Fitness: Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a difficult time pulling from the floor, then perform the Snatch from the mid-hang after the deadlift.
1) Snatch 1-1-1
2) Snatch 70% x 2 x 2
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 72.5% x 8 x 4
Rest less than two minutes between sets. Use 105% of the 1RM you used for last cycle.
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Optional Cash-Out
With a partner, complete 150 Wall Ball shots as quickly as possible.
If you did the performance version of Thursdays WOD you might consider cashing out spending some quality time with a foam roller instead.
David’s view from the 2014 CrossFit North East Regional. This video was taken during the final men’s heat of “The 50’s” event. This was one of the most exciting and nerve racking events to watch this year!
- Happy Birthday, David L.!
- There is no Yoga for Athletes or Active Recovery today since both Coach Whitney and DO are away this weekend.
Come Forage in Prospect Park Tomorrow!
Let your natural hunter-gatherer come forth and take your Paleo diet to the next level as we join naturalist Steve Brill for one of his foraging tours right in our backyard in search of seasonal edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms. The tour will be TOMORROW, Sunday, June 22, meeting at Grand Army Plaza at 11:45am. $20 suggested donation for the four-hour tour. Email mare [at] if you have any questions!.
CrossFit Texoma converted an old roller rink into their current gym. Check out this amazing box!
10am class
Finally a new snatch PR today at 85kg (187#). Stoked!
I messed up the bar math for Dave E and myself, hence the first "too heavy" set.
9am class with McMelo. Hit a legit 100lbs snatch for a PR. HBBS 170x3x5. Much more trouble than they should have been. Cash out with Danny – it was his third class. Nice job brah!
Today's lifts at OG last night:
Snatch: 95, 135, 145, 155, 165f, 165 (power snatch), 135 x 2, 135x 2
165 is 10 lb PR for any kind of snatch for me. Today was one of those days when I pull everything high. Felt great to finally get 165 over my head though.
HBBS: 200 x 8 x 4
Then I went for a 1 RM with my press and got 125, failing at 130
Then I did a pistol-squat cash-out: 40 unbroken left leg, 40 unbroken right leg. That's the most unbroken pistols I've ever done on a single leg.
Legs are smoked today
Snatch complex 120#
Squat 185 x 8 x 4
Wall ball solo 75reps in 15s and 10s
100 sit ups