 rounds even. Should have had a couple of more snatches, but failed a MU in the last round which cost me about 20 seconds. Felt a bit unbalanced on the power snatches having switched from my lifting shoes to my nanos.
Thanks Kate! 🙂
Worked up to 105# on the fitness version of the snatch, and then after hitting a few of them and catching them too high, I decided to scale it back to 95 and try to get more depth, it wasnt meant to be. David made me do some drills by deadlifting and holding at the knees for 5 seconds, those were really unpleasant but very good to rectify posture. I just have to be a bit slower on the first pull and give it everything I got on the second.
WODed with a 24kg KB and 30# DB. Since this was for 7 minutes, I really gave it all I got given the weights weren't uber heavy. Got 5 rounds + 3 DB PPs.
Since starting this cycle I've been finding myself on the floor after the WODs more often for much longer. I dont know what it means yet.
YAY Charlie in Cork. #CHORK
Tim Riggins and Lyla Garrity!!! Amazing cat names.
Unfortunately, as his name suggests, Hunter Katz shouldn't, and can't, have a kitty brother or sister. I will spread the word.
Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.
Today's WOD:
A two block sprint to the dentist office because I was running late. Almost puked.
Too much strength training, not enough conditioning? ☹
haha thanks @Alex W! and thanks for spreading the word!
For whoever is in charge of ordering new CFSBK apparel, I would like to put in a plea to consider some CFSBK branded socks. There have been several days recently that I have forgotten to bring socks and would have paid almost ANY amount if they had been on sale at the front desk. Seriously, I would have traded my first born for a pair of socks, even tube socks. I tore the living hell out of the skin on my heels on those erg repeats the other day because I'm a dummy who can't remember basic clothing items. i am also willing to pitch in my fair share of ideas to make this happen. Here is what I've got so far (fair warning: not all of them are winners):
-black socks with the words, "Crossfit Socks Brooklyn" , and skull & cross-socks logo.
-screenprint of Socks the cat on the calf area of the sock, maybe 'shopped with a barbell. Or maybe Socks the cat 'shopped into the classic "hang in there" image, but with a pull up bar instead of a tree. (This one is just a great idea, even if it doesn't get onto a pair of socks)
-A picture of a 24" box, with the words, "Socks Jump" underneath
-The word "bar" and an arrow printed on the toe area of the sock. (wait for it…)
-Just the words, "Support your local sox"
That's really all I've got. I'm sorry these ideas are so terrible (with the exception of the "hang in there!" cat on the pull up bar, obviously), I just really really really want socks to come to the front desk of SBK.
wondering if anyone else is planning on/thinking about planning on going to the national pro GRID league match at madison square garden on tuesday?
Oh man speaking of GRID league CFSBK gets a shout out on Instagram
Thinking about going! My friend from MA is coming down for that (and a drop in) it looks like fun!!
Also I hope someone adopts those cats! They are so lovely with amazing names
Make up from the office yesterday:
95×5 135×5 185×5 210×20
Pushing these pretty hard, want to get 225 before I leave at the end of the month. They suck.
45×5 75×5 95×5 115×10,9 110×7
Oveshot this one. Back to 110 next week.
BB Curl
Ran out of time and needed to get swole quick.
This morning with DO:
Crossover symmetry
Hang snatch > snatch
40×1,1 50×1 60×1,1 65×1 70×1
Power clean > Power jerk > narrow grip OHS
50 60 65 70 75 80
Working these and the squat jerks for mobility reasons more than anything else. It's fun to do new stuff once in a while too!
Partner heavy sandbag zercher carry, 1km-ish at probably 100#, 5 burpees for dropping. 30 total burpees. This was godawful from the start.
6am with Jess and DO.
Worked up to 105 on the snatch (HH snatch > power snatch > OHS). Jess helped me with my high hang position and I think I got it right after that help. Need to focus on leaning back so that I'm using my hips and not forward to back motion.
Did the MU work instead of the WOD. Glad to get to practice this a bit and will try to work some of this in after classes.
I second JJ's request for some bitchin' knee socks. I want to be clad in SBK gear head to toe, yo!
Ok, I met a goal last night: got my first strict muscle up on a random try after Oly class!
Makeup posts:
Oly class with Frank last night:
cleans: 1 x 5 @ 176
snatch complex: triple from high-hang, high-hang (with transition from the knee), knee: x 5 @ 88
jerk triples: 3 x 5 @ 95
Felt very tired last night, maybe because I hardly ate all day. Nonetheless, after class, I saw the rings hanging there and I went for a strict muscle up and got it. That's my first one.
Tuesday 6am
Press: 105 x 5, 110 x 4, 105 x 5
Had more trouble than expected here. Probably a little beat up from previous night's jerk and snatch work, as well as two workouts on Sunday.
WOD: 500m row x 4, 4 min rest
1:38, 1:37.9, 1:42, 1:50
This came apart at the seams on the third row. I had nothing left by the fourth split.
Monday night Oly Class
snatch: worked up to 140, then dropped to 95 x 3 hang snatches x 5
jerk: 135 x 3 x 5
Noon Class
Power Snatch + Snatch Balance + Hang Snatch (knee)
Was catching a little forward on the snatches today, Noah reminded me of Arturo's "magic" cue to get my shoulders behind my hips and the last one felt better.
Performance WOD Rx'd
4 rounds + 2
Cycled the first three rounds on the bar which felt good, then 3/2, then the last 2. Was surprised that the muscle ups were the thing that messed me up. This was more of a gasser than I expected, probably since I thought I would do doubles and triples on the snatch. Shoulders are SMOKED!
I'll look in to sockses…
hurray to all the comments today!
I did about 15 minutes of AR today, then with Todd:
CrossOver Symmetry
We did 4/7 of the activation circuit
Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Then the aforementioned sandbag carries and burpees. I loved every second of it that didn't include holding that goddamn sandbag.
7:30 – NoRo
Snatch complex – (power, balance, hang)
I kept a pretty brisk pace working through the complex today, which I liked. Also felt like working with the performance peeps I had more time to warmup…snatch for me is one of the harder lifts to get warmed up.
went 115-125-125-135-135-135…
hardest part for me is of course the part of the lift that isn't really supposed to be hard…the catch from the snatch to the backsquat rack. I'd say I'm at about 50/50 down from 90/10 of hitting the right myself in the completely wrong spot on my neck. Arturo had some good advice to act like I'm doing pseudo-jump when catching…gotta spend some more time on that.
Also, anyone on the fence about buying some weightlifting shoes…do it…I'm 3 workouts in and already love em…my feet with regular shoes especially on snatch seems to dance a lot…I feel much more planted and supported with the additional weight in the shoes…
8am class:
Performance Snatch Complex:
-worked up to 39kg on the complex. This whole complex felt really heavy today. Glad to get some snatch work in though.
Opted out of the AMRAP to work the Muscle-up progressions.
-Box Humps: did about 5 sets of 3. Had to keep work sets small because a) i kept losing the false grip and b) it hurt.
-Banded Transition work: about 4 sets of 3. Really great to focus on legs out in front with locked out quads. Such a huge difference.