Fitness: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a difficult time pulling from the floor, then perform the Snatch from the mid-hang after the deadlift.
1) Snatch 1-1-1
2) Snatch 70% x 2 x 2
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 75% x 6 x 5
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
Optional DIY Cash Out:
400m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
30 Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
KR, Mike W., and Matt: The Three Muske-runners
Adopt a Dog TODAY!
Have a home for a furry, four-legged creature? CFSBK is partnering with WaggyTail Rescue to bring some dogs in need of adoption straight to our door TODAY, from 10am-1pm. Waggy Tail is a not-for-profit group run by tireless and dedicated volunterrs (including our own Robyn O.) whose goal is to rescue, rehabilitate and place dogs in loving, permanent homes. Stop by today and fall in love!
Want to Make Better Choices? Contrive a ‘Fresh Start’ Out of Thin Air Science of Us
The Sociology of Sorry The Atlantic
8am with D.O. And Noah
I thought I had seen big ass fans before but that is the biggest ass of a fan I have ever seen. Might be a while before I feel comfortable being under that thing.
I FINALLY hit 150# on the snatch for a 5# PR that I have been chasing for quite a while. I'll give myself some of the credit but David had some pretty good cues that got me tight at the bottom which definitely helped.
195# on the performance version of the squats felt really good and crisp.
Strength Cycle A (Friday night recap), went over bodyweight with my squats yesterday. Excitement, particularly since I felt spent before walking in last night. Press and clean progressing well. It's starting to all get heavy, but I think that's the point, right?
I just want to make sure this guy is not my spirit animal.
9 am with Noah and David. Hit a not-exactly-Klokov-worthy snatch at 105 (lbs not kgs as if there was any doubt) for a PR. Whitney and Carl agreed that it was good enough for me to claim so it's in the books. Trying to get over the 100+ lbs mental barrier in this lift. Would love to hit 115 soon. Noah noticed that I was moving fast during the slow part of the lift and slow during the fast part. Fixed this on the last lift of the day and it felt better.
HBBS Performance version. 155x6x5. Could have gone heavier. Cash out with 24kg KB.
That's awesome, Scott!!
I failed at all three lifts yesterday. Might that be some kind of record?
puppies(!!!) + big ass fan = best day ever
@ariel Maybe it was fear of the (amazing) fan crashing down on us?
Posting again… Free couch to anyone who will take it off my hands:
I can't wait to start my furniture-free life!
Snatch: 95×2, 125×2, 145, 155, 165, 175F. 6 hours on a plane and 2 in a car yesterday left me very stiff today. Bottom of the catch felt off. Pulled plenty high on the miss at 175, just didn't get under it. Back squats: 235x6x3. Weight felt super heavy and I called it after 3 sets. Sub-par workout, but it felt good to move.
Snatch 95×2, 115×2, 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 180 PR
I ramped up with smaller jumps and it worked out much better than last week
Great cues from McD got me to 180. I still need to be very patient and get my knees back under the bar before the pull
High bar back squat 255x6x5 moved well I should have gone heavier but I was worried about volume.
-drills and positions at 33#
-high hang: 63
-83, 83 – noah cued me to get my shoulders behind the bar. get to full extension
-93, 103F, 103: the fail was behind me which is the FIRST TIME i've bailed back. I always leave it out and front and fall on my ass so it was a good experience to bail backward today. second attempt at 103 felt solid. not a PR, but heaviest i've tried in a month or so since doing all the skill work in the oly program.
HBBS: haven't done high bar in a long time (low bar for at least the last two cycles), so wasn't sure where i'd be on this weightwise. felt it out and found a good starter weight:
95×5, 125×5, 130x5x2
I counted 125 as my first work weight b/c it was heavier than expected and I had to run to teach yoga at 10am. good cues from noah to really stay tight, ribs down to not overextend. think of head reaching straight up to ceiling on down and up. bounce.
no time for cash out. should probably get some conditioning in tmw but riding my bike up and down the hills of park slope in the heat feels like quite a bit.
Lol yes Scott! It had nothing to do with not being strong enough!
11am w/ Coaches McDowell, Whitney and One. Big. Ass. Fan.
Snatch: Fitness
I'm surprisingly back to my pre-injury weight of 125!
Squat (Lower): Fitness
205, 205, 205
Cash out:
28kg KB