Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to last week. If there’s still time on the clock then do an additional set.
Performance: 77.5% x 6 x 5
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
150 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
150 Deadlift 225/155
150 Burpees
Post Rx and time to comments.
News and Notes
- Our WaggyTail Dog Adoption fair on Saturday was a huge success! In addition to everyone freaking out about the rampant cuteness, at least one dog was adopted and a few are now being fostered in CFSBK homes. Thanks to everyone who helped make this event a success. If you’re having second thoughts and really need a sweet dog in your home, learn more HERE.
- CFSBK’s softball team, the Calaveras, have a rare Monday night appearance on the Red Hook softball field. Head over there at 6:15 to enjoy the sunset and cheer them on.
- There’s a new post over on Inside the Affiliate, called “Playing Nice and Pulling Your Weight: How to Work With Another Coach,” about how our coaches work in tandem during group classes. Check it out, share it with your CrossFit friends!
- Happy birthday, Emily I.!
Have You Signed Up for the Subway Series Yet?
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2014 Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate and the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year. We’re mixing things up a little this year, and making this a team competition. Each box will field one 4-person competition team, and any number of additional 3-person open teams. There will be TWO winners this year, a competition series winner, and an open series winner. For more details, check out our post last week.
If you are interested in participating in the Subway Series either as a member of the Competition Team or an Open Team, please fill out all fields in the following form by this Friday, July 4. Coaches will then review the list of interested athletes and their availability and assign everyone to either the Competition Team or an Open Team. Your team will then receive an email notifying you to register for the event.
2014 Subway Series Registration Form
What are you waiting for? Jump on it, and represent CFSBK at this year’s Subway Series!
34-Weeks Pregnant Alysia Montano Runs 800 at Nationals ESPN
What Your Drink of Choice Says About You Buzzfeed
What Beauty Looks Like, From Argentina to Vietnam The Atlantic
When Athletes and Coaches Need to Just Give Up Catalyst Athletics
Dear SBK, I miss you. Flying home today, back on the platform tomorrow. Paris has been awesome but I think croissants and I need to break up for a while, and heavy-ass barbells and I need to get back together.
6am w/ McD, Arturo, and a Big Ass Fan.
Did 130# on the press today for 6×5. Felt good and crisp; I've been working on my shoulder mobility for the last week and my dorked up left shoulder area feels better when I lockout overhead.
Partnered with Mike and Matt today on the WOD. We hit 22:06 rx, we kept things in small batches the whole time with 10's on the wall balls, 5's on the deadlifts, and then 15 on the burpees. Sweaty but fun.
Matt, welcome to SBK!
6am with the Huge Fan
Press: 105 x 5 x 4
Mostly pretty snappy, but things definitely started to slow down on the last reps of the third and fourth sets.
WOD: partnered with Rytas and Scott: 21:21. We took small pieces, sets of 10 on wallballs and 5 on the other movements.
SC W6 D1
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1
WW: 235x5x2, 235x5xF all of them. Was not reaching full dept due to a bad feet position, I'm trying not to worry about this. Will see what happens on Wednesday.
WU: 45×5, 70×5, 95×1
WW: 105x5x3, all solid, but I feel I am close to my 5x limit.
WU:135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 255×1
WW: 285×5 This felt heavy, pretty effin heavy, and the tear in my grip from Cindy was not helping. But it felt strong.
All around awesome morning. Welcome back Stella, safe flight.
6:30 am Strength Cycle A
45 x 5, 70 x 5, 105 x 3, 120 5 x 3
5 starts to McTurno for bringing on the tunes this morning! I was so ampted up by the music I didn't even stop to think about how heavy this was going to be and just did it. Amazing energy in the 6am class as well. Now if we could only dim those lights just a tad…
45 x 5, 50 x 5, 52.5 5 x 3
OK still moving pretty quickly
115 x 5, 145 x 2, 160 x 5
I ♥ heavy deadlifts
6:30 am Strength Cycle
107.5# x 5 x 3
Tipping forward on the last few reps, but overall felt pretty good.
55# x 5 x 3
These moved well.
180# x 5
This felt pretty freaking heavy. The last one was ugly, but I did it. 1 rep max on dl is 200# so feeling good about number I'm hitting here.
Really need to make sure I'm eating right. Have been feeling exhausted. Lots of aches and pains too. Doing lots of AR in between classes and Saturday yoga with Whitney is helping.
Love that 34 week pregnant nationals run. That's awesome!
“Whiskey is good for being productive-artist sad.”
“People who drink whiskey gingers are no-frills, good people.”
“Rye gingers too.”
“People who don’t just fav, they RT.”
“They give good hugs.”
6am. Press: 145x6x5. Barely. Partnered with Josh and Everett for the metcon: 19:30 Rx. Broke up the wall-balls into 20-15-15 and the deadlifts and burpees as 8-7-7-7-7-7-7. Left a little puddle where I was doing burpees. I do not envy the later classes in this heat.
intensity day at og last night
squat 300×3
finally hit 300 for reps and it moved pretty good. i went so low that i could feel my shins touching my hamstrings. i want those 3 plates for reps tho…
paused bench
still my weakest lift by far but the march towards intermediacy goes on. its amazing how much a pause will tighten up your technique on a bench. i feel like i didnt really know how to bench until i started pausing.
moved great and DOOM assures me my back stayed tight throughout the pull. a couple weeks ago DO made a reco about widening my grip slightly and i feel so less cramped at the bottom of the pull now which has helped me get tighter at the start of my pull, which is weird when you think about it. loosening up a little has helped me get a lot tighter. im sure theres a joke about my mom somewhere in there.
i started focusing more on eating a lot before lifting rather than over feeding after (which i feel is more of a psychological urge vs. a physical one) and ive been performing a lot better on lift days for it.
mgmt: are there any schedule changes we should know about for Thursday or Friday?
It's always an honor to be featured on the blog post. Thanks for the amazing picture!
Hey, CFSBK, my cute boyfriend (he's also a tidy and responsible grownup) is looking for 2 new roommates at his place in Bed-Stuy. Email me if you're interested, and I'll put you in touch: nosillajk at gmail dot com.
More details:
3 Bed, 2 Bath, lotsa room on two floors, backyard, basement, dishwasher, and 3 minute walk to Franklin Ave. C. One room around $900, larger master bedroom $1100. It's a gorgeous place with lots of new updates and tons of space.
Looking good Uzef! I agree about the paused benching– I've been doing all reps paused at least once a week and my form has steadily gotten better. My bench still is a huge laggard too, but it's improving.
I heard you are doing the USAPL meet August 2nd. I think we lift at the same time…
Solo lifting today during a break at 11am
3 chins between each set
Felt good
Deadlift (5/3/1 5 week)
Have been consistently hitting an easy 10 on the 5 week, but was hesitant due to a tweaky left hammie and an also tweaky right knee, both strained at Friday night's amazing Calaveras win.
Davey (sp?) and I partnered for the WOD @185 lbs.
We finished in 15 and change. I think. 100 reps for each movement.
Veggie CSA friends….I'm having a hard time keeping everything fresh & crisp for more than a day or two.
Any tips? limp radishes no beuno 🙁
Power Clean+2 cleans @70%x2, @75%x3
BTN Push Press@78% 5×5
**I missed the last rep on sets 4 and 5.
3rds for time
500m Row
20 Pushups
Spending the summer in the Bay Area with my grandparents for the summer. Been following the schedule at a local gym. Can anyone recommend a box in the South Bay Area? Didn't think I could miss cfsb so much!
Press 5×3: tried first set at 80 and form was wonky so went down to 70 which went much better.
Resurrected childhood imaginary friends for WOD. Split wall ball 30, 20. Deadlifts at 235 in sets of 5. Burpees sets of ten. All to 50 reps. We finished at 17:38. Scarfed madeleines after.
thanks rob. hell yea ill be there! and if i dont lose a couple pounds we might even be in the same weight class (but not if i can help it)
Fun 7:30 class. Lots of things have been slipping lately (sleep, nutrition, mobility…), so I was happy that everything went well tonight.
Press with Aileen. 60x5x3. Cycling. 5 lbs up from last week (which was my 1st exposure sort of) and it moved pretty easily.
Team work-out with Alex and Eli in 23:44
150 wall balls 20#, 9' (sets of 10)
150 dead lift 155# (sets of 5)
150 burpees (sets of 10)
Better than I thought. Team/partner workouts are the best.
Class with "Roah?" "Rabbot?" Need a ruling on the #mashup.
95# on the Press. I like this a lot, and while it has not gotten too heavy yet, I like hammering away on my form.
20:21 on the wod, paired (trebled? Kate R., grammar consult please, here) with Azam (sorry, phonetic, my bad), and Joe the burpee god. The Thor of burpees or something.
Wall balls all moved, and my mates used 11' more often than not. DL's at 205#. I could have gone heavier, but I am glad I did not – as I got gassed, I stopped bending my knees and started hinging more at the hip. Thanks 'ro for catching that. Joe wanted to do his burpees in one set of fifty and I am super glad he did not – we did sets of 10 and it all was fine and dandy and sweaty.
3 Rounds NFT of:
12 Squats
12 Push-Ups
12 Unbroken Kipping Pull-Ups
(45×5, 135×5, 175×3, 195×2)
Press (performance Rx)
Did the first three sets as static starts and the latter two as dynamic. Last week's true % worked out to 97 so I rounded up to 100 and this week's was like 101 so since I knew I did basically that weight already I pushed it to 105, Happy with today's pressing
Didn't finish upstairs in time to join the WOD downstairs so I did a solo version of it:
5 Rounds FT of:
10 Wall Ball Shots 20#/10'
10 Deadlifts 225
10 Burpees to an 8' Target
This felt really slooowww. First two rounds unbroken the rest broken into 5/5 on the WB and DL. Based on how much I rested it might have well been a partner workout.
SOAKED in sweat tonight
8am group class with McD.
(45×5, 65×5) 80x6x5
-these are getting tough. Oddly it's my right arm that I'm finding harder to lock out even though it's my dominant arm.
Partner wod with MeLo:
-20# ball, 9ft in sets of 10, dl's rx'd at 155 in sets of 10 and burpees in sets of 5.
-really enjoyed this one.
Then, we figured we'd make up our squats from the weekend so…
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2) 180x6x5
-unbelted still but getting close to falling back to it. Never a point where I didn't think I'd make a rep but it sure is getting hard.
Cooldown included a fair amount of hip mobility.
Early evening softball game was great with another win for the Calaveras!
@Uzef, loved your post, as always.
@Tom, I think you'd have to switch up your sentence structure and just go with "part of a trio/triad/triumvirate with…", except not triumvirate.
5:30 class tonight. I'm so off my CrossFit game due to a lingering cold and life stuff, so my last two days in the gym have been humbling.
70x6x5 on the press, failed the last rep on set 3, the fourth rep on set 4, and then DO corrected my form and I hit the last set fine. Couldn't find my journal, which would have reminded me I've been doing a linear progression with pressing. I've been adding extra sets, so I guess it's not too different.
Don't know what my time was on the WOD, Rx-ed. This was my first WOD paired with strong Laura, which was lovely, though I majorly slowed her down on the deadlifts… and burpees. Wall balls in sets of easy 10s, deadlifts and burpees in sets of 5. But for the last 10 deadlifts, Arturo took off 20# because my form went to shit. This is a heavy weight for me, and I think even 10# lighter at the beginning would have made the difference. Good learning experience.
Glad to be getting back into my weekly routine.
@jimin I went to a couple classes at the San Jose location of crossfit norcal. The space is really big, and while the equipment is not as nice as what we have at cfsbk, I thought the coaching was really good. They have several locations in the South Bay, all of which I'm sure are comparable.
5:30 class with DO and Ro. Pressed 85x5x4 (extra set because we had extra time).
Partnered with Kate for the wod. I love mini intervals. Rx'd in I think 14:41.
@Laura Mc Thanks for the rec! I'll definitely check it out. And if I find some others I'll share!