Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Start below your last exposure to leave room to grow.
Performance: 1 x 20
Start at about 55% of your 1 Rep Max.
In 12 minutes:
5 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
5 Knees to Elbows
10 Wall Ball
10 Knees to Elbows
15 Wall Ball
15 Knees to Elbows
20 Wall Ball
20 Knees to Elbows
25 Wall Ball
25 Knees to Elbows
If you can’t perform K2E as Rx’d then sub V-Ups.
Post loads and rounds to comments.
News and Notes
- The Meat/Fish/Veg/Flower/Egg CSA pickup is TODAY, from 6-8:30 PM. Eggs will also be for sale, $6/dozen. Please bring small bills for the eggs and your own bags to carry your goodies home. Questions or issues? Email Michele at mignyc [at] Want to sign up for any of our CSA programs? See this page.
- Zach H. wants you to know about another competition happening September 13-14, called the Pump Games. It’s a two-day event in New Jersey and Zach and a few others are already signed up. The price bumps up tomorrow, so check it out today! If you want to coordinate with him, email him at z.hodge [at]
Subway Series is Back On This Sunday
We’re looking for a few more CFSBK members to join one of our 3-person open teams at the second Subway Series competition this Sunday, August 10th at Crossfit Queens. The workout has been named “Grannie Gone Mad” and is a variant of the benchmark Crossfit “Girls” workouts, Grace and Annie.
The full workout details and movement standards have been released here: Subway Series Event #2: Open Team WOD. The event will begin at 8:30am and is expected to run until 12pm. Registration is $99 per team, or $33 per person.
Registration for the event closes at noon on Thursday, so if you are interested in competing, please email Coach MeLo ASAP: Melissa [at]
Get on the Water This Summer with CFSBK
What: Stand-up paddleboard lesson and tour
Where: On the Hudson River, launching from Croton Point Park in Westchester County
When: 2-4pm, Saturday, Aug 16
$99 per person, cost drops to $89 per person with 6+ participants
Sign-up: email Mare at by Friday, August 8
This two-hour lesson and guided tour is geared toward first-timers and beginners starting in a protected bay area so that everyone has an opportunity to get their “sea legs.” After folks are feeling comfortable on their boards, we head out for paddle.
For more information, head to our event page!
Why I Kicked an Athlete Out Of My Box Alyssa Royse
How Foam Rolling Relieves the Pain of Working a Desk Breaking Muscle
What Makes Us Fat: Is It Eating Too Much Or Moving Too Little? NPR
Russell Berger and Mark Rippetoe Respond to ESPN about CrossFit Outside the Lines
Wow, things really do feel heavier in the morning.
Squat 202.5x5x3. Made all reps, but man, that second rep in the first set I felt like I was going to fail again! This is despite forcing myself to eat breakfast as soon as I got out of bed in the morning. Still…made all reps. I'll take it.
Bench 117.5x5x2, x4 F5 on third set. I didn't fail until 125 last cycle, so maybe this is just a morning thing again.
Clean 103x3x3. Perhaps Jeremy may have finally given me the cues I need to get this lift right. ("deadlift the bar and sit down!")
6:30am Strength Cycle
Great time with the gals, chatting it up, and no WOD envy whatsoever.
LBBS: 112.5 5 x 3
These felt heavyish but doable
Bench Press: 57.5 5 x 3
Cleans: 58 3 x 3
Not doing themselves this time around. I think I should go back to 55, but Jeremy doesn't seem to agree.
PS: guys and gals, when you get your wall balls/barbells if you could kindly go around the platform instead of through it while we're lifting, it would be much appreciated.
6am. Back squat (high bar): 170×20. Felt ok, though I was a bit dizzy afterwards. Metcon: 30 wall-balls + 4 knees to elbows. Knees to elbows broke down at the end. Otherwise moved pretty smoothly throughout this one.
What Michelle said. It's a little scary when we're working with heavy barbells on the platform and people are coming through to get a wall ball or KB.
Perf. Sq. @160×20, felt miserable. After the first 12 it became extremely difficult to stay braced because my lungs just wanted air, and I wanted to take breaths both on the way down and up.
As this is my first Performance version of anything, I would really like to understand more about a 20 rep scheme as opposed to the 8×4 or other progressions. I was also interested in knowing what the 1rm calculator says for a 20x of anything and I was amused to find out that the rep counters only go up to 10.
Did we just turn the volume up to eleven? #thisisspinaltap
WODed with a 14# ball at 10' as I couldnt find the 16, and there was no way I was touching a 20#er. Did the 5 and 10 k2E in singles then switched to v-ups, made it to the beginning of 25 in vees.
I agree with Stella and Michelle, and I haven't ever done a strength cycle. I don't like having to crawl over platform peeps to get back there, either.
I'm not sure if it has always been this way, but the platforms are almost always being used by someone during group class. Wouldn't it be more efficient to move kettlebells, dumbbells and wallballs to the back of the gym, where the not-often-used tumbling mats live, and stick stuff like the tumbling mats behind the platforms? I haven't thought much about it (although, now this will be all I can think about at the gym) but it seems like there could be a better configuration.
6am with MicDowell and MeLo
Performacnce 1×20 @ 140#. Squats went exactly how McDowell described. First 5, no problem. Second 5, no problem. Third 5, were ok and the fourth 5 where significantly slower. Definitely a different metabolic experience compared to fitness.
WOD: Round of 25 + 18 wall balls. K2E were ok,broke up all sets to 5 in preparation for the later rounds. The wall balls were broken up more than I would have liked. The first 3 minutes went by real slow and the last 5 minutes disappeared on me.
Linear progression on the HBBS continues. 215x5x3 – Felt good. Got a good bounce and depth, kept my knees out, and felt about the same as the previous exposures.
WOD – got through 30 WB and 10 K2E. Could probably have pushed it a little harder.
@Pigeon: Jim Wendler had a good algorithm for predicting 1RM from a rep outta at was accurate for me (I'd regularly hit 20+ reps on back squatting using that program). I'll try and dig up the equation. Meanwhile here's a site that will predict a 1RM from a 20RM (accuracy unknown):
10am class
WOD Rx'd
139 reps
14 reps into the 25 round of K2E
I agree that people walking on the platforms to get equipment can be an issue sometimes, I've experienced the same thing when working with PT clients on the platform. I think the solution would be to have the coaches make members more aware of etiquette when people go to get equipment. We'll make a note of it!
Le sigh. Heads up: Two Trains Taken Out of Service as Bedbug Infestation Hits NYC Subway
FYI, the bed bug problem was found in the conductors' chairs, which are made of cloth, not in the passenger seats that are hard plastic.
I do my own programming mostly, but thought it was funny that you guys are scheduled to do a VERY similar workout today to what I did a couple days ago. I did 20 minute AMRAP of: the couplet 10 wall ball and 10 toes to bar. I went with shorter reps that won't feel bad at first but will allow you to move and kick up the reps for 20 minutes. I got 17 complete rounds. I am still nursing my lower back a bit so had to keep the back swing under more control than normal for my T2B, but still a great WOD and this one should be as well. Maybe I'll try this one in a few weeks to see how different it feels.
I agree with the thoughtful comments about the platforms and getting equipment. We were just talking about this on Monday with the dumbbells and kettlebells.
I put this in classifieds, but will put here as well:
My friend and I are having a stoop sale this sunday.
Stylish (I think:) women's clothes from S-L. She works in fashion, so they'll be some higher end stuff as well as H &M, Banana Republic, type stuff.
Shoes, mainly size 6 and 10
books, scarves, accessories.
Mostly ladies stuff.
243 12th st between 4th and 5th. Noon- three.
Stop by and say hi. We'll also have Mojitos there:)
4:30 with Noah and McDowell
As of this week, it is confirmed that my stress levels are directly connected to my ability to recover. Finals week has got my joints feeling all kinds of crazy. My left hip has been pretty tight/irritable over the past week or so…took it easy-ish on the squats and did some quality mobilization after.
3×5 @ 135# –good weight for today.
WOD: 25 + 9 WB RX
first time trying kipping since december. This is all trial and error at this point. I don't feel any pain during a workout and kind of have to feel it out after. Naturally, afterwards I started searching for trouble…aaand i found it. It was a bit irritated to be honest…and i was really nervous something bad happened.
however! I went home and exercised some of my newly acquired PT soft tissue skeelz and it actually has been feeling much better since. soooo glad to see this semester has paid off…think kipping is going to stay on the backburner for a while longer. guess im not ready for all that yet. Also, I really need to start being more conscious of how much sleep i get before i come in and go HAM on a metcon. on that note….its time for a powernap. gnite!
6:30 Noah/mcD
Squat – performance 1×20 – 160 + jello legs after
WOD – M Katz inspired me to go w/ 30lb ball…I got through 16 WB's on the round of 30…
Liked this WOD, plenty of opportunities to work on a weak point on mine T2B's or today's T2K's. Two days in a row I've left the gym spent. Good start to the cycle.
Snatch, 75%x2x2, 80%x1x3
Clean Pulls
10 Pullups
15 dips
15 dips
@Brad, 30# tfba! 8:30 class tonight, I did no such thing. WB is a total goat for me. I know that if I try for 20#/10 I have a very high rate of no-reps, so instead went for 16#/10 and was honest about where I was hitting (or not hitting) the wall. About 10% no-reps. k2e is also a goat. I started with this but quickly switched over to v-ups. Abs were the limiter on this workout, made it through the 30 round of wb and back to the mat before time ran out.
This was a pretty fun – I'm not great at either of these movements, but I could push myself with long sets of medium-heavy WBs and now my abs feel all squicky and weak so mission accomplished even though I had to rest a lot during the v-ups.
I really wanted to try the monster performance squat set but was guilted into fitness when MeLo said we should stick with 3×5 until we had plateaued for a while. I think I can go up a bit more with 3×5, so hit these at 230# which is a weight I've done several times recently. Heavy but fine. If I can hit 250x5x3 this cycle it will be a glorious and unlikely thing.
Has anyone tried this pullup program?
One of my crossfitting coworkers suggested it and some of us just started doing it together at lunch this week. I'm pretty un-great at pullups so it will be interesting to see if this works for me. I'm trying to do them strict c2b without craning my neck over the bar, but losing the c2b pretty quickly unless I pull hard on the bar and use momentum instead of a steady pull to get up. I still haven't figured out how to properly activate my lats on these, it feels like I'm using my traps. Or maybe my traps are relatively weak so that's all I'm feeling. HmmMMM.
Hbbs: 160x5x3. Going back to the linear progression so that my squat and I can get reacquainted with each other.
Got through 30 wall balls and 19 v-ups. Did k2e for the first round, but it just wasn't working for me. I think I need to take better care of my hands so it doesn't hurt so much to hang off the bar.
HBBS: 185×20
WOD: Did this with V-ups. Finished the 30 wallballs just as I ran out of time. Gasser.
At Paradiso Crossfit in LA you have to cross over the 3 platforms located in the center of the small gym to walk up a flight of stairs to the half loft where you duck through a mini stretching area and then crouch through a 4' opening to get to the wall balls, etc. Then you retrace those steps, single file, as the rest of the class is doing the same…
This dialogue called to mind that recent experience. But I agree, we should be reminded and stay mindful of the safest and most respectful way to navigate through our
bustling gym.
Heaven forbid I miss posting my stream of consciousness even on a day when I didn't lift a finger.
@DaveP: I've done the fighter pullup programming in the past for regular pullups and currently doing it for C2B. It works better than anything else I've tried. I usually set a timer for 3 minutes between each set.
I managed to get to 20 unbroken strict pullups in about 3 weeks of following the program have since switched to C2B but have yet to test a max. My recommendation would be to do strict pullups (not C2B) until you can easily get 10 – 15 with perfect form. Then start on C2B and keep yourself honest. If you need to crane your neck or use momentum then the rep scheme is too high and you should drop down a week or so.
Good luck "Comrade"; the Russian way builds both muscle and willpower.
6am class today
HBBS: 115 x 5 x 3
Decided to go with the LP for this cycle. not too hard today.
Wod: finished the round of 25 right at the buzzer