Hang Clean + Jerk: 1-1-1
Work up to a few singles of a moderately heavy (<90%) hang clean (from the knee) + jerk (1+1)
18 Minutes Not for Rounds:
400m Run or Row
2 Clean and Jerks at 100% of today’s weight on the complex
Post loads to comments.
Madhu the Man Beast, cleaning like a boss
Let the 2014 Subway Series Begin!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2014 Subway Series! The four-part event kicks off TODAY at 9:00am at Crossfit Long Island City. All are invited to spectate, so come cheer on your fellow South Brooklynites as they compete against 12 other local gyms.
The following five teams will represent CFSBK at the event:
Solid as a Hollow Rock
Lauren Snisky
Brad Devendorf
Zachariah Hodge
Mare Lai
Michael Crumsho
Brad Kellogg
The Wall Ballers
Kristie Flynn
Greg Allen
Jay Reingold
Danae Mcloed
Brad Larson
Jon Shea
CFSBK Competition Team
Coach MeLo
Courtney Salera
Alex Burrowes
Rickke Mananzala
WOD descriptions can be found on the Subway Series Facebook page.
If you are interested in competing in the upcoming Subway Series events, please contact Coach MeLo (Melissa [at] CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com).
Taking on the CrossFit Games: Sneak Peek ABCNews
In Defense of the Kipping Pull Up Breaking Muscle
Why We Unfriend The Atlantic
Thanks everyone (and "the management") for the support and well-wishes on the meet yesterday….
I had a pretty good showing with a solid PR on my total, squat and competition bench. Went too aggressive on my 3rd attempt (462) on the DL which got stuck below my knees.
Squat: 374, 407, 418
Bench: 231, 242f, 242
Deads: 407, 440, 462f
7/9 and a total of exactly 500kg or 1,100 pounds. I took 2nd place in the 82kg, Masters 1 division– lost to the same guy as last year, but closed the gap a little bit! I was disappointed about that last DL but 440 was so smooth I thought I'd go for my top end which was ended up being just out of reach, but it was a great day overall.
Thanks to Margie, Joy, and Bina for hauling down there to support me and a special shout-out to Michele for handling me and allowing me to focus and stay loose. (between reps of course).
Good luck to Paul and all the competitors at the Subway series today.
Congrats Rob! That's amazing- well done!
10am with Fox and Whitney.
First time attempting the jerk part of the clean and jerk in a very long time. I worked up to 83# which felt light but disorganized. My feet were not going where I wanted them to etc, etc. I hope we get to work on this lift next cycle as my shoulder is better and I would love the opportunity to at least try to get it right. Whitney had some really helpful tips. I was having trouble resetting in the rack position and she showed me how to solve that by beginning the reset on the way back up.
It was nice to get some more practice in the WOD and to get reacquainted with my old friend, the erg. I got four rounds in.
Did a tiny but of kipping practice afterwards.
Question on warm-up 2.,. Is it better to use pull-up grip with a band than chin-up grip without or vice versa? They are both challenging and both need work. And if using a band, is it better to use a lighter one and get 3 reps in or a heavier one and get the 5 in? Sorry if this is a stupid question…
Congratulations to my fellow competitors in first Subway Series event today. Special thanks to Wall Ballers Greg and Kristie for killing the WOD and compensating for my – ahem – "performance". I definitely held them back. Gymnastic moves are not my strength (but they will be someday dammit!). Four minutes doesn't seem long but the laws of time and space are non-operative when are you trying to press a 115# barbell overhead.
I was really impressed by our competition team. Their sequence was very challenging and they handled it like bosses.
Crossfit LIC did an excellent job conducting the event.
Overall – great morning, great opportunity to meet and hang out with some new folks at CFSBK.
another surreal weird day at a powerlift meet yesterday
overall i feel good about my numbers as circumstances were far from optimal.
319f, 319, 330f
i got 2 red lights on my first squat for depth which is fine. on the second one i basically just sat down and pause squatted it but…it went NOWHERE. i was crushed by the weight. a few minutes after that i was called to the officials table and was told that the bar was misloaded on my second attempt by 33 pounds and that i'd be given a 4th attempt to make up for it. if youve ever fought a heavy squat for several seconds and failed at it then youll know just how much that takes out of you. anyway, i came back and hit my second (really my third now) attempt but it was a life or death struggle. i then had a 2 minute turn around from my 3rd to my 4th squat attempt (for which even some of the usapl officials were apologetic about) and proceeded to promptly fail it. those are the breaks i guess.
154, 165, 171F
the 2 makes were easy. on the fail my left shoulder got out from under me and i lost it.
363, 374, 385f
i was just happy to make my first 2 after how depleted i felt after the great new jersey squat debacle of august 2014
858 which is a 22 pound pr
thank you rob (who is a beast) and michelle for your kinds words of encouragement during the squatting. and a huge thank you to LF DOOM who kept me afloat and sane not just yesterday but for the last 12 weeks of training in which i squatted heavy 36 times at 10 different gyms while going from 178 to 161 pounds aka how to not succeed at powerlifting.
Ran my second NYC triathlon today. Beat my time from last year by over 22 minutes. My goal was to finish in under 3 hours and I just sneaked in there at 2:58:31.
Did ok on the swim (couldn't swim straight for some reason), poorly on the bike (tried to save my legs for the run), and really well on the run. Michael O's endurance running program really helped me develop my running technique. Thanks Mike!
also good luck/congrats to the cfsbk subway series teams
Noon class
C&J – up to 205, 185 on the NFRs. Finished 3 rounds then cut to teach the 1pm class.
Rob Iz FTW. Strong work my man.
Good job to all those who competed in the mock Oly meet today. I caught the end of it, some good lifts guys!
Hang Snatch, 73%x3x, 73%x2x2
Jerks, 83% 2×4
HBBS, 88%x3x5
Clean Pulls off Riser, 80%x5x5
Did today's NFR work at 155lbs (squat cleans). Completed 5 rounds.
OG tonight. Everything felt sluggish, even the warm-up.
Hang Clean & Jerk Complex
– High Hang Clean
– Knee Hang Clean
– Clean from the deck
– Split Jerk
Worked up to 113#. 108# was my best. It's been over a week since my last olympic lifting session, so getting back into the swing.
Did 5 rounds of workout with Katie Harpz in just under 18 min. 113# on the first round then dropped to 103#, which felt much better. 400m rows outside facing the setting sun!
3 strict hand stand push ups with 1 abmat and max handstand hold x 4
It seems about every 3 months-ish I need to take a step back and re-set. Priorities, nutrition, sleep, everything. I'm feeling like I'm at that point right about now.
Also we did hang cleans in the work-out. Not sure if that was what was intended..
Oh! Last thing. I couldn't find my lifting shoes tonight. They are black Do-Wins and have Lauren Borducci written on the heels in purple and turquoise. I think I last used them on Thursday. Anyone see them??
lauren i think they were in lost and found! i saw them while lindsay was displaying them out for her photo shoot!
middle ones
had fun cheering on cfsbk at subway series!! congrats to everyone and all the powerlifters!!!
(that was as of yesterday, i hope you find them!)
AH! Thanks Camille! Those are the ones. I had Siena and Elaina with me on Thursday so leaving was a bit chaotic — I realized a block or so away that I left my book and my shoes out : (
I checked the lost and found tonight and it was empty… Noooooooooo!
^^what Lauren said!
same weights/rounds and everything. First time i tried some heavier weight overhead. wasn't sure how the split jerk was going to go…but it felt pretty solid! JB pointed out that I was landing a bit narrow…….gotta remember train trax not tightrope!
Felt like I had control at 113# for the complex so i stopped there…however when it came to the NFRs i quickly realized that this was not the case after the first round. Dropped to 103# and it felt more consistent.
mostly enjoyed rowing off into the sunset on this lovely sunday evening! @Lauren glad you found your shoes!!
oh ya…. + 5 rds of 50m farmers carry with those giant orange boulders that we like to call kettlebells….so i believe 28kg. A man down the street offered me a job involving lifting very heavy boxes for him down the street. i accepted.
@Lauren The lost and found stuff is still here. Next time you're in ask whoever is at the desk to grab them if you haven't already 🙂