Overhead Squat: 5-5-5
Work up to a heavy set of 5 on the overhead squat.
50-40-30-20-10 Reps for Time of:
Double Unders
Sit Ups
Compare to 2.11.13.
Post loads and time to comments.
Zach and Joe warming up their snatch
Ending Street Harassment: Thoughts from Janelle B.
Our latest Athlete of the Month, Janelle B., posted an article on her blog on Tuesday called “Smile, Beautiful”: My Own Story of Street Harassment and Why I Refuse to Smile. It’s an important piece about street harassment, and in it, she talks about the positive role CFSBK’s community played in an experience she had recently. Check it out, and share it with any friends that have wrestled with similar issues.
2014 Subway Series: Event #1, Sunday, August 3rd
We’re looking for one female CFSBK member to join one of our 3-person open teams at the first Subway Series competition this Sunday, August 3rd at Crossfit LIC. The workout and movement standards have been released here. If you are interested in competing, please email Coach MeLo: Melissa [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the front desk. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization, and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK, but we are open to talk to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who can devote at least 2-4 days of their week to FD and can commit to 6 months of work with us barring extenuating circumstances.
We will be interviewing in early August, training in mid- to late August, and you will begin working in September. The shifts we are looking to fill are below, so before applying, please make sure these openings fit with your schedule.
AM: 5:45am-9:15am (Monday-Friday)
Late AM/afternoon: 9:45am-1:15pm (Monday-Friday)
PM: 4:15pm-9:45pm (Monday-Thursday)
OG: 5:15pm-8:15pm on Fridays, 5:45pm-8:15pm on Sundays
Weekends: 7:45-11am or 11am-2:30pm on Saturdays; 7:45am-12pm or 12pm-3:30pm on Sundays
Email info [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to inquire and include Front Desk in the subject line.
Stone Soup: How the Paleolithic life style got trendy The New Yorker
Spinning From Both Wrists in the Double-Under with Matt Lodin CrossFit
Running 5 Minutes a Day Has Long-Lasting Benefits New York Times
Volleyball Player Sabina Altynbekova’s Beauty is Called “Too Distracting” The Star
you may have seen some of these around BK
Janelle, thanks for that really great article. Some friends and I (including Michael C.) ran an organization that worked with hollaback… they are a great organization/great bunch of people, and attended a workshop/discussion group with them on ending harassment.
Love those signs going around, Shawn$
Somewhat related, the blog I follow 'Fit and Feminism' wrote this amazing article on railing on the Women Against Feminism tumblr thing going around, because you know, lifting heavy things and opening jars ain't a woman's job:
wow 'fit and feminist' mind = not working. but some really good points on every human should be treated as equals (this is a given)
Janelle, I really loved reading your article this morning. Bravo to you for taking a stand against these guys, and also for putting your thoughts and reactions out there.
Today was my dream day at the gym. Love me some OHS. Worked up to 83# x 5 and would've attempted more if we didn't run out of time. Then PRed my Annie time by over :30 with a time of 7:15. Love me some Annie.
By the way, my hamstrings are still mildly sore from Sunday's WOD. I couldn't bend over for two days afterwards. Killer!
Thanks for sharing, Janelle. I admire your badassery, courage, and honesty.
Guys that catcall make me sad for men. I hope it's even less acceptable when my daughter grows up.
6am with Jess and MeLo.
I haven't done a ton of OHS so I wasn't sure where I would end up. I had the rack to myself so I got an extra set in. 95×5 / 115×5 / 125×5 / 135×5. All felt good although 135 was feeling heavy overhead.
Annie in 8:14 Rx. The DUs could have gone better but I finished the first 3 rounds in 2-3 sets. The last 2 sets were unbroken so that was nice. I'd love to get all of them unbroken next time we do this. Sit-ups were the tough part and started to get slow near the end of round 2.
6am. Overhead squats (kilo weights, imperial bar): 133×5, 155×5, 177×5. Felt really good about this considering my recorded (though ancient) 1RM for overhead squats is 185. Annie Rx in 7:06. Double unders were great today. Snagged my rope once on the set of 40 on the squat rack behind me and once on my foot on the set of 10. Otherwise unbroken. Sit-ups were the limiter in this workout as usual.
Nice article, Janelle. It makes me sad when I hear shit like this. Such behavior doesn't happen when I or other gentle men are around women which makes it all the more predatory and intimidating. Good for you for taking a stand. We've got your back.
Forgot to mention that today was a 56sec PR on Annie. Yay!
Awesome article Janelle! Good for you!!
I and so many women I know really struggle with dealing with this in the moment because sometimes I've found when I have stood up for myself it can get dangerous or prolong the harassment. A friend of mine told a guy to fuck off and he chased her…so I'm so grateful that so many women are starting to talk about this and work towards finding solutions. I've tried the ignore approach which seems to be the safest but certainly not the most satisfying and the fuck you motherfucker approach which does seem to be more satisfying but usually I get verbally attacked back and threatened.
Great article, Janelle!
That was a really great article, Janelle. Thank you for sharing it.
More OHS, please.
6am with Melissa and Jess.
I didn't have my head in the game with OHS – when the weight started to get heavy I got soft and let the bar travel forward. It wasn't a weight issue, just a mental issue. #135.
Annie and the double unders. Fox, rightly so, called me out for substituting singles for doubles last week during a performance WOD. I avoid the jump rope and would rather not see double udders in a WOD again. But I don't have that luxury. So, I tackled Annie and got through it at 9:08. The sit-ups were fast and continuous, the double unders not the case. However, I noticed that when I slow down, they come together.
One more thing, Thanks Fox! That is the quality coaching. A good coach understands what motivates the players and knows how to drive them to improve.
Thanks for sharing Janelle.
4.30pm with Whitney.
Warm-up 2 kicked my ass! I would be really happy to do this one every time as I really need to work on my chin-ups and push-ups. I managed to do 3 strict chins for each set and unbroken push-ups until the last set and I used a 16KG KB which used to feel light. Not so today.
OHS- 42 x 5, 52 x 5, 62 x 5, 67 x 5, 72 x 5.
Such a strange lift but I am so happy that I now ( just about) possess the mobility to actually execute it properly. It feels so wobbly though. I have never worked on heavy overhead squats before so this is a number I am very happy with.
Annie- 8.23 with half volume DU attempts. This was my first time attempting these since 14.1! They have not improved, funnily enough. I just checked back and my time on Sept 2nd last year was 8.41 so I am really happy with this, considering that this was my second met-con out of Strength Cycle. I did not feel like I was going to die because I actually managed to pace myself. Yippee!!
Feeling energized this evening.
6:30pm class
I can't remember the last time I did these out of a rack, so not too sure where I'd end up. 165 wasn't bad. Then, I did DT instead of Annie since I hate DT and would have had to live with severe Catholic guilt if I "missed" one of my goats while away.
DT Rx'd
Not my best effort. I did the Deads in sets of 11 before picking it back up for the hang cleans, which I did in sets of 8 for the first three rounds. Then it fell apart a bit. All jerks cycled unbroken.
Thanks for the comment, Brad. I'm glad I came across as intended. Kudos to you for sucking it up and going for it.
Annie in 12 minutes flat. Super slow yes but I tend to get dizzy when I race through high volume sit-ups. Haven't jumped rope in a while and am happy I was able to find my doubles occasionally.
Agree with Jon. More OHS. I hit 100×5 (PR). Ran out of time at the end. Would like to take another run at 105 soon.
Janelle! : ) You rule!
Great to read your post, Janelle. I definitely relate to your story and the conundrum of how to handle street harassment in it's many forms. It is a daily task!
noon class:
OHS: 35×5, 65×3, 85×5, 95×5, 105×5
Probably could've gone for 115, but this was a good stopping point.
SO FUN! Love this lift. I want to do OHS out of the rack mooooooooore! Also want to test my 1RM…
Annie: 6:32 RX'ed
This is exactly 1 second faster than I did it last time, maybe 8 months ago? Slightly frustrating. How do I make my body move faster than this??? I had a couple trip ups in the DU's and think I need to actually pick up the pace on my doubles instead of aiming to keep it cool and steady. Also was feeling the GHD sit-ups from last night and sit-ups just feel really slow in that round of 40. But DAMN, I really thought I could get closer to 6 minutes.
Also… it's going to be AUGUST in an hour. What is happening!?!?
Fox-oah – 7:30
OHS – Heavy 5 – 125lb
Probably could've gonna up to 135, but my first set at 125 didn't feel all that great…Fox had me descending slower which felt much better 2nd set. 125 should be a good starting spot for this cycle.
Annie – 6:25 Rx
Was pretty thrilled with this time given that as of about 3 weeks ago if I got about 10 double unders in a row, it was time to call it a day. New rope that fits me has helped along with just practicing for a couple minutes before and after class. Set of 50 was broken down about 5, 35, 10…40 was unbroken, and the last three were generally unbroken, few odds and ends. Wind was fine, this is a fun quick workout I'm going to try and do more often and watch my time closely.
I echo others here, great article Janelle…NYC should be a model for other cities to follow in this regard as it has been in the past for setting countless other standards across the US…much work to be done before we're anywhere near that.
Hi everyone! Thanks for reading my post and sharing your thoughts in the comments section. It was a really tough piece to write, but with editing help from Kate R., I am really happy with the way it came out. It's an essay on how I handled this particular situation and not a blank statement on how all street harassment situations should be handled. Here is some info I found today on street harassment laws in NYC: http://www.stopstreetharassment.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/SSH-KYR-NewYork.pdf
I am happy to discuss this topic with anyone in the community.
4:30 pm with Whitney
Woke up from a 1.5 hour after-school nap feeling pretttayyy groggy right before this class. However, the OHS certainly were a ruuuude awakening. I just cant quite get this lift organized. It's always been an issue. Worked up to 75#x5…decided to stop because my wrists were killing me. Jess pointed out that my grip was too wide, which is so true. I really just need to put way more time into this lift….SO guess ill add it to my list of things to do.
Annie in 7:10 RX…i think this is a PR. which is neat.
i had a big ol' knot in the bottom of my rope the whole workout that kept tripping me up…wish that wasnt there. oh well. a PR is a PR!
@Whit H…now its only 17 minutes until August! where does all the time go
Also @Janelle that was a really great article… I sent it along to a few friends. You're a very talented writer, I look forward to reading more of your stuff!
Great article Janelle. Thank you for sharing that. Once when taking the ignore approach I got an angry "you could at least say thank you!" Seriously. There's definitely some sort of disconnect. I would also say that my reaction to and the kinds of comments I tend to get have changed a bit since starting Crossfit.
@Charlie – welcome back to group class!
Yesterday's HBBS with Laura – 170x1x3. Got better as they went but no piece of cake.
Rope climbs are always fun. Definitely prefer the one where you don't get all tangled up. Helpful reminder from JB to keep arms straight. Have to remember to try these in a work out in open gym or something.
5:30 class today. OHS with Joy – 72×5, 78×5, 82×5. Felt pretty solid. I like how this movement requires so much concentration and coordination of different muscle groups.
Annie – 7:41 (with a brief break to address Elaina's iPad emergency). No idea what my time was about a year ago doing this. First set of DUs were their usual disaster for the first 20 then the remaining sets were pretty good.
Also, appreciated the explanations, demos, cues and encouragement throughout the class from Whit and Jess, as usual. Coming back really makes you appreciate our awesome coaches, how much they care and the consistency from one class to the next.
7:30 Noah & Fox
Its been awhile for OHS, so caution prevailed.
Heavy 5 @103. One was very wonky. Went down fast for bar speed and lost balanced coming up.
First Annie @14.23. DU were a struggled which should not be for someone who has a PR of 61. Got em all in though!
Need extra work to maintain.