Fitness: Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean + Jerk
Focus on having your weight over your mid foot at the mid hang position. If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform the clean from the mid hang, after the clean halting deadlift.
1) Clean and Jerk
2) High Hang Clean + Knee Hang Clean + Jerk
70% x (1+1+1) x 2
Front Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 pounds to last week’s weight.
Performance: 72.5% x 8 x 4
Rest less than two minutes between sets. Use 105% of the 1RM you used for last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
The proper posture to text on your phone
Come Forage in Prospect Park THIS SUNDAY!
Let your natural hunter-gatherer come forth and take your Paleo diet to the next level as we join naturalist Steve Brill for one of his foraging tours right in our backyard in search of seasonal edible and medicinal wild plants and mushrooms. The tour will be on Sunday, June 22, meeting at Grand Army Plaza at 11:45am. $20 suggested donation for the four-hour tour. RSVP to Mare by Friday, June 20 at mare [at] if you’d like to join.
Three Reasons People Love CrossFit TIME
Planet Fitness Banned Exercises
The Brain Knows When There Are Carbs In Your Mouth Pacific Standard
An introduction to World Cup Soccer
I came into SC last night thinking I was going to squat 200x5x3. Then THIS HAPPENED:
Then rep-outs on DB bench press (40#) and Kroc rows (35#).
Afterward I was so tired as to be almost dizzy. I don't think I've ever been quite THAT wiped in my life, and I used to run marathons.
Today I feel like a rug that's been hung up and beaten. Wowza!
Strength Cycle W.4 D.1
45 x 10
80 x 10
135 x 8
160 x 6
185 x 4
210 x 2
215 x 2
185 x 4
170 x 6
160 x 8
135 x 10
When Jeremy said we would be doing 'more volume' this week, I thought he meant rep-outs. This was lots of fun! I am happy to say achieved depth in each rep and the whole thing felt solid, even at the higher weights. In fact the hardest set was probably 160 x 8 on the way back down.
DB bench press did not go well for me and I gave up after two reps at 35# because my shoulder felt funny. Disappointing, but now I know that I can only bench press with a barbell for the moment.
Kroc rows @ 35#- 25 reps each. May have sandbagged these a bit. Will aim higher next time.
Fun night on the platforms. Ideya was yummy afterwards. Thanks To Mirko, our gracious host ๐
6am with McDowell and Arturo. I worked up to 125 on the c&j, which is a pr for me, and 135 on the front squats. Arturo's instruction regarding my hand and elbow placement made those front squats feel much less weird than they usually do.
I hit 40 burpees on the tabata cash out, which is one more than the last time I did that a few weeks ago. Some of that improvement may be attributable to my having lost approximately 40% of my body weight in sweat this morning (give or take).
A sweaty 6am with McDowell and Ro
Clean and Jerk was a little disappointing. Every other week feels very strong and crisp. The alternate week feels weak and disorganized. Today was the latter. Hit 185# and failed at 195# twice. Which is frustrating because my 200# PR was only three weeks ago. Might scale back a bit next week or insert myself into the fitness group to hit the basics.
Front Squat felt strong. 165# 8×4. These went well right up to the end.
Tabata burpees were fun and they were also the reason I was sweating through my ice cold shower this morning.
Fun times at 6:30am session of SC W4 D2
215x5x3, these felt easier than 210# on monday and even easier than 205 last wednesday.
Bench P
130×5, 135x5x2
Had a dumass moment of not checking the weights and right side was loaded with an extra 10#, weirdest lift ever. My hips kept cramping from the heat. Very annoying.
Power cleans
130x3x3, love me some cleans.
Lots of fun and lots of sweat.
6:30am Strength Cycle A
45 x 5
70 x 5
90 x 3
105 x 1
112.5 3 x 5
I'm at the point were I get scared, but I trust that I'm strong (or so Jeremy says) and I can move the weight on the board. I could feel the bar moving, haven't gotten stuck (yet). Can't wait to see what awaits.
Bench Press
45 x 5
55 x 3
60 x 1
65 3 x 5
(I think)
Weight felt ok, still moving with room to grow.
55 x 3
60 3 x 5
Eh -I'm not even sure I'm doing these things correctly (probably not). But they are (somewhat) fun.
PS: Today was one of those days when I could have easily slept in.
โฅ that the Strength Cycle gets me out of bed every (Mon & Wed) morning.
6am with McD and Ro
c&j: 185, 195f, 195, 195
First clean at 195 didn't even reach the rack position. I tried again right away for a successful, but ugly c&j (power snatch, press out). Repeated 195 and felt that I got it right that time.
Had a really helpful cue from McDowell to be more vertical on the jerk.
front squats: 185 x 5 x 3
moving smoothly. Gonna try to reach 205 on this LP.
tabata burpees: got 63 reps
6am with McD & Ro
Felt like the Hot Yoga version of Crossfit today. ๐
My C&J's were a bit frustrating. I got up to 210# and think that fatigue is making the jerk portion more difficult than I thought.
Did 200# on the front squat marathon (aka perf version). Partnered with Peter and Josh and was lucky enough to be at the rack by the big ass fan.
Last night's sweaty 8:30 class:
120x5x3 — moved easily
3 rounds + 53 reps. Slippery bar, tired shoulders, thick air. Not a recipe for personal bests, but happy with how I moved. Surprised myself with two rounds of unbroken doubles.
6am. Clean & jerk (kilos): 60×2, 80, 95, 105, 115, 80×2. Small press out on the jerk at 105. Ginormous press out on the jerk at 115. And the clean at 115 was ugly too. Didn't open my hands on the catch which pulled my shoulders forward. Barely stood it up and just had nothing left for the jerk. Front squats: 200x8x4. Tough, but better than last week.
10am class
Missed the final god damned rep again.
Picking up a few bacon, egg, and cheddar sandwiches and heading to Rockaway Beach.
HBBS w/2minute rest between sets: 205×5, 225×5, 245×5, 255×5, 275×5
Front Squats w/2 minute rest between sets: 185×5, 205×5, 225×5, 235x, 245×5
C2B strict pullups: 5,4,3,2,1 w/2minute rest between sets
Slowly ramping up weight after my knee felt like it exploded a few months ago. Changed my stance (made it much narrower) after a successful 245 clean during the Olympic lifting class and subsequently all the knee pain went away. #Magic
Veg + Egg CSA pickup PLUS Herondale eggs for sale today, 6-8:30!
Eggs will be $6 this week; please try to have small change ๐
Hey ladies,
I've had a conflict come up for Hail to the Queen on 7/12/14. If anyone is interested in taking my ticket, please shoot me an email at lmcelherne at gmail dot com. Thanks!
many many many days away from SBK ๐
Pressed in my basement this morning, 76# x8x4. Oof. Then b/c I don't have a pullup bar did 5 RFT of 15 KB/25 DUs with a 20kg bell. 6:30. Nice one.
Anyone in need of luggage? I am selling a brand new Timbuk2 20" copilot roller bag. Retails for $200, yours for $125. Color gray/graphite/whatever. Same as this
If interested email me: charlottejerome(at)gmail.
6:30am Strength Cycle A
95 x 5 x 3
These felt good and I got it "squats look solid" from Jeremy.
Bench Press
75 x 5 x 3
My right shoulder has been bothering me, but was ok on these. Had to rest a little longer after second set, but third went up fine. Focused more on pushing through my heels on last set.
60 3 x 5
Had been jumping too early, but got it right today and the bar felt so much lighter. Visualizing the bar being weightless and getting under it vs. pulling it helps.
Halting DL+C&J 165
FSQ 145x8x4
Burpee tabata 8,7,6,5,6,6,6,6
100 sit ups
Muscle ups 2,2,3,3
3 sets of: 10 ring rows / 10 ring push ups
10am this morning:
(45×5, 95×4, 125×3) 155x8x4
-oof. The first set felt awful, the second set felt the best and then I just kept talking myself through the last 2 sets, 1 rep at at time. No belt but I really wanted it. It's really hard to maintain positioning for the final 2-3 reps of each set. Just happy that the 8 reps are over!
Skipped the C&J since I just did this yesterday with the Oly class.
15min AMRAP: (half version of our crush week workout)
400m run
5 Power Cleans @125
10 pushups
-4 rounds even. Didn't push any aspect of this. Just wanted to keep moving. Sweat levels were super high today.
Cool Down:
-Rockaway Beach again!
Worked up to 175 on squat cleans. (No jerks-).
FSQ: 175x8x4
I missed both Mon and Wed SC classes this week due to being busy defending against various attacks on every front of life lately… but… I rowed on Harlem River yesterday and it was extremely enjoyable! It was a first.
Very excited as I am going to Istanbul with my son Derin (10.5) on Friday for about 11 days and busy with getting ready for that. I am not sure where is home anymore; Istanbul, or Brooklyn after almost 13 years here…
Apparently I will have to work hard and make up for the SC sessions I missed after I come back.
Now… that link, that *funny* link about soccer…. Not cool fellas, not funny ๐
You know… it is THE "World Cup", it is THE "Beautiful game", it is THE "Football"! It is the game the world watches ๐
I request that link should be replaced with this one or similar:
Welfare cycle continued today at body reserve (working on getting another trial as soon as I see someone new at the front desk)
Did these beltless and it was a fucking grind all the way. There were a few reps where I just said "fuck technique", closed my eyes, prayed to kanye and dove into the hole. Fortunately the entire weight room was empty so no one saw me cry.
Used a close grip for all 25 reps and then immediately threw on a wife beater, drank a 6 pack of shitty beer, took my son hunting for baby deer, crashed my pick up truck into an old aged home and watched reruns of dukes of hazard.
That could be you when you wear a wife beater but you playin.
8:30 pm with MeLo and McDowell.
Halting DL and C & J at (65 x 3, 75 x 2, 85 x 2 and) 90# x 2.
FSQ at (75 x 4, 95 x 3 and) 105# x 5 x 3.
Tabata burpees at 5-6 per round for a total of 45. Did 4-5 per round last time we did this so happy with this improvement.
Solid Oly class tonight. PR'd my power clean @ 195# + front squat for good measure. I'm especially happy about this since I missed 185 twice last week. On the other hand I'm sure I can go up more, as long as I stay fast getting under the bar (TY DO for tips Sunday!).
My jerk was a little less defective today, at least until I smashed myself in the chin. "First blood."
Snatches were snatch-y, everything felt fine. I ended up doing a weird complex of 3-stage pull from floor to deadlift, low-power-snatch-ride-to-bottom-and-then-up, then OHS. If everything feels good on Monday I think I can probably at least tie my old PR of 150, (which I've only done once and haven't hit again).
4 Rds NFT
10 dips w/25lb plate
4pullups w/25lb plate
4chinups w/25lb plate
10 Ab wheel rollouts
Late post office workout:
Front squat w/ 3sec pause (unbelted)
45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225x3x5
Above the knee block pulls
135×5 185×4 235x3x5
Weighted Chins
7pm Strength Class
Chinups +20lbs 5,5,7
Asked for spotters but did not need them. Still moving pretty fast and hopefully got another couple of classes before first bail.