Fitness: Deadlift: 4 x 2
Add 5-15 pounds.
Performance: Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk at 70% x (1+1+1) x 5
Use 70% of Wednesday’s number. Buy-in is 1.25xBW clean and jerk.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for Time:
30 Double Unders
12 Thrusters 95/65
9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Post Rx and time to comments.
Hi SBK fam! I'm traveling to Portland OR for work, does anyone have a box they'd recommend to drop in on? Thanks!
Hi SBK fam! I'm traveling to Portland OR for work, does anyone have a box they'd recommend to drop in on? Thanks!
I need Franz pics so bad I'm in physical pain.
9am with Mr. and Mrs. Fox (Happy Anniversary by the way!).
Deadlift: 305x2x4. Very happy with this! Would love to get to 315# by the end of the cycle.
WOD – this slapped me hard 2x. Was gassed from the very first round. I have to get my conditioning back to a respectable level. Finished 4 Rounds + 14 double unders in 15 minutes. Thrusters @ 75#. (I actually thought of trying to Rx this – ha!). I
8am with the Foxes.
DL 315x2x4. Still feeling ok although Fox continues to point out that I need to keep a tighter torso and not lead with my hips. I'm getting marginally better each week but continue to need improvement.
I knew going into this WOD that 95# thrusters would be too heavy for that pace and volume, but I went for it anyway. Subbed kipping(ish) pull-ups for C2B. Made it through 4 rounds + 29 pull-ups. I'll be more realistic with myself next time and stick to 75# on the thrusters.
Reunited with Jen S. for the first time since maybe we were in foundations together and it felt so right. We deadlifted, me at 155x2x4 and her much heavier!
Today was cute dog day down at CFSBK.
Just drank my bodyweight in iced coffee and I still feel a nap is imminent. Smite you, deadlifts.
9am with Chris & Jess Fox.
I felt really solid on my deadlift after missing the day last Sunday. Went up 10 lbs to 210 4×2 – very close to my 235 PR.
And speaking of PR's, on the second or third round, forget which, I hit 30 unbroken double unders. That's the first time I've hit more than 10 or 15 in a row – and they just kept coming.
But sadly I had a weird mishap on the pullup portion. I started with 9 chinups. Second round I tried it, but after two, I switched to the box I had previously set up for the jumping pullups. I jumped for my first one, but completely missed the box on the way down. Luckily I didn't crash an ankle into the boxes under the bands, but for a nanosecond I tried to hold on and that seemed to wrench my shoulder. I finished all five rounds but i've been in a bit of shoulder pain all day.
Richard G.
1pm class with Melo + Ro!
Deadlifts at 150# 4×2. I might stay here for an additional week to work on perfecting my form (finishing taller and squeezing more!)
WOD was a killer actually finished 14:40 with 45# thrusters. My double unders are left to be desired, singles were ok. That was a gasser, and I think with any thrusters WODs I have to go to a dark place and power through them as much as possible ha!
Franz is seriously the cutest! I think DO found himself an assistant coach!
Strength Cycle W5 D3
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
185 x 2
200 x 1
212.5 x 2 x 3
I was really nervous about this weight but once I got the first set done I knew I could do the rest. Sets of two are so much less stressful!!
45 x 5
55 x 3
65 x 1
72.5 x 4
72.5 x 3
72.5 x 2
What can I say… This was supposed to be a 3 x 5 but my brain had other ideas. I'll be interested to see what happens next here. I am pretty sure I should be able to do this weight.
33 x 3
63 x 3
83 x 3
95 x 2
95 x 3 x 2
Couldn't seem to get the third one in the first set but the rest were pretty ok.
Tired today- sleep deprived because of my new adorable puppy who I am definitely adopting ASAP. Thanks again DO, Robyn and Mare for facillitating. I am completely in love.
Happy anniversary Foxes! So wrapped up in puppy bliss I forgot to wish you it in person when I saw you today.
Oh yess happy anniversary Foxes!!!!
Charlie, that puppy is seriously a dream! Softest too!
OG for heavy squatzzz
Snatch Triples (2 hang 1 Floor)
40 45 50 55
135×5 225×5 275×2 300x5x5
This was a stretch goal for the 5s this cycle, and while almost all the reps at 285 felt great last week, almost all of these reps felt rough today. Made it through though!
Rack jerk
Working on footwork again and getting the weight balanced on both feet in the catch.
DB preacher curls (yes really)
Handstand work, a couple good holds!
Power Snatch+2 Snatches @70%x2, @75%x3
286×6, 308×6, 330×6, 352x5x2
Clean Pulls@95%x5x3
Ab Wheel Rollouts 3×15
OG today, lighter Oly lifting to practice positions. I feel like I'm wandering through the desert a little bit on these lifts – they feel awkward and it often seems like I'm doing them wrong. If I had to guess I would say I probably have a better intuition about what I'm screwing up each time. BUT I've PRd both my snatch and my clean since starting Frank's class so *something* good is happening.
Went for a late night run yesterday, maybe 5.5 miles around Brooklyn Bridge park. It felt like I was running pretty fast (for me) – it's really nice out on the piers at night. Not too many people on the streets, mostly alone with your thoughts out there. Beautiful.
Off day oly stuff. Really light weights for technique work, but everything is feeling crisp. Maybe this is the week I try for something heavy.
HBBS. 138# (75%) x 6 x 5. Felt pretty fast and upright. Some pain in my left knee – maybe from the long drive wo mobility prior to doing this. Don't think that's happened before. Feels fine now though.