- Happy belated birthday, Mike B., and happy birthday to Stella Z., Baaaaz, and Everett R.!
- Tired of watching soccer? The CFSBK Calaveras softball team has a game tonight at 6:15pm at the Red Hook ball fields. Come cheer them on!
Adopt a Dog at CFSBK Tomorrow!
Have a home for a furry, four-legged creature? CFSBK is partnering with WaggyTail Rescue to bring some dogs in need of adoption straight to our door TOMORROW, June 28 from 10am-1pm. Waggy Tail is a not-for-profit group run by tireless and dedicated volunterrs (including our own Robyn O.) whose goal is to rescue, rehabilitate and place dogs in loving, permanent homes. Learn more HERE.
Traveling Without Access to Another Affiliate?
Henry posted in the comments on Wednesday asking for some bodyweight workouts that align with CFSBK’s programming cycle, since he will be traveling soon. Coach David suggested working on two gymnastics movements that target strength, such as strict chin-ups, HSPUs, or even push-ups, if those are challenging for you. David suggested creating an “A” and “B” day with a warm-up, then strength/skill work followed by some assistance or a WOD. For example:
A Day
Warm up
General movement prep
Consider jogging or some basic calisthenics
Strict Chin-Ups
3 Rounds of:
Run 800m
25 Burpees
B Day
Warm up
General movement prep
Consider jogging or some basic calisthenics
Handstand Push-Ups
Find the range of motion you’re able to press out from and then do
10 sets of 1 rep at that range-of-motion
10-1 reps of:
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps (use a bench or something)
A Couple Other Notes From David:
Mix up the conditioning and look around for ideas, such as Googling bodyweight WODs. Alternate the strength bias each time you train. Try to increase the reps or difficulty a little each time. GymnasticsWOD.com and CrossFitgymnastics.com both have lots of progressions and ideas for the strength skill as well as conditioning with primarily body weight.
Have fun! We’ll miss you while you’re gone!
Sick Freerunning Video feat. Luci Romberg, a Freerunner who CrossFits
Time-Lapse of New Zealand’s Night Sky The Atlantic
15 Incredible Human Survival Stories Danger Dolan
The Worst Thing You Can Say to a Child Athlete Breaking Muscle
Saturday's Programming
Fitness: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a difficult time pulling from the floor, then perform the Snatch from the mid-hang after the deadlift.
1) Snatch 1-1-1
2) Snatch 70% x 2 x 2
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week's weight.
Performance: 75% x 6 x 5
Rest less than two minutes between sets.
Optional DIY Cash Out:
400m Run
30 Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpees
30 Kettlebell Swings
400m Run
Speaking of traveling, hi from Paris! Birthday strength at CF Louvre. It's a good thing I was bench pressing and not pressing today — the ceiling is so low in their open gym room that I wouldn't have been able to lock out my arms with anything but an empty barbell.
Also, a weird mix of kg and pound plates, hence odd numbers.
Pause squat 159x3x3, then 169x3x3 when I realized my sets were easy…because I screwed up the bar math. (In my defense, like I said…a mix of kg and lb plates. Normally I am pretty damn good at bar math.)
Bench 122x5x3. Worked for it, but every rep was legit. Yeah! I skipped the close grip rep-out Jeremy assigned me since I was short on time (see also: math, squat, dysfunctional).
Deadlift 235×3, 255x2x2, 235×3. WOW this was hard. 260 is my 1RM, but I think that's going to change at the Total!
Back to my regularly scheduled croissants.
Happy birthday strength, Stella!
Strength Cycle W5 D2
45 x 10
95 x 5
135 x 4
165 x 2
180 x 3 x 3 – paused
Bench Press
45 x 5
75 x 4
85 x 3
95 x 2
102.5 x 5 x 3
85 x 17 close-grip
I've had a bit of a mental thing going on with the bench press this cycle
Took me a bit to get warmed up here- the third set was my best. I knew there was just one thing throwing me off and I *think* I figured it out. I used a closer grip than last usual but the major thing which helped was pulling my feet back towards me a lot more so I could really try to drive through my heels. I also used plates. I think that was it. Now I have my confidence back because my shoulder really is not bothering me as much anymore. Perhaps I will even pr this lift next week. We'll see.
135 x 5
185 x 4
225 x 3
265 x 3
285 x 2
265 x 3
I nearly lost my grip on the second at 285. My right thumb came around to the top of the bar and I kind of had to lean back to regain my balance, but I somehow pulled it the whole way up. Not pretty, but it counted.
More boys than gals at SC last night. It was quieter than usual.
Happy birthday and anniversary Stella. I just had a croissant in your honor.
Make up post from yesterday,
Cindy, green band and abmat for push ups after 10 mins, 12 full rounds, (but i finished in 20:35)
Tore both my palms open on the bar, lovely.
Happy AnniBirthday Stella, (did you go to Pompidou? its my favorite building)
Make up post from yesterday's exciting sesh with Team Grace leader, Ro.
Bench PR #100x5x3
LBBS for the first time since August 2013 with NO PAIN! Full squat, with barbell and plates. BOOM. I have no idea what weight was put on the bar. I was so terrified and excited that I just let GuRo do his coaching thang. So ?#x5x3
Woke up with no bad pain, just regular ol' soreness in my baby quads.
Cindy – 17 + 3 Rx…unbroken pull-ups and squats, push-ups broken up from the beginning into quick sets of 3/2/2/2/1 except for the last round which was all singles.
Skipped TGU work because I couldn't feel my arms
@Courtney S are you competing in Hail to the Queen? Because it sounds like you should! Let me know if you want my ticket. 🙂
Snatch Doubles
253X(Missed the second)
242(Missed second)
HBBS-Work up to heavy triple
Snatch Grip Shrugs@105%x8x5
305×2(failed 2nd)
Fun OG!
Snatch 2 hang 1 floor
40 50 60×1,1,1,1,1
Power clean and 3 jerk
Front squat w/ 3sec pause (unbelted)
60×5 90×4 107x3x5
Clean Deadlift
60×5 90×5 120x5x5
(First time deadlifting in…3 months or more? Felt fine!)
Close grip bench
95×5 135×5 165x5x3