Fitness: Clean and Jerk
Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy clean and jerk. If you have a hard time organizing the first pull, then perform the clean from the hang.
Performance: Clean and Jerk 1-1-1
Warm up and take three attempts at a new PR.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3-3-3-3-3, Establish a new 3RM
Start your first attempt at or near your last 3×5 weight.
Performance: 1RM Test
Warm up to 80% for a single then:
100%x1 (this would in fact be a new 1RM)
105% + if still moving
Remember to use the same theoretical max you’ve been using all cycle.
Post loads to comments.
Jenna J. loves her Herondale Farm eggs!
- Happy birthday, Shawn T.!
Eggs for Sale + CSA Pickup Tonight
Herondale Farm eggs will be available for purchase today from 6-8:30 during the CSA pickup, $6/dozen. Please bring small bills. Veg and flower pickup is also tonight, as usual!
Want to Get Better at Handstands?
Now is your chance. Join guest gymnastics coach Ken H. THIS SATURDAY as he takes you through a 1.5 hour class working on handstands, arm balances, walking on your hands, headstands, and other fun balances that engage your core.
No need for prior need for handstand experience! Just the desire to practice being upside down.
Time: Saturday, July 19th, 2-3:30pm
Cost: $20
The class is capped at 8 participants, so don’t think twice! Register Here!
Ken Haller’s Bio
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast in Newton, MA and at the University of Michigan. After graduating, Ken coached for eight years at Capital Gymnastics in Northern Virginia where he coached regional and national champions. His students have gone on to be NCAA champions and members of Cirque du Soliel. In searching for an activity to replace gymnastics, Ken filled the void with rock climbing and yoga for the past ten years and recently found CrossFit to round out his training.
Wyclef Jean / Jennifer Hunter-Marshall Music Video CrossFit
Understanding CrossFit and the Intensity Prescription The AF Project
Seriously, Stop Refrigerating These Foods Healthy Body Buzz
A Colorful Time-Lapse of the World’s Largest Balloon Festival The Atlantic (!!!)
6am: Great class – Jess and Ro brought super good energy. I was dragging from a late night, but quickly forgot about it. Happy to end the cycle with pr's for clean and jerk @ 185 – finally beginning to feel baked in as a coherent movement – and front squat @ 215. Psyched for what's next.
6 am with Jess & Ro. I agree with Scott re the good vibes. I hit 145# on the c&j, which is a PR for me by 20 lbs. On the front squats, I worked up to 170×3, a 5 lb PR. I'm pretty damn excited about all of that!
I'm giving away two tickets to see Jon Hopkins at Le Poisson Rouge tomorrow night at 10pm if anyone wants them. I've come down with another freaking cold and late-night LPR partying isn't a good idea.
Email me at katharine at and I'll leave them at the gym for you tonight or tomorrow.
Man, Jon Hopkins is great live. Cam and I saw him at PS1 last year and his was the best set of the day. Wish I could take them, but going out at 10pm on a Thurday is beyond me at this point. Hope you feel better soon, Kate!
5:30p class last night, C&Js sucked but was happy with my FSQ performance, sharing a bar with superstar AOTM Janelle. Biggest front squat was at 145# (which is probably a 25# pr). Finally.. it's catching up to my BSQ numbers!
What Michael C. just said, def. worth seeing him live! Get well soon, Kate! Colds in the summertime are the WORST.
Couldn't get up for 6am today, so I rolled into the 7am with Jess and Ro.
C&J is starting to feel better, but stayed at the same weight as last week (125#) since things were still a little slow. Last rep seemed like the best, felt like I finally got my elbows forward fast and caught the bar on my shoulders rather than placing it there with my hands while my elbows transition forward.
FSQ went well, finishing at 170# which is 20# above my last 3×5.
volume day
275x5x3 then 3×3 (reps is reps)
failed this last week for one set of 5 so thats good.
my back felt weird so instead of doing deficits we did some leg press (2rm is now 360, im putting that on my resume) and arnold curls for "perfectly sculpted shoulders, chest and biceps".
@Michael @Camille Thanks for your sweet well-wishes, and hopefully your endorsement will encourage someone to take the tix. I don't want them to go to waste!
6:30am Strength Cyle
Back off before Sunday's Total
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 85 5 x 3
Wondering why these felt heavy when on Monday I lifted 130…
Walk out:
155 x 3
Ugh these left me less than confident for the total. I guess it's the journey that matters or however that saying goes.
Brench Press:
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 77.5 x 2 (oops though it was 75), 77.5 x 3
6am. Clean & Jerk (kilos): 60, 80, 95, 105, 114F, 114. Failed the first jerk at 114. Jess said I was dipping too fast. Slowed it down and made the second one, but wasn't terribly stable. I thought my old PR was 118, but records show it was 115. Should have gone for 116 today. Front squats: 135, 205, 235, 255, 275F, 275F. I thought 275 was my old PR, but the records show my PR was (and still is) 270. No bounce on the front squat fails. I just let the weight crush me.
5:30 class yesterday. Finally starting to feel semi-decent after being out for a little over a month. c&j felt very wonky. 185 was ugly and nowhere near by 225 pr but the front squat felt great, worked up to a 255lb pr.
I hope we have a few more either heavy WODs or endurance WODs worked into our next cycle b/c my endurance is down in the dumps!
Strength Cycle last night
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
200 x 1
215 x 3
Bench Press
45 x 5
65 x 4
75 x 3
90 x 2
110 x 3
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 2
255 x 1
280 x 3
Everything felt really heavy.
Maisie got so much love at the gym last night. Thanks everybody! She got a little bark-y at the end because Benson was playing it cool and ignoring her puppiness. It was quite hilarious. Apologies for the noise.
Noon class
The 242 ties a PR and felt great. I wouldn't finish my pulls at 253 though. Class had some good advice on how I can not be a poos.
260-275-288f-288 PR
The first attempt at 288 I ride way too slow. Second one felt good.
Noon PR MANIA w/ Coaches Noah & Arturo
Clean & Jerk: Fitness:
185 PR
Front squat: Fitness:
220×3 PR
I guess the combo of steroids and blood doping is working!
6am with Jess and Ro. Agreed with Scott on the energy and laughs.
Great day to PR and see the work we've put in come to fruition. Hit 240# on the C&J, which is a 5# PR over last cycle, then hit 285# on the front squat for a 10# PR. Also, it was awesome doing a single front squat instead of 32. 🙂
Noon with Noah & Arturo:
C&J was fine, but I'm still stuck with shoulder issues. Even though I PR'd with 100 lbs, Im sure it's not technically sound because of over extending my back. On a positive note, I remember last year being excited about just cleaning 100 pounds.
Front squat went well. Worked w/ Nate & Burt who were super supportive, much appreciated. And helpful – don't know why we all had trouble re-racking the bar.
On my five attempts I went from 145, which is where I left off last week, all the way to 165; a PR by a long shot. And I still felt like I could have tried a bit more. But there was no time.
And thanks for Arturo for the advice on shoulder mobility (more stretching) and allowing me the extra minute or two on the fifth attempt at front sq.
Yahoo! C & J @ 103#, a huge PR for me and I am super psyched! I cleaned 108 2x but missed the jerk 2x. Noah gave me some super good tips on positioning so hopefully next cycle I will crush this weight.
Front squats are still my nemesis, but PR'd there as well @100# x 3.
I was so tired on the walk home I stopped for an ice cream cone for sustenance.
Squat cleans: 155, 175, 185 (PR), 190 (PR), 195 (F)
Front Squat: 245 (F), 245 (PR), 250 (F)
Not a bad day at work: two PRs.
Power Snatch: Worked up to a heavy single
242(Pretty sure this was a PR)
Snatch Push press
For time:
1000M Row
100 DU's
Missed 6am so I went to 6:30pm class with Whitney & Noah!
C&J's – worked up to 73#….still easing back into things
Front Squats – Hit 105 for my last set of 3. Need to work on keeping my chest up!
A lovely day for some PRs!
Clean and Jerk – I need to keep remembering to connect the bar with my hips and stay straight on the dip. My front squat is definitely the limiting factor…nonetheless:
63×2, 83×1, 93×1, 103×1, 108×1, 113 FAILx2, 110×1 PR!! Finally broke through the 108 plateau.
Fronts squat felt great and had some awesome partners who got me to keep going when I was going to underestimate myself.
75×3, 95×3, 100×3, 105×3, 110×3, 115×3 PR!
Cashed out with a 1k row.
Signed up for the handstand class this weekend, so excited about it!
PS I'm moving 🙁 and I posted some furniture in the classifieds section! Check it out.