Press: 5-5-5
Work up to a heavy set of 5 reps. No failing.
Erg Repeats:
4 x 500m Row
Rest about 4 minutes between attempts.
Post loads and times to comments.
Our mighty Subway Series winners!
CONGRATULATIONS to CFSBK’s Competition Team at the Subway Series!
Alex B. and Coaches MeLo, McDowell, and Jess—CFSBK’s Competition Team yesterday—took FIRST PLACE at the second event in the 2014 Subway Series at CrossFit Queens. Below is the WOD they completed for their victory:
“Grannie Gone Mad”
Pair of men and pair of women each complete the following simultaneously:
In 9 Minutes:
10 C&J, 135/95
10 C&J, 155/115
10 C&J, 185/135
AMRAP C&J, 205/145
After each set of 10 C&J, pair must complete 40 double unders and 20 toes-to-bar before moving on to their next 10 C&J (including during AMRAP).
If you are interested in competing in either of the final two Subway Series events, please contact Coach MeLo (Melissa [at] CrossfitSouthBrooklyn). Do it!!!
News and Notes
- There’s a new post over on Coach David’s blog Inside the Affiliate, all about Coach Jeremy and Strength Cycle at CFSBK. It’s called “Why You Need a Dedicated Strength Training Program.” Check it out!
- Happy birthday, Greg A.!
CrossFit Flirting: Talk Burpee to Me New York Times
Drugs and the Evolution of Bodybuilding The Atlantic
What Is The Speed of Dark? Vsauce
Dave Castro talks with Julie Foucher, Rich Froning, Sam Briggs, and Jason Khalipa about participating in the first-ever CrossFit Team Series.
6am with Nick and McD.
PR'ed my press today on set 2, doing 135#, 150#, then back to 135# since the PR set was a struggle. Rowing was its usual tons-o-fun for me, my times were:
Also my buddy and I hit up Summer Streets this past Saturday in NYC, if you're around this weekend you should totally check it out. Plus you get to see Nick with a megaphone.
Gettin' strong in the morning.
Squat 205x5x3. New territory for me.
Press 80×5,4,4 (failed last rep of second and third sets). This is the same weight where I started to fail last cycle. This time I got one more rep (last time it was 5,4,3). I'll take it.
Deadlift 235×5. My grip may finally be starting to limit me. The lifts themselves felt good but my thumbs were KILLING me. But…but…I don't WANNA switch grip!
I am glad I was lifting heavy sh!t instead of getting yelled at by Nick on the erg 😉
6:30am Strength Cycle
LBBS: 115 5 x 3
Started shallow, then the heavy crept up. Can't imagine what the rest of the cycle will be like
Press: 55 5 x 3
Challenging, bailed on the last rep of the second set. Apparently I don't know how to fight for these.
Deadlift: 165 5 x 1
How did it get so heavy so soon? Ugh bailed on my fourth attempt, pathetic, but Jeremy made me finish.
PS: Suffered from post-traumatic Crash-B disorder during today's WOD. Thanks Nick.
6am with NickDowell. Worked up to 68# on the overhead press. These feel ok, but not great. Still need to focus on the overhead mobility.
WOD: 1:53.3, 1:53.0, 1:53.5, 1:51.5
I was surprised at how consistent I was and was able to finish the last round the fastest, thanks to Nick's strong encouragement. My quads were burning on the way home.
10am with Noah,
Press: 95,105,110, failed the last rep at 110, i can live with that.
500m Row, 1:38, 1:45, 1:55?, 1:48, In my defense i thought we were doing 5 rounds, and took it easy on my 3rd as I didnt think I had a 5th in me. Big gap between my fastest and slowest, because I was trying to see if I can hit 1:35, clearly I cant. Will try to be more consistent next time.
6am. Press: 145×5, 155×5, 165×5. Felt good. Rows: 1:32.2, 1:32.7, 1:40.0, 1:45.7. I knew I went out on the first row too fast, but threw caution to the wind and tried to hold on. The last piece was my running full speed into the wall. Ouch.
@MichaelA, you pressed 145 on your first set, not 135.
WTG CFSBK team! Just another reason why CFSBK coaches are the best!
Love that photo of team SBK, nice work guys and gals!
11am-ish solo lifting
The 5th rep at 155 was a fight.
Had about 10 minutes before teaching the noon class so did Tabata erg sprints
777 total meters
Noon with fox and Melo. Pressed 85×5 – 80×5 – 85×3 failed on the 4th rep – 80×5. Felt kinda weak today, and tweaky at the lockout.
Row: 1:43.4 – 1:52.3 – 1:52.3 – 1:52.1. Obviously not very consistent. The second round was the worst.
10am w/ Noah
Was on vaca out of Brooklyn the last 9 days and looks like I missed some great programming last week. I did manage to make it into a few different crossfits over vaca though so didn't come back totally rusty today (even though I felt like it).
Press- 58×5, 65.5×5 (accidental uneven bar loading), 68×5. Got them up fairly easily.
Row- oh how I suck at rowing. Best 2:07. Worst 2:12.
Did this one at home with Coach Nick texting me target splits from work.
Press: 75×5, 85×5, 95×5. Last rep of last set slow and wonky on R side but went up.
Started out conservative on the 500s and gradually ratcheted down the target splits. Here are times and targets in parens:
2:03.6 (2:04)
2:00.5 (2:02)
1:58.6 (2:00)
1:55.3 (1:57)
3 Rounds NFT
15 Squats
10 Push-Ups
10 Ring Rows
First time pressing heavy since subluxing. Felt good, but I felt weakkkkkkk.
Front Squats
150x3x3 with a :03 Pause
500m Erg Sprints
Typical drastic drop offs in pace for me. Rested exactly 4:00 between sets. Then proceeded to walk into the office and within :30 fall asleep for about half an hour. Oops!
4:30 pm…. and most likely my last class until October : ( : ( : (
I did today backwards. my schedule was all out of wack. had acupuncture at 2, ate a huge lunch at 3, and then decided to workout. hmm.
Press: 67# x 5
-feeling mellow from my acu-sesh. just wasnt pushing it today.
WOOF. fun but so so rough. went all out on the first round to see how i'd do. it was impossible to maintain that pace but my next three were pretty consistent so i was happy with that.
Really going to miss everyone over the next 6 weeks… best of luck to you all in your fitness endeavors and ill see you when I get back!!
6 am w. Nick and McDowell.
Press at (45 x 5, 65 x 4 and) 85# x 4 (failed on fifth attempt), 80# x 5 and 75# x 5. I meant to gradually work up to 80, but my poor barbell math resulted in me loading on 85# instead of 75# for my first set of 5…doh!
500m splits @ 1:54, 1:50; 1:55; and 1:54. I'm pretty sure the 1:50 is a PR. The last set finished at 1:54 and not 2+ minutes bc I had Coach Nick coaching me through the last 250 m. He pushed me faster than I thought I could go all the way through the last stroke. My legs were literally shaking as I walked down the subway station stairs after class!
4:30 class today, my new favorite time.
Press: 75, 77.5F, 75. Got too aggressive with this, obviously.
WOD: 1:50, 1:52, 1:54, 1:53.
I really wanted my final round not to be my slowest, so I was stoked about this. Talked to a few people afterwards about how the 500m row sprint seems like the quickest way to enter the pain cave. That 250/200m mark…
Oh! I deadlifted before class too, which probably was why my guess about what I could press was a bit off. 185x4x2.
Hang Clean, 75%x2x4
Push Press, 89%x3x4
268×2, failed 3rd
1 500M row sprint: 1:31
6am Nick and McDowell
Weights pressed 75, 80, 80. Felt good will move up next week. But the erg was best times ever 1:53, 1:59, 2:00, 1:53, thanks Nick, couldn't resist telling people at work I was tired because I had erg-coaching by an ex-Olympic rower at 6am!
I don't understand how people row so fast. If there's a way to use less quad and more butt I want to know it.
These are good times for me and they're the worst on the blog: 2:09.8, 2:08.2, 2:05.3, 2:01.7
…but they get faster!
Press – 60×5; 62×5; 65×2 (maybe 3?),F – All dynamic
Worked to 120×5 on press. Row:
1. 141.2
2. 143.3
3. 144.4
4. 145.5
Nick P noted I pulled a pretty neat trick with the progression on the last 3 rounds.
Late post:
Worked out for much longer than I intended today, due to the fun and positive peer pressure — really inspiration — from Noah, MeLo, McD, and JB!
Clean: bb drills @ 33#
dead hang clean 63×3
83×2, 83×2, 113, 113, 113, 135, 150F, 150F, 135
Good first and second pulls, just bottoming out. Should probably video this next time. Faster rack delivery to come up out of the receiving position.
Snatch: (wasn't planning on doing this)
63, 63, 83, 93, 93, 103, 103, 113F, 113F, 83, 83
Again, good first and second pulls. Smooth and getting height on the bar, just not trusting it and pulling under. Again… video evidence next time so I can believe it's possible.
WOD: a random assorted version of yesterday's work. partnered with JB and I made some subs due to my shoulder and fear of tearing my already beat up hands.
max reps in 3 minutes each of:
-front squat 95# : I did 25-27 total, I think. sets of 5 + a few extra?
-dips + ring rows (alternate) : 6 dips – 15 RR – 6 dips
-box jumps (24#) : 40
-DU's : 50-30-30-36
Also, I went for max unbroken doubles before we did this workout and got a new PR of 98 reps. I really should have just kept it together for 3 more and would've been on the leaderboard! Next time!