K. Harpz dropped in on K. Starr, the King of Mobility
- Happy 50th Birthday, Jason H.!
Scheduling Changes Today
- Open Gym is from 8am to noon.
- Classes are canceled.
- There is a floater WOD programmed for people who showed up yesterday and are coming to class tomorrow.
Today is Your Last Chance to Sign Up for the 2014 Subway Series
The 2014 Subway Series is right around the corner, and we know you’ll be sad if you don’t sign up! CFSBK will have one 4-person competition team, and any number of additional 3-person open teams. For more details on the event, check out our post last week. If you are interested in participating in the Subway Series either as a member of the Competition Team or an Open Team, please fill out all fields in the following form by TODAY. Coaches will review the list of interested athletes and their availability and assign everyone to a team. Your team will then receive an email notifying you to register for the event.
2014 Subway Series Registration Form
Don’t delay! It’s your last chance! If you have any questions, hit up Melissa [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
Happy Fourth of July, CFSBK!
The Pursuit of ‘Radical Acceptance’: Mental Health and the NFL ESPN
The Push-Up: Why is This So Hard? Catalyst Athletics
Wrong! Deconstructing 5 Famous History Stories Radiolab
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Mid Hang Snatch + Knee Hang Snatch
Work up to something heavy on the complex.
1) High Hang Snatch 1-1-1
2) Knee Hang Snatch 100% x 2 x 2
Work up to a heavy single from the high hang, then perform two doubles from the knee.
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's weight.
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Box Jumps
50 Deadlifts 180/120
50 Wall Ball Shots
50 Ring Dips or Push-Ups
Strength Cycle Week 6 Day 2
Paused Squats.
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 2
185 x 3 x 3
These felt good.
45 x 5
55 x 4
65 x 3
73 x 3 x 3
60 x 11 rep-out
I was only supposed to do 2 sets at 73… Ooops. Happy they all happened though and the rep out went pretty well too. I really worked for the last rep and that is not something I have been able to do in a long time.
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 2
255 x 1
270 x 3
290 x 2
270 x 3
Very happy with this. The two at 290 felt solid and better than last week's 285. I really focused on squeezing the bar and not letting my grip let me down this time. This is exciting.
Went for amazing tacos at Matamoros afterwards with the gang. I now understand the taco thing.
Happy Independence Day. Have fun!
Open Gym – Floater WOD with DL at 165#. Got through 40 push ups before the 21 minute cap. Finished up in 22:36. Did the box jumps unbroken, broke the deadliest up into sets of 10 and wall balls into sets of 5. Thought I was moving ok but should have picked up the pace on the WBs. Push ups went from 5s to 3s to 2s as per usual. I love chipper WODs.
The "Oly-yoga" session on Wednesday was great. Frank is coming at you Whitney!
Happy birthday 'merica (and Dave Fung if I don't see you tomorrow).
Is it weird or somehow fitting that autocorrect changes "deadlift" to "deadliest"?
Last night on the platform:
Pause squats 180x3x3. Not super fast, but moving well.
Press 82.5x3x2. So glad I had to do only 3 reps per set here. Rep out 65×11, maybe should have tried for a 12th.
Deadlift 245×3, 265(PR!), failed 2nd rep (I gave up too soon, dammit), 245×3 and OH BOY did I fight for that final rep.
Did not try for the leaderboard on tacos. Next time!
Regional WOD 6 was what the floater WOD was based off, so Jess, Mc D, and I did that.
50 Cal row
50 Box Jump Overs 24"
50 Deadlifts 180
50 Wall Ball 20/10
50 Ring Dips
50 Wall Ball
50 Deadliift
50 Box Jump Over
50 Cal Row
Got through 40 Wall Ball on the way down at the 21 minute cap. Felt good to move, I should be able to squat again this week as long as I'm good and warm.
Great OG. Lots of people, lots of energy.
Clean and Jerk
Weighted GHDs- 3×10
Fun OG. I told myself I'd be there for an hour and stayed for 2.5. Oops. I loved being able to do so many things!
Front Squats, 110x6x5. Blergh. Belted the last two sets.
Bench, 95x6x6, with a few fails on sets 3, 4, and 6. Did an extra set for fun.
Floater WOD in 21:29. I had 5 push-ups left and wanted to finish… and they took me half a minute. I've never had such a tough time with wall balls. My back is lit from deadlifting so much this week. Fun WOD, still feel like I'm not back to where I was before the craziness of the last six weeks, but I'll get there.
Happy 4th!
OG for "Death by Threes"
High Hang Snatch
40×1,1,1 45×1 50×1 55×1 60×1
Just to warm up and get moving
135×5 185×4 225×3 275×2 315×3,3,3,1
This was 3 wheels, 3 reps, 3min rest to failure… was hoping for more than 3 sets but I'll take it as 315 was my last tested 1RM.
Finished up with some handstand work during which I walked the entire length of the wrestling mat in what must have been my longest handstand ever!
11am at CrossFit Postal in Boone, NC today.
McGhee hero WOD
30 min AMRAP of:
5 deadlift 275#
13 push-ups
9 box jumps 24"
Finished 13 rounds. That many heavy deadlifts mean I'll surely be hurting tomorrow. Good time though. Did the WOD outside which was a nice change.
Back tomorrow for another 11am if all goes as planned.
Also, went to 6am Thurs class yesterday:
20 min AMRAP
5 thrusters 95#
7 hang power cleans 95#
10 sumo deadliest high pulls 95#
Finished 8 rounds even.