Fitness: Deadlift: 4 x 2
Add 5-15 pounds. It should be getting heavy, but maintain a perfect spine.
Performance: Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk at 75% x (1+1+1) x 5
Use 75% of Wednesday’s number. Buy-in is 1.25xBW clean and jerk for men, 1xBW for women.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
20 Wall Ball 20/10lbs, 14”/9”
15 Box Jump Over 24”/20″
10 Toes to Bar (or 20 sit-ups)
Post Rx and time to comments.
- Active Recovery is today at 11am, come get mobile!
Ecuador’s “Superleaf” Tea: Could It Replace Your Afternoon Coffee? National Geographic
Knowing What to Eat, Refusing to Swallow It The Huffington Post
How a 5’5″ Basketball Player Trained Himself to Dunk The Atlantic
Is there going to be a JacintoStorm this year, please?
Great 9am class with C. Fox.
Deadlift: 310x2x3 310×1 (missed last rep). Feel great about this. My PR is 335 so that may be under threat. Bar moving well so I may try three plates next week.
WOD: 4 rounds plus 13 WBs. Subbed sit-ups for TTB.
Strength Cycle W6 D3
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
200 x 1
215 x 2 x 3
Bench Press
45 x 5
65 x 4
75 x 3
85 x 2
95 x 1
105 x 3 x 3
97.5 x 4, F
97.5 x 9 rep-out
Kept my grip narrower than usual in the regular bench press and it really helped.
Had some trouble with the bar path in the first rep-out attempt and Jeremy was kind enough to let me try again. I should have been able to do more than 9 but I'll take it.
33 x 3
6403 x 3
73 x 3
88 x 3
98 x 3 x 3
Overall, feeling pretty good. My shoulder seems to be doing much better. I am having a little bit of trouble with my right hip though. Need to figure out some mobility stuff for this.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Only 2 weeks to go till the Total! I'm simultaneously excited and sad that SC will be over.
Squat 210x2x3. Got to the bottom each time and these moved well. 215 is my previous 1RM!
Bench 125x3x2, close grip rep-out 105×11. Glad I went for the 11th.
Clean 103x3x3, which is Jeremy's way of saying that 108 moved like sh*t last week. These weren't horrible, but still not my favorite (and they never will be).
Stella came out with a gem of a line in the platforms today.
What was it again Stella? 😉
STFU Chuckles 😉
Noon Class
WOD Rx'd
4 + 25
Jon Shea – No plans for the Storm.
Thanks to Jess for organizing a super helpful practice session for Hail to the Queen. As expected, 20# wall balls times 30 are brutal and 80# forward lunges are gross. That said, next weekend is going to be so much fun!
I got pretty excited about hitting the 133# clean and hang clean complex and stayed a bit to test my clean, albeit rather unsuccessfully. I failed 3 attempts at 140#. Getting down and elbows around felt fast, but I couldn't seem to stay tight and stand up. Must have been the chicken wings. Had a great time in the gym this afternoon regardless
It's been a surprisingly good weekend for me as well – I thought I'd be sluggish from 4th of July parties but instead I had a pretty good run yesterday. I decided to repeat the "fartlek prospect park lap" from Michael O's running program and shaved several minutes off the last time. I also fartlek-ran the loop a little faster than my last time "just running" it. Pretty happy about that!
OG for Oly drills tonight. Kept everything light but it all felt pretty crisp, fast elbows on the clean & all.
Clean: 95x3x2, 125x3x3 or something like that
Jerk: 45×3, 95x3x4, 125×3. Mostly pretty good with a few squirrelly reps. But definitely getting better. I'm still mystified that you're supposed to be able to jerk more with split jerk than push jerk(?!).
Snatch: 75x3x2, 95x3x2, 125x1x3. Wanted to do the 125s as a triple but… that was not going to happen.
Then front squat. Haven't done this in a while: 205x3x5. Definitely going to do more next week. Felt good to finish off with something heavy.
Hoping against hope: has anyone seen a pair of gray merrell minimalist shoes ("barefoot" series) in the coat room? I think I left them there Wednesday night. Came back to check on Thursday and didn't see them after checking the coat room, lost and found, and at the front desk.
Another great Sunday OG with Master of Ceremonies Noah
Power Snatch+2 Snatches@75%x4
Clean pulls@95%x5x5
Pushups- 40 unbroken
huge intensity funday sunday OG sesh
2nd rep felt shallow but it still had depth, just not retard depth.
definitely ready for doubles next week (and 3 wheels).
pause bench
this should of been a triple but the pauses were hard and long (felt like 3 seconds). still a pr for a double.
i was surprised these felt as light as they did. i can actually feel my back not getting out of position. just have to concentrate on keeping my chin down cuz i tend to crane it up like a dummy.
everything was a pr today! for every 100 shitty lift sessions you have where even the bar feels heavy you might get one session where you crush every lift for a pr and it all feels relatively effortless. today was one of those days for me.
Sunday Funday OG:
40×3 50×2 60×1 75xM,1,1 80×1 84xM,1 86xM,M,M
Got under a couple at 86 but was cutting the pull a little short and leaving them a little out front.
Clean and 2 Jerk
50 60 70 80
Clean and jerk
90 95 100 105 (PR) 110 (PR) 116xM
Boom. All the jerk footwork and triples really paid off. Had cleaned 110 last week but this jerk was icing on the cake. Made one attempt at 116 since it would have made for a 200kg total but it was HEAVY.
Front squat w/ 3 sec pause (unbelted)
70×3 100×3 112×3,3,3,2(M)
Usually don't do these after maxing out, finally came up on my limit here so I called it. Finished up with a (highly modified) CF Football workout as prescribed by Noah:
5rounds NFT
20 push-ups
100m sprint
100m walk back
Alright, in that case I'm going to JacintoStorm at open gym and no one can stop me.